My Brother’s Wife (Part 13)[M/F][Cheat][Con]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Part 5](

[Part 6](

[Part 7](

[Part 8](

[Part 9](

[Part 10](

[Part 11](

[Part 12](
Our days spent in Las Vegas were split between our old life and the life we’d yet to truly begin.

We found an Airbnb ten minutes from the hospital, a modest home that Dani and I had to ourselves. In the mornings, we’d have breakfast in near silence before heading to the hospital.

The time we spent there seemed wasted to me. Mike never stirred, the doctors had no news, and the hours crawled by as we waited for his eyes to open. But they never did.

After four or five hours of sitting by his side, we’d shuffle out of the hospital with our heads hung. We’d get in the car, drive until we found someplace that looked good to eat, and by the time our food had arrived we’d already begun to loosen back up.

We’d smile, laugh, and daydream about what we’d do once we left Vegas. The talks were serious—laying out our finances, discussing potential places to live, and deciding on what we would sell—and they always ended with both of us quitting our jobs and heading to someplace where nobody knew us.

After dinner, when the sun had dipped away into the desert’s horizon, we’d take to the sleepless city. The Las Vegas strip became our playground, though we both preferred the older, more down-to-earth end of the strip where the drinks were cheap and the people were dressed down. We gambled—I lost money, she won it back—we chatted up older couples on their annual pilgrimage to sin city, and we acted like we didn’t have a care in the world. One night, we even went to a club where some trendy DJ was playing.

Deep down, I knew I still hated Vegas. But Dani could make me appreciate anything. Everywhere she was, the world became more vivid and enticing. I viewed the lights of Las Vegas through the film of her jet-black hair as she twirled along the glistening sidewalk.

And when we’d had our fill, our little temporary home was waiting for us. We fucked like honeymooners or college kids who just finished finals. Every surface of the house was in danger of being used as a post to set her busty ass down on while she locked her legs above my head; every chair, table, and floorboard became an unwilling participant as we made the most of our time alone.

But five days after we had arrived, my parents flew into town. We picked them up from the airport, my mother a blubbering mess as we headed to the hospital.

She couldn’t stop cursing us for keeping this from her, but the brunt of her fury had already been spent on my dad. He stayed stoic, his bright smile gone into hibernation.

I wanted to tell her the truth immediately, but my father had told me with his eyes that that would have to wait. Let her see him first, then break her heart into even smaller pieces.

When we got to the hospital, I opted to stay outside—I’d seen enough of the inside of the ICU. I found a bench while my parents and Dani went in, content to breathe the fresh air for a few hours while my mother wept over my brother’s vegetative body.

As the shade moved slowly along the bench, causing me to slide over for the cover, I was shocked when a man took the seat next to me. It was my dad.

That was the first time I’d ever seen him cry.

“Dad, I—”

“I told your mother, Alex,” he said, letting out deep breaths. “I told her before we left home.”

“We were going to tell him, Dad.” For the first time, I realized that I was starving for his forgiveness. “I promise you, we were ready to confess.”

He turned to look at me with a broken smile, putting his big hand on my shoulder and pulling me into a sorrow-filled hug. “I know, Alex. I know you were. It’s alright. It’s alright.”

And then, I started to cry.

I cried like a kid who’d scraped his knee and was being comforted by his father. Or, better yet, a kid who’d stolen his father’s car and was caught in the act. I let it all out onto his shoulder, and then I let out some more.

“I’m sorry, Dad. I should have been there to protect him…”

“From who? Himself, Alex?” We broke the hug, laughing softly at each other’s horrible, puffed-up faces. “You couldn’t do it forever. He’s your big brother. At some point, he was going to have to grow up and realize that he didn’t need to fight over every little thing. If you were always there to have his back, then would he have ever learned?”

“But he didn’t learn,” I said, wiping my face clean. “He’s in a fucking coma. He might never wake up.”

“Then it was a lesson he learned the hard way, son.”

