[F] The Ultimate Deepthroat Lesson

Jesus fucking Christ, these past few weeks have been absolutely crazy. At one point earlier last week I was finally able to make it to the supermarket and get a few things I needed for myself.

While I was in the toothpaste aisle, I noticed a moldable mouthguard you could get to put over your teeth to help with grinding while you sleep. I don’t believe I have an issue with grinding my teeth, but I do know have an issue with how much in my head I get about my teeth during my deepthroat sessions.

Sometimes the anxiety is so bad I can’t relax and do my best work. I’m always worried I’m going to saw and maim the shit out of the delicate skin on his cock and draw major blood in the name of giving good head. Anyways, my clever thinking ass realized that this nifty little device this might solve my problem. I tossed it in my cart and took it home and followed the instructions to mold it to my top teeth. I put it in the case and sorta forgot about it.

Fast forward to tonight, Deep texts and wants to know if I’m down for a sesh. I am, of course, and tell him to come on over. As I’m straightening up a little, I see the mouthguard case and text him that I have a little surprise. He is intrigued and ends up missing the exit and taking even longer to arrive to receive his gift (actually OUR gift).

When he arrives I explain my issue and anxiety and show him the mouthguard. He’s thankful for my thoughtful gesture and excited to see if it helps. We take care of a few rituals, he drops trou, and I get to work as usual. Since the soft to hard beginning is my favorite part, I didn’t want to use the mouthguard and have it impede any sensation for me. Once I had him good and hard, I popped it in.

I was kneeled on the floor in front of him with my back against the couch. He slid his cock gently in all the way, I felt it glide effortlessly over my back teeth and all the way into the back of my throat slowly. He pulled it out and thrust it back in again, this time a little harder. Again it slid easily across my molars and he increased his pace. Since I wasn’t worried about him being hurt, I relaxed and really got into it. It got sloshy, it was slippery, it was rhythmic and sloppy, sliding in and out of my throat with ease. It was like the very first lesson but even better because that experience and knowledge was in play.

Feeling the ridges of the head of his cock in my throat while flexing and making swallowing and gagging motions was super intense. It felt so amazing to have that release of anxiety from the scraping of my teeth. Removing that aspect just changed everything. He pulled all the way out and there was a distinct popping noise, which was incredibly hot. We both looked at eachother and smiled and laughed.

This is what life is about about. These happy little tiny moments of joy where nothing else in the world matters except what is in that space in that moment. The world is shitty. My car is shitty. A lot is shitty. But being alive right now in that moment was pretty fucking awesome.

We moved into the bedroom where I laid on my back on the bed. He stood over me and slid his cock into my throat and his hand into my soaking wet pussy. He asked me if that was OK and I excitedly nodded yes and the next bit is a complete and utter orgasmic magical blur. The absolute best mutual orgasm I have ever experienced in my lifetime. Completely otherworldly. The room was spinning, the cum was dripping down my throat, face, forehead, and chin and the grins on our faces were permanent. No way that just happened, right?!

After taking a moment to clean up and gain some clarity of mind, I had a bit of an epiphany. All these lessons have been fun, but what were they really for? What was I really getting out of them? Obviously it was great for him, but what was in it for me? Turns out, I needed a teacher. Someone with patience and respect. Someone that would let me be myself and not push or tell me what to do. Someone that would make me feel comfortable. And most importantly, someone that would show up. I needed someone to show up.
Deep showed up for every lesson. He let me learn and go at my own pace. He let me use my own techniques, what worked for me, what I was comfortable with. He communicated with me every step of the way, showed me what others were doing, discussed options, never once made me feel disrespected.

This is the ultimate lesson. I have learned so much about myself and what I want and need and deserve. And I have made a really special, unique friend. Thanks again Deep. Not only is that little hunk of plastic life-changing, so has just knowing you.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zaipkl/f_the_ultimate_deepthroat_lesson

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