Check Your Attitude [M/f]

You: *You have 30 minutes to get your attitude in check before I get home and make you beg for me.*

Me: *Or what?*

You accelerate out of the parking space. Your mind wanders as you take the all familiar roads home. Your minds eye flashes with images of my lips, my eyes, the sounds that escape from me as you caress every curve and run your fingers over my olive skin. How you were going to grab my wrists and pin me down, dominating me, forcing me to beg for you. Your thoughts were once again broken with another incoming message from me. You knew you shouldn’t, but at the stop light you read the message and saw the picture that came through.

Me: *You know you want my lips around your cock, feeling my tongue and making sure I don’t forget any inch of you.*

Half an hour past and I hear the car pull up in the driveway, you kill the ignition and open and close the car door. I hear your footsteps walking up to the door as your keys jingle finding the right one to open it. I hear the key being inserted into the keyhole and unlocked as you swing the door open. You walk inside and see me slowly making my way down the stairs, as you drop your work bag, and empty your pockets on the side table. You kick off your shoes as you take a deep breath noticing I am biting the corner of my lip that was painted with the bright red lipstick. I pull a small smirk knowing exactly what I had done. You walk up the stairs as you begin to unbutton your shirt and undo your cuffs. I pause as you eye me down not breaking eye contact. You get closer and you run your hand up my thigh slightly lifting my loose singlet top uncovering my cheeky cut lace panties as you stare at my ass before you grab it forcefully.

“How was work, baby?” I say to break the silence. You breathe in deeply again and close your eyes as you let out a loud exhale.

“You. Bedroom. Now.”


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