It’s interesting, but nobody pays any mind to two grown men crying on a bench in front of a hospital. Anywhere else, people would probably gawk at us or pull their phones out. But not here. Tears were expected and accepted from and by all.

“How did mom take it?” I finally asked once we’d gotten ourselves together.

My dad sighed, shrugging and shaking his head. “Your mother is the most beautiful person in this world to me, but there are some things she just can’t handle. She didn’t take it, Alex. When I told her, she went white, sat down on the bed for a few minutes, and then got back up to keep packing her suitcase. She didn’t say a single word about it, and I don’t think she plans on it.”

“Do you think she’ll ever forgive me?”

“Alex, that’s her problem. She could never be upset with you in the first place.”

I told my dad about our plans to leave and start over together somewhere else. We’d looked into it, and it seemed that technically Dani could achieve a divorce if a legal guardian was appointed to Mike to accept the papers on his behalf and go through the legal process.

We agreed that it would be a long, complicated road, better left for the years ahead if Mike didn’t wake up, and my father made it clear that he would help us however he could. He was heartbroken for one son and joyful for the other.

“For the record,” he said, just as Dani and my mother finally emerged from the sliding doors of the hospital. “I don’t think you broke their marriage up, son. I think Mike did that all on his own.”

“Thanks, Dad,” I mumbled, bracing for my mother’s scorn.

But it never came. In fact, she came right up and hugged me tight as she whimpered softly in my ear. “I love you.”

Taken back, I put my arms around her and held her close, happy to have a family that could forgive me for my transgressions. “I love you too, mom.”

We offered to let them stay at the Airbnb with us, but they opted to stay at a hotel off the strip instead. Just because my mother was willing to ignore the elephant in the room doesn’t mean she wanted to actually share the room with it. So, after a quick bite to eat, we dropped them off at their hotel.

“What should we do tonight?” Dani asked with a smile. That smile held so many beautiful opportunities, but something had come over me. Something I had to do to put this all behind me.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to go back to the hospital for a minute,” I said, pulling the car out of the hotel parking lot. “I think I’d like a moment alone with him.”

Dani waited in the car, and I took that familiar walk through the halls of the hospital, arriving at Mike’s room and hesitating before I went in. A few nurses passed, and I nodded at them awkwardly, taking a deep breath before finally crossing the threshold.

The patient who had been in the bed next to Mike’s was gone, the curtain drawn back to reveal the empty bed and dead machines. For whatever reason, the sight froze me, and it stuck with me for long after I’d gone.

Mike looked the same as the last time I’d seen him, getting skinnier and paler every day.

The machines beeped at me like robot guardians as I stepped next to his bed, closing the curtain behind me. He still wore a teal gown, and I wondered if they ever changed them.

“Mike…” My voice crept out of me as if I was afraid of waking him up. “It’s Alex.”

He didn’t stir.

“Mike,” I sighed, it was still hard even though I knew he couldn’t hear me. “I have something I need to tell you.”

But what if he could hear me? What if wherever he was trapped in his mind, my voice echoed to him as if played from a loudspeaker?

Well, maybe the shock would bring him out of it.

“Dani and I…” I started, shrugging and laughing because I didn’t know why I was shrugging when he couldn’t see me. “I love her, man. I love her, and she loves me… We’ve been together behind your back for a while now, and the baby is mine.”

Even though I was basically talking to the bed, immense pressure was lifted by each word.

I watched his face, waiting for his eyes to go wide or for even the smallest twitch of a muscle. Nothing.

“Do you hear me, Mike? Whether or not it’s mine—it’s mine.” I was leaning over his bed now, whispering to him. “And if you ever do wake up, I hope you’ll accept that without trying to fight your way through your feelings. Because if you do, if you come looking for revenge or have any intention of hurting Dani or our child, I’ll kill you, brother.”

I hadn’t realized it, but my hands were shaking.

Mike took it all in, unable to respond or even comprehend the information that I’d just dropped on him. Maybe he’d wake up someday with a faint memory of me hovering over his bed and telling him that I was taking his wife, or maybe the news will make him want to fall back into his comatose state.

