When an Ex Texts (Day 1 of My 7 Day Smut Writing Challenge)

When your phone buzzes you don’t really pay extra attention to it. Except of course if you are expecting a message from someone special. However, 2 years into that relationship, that feeling definitely dulls down. So, when something new and exciting comes back into your life, its effect enhances.

Usually when I get a message, it’s sent by my girlfriend Sarah. We’ve been together for 2 years now and we couldn’t be happier. Or at least I thought. I really thought that we kept the spark alive, both during the day and especially in bed. I would have denied if someone said otherwise. And I saw no sign of Sarah disagreeing. We still went out for date night weekly. We still had sex at least 2 times a week without having to force anything. All while living together. I was proud of us, But I am talking in past tense.

A week ago, I got a message from my only ex-girlfriend, Julie. Julie and I dated for a while 1 year before I met Sarah. I had a huge crush on her all throughout college and I barely was able to gather the bravery to ask her out before graduation. And to my surprise she said yes. I took her on a few dates, and we really hit it off. We had chemistry from date 1. On our first date I took her out to dinner. Basic, I know, but it worked. We talked for hours in the restaurant, I really gained a deeper understanding of her personality and life. I also shared quite a bit about my introverted life, and she wasn’t put off by it. I took her home and kissed her that night. Well, to be fair, she initiated the kiss, but it was my first ever real kiss, so I didn’t quite know what I should expect.

For our second date I took her bowling. It was fun. I got to see her competitive side. It was adorable. We played all night until the alley closed, I actually won more rounds, but don’t tell her that. We were quite exhausted by the end, so I just took her home and that was it. For our third and as it turned out final date, I cooked her a homemade dinner at my apartment. It was there, during dinner that she told me that she got a job offer on the other coast. And she took it.

I was devastated. Deep down. I tried not to show it. I was really supportive of her. In all fairness it was a pretty incredible offer. She had to take it. But that also meant that our little sprout of a relationship was over before it even begun. You might be thinking that at least there was some great “Goodbye-sex” that night. Well, there wasn’t. I was a virgin at that point in my life and didn’t know whether it would be right to initiate sex in a situation such as this one. Probably better off this way anyway. She didn’t have much to tie her to our town, not even me so leaving wasn’t that difficult for her.

And I moved on. I didn’t dwell on her. It was only 3 dates. But I always remembered her, and I couldn’t help but compare all my following girlfriends to her. After a not turning out well with a few girls I realized how well Julie and I connected. I haven’t felt the same type of connection with anyone until I met Sarah. With her it was once more effortless. Her personality drew me in even more than Julie’s. Her humor, her drive, her ambition, her goals, we fit like 2 pieces of LEGO. Where Julie does have her beat though is in attractiveness. Julie was my type to a t. Her long straight brown hair. The way her lips curled whenever she smiled. Her gorgeous emerald-green eyes. Her small petite build. She had everything I could have wanted in a woman. Definitely out of my league. Sarah looks completely different. She’s a curly blonde. Tall. Brown eyes. But I never cared. We are perfect for each other.

So, a week ago Julie texted me. Completely out of the blue.

“Hey Chris! I will be spending a few days next week back home. I know it’s been a few years, but do you want to meet up. I don’t really have anyone else but my parents there now.”

I was stunned. I knew Sarah wouldn’t have wanted me meeting up with an ex. But it’s Julie. I didn’t know what the right thing to do would be. So, for a couple of days, I decided to think about it and not respond. Then my phone buzzed again.

“Hey… So, I know I haven’t responded yet. Maybe you don’t want anything to do with me, but I’m arriving tomorrow, and I could really use a lift from the airport. My brother’s car broke down today.”

I knew I couldn’t leave her stranded. Not only would it be ungentlemanlike, it felt nice that she reached out to me. So, I responded. Without telling Sarah.

“Hi Julie. Sorry for not replying. Sure, I can pick you up. I’d be happy to. Just tell me when you arrive.”

I was there the next day at 6PM when her plane landed. It was like something out of a cheesy old movie. I saw her come across the hall from a distance. She had the same elegance and beauty she had when I last saw her. Appearance vise she hasn’t changed a bit. From the first time I laid my eyes on her today I was attracted to her once more. When she finally recognized me, a huge smile appeared on her face. A genuine one of that. She ran up to me and hugged me tight.

