[F] Deep throat lessons: Part 5

There was a lot of interest and questions in my first post about my deep throat lessons, so I thought I’d share some more details and give an update on my progress.

I just finished lesson 5, and I am most definitely improving. So much so that I feel like I was born to do this. I suppose some things just come easy? I was never good at anything that required physical endurance and natural abilities, but at 43 years old I think I may have finally discovered my hidden talent.

After the first lesson, I didn’t think my instructor would take me for another because he was so obsessed with the video. After watching the video, I understood better where he was coming from (no pun intended) but we scheduled another lesson and it was even more beautiful on video than the first. We did some planning and story boards for #3, and while it wasn’t executed perfectly, it looked really really sexy. We were both very pleased with the result.

Between lesson 3 and 4, I went on vacation for 10 days so I did not get regular practice intervals. By the time I got back and could get part 4 scheduled, the monthly moodiness struck and I thought for a moment I had ‘feelings’ for my instructor. We had the awkward ‘talk’ about what we are prior to filming. I cried because I can’t help it sometimes so my eyes were super puffy and red for part 4. Still some amazing footage, but I felt I looked rough and ragged.

Since we had concluded we were just playmates and I was moody, I decided that I would let him schedule the next one. It was over 2 weeks before I heard back from him again. In that interim, I met someone nice and went out on a few dates. The new guy was so shocked and surprised when I debuted my newfound skill on him, he stuck around for 5 days! (this is an entirely other story, I’m thinking about writing a memoir actually)

I went to an outing tonight with my workmates and our boss, and while I was there I finally got a text seeing if I was available for #5. Since 4 had been kinda disastrous for me, I was eager to make up for it. After some jokes from my boss about my ‘booty call’ I came home and met him at my door. He was visibly distraught and stressed out. Said his father was in the hospital and he needed a distraction.

Being raised a dutiful and obedient Mormon girl, my instincts to please and oblige kicked in and we made some amazing footage tonight. It was as if he was built to slide into the back of my throat, hands on my head and body, and me letting him just fuck my face into oblivion. It was aggressive yet gentle and so completely satisfying for both of us.

Part 5 is definitely the best so far in the Deep Throat Saga we have created together. We have become true friends with benefits, something I didn’t think I was capable of. I hope his dad is going to be okay, but I am on call for him if ever a distraction is needed. I’m very much looking forward to expand the series even further.

There’s something so intriguing about watching yourself in a sexy situation, i.e. homemade porn. Or as my my new partner so eloquently put it, “nothing like jerking off to your own dick”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wevhrk/f_deep_throat_lessons_part_5

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