Step Sister Corruption Part 79 – Day 37 An Unusual Offer (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I sat in Dr. Braxter’s office with Kelly kind of confused as to why I’m here.

The other day I had emailed Dr. Braxter my project hoping it was enough to where I would receive a good grade making sure I hit all the highlights that she asked for. I also helped Kelly write out her project as well for two different reasons. One she wasn’t much of a word smith compared to me. And two to make sure she didn’t mention that her and I were fucking in her outline.

It was a risky game we were playing but we had to hide all of activities from the world as much as possible though the act was a major taboo though a couple of years ago congress passed the Direct Family Act where it outlined that neither state nor government could rule marriage between family member’s.

But like I said the act was still frowned up though a lot of forward thinkers had thought of their demographic in mind.

Though it still surprised me exactly how many people came into the light showing off their love for each other.

Even though people came forward there was those who were shunned or even worse. Like the mother son duo who came forward as being lovers and the mother’s own father disowned his own daughter and wrote both her and his grandson out of his will. And that was the lighter story headlines. I’m sure people were hurt much worse than that.

And no offense I don’t want to be disowned or hurt. I kind of like the family I currently have. Though it’s more of my step dad I’m afraid to find out.

Kel and I sat for a few minutes before Dr. Braxter came into her office.

She walked in and like all the classes so for she was wearing a lab coat over a skin tight dress and wearing her high heels that was almost hooker-ish.

She walked over to her desk and sat down, “Sorry it took me so long. I had to converse with some student’s before I could come in here.”

She took one look at Kel and instantly gave a horrified look for half a moment.

Kel’s eye was completely black and blue. Her cheek below her black eye was still puffed up. Her nose was hiding behind a nose straightening mask that the doctor from the ER had her wear. Her lip had obvious stitches and was still fat. Underneath her clothing was a bandage wrap that I helped wrap as tightly as possible. And even through her shirt one could see obvious bruised on her tits and stomach.

I looked from Kel to Dr. Braxter tried to help unthink that I beat my sister, “Yeah she’s still healing from the volleyball match against those giants.”

Dr. Braxter looked from Kel to me before speaking, “Right volleyball match. I heard rumors about that match.”

I smiled and nodded, “Trust me I wouldn’t do this to my sister.”

Dr. Braxter nodded and spoke something that threw me through a loop, “I imagine you wouldn’t seeing how you’re fucking her.”

Both of us looked at her completely flabbergasted and shocked.

Kel tried to speak but her lip made her words sounded muffled, “W’r nt fcing!”

Dr. Braxter held up her hand, “Please I’m not a fool.”

She held up some papers, “When you two decided to do the diagnostics test it probably wasn’t a good idea to fuck each other let alone still have each other’s dna on each other.”

Both Kel and I looked at each other. Kel turned beat red but with all her bruises just made it worse as we looked at Dr. Braxter and I spoke, “So what are you going to do?”

Dr.. Braxter laughed, “Relax I’m not going to out you two. What you two do behind closed doors is your business.”

We both sighed a breath of relief.

Dr. Braxter continued, “No I called you two for an entirely different reasons.”

We looked at Dr. Braxter as I spoke, “Oh?”

She slapped the papers down and spoke, “But your diagnostics did come back with the perfect genetic markers for a treatment that I think you two would be perfect for.”

Once again Kel and I looked at each other. Kel gave me a small shrug.

I looked at Dr. Braxter and spoke, “What kind of a treatment?”

Dr. Braxter leaned forward and spoke, “It’s a treatment I think that would benefit both of you.”

I looked at her quizzically and spoke, “How?”

Dr. Braxter smiled, “If you agree how about a stipend of $12000 a month for both of you.”

That sounded very interesting. I did the math and spoke, “So you’re willing to pay us $144k a year?”

Dr. Braxter nodded, “And That’s to start.”

I leaned forward, “I’m listening.”

Dr. Braxter smiled as if she knew I’d sell my soul for that much money and if she was I’d be staring at $140k just for one silly treatment. But there had to be a catch.

Dr. Braxter face went stoic showing no emotion as she spoke, “Can I be frank?”

I nodded not really looking at Kel knowing she was already thinking of ways to spend that much money.

I don’t know about Kel but I was thinking long term.

I was thinking of maybe just maybe convincing Kel off she wanted to continue or romps together we go could go together and move away from the family completely and get an actual house together.

But I was being silly thinking that Kel would want to continue fucking each other.

Dr. Braxter spoke, “No offense Ms. Richards but you look like a bimbo though not at the moment.”

Even I looked at her wanting to get pissed.

Kel quickly spoke, “‘M KNO BMBO!!!!”

Dr. Braxter held up her hand and Kel shut up, “I said you look like one not that you are one.”

She looked at me and continued, “And your genetic markers show promise to be a bull.”

I looked at her quizzically, “A bull?”

She nodded, “Yes a bull.”

I looked at her, “I’m sorry I have no idea what a bull is?”

Dr. Braxter smiled, “A bull is a term used at breeding facilities. Essentially we dope a guy with a chemical that turns a client who is infertile and he becomes fertile. For a guy who is already fertile it super charges them and they become ultra fertile.”

I looked at her, “And you want me to be one of these bulls?”