– My god Chris, you haven’t changed a thing! How are you?!

– Hey Julie. You haven’t changed either. I’m doing really well. I have a girlfriend and everything.

– Nice! Good for you! Can we talk on the way? I’m exhausted.

– Sure sure.

I drove her to her motel. All throughout the ride we talked. I missed talking to her. She has such a different style than Sarah. Seemingly she enjoyed talking to me too. There are only a few people with whom I can talk for an hour straight. We arrived at the motel.

– I know I’m already seriously indebted to you. But could you help me carry up my bags? They are so freaking heavy!

– Of course! I would have helped anyway.

– Yeah yeah. I forgot who I’m dealing with. Guys in California are horrible.

– Well as I heard guys here aren’t any better either.

– And who have you heard this from?

– I dated silly. Girls talk.

– Are you saying all girls gossip? That’s not true. I. Don’t gossip at all.

– Really?

– Really!

– Are you sure?

– 100%

– Then how do I know that Jeff likes nipple play and Troy loves butt stuff? I don’t even know your friends, but I know their turn ons.

– That’s not gossiping.

– Then what is it? General conversation?

– YES!

– Well, my point still stands.

– Anyway. What have you heard about local guys?

– Well Sarah told me that every guy wanted to hit her on the first date. Ashley always complained that guys never open doors for her. And Wendy said that a guy made her pay on every date even if he asked her out.

– So, compared to them, you must seem like a great catch.

– Seem!?

– You know what I mean.

– You mean that I am not actually a great catch! – I couldn’t keep a straight face

– Ha-Ha. My point is. They still let you go. – She opened the door of her room, and we enter a standard beatdown motel room.

– Sarah didn’t. – I put down the bag next to the bed and close the door behind us.

– Yeah, she did.

– What do you mean?

– She let her boyfriend stay in a motel room with her ex-girlfriend. She let you go.

– What?

– Oups… Spoiler…

– I don’t understand what’s going on. – Julie walks up to me until our bodies touch

– You will.

Julie pushes me hard enough that I fall onto the bed. She climbs on top of me. I could see down her shirt and see her bra. She probably did that intentionally. She leans in and presses her lips against mine. Her scent, the taste of her lipstick intoxicates me for a second and I kiss her back. But I manage to eventually escape her trance and I get her off of me and I sit up on the edge of the bed, facing away from her.

– What are you doing Julie? You know I have a Sarah.

– So?

– I can’t do this. I am happy with her.

– Don’t you wonder what we could have been? You know how well match. Even after all these years we can connect effortlessly.

– Julie. No. I’m not like that. I love Sarah.

– Then why didn’t you leave?

– What?

– No one is holding you here. You could leave.

– …

– But you aren’t leaving. Are you? – she walks on her knees on the bed up to me.

– …

– I know why… And you do too… – she hugs me from behind

– …

– Come on Chris. I know we both regret not trying it together. – she places a few tender, warm and comforting kisses on my neck and face

– …

– Say something Chris. If you tell me to stop. I’ll stop.

– Stop… – I say weakly

– What? I didn’t hear you… – she crawls next to me and starts massaging my cock through my pants

– …

– Nothing?

I stand up, turn around and look at Julie. The way she’s kneeling on the edge of the bed with the moonlight seeping through the blinds and sparkling in her eyes… She looks too cute. She is too beautiful. She is just… Julie. The girl who was perfect for me. I messed up letting her go once. I should let her go again. But I can’t. It’s just impossible with her looking into my eyes with that longing look. I. I. I can’t.

I take one step towards her. Lean down and take her chin in my hand. I stare into her eyes. In her gorgeous green eyes. I lean in fully and kiss her. Gently. Soft. As she kisses back, I feel all my worries dissipate. I get lost in the feeling and lay her onto her back and, now on top of her. I caress her stomach and feel her up in the meantime.

