[F] Confidence boost?

Are you someone who hasn’t found anyone? Someone to talk to? Someone to fuck? Or a real lady here on Reddit? Are your mates dragging you down?

Well… fuck that. It’s not a problem. Maybe that’s how you want to roll or your time hasn’t come. [no pun intended] No reason to feel sad and low. This whole thing isn’t a game nor a competition.

Remember that you are manly as you are regardless of how many times you’ve kissed someone, fucked someone or been in a relationship. And no, it’s not about your dick size, nor the amount of muscle you have on your body or your abs, or even your weight! These and numbers will never define how much of a man you are. They do not matter AT ALL. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop trying to please girls. Stop trying to be like everyone else and be yourself. If you want someone to like you, let them like you for who you are. If they can’t like or love you for someone you aren’t then they aren’t worth your time. Stop chasing. It isn’t healthy. Know your value. Know your worth. You deserve happiness.

I want you to not give into peer pressure, to stay patient and to not give a fuck whatever society says.

Men are human beings too. You are allowed to feel. You are allowed to cry. You are allowed to be sad. You are allowed to be weak. Just breathe. You are allowed to have your first kiss whenever you want to and not because people have been judging you. Do not let anyone define you. Do not let society dictate who you are. Listen to yourself and build your own principles. Be a man of your own and stand up for it. Love it. Embrace it. Be happy with what you have and who you are. It’s all you have. At the end of the day, we only have ourselves. Your feelings are valid and so are you.

Yes, I am a woman. Yes, I am fighting for men. I am fighting for equal rights. Let us break the stigma. Society is pointing fingers and we shouldn’t do that. Hatred is such a vicious feeling in this already cruel world. Spread love and positivity. Not because you have to, but because everyone deserves it including you.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/nthdxw/f_confidence_boost


  1. thank you kate i needed to see something like this faith in humanity is somewhat restored <3

  2. I appreciate when good people like you try to help like this. I just wish my stupid brain could take it at face value, and shift gears the way we want it to. Instead, here I am, constantly looking back on a life which feels mostly wasted so far, especially compared to others, and no real motivation to do anything about it because it feels too late.

  3. Was this written by Britta Perry? Haha but thank you. It’s always nice to hear words like these. Bless you

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