Dr. Braxter shrugged, “It’s not a glamorous job but there are benefits.”

I blinked, “Like?”

Dr. Braxter, “Full compensation. Bonuses for breeding multiple girl’s. Bonuses for multiple offspring in one. Full living status free on site.”

I looked at Kel who looked horrified like she was going to lose me. I looked back at Dr. Braxter and said, “So is this a job offer?”

Dr. Braxter laughed, “Heavens no. I’m just outlining what you could do. No no my purpose is to see if you’re willing to undergo a much more potent treatment that will drastically change who you are.”

I looked at her skeptically, “And Why would I do that?”

Dr. Braxter shrugged, “To help Muschi test the product.”

I shook my head, “No thanks. I appreciate the offer but I kind of like my life currently and I don’t want to give up what I have just so I could help Muschi impregnate girl’s I’ve never met.”

Dr. Braxter rose an eyebrow, “Even if they offer you more money and I give you an automatic A in the class for the rest of the year?”

I shook my head again without checking with Kel, “Like I said doc I don’t want to give up my life. I like what I have. I’ll admit the money is tempting but the cost is too high.”

Dr. Braxter spoke, “Look I’m not saying you have to leave your life and stop fucking your Sister here.” She looked at Kel and spoke, “Either of you wouldn’t have to give up your lives. You can continue living your lives how you are now. You’ll just both be enhanced.”

I rose my eyebrow, “It all sounds all good to be true. Is there any side effects to being enhanced?”

Dr. Braxter nodded, “Sure.”

I looked at her, “Like?”

Dr. Braxter shrugged, “Cellular realignment, increased libido, increased product production from both, and other unknowns.”

Kel actually spoke, “‘h dnt lke bn’ c’ll’d ‘h b’mb’.”

Dr. Braxter sighed, “Like I said I didn’t call you a bimbo Ms. Richards I said you look like one.”

Looks like Kel was only focusing on being called a bimbo.

I spoke breaking Kel away from focusing on the insult that she obviously couldn’t get past, “All that sounds good but are there any downsides?”

Dr. Braxter looked at me and smiled like I had asked the obvious question as if I had gained her respect. She smiled but it seemed like it was an apologetic smile, “Unfortunately yes there are a lot of downsides but it depends in how you see it.”

I blinked confused on how a con could be a pro in any situation. I spoke, “How is that?”

She sighed, “Well in female’s including becoming highly fertile there is a possibility of breast swelling, milk forming without being pregnant or with child, decreased iq, focus on lust only, and a few other things. With males increased size in their genitalia to where pain would be present quickly without usage, decreased iq, focus of lust to list the top items.”

I blinked again thinking what she just said.

If I understand her if either Kel or I were to agree to the potent formula we could have increased genitalia, and a slew of other things. But my nuts would start hurting if I don’t fuck often enough so I’d be focused on fucking constantly.

Sounds like I’d be on my current supplement mixture on steroids.

If what she was saying was true my only thoughts would be fucking girl’s until my nuts were empty before I could have a rational thought.

I spoke, “Sorry as tempting as the offer is I’m afraid the cost is too high.”

Dr Braxter looked at me quizzically, “How so?”

I looked at her, “As much as the money is. I don’t think I could go very long without thinking. I like it. Though I do enjoy fucking as the next person. But all the cons you put out there is exactly that….cons. The cost for that is too high in my book.”

Dr Braxter looked at Kel, “How about you Ms. Richards?”

Kel looked from me to Dr Braxter, “S’m.”

Dr Braxter sighed but nodded, “I understand. Well if you change you’re mind you know where to find me.”

We got up and left but not before Kel slammed Dr Braxter’s door as hard as she could.

Maybe she was too pissed about being called a bimbo to think clearly.

The rest of the day had gone by but the whole talk kept playing in my head. So much so that I didn’t hear Summer as she spoke in our last class as we finished up.

I looked at Summer and spoke, “Huh?”

Summer smiled, “What’s up Gabe? You’ve been off in your head all day since you and Kel spoke with Dr Braxter.”

I looked at her but Kel came into the now empty classroom and still looked pissed.

Summer looked at Kel and saw that she was still pissed.

Summer looked from Kel to me before speaking, “Ok now I need to know what is going on.”

I sighed and explained to Summer what Dr Braxter talked to us about and even Summer was a little irritated with the whole “trying to steal me away” but her mood kind of changed and had a mixture of humor and pissed when she heard Dr Braxter calling Kel a bimbo.

But Summer’s mood changed when I told her that Dr. Braxter said Kel looked like a bimbo but wasn’t one.

Summer kind of smiled and tried to show Kel that made her laugh.

Kel looked at Summer, “Wh’t?”

Summer smiled and shook her head, “Nothing dear.” She looked at me, “Come on we need to get home.”

I nodded already looking forward to taking out my frustration with Summer seeing how Kel was kind of out commission something about hard to breathe correctly while having a dick bring your orgasm and bruised tits hurting too much as they shook from the fucking.




  1. Amazing!! I’m honestly getting pulled into the story so much I got pissed about Dr.Baxter…… if this was a paperback erotica I would read the fuck out of it! Haha Keep up the good work!

  2. As always great chapter. I hope you never get burnt out of this series and can keep writing it.

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