As I rose and prepared to leave, I reached into my back pocket, taking out the pocket knife and holding it out in front of me. The wood and steel shined in the artificial light, and my initials gleaned at me as I twisted it in my fingers.

My father had given Mike a similar knife when he was a kid; he lost it in a brawl a few years later.

“I know what you did to her,” I said, folding the blade open. “I know that you hurt her, Mike.” The cold steel passed over his neck as I gazed down at him, giving me the illusion of cutting his throat. “I wanted to kill you for that, you know? But she’s right, I’m not like you…”

I sheathed the blade back into its wooden home, set the knife down on the bedside table next to a bouquet of flowers, and left my brother there in the ICU, determined to never set foot in that hospital again.

The sun was beginning to set when I made it to the parking lot, but a hot wind was beating the cold back. Dani had fallen asleep in the passenger seat, stirring violently and wiping a bit of drool from her lips as I opened the door and slid in.

She looked so cute when she woke up from a nap, and I couldn’t help but smile at her.

“Shut up,” she yawned, clearing her eyes with her fingers. Her sleepy gaze locked with mine, and she reached across to run her fingers through my hair. “You OK?”

I sighed, feeling completely free for the first time in my life. “I love you, Dani.”

We kissed each other softly in the hospital parking lot, but our tongues could only stay out of it for so long. Soon, she’d slid into my lap, accidentally honking the horn with her ass.

“Shit!” She squealed, laughing as she climbed over the center and laid down in the back seat. “Come here, baby.”

Her white blouse had fallen back to reveal her belly—which I swear was just starting to show the tiniest bump—and I slid into the back seat and ran my hand up her shorts until I had a firm grip on her plump rear.

“Right here in the parking lot?” I asked, kissing around her belly button. “Have we no shame?”

“Nope,” she admitted, pushing my head down until I unbuttoned her shorts and ran my tongue down to her clit. Her sandals were off, and one of her feet propped itself against the window.

If we got caught, fine. They could kick us out. But I was going to make love to the mother of my child first.

When my tongue became too much of a tease for her, she pulled me up by my hair until she was tasting herself on my lips. “Fuck me,” she whispered, her hands clawing at my pants.

The car rocked on its axles as the two of us crashed into each other. We fucked with all the fervor of two lovers who hadn’t seen each other in months. As if this was an airport parking lot, rather than a hospital.

All of her limbs wrapped tightly around me.

I buried my face in her neck, replacing oxygen with her flesh.

And just as the car groaned and complained to the point of mechanical distress, the two of us swirled together in the intensity of our orgasms.

The backseat was soaked, and we laid in the mixture of our juices, holding each other and drawing funny little pictures in the foggy window with our toes.

Dani giggled as she tried to draw a bunny. “What should we do tonight?”

I finished the lopsided heart I’d managed with my big toe, pulling her face to mine and kissing her until my lungs demanded that I stop for air.

“Let’s go home,” I said.

“Ya, I wouldn’t mind a relaxing night in the Airbnb.”

“No, Dani.” I stared into those deep blue pits that I’d been drowning in since I met her. “Let’s go home…”

Her smile stretched until it looked like it could tear her face in half. “OK, Alex. Let’s go home.”

And we did.

We grabbed our things from the Airbnb and left Las Vegas and so many other things in the rearview mirror, beginning our long, wonderful journey of mastering the art of road head.


***Want to read the final chapter early? [Subscribe to my Patreon]( to read it now, as well as gain access to bonus chapters, the ability to vote on which series I write next, and other exclusive content!***

***Thank you for reading <3***



  1. This chapter was bittersweet, interesting astonishing to say the least I enjoyed the ride I can’t wait to read.
    The final chapter when releases and see the end of Alex and Dani’s journey together, moving on with their lives.

  2. I have loved every chapter. Can’t wait for the last one and eagerly awaiting your next adventure!

  3. No it can’t end yet its to good of a story 😩😫😓 lol keep up the great writing

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