We separate and sit up. I slowly remove her white shirt revealing her beautiful plump breasts, covered up by a black lace bra that other than covering, perfectly accentuated her breasts. After a bit of staring, I placed a kiss on her chest while she undid her bra. Then, for the first time I saw her without clothes on. She was even more beautiful than I imagined. I couldn’t get enough. I went back and kissed her once more, then proceeded to pull down her jeans. She was wearing black, lace panties. Matching her bra. Not 10 seconds later those panties joined the bra on the floor across the room. She was now laying in the bed, fully nude. Something I never thought I’d see when she moved away. I quickly pulled off my shirt and slipped out of my pants and just looked at her for a while in my boxers. I couldn’t believe that a woman like her would want to be with me. Even if just for the night. My cock in my boxers just kept going as naughty things crossed my mind. I finally stop staring and lay on top of her. Kissing her. With all my built-up passion towards her. In that kiss was all the 3 years we spent apart. All the disappointments in other girls because I compared them to her, to Julie, to perfection. In that kiss was all my feeling, as complicated as they may be, towards her. It was everything.

She hugged me. I hugged her back. And she rolled us around so that she was on top now. She scooted down to my legs and pulled my boxers down. As my dick popped out, it was her time to stare, it seemed that she had been building this moment up in her mind too. She leaned towards my cock and first smelled it, breathed on it. Then slowly licked the shaft from balls to tip. Slowly. Gently. Erotically. Then she licked the tip all over. Slowly. Gently. Erotically. And finally. She took my cock in her mouth. The wet warmth of her mouth made me shiver. She started sucking slowly. Bobbing her head up and down. Always hitting the back of her throat. Never gagging. She could take most of my member in her mouth. Not all. But I didn’t mind at all. She kept going faster and faster. Until she stopped.

– Told you…

She knelt on top of me and positioned my dick underneath her. She rubbed it on her pussy. The feeling of her soaking wet pussy felt nothing like I felt before. And as she lowered herself, guiding me inside, I felt the world stop. In that moment I saw her enjoying my cock as it reached all the way, deep inside her. I saw her toes curl up. I saw her close her eyes as the emerald-green color rolled back in pleasure. I also saw her back slightly arch backwards. And best of all, I saw her bite her lips, trying to suppress moans. Unsuccessfully. As she sat all the way down, she let out a moan, or a groan. A sound of pure extasy.

She started slowly bouncing, gently at first. Speeding up over time. With every bounce she unintentionally let out another moan. They were getting louder and louder.

When I felt like I was getting close to the edge, I sat up, grabbed, hugged her and flipped her over to her back. I removed myself from her and knelt down in front of the bed. I was now face to face with her pussy. A pussy I would have killed for 3-4 years ago, but one, that is now mine, even if for just the night. I went in. I started licking her pussy, reaching as deep inside her as I could. She tasted amazing. As I kept eating her out, between the moans she started shaking slightly. Then more and more.

– Oh, fuck Chris I’m getting close! Don’t stop!

I did stop. But only to stand up and put my cock back inside her. That made her scream. Not of pain, but of joy and pleasure. I started ramming my dick deep into her as hard as I could. As fast as I could. I felt her pussy tighten with every stroke. With every time I slammed into her legs. All the while I’m looking deep into her eyes, and when she could, she did the same. I felt her tighten up significantly all of a sudden.

– Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Don’t…

She couldn’t finish. All sound disappeared from her mouth. She couldn’t make any noise. And I just kept fucking. Then, suddenly all of it exploded and started screaming as she came on my cock. At the same time, I reached the top as well. I couldn’t resist filling her tight little pussy up with my thick cum.

We both went limp as we laid in bed next to each other. About 20 minutes pass until she speaks.

– That was… Everything.

– …

– Next time let me taste your cum, okay?

– Next time?

She climbed on top of me, kissed me and started riding my cock all over again.

– I meant now sorry

It went on this way for the rest of the night. Plus, every night she stayed in town. I lied to Sarah about what I was doing. Obviously. She though an old guy friend was in town. A week later I drove her back to the airport. On the way she sucked my cock in the car while I was driving. But it came time to say goodbye once more. We hugged. We kissed. For a long time. Then she left me there. Just like 3 years ago.

– When are you coming back?!

Thank you so much for reading my story. This was made as a part of my 7 day smut writing challenge. There are still open slots for this week so if you want your story told, please DM me.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zkcb7r/when_an_ex_texts_day_1_of_my_7_day_smut_writing

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