[MF] Dry-humping fun with a gorgeous Mormon girl.

This story is going to be pretty unique, because this is the most unique girl I had ever met. She was lovely, brilliant, hilarious, sexy, stimulating, but also far more conservative than I am used to, because she is and was Mormon. I ruined this relationship, just like I do all others, but it was probably never meant to be given out religious differences, but what sexual things we did with one another were amazing, and this was the pinnacle.

We met on Tinder. A surprisingly high amount of LDS (Latter Day Saints – Mormon) girls are on Tinder here. She was stunning. 5’9’’, as fit and curvy as you could want from a girl, long, and gorgeous dark hair, perfectly fair skin, bright blue eyes and an obviously amazing personality. I super liked her on Tinder like a creep, but regretted as soon as I did, because seeing that she was LDS, I figured it was a lost cause. LDS girls essentially always, always, wait until marriage, and only marry other Mormons. I wasn’t about to wait or convert, so god dammit. We matched, and I told her, immediately, I think you’re stunning, but our differences would probably be a shortcoming. We flirted a good deal that night, but I eventually told her that she should probably put me on the back burner. The next day, I was so struck, I told her to go ahead and move me to the middle burner, and that was enough to keep us both interested. We kept talking until she invited me over one night to watch the Bachelorette, haha, and feel things out. We ended up making out on her bed pretty quickly, and she was an amazing and sensual kisser. I love seeing what I can get away with, so at one point I put her hand on my rock hard cock through my shorts, which she didn’t like a whole lot, and that night I also acquainted myself with LDS undergarments, which are polyester thigh-briefs and a skin-tight t-shirt. It’s a pretty bizarre thing to feel when you’re expecting bare skin.

In our four months together, she never removed clothing for me, and the most I was ever able to remove was my shirt. She never touched any part of me that wasn’t rated worse than PG, but she did allow me reach under her clothing to grab her breasts and ass on a regular occasion. That was about it, as far as physical contact was concerned, but she was an amazing kisser, let me be dominant, and gave me nights that I will never forget.

Despite the completely sanitized version of physical interaction we had, I was obsessed. She was the smartest, most charming, gorgeous, talented, stimulating girl I had ever met in my life. We had deep philosophical conversations about our worldviews, and we were not that far off from what we believed, but she would never leave the church, and we were at an impasse. Despite that, we were hot and heavy with what she was comfortable with, and what I could get away with. And it was amazing. With what limited things we did, she knew how to push all my buttons: kissing my neck and back, biting my lip, hard, while making out, and making our kissing as sloppy and animalistic as possible.

One night, we were in my bed, talking and flirting as usual, and she asked whether or not I had ever achieved orgasm with dry-humping, but she obviously didn’t use that term because she was too proper. I told her, emphatically, no, and given my sexual history it was absurd to think I ever could. I didn’t think much more of it at the time.

As with every night, we got to a point where we couldn’t keep our hands off one another. We start kissing passionately and relentlessly. Eventually, I throw her on top of me, her legs straddling me and her hips right on top of my cock. When I felt the need, I would grab the back of her neck to bring her in for a hard, passionate kiss, and she would take liberties to bite my lip, hard, and kiss my neck up and down. Eventually my hands run my way down to her gorgeous, wide hips, and I push her crotch against mine. I’m rock hard, with my cock pushed down my left thigh, and she is pressing perfectly against me. I push her hips up and down the full length of my shaft with our entire bottom clothing still on, and she obliges. It feels amazing, but my no means do I think anything else is happening. We slowly develop a rhythm, and god, is she doing and amazing job responding to my prick and my movement. It feels so good, that I have no desire to stop anytime soon. My breathing starts to quicken, and so does hers, I can hear her do it right in my ear. She lets out a small whimper and I lose my mind upon hearing it. Slowly but steadily, my cock builds to orgasm, as I am in complete disbelief. I dig my thumbs and fingertips into her hips and we quicken the pace as both my arousal and curiosity are sky-high. Finally, my abs tense, and the most gradual and sensational orgasm rolls over my entire body, as I pump an ungodly amount of cum into my own shorts. I let out rapid moans as I try and catch my breath with my completely tensed body, but it doesn’t seem to be of use. After a good thirty seconds of this, I push her back to the bed to regain my composure, and as soon as I do, I kiss her again, deep. We both catch our breath, and I eventually flick the light on to assess the damage, and she laughs with sheer entertainment at my ridiculously cum-stained shorts.

I changed shorts and soon saw her off, and she drove home. We did this one other time, but she then texted me after and said she wasn’t sure how comfortable she was doing it anymore, and we stopped. We continued to date, but she soon moved cities to go to school and we fell out of touch, especially because she accused me of taking liberties with her body and sexual comfort, which was especially sad because that was not at all my intention. I told this girl I loved her, and I meant it, that’s the last thing I wanted to do. I still follow her on Instagram, and got far more jealous than I’d like to admit when she mentioned being on a date in one of her posts. The thing is, she has far too strong of a personality for most Mormon guys, and most guys out of the faith can’t be bothered since she’s Mormon to begin with. I fell right in between and still think about our potential. I know she ever found this, she’d kill me, but dammit, I miss you and love you, and that night was sexy as all hell.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8jqtjj/mf_dryhumping_fun_with_a_gorgeous_mormon_girl


  1. That memory seems bittersweet. The ending made me more sad than I’d care to admit. At least it was beautiful while it lasted.

  2. I’m hopeful for you. It is really hard to find someone you can really be compatible with.

  3. That was a touching story. I dated an LDS girl too in college. The kissing would get really hot and heavy, and when my hands started to wander, she would say that I shouldn’t tempt her like that. Yet everytime she’d end up putting my hand under her panties, and I’d stroke her clit to an orgasm. She would always text or email me afterwards that we shouldn’t do that again.

    The most I got from her was a handjob that left me catching the campus bus back home with a huge stain that seeped through the outside of my pants, and with a shit eating grin on my face.

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