The Brat [M/f]

I walk in silently as you were gaming away on the computer and slide onto your lap, under your arms and lean into you.

“Aww baby, what’s wrong?” you ask me as I sit up and look deep into your eyes with my own, pleading and begging you with my stare.

“Baby… what’s wrong…oh…” you state trying to look past me back to the monitor.

I continue to look at you with my pleading eyes, and readjust myself on your lap as I place pressure on your manhood. You look at me dead in the eyes.

“Hold up guys.” You say as you mute your mic.

“Don’t do this, babe…” you warn me.

“Who said I was doing something?” I state innocently as I pull a half grin. I place both my hands on your chest as I get up from your lap.

As I go to walk away you grab my wrist and pull me back into your lap. You run your fingers up the nape of my neck and wrap your left hand around my neck and pull my ear in closer to your lips.

“What did you say to Daddy, you Brat.” You growl into my ear.

I grin to myself and forcefully turn to you.

“The Brat said, she wasn’t doing anything… Daddy.” I say matter-of-factly annunciating every single word, as my eyes glaze over with lust.

You run your fingers further up my neck and through my hair as you yank it forcefully, and pull into you. Your lips are inches from my own as you talk down to me.

“Daddy doesn’t like when the Brat disrespects him. You know if you keep this up, Daddy will punish you… right…?”

“I guess that is a chance I am willing to take.” I state with mischief in my eyes.



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