[FM][nc][oral] The Tutor pt. 7

Chapter 7

Alicia drove into the parking lot of the popular pizza restaurant near school. In the back seat, Adam and Fiona had been laughing and talking the whole ride over. Alicia had listened with amusement, and a little pride, while Adam kept his half of the conversation flowing. He’d asked good questions and made comments that showed he listened to Fiona. His enthusiasm and interest in her were obviously genuine.

The result of his warm attention was clear in Fiona’s happy tone. Her frequent laughter didn’t seem forced. When Alicia glanced in the rearview mirror she had to smile at their animated expressions. It made her happy to see them happy. *Ah, young love.*

When Alicia parked, Megan pulled into the next spot over. Their eyes met and Alicia winked while forcing her own feelings down. The anxiety she’d felt around Megan for the last couple of months was still there, but she recognized it for what it was now. Megan wasn’t really putting pressure on Alicia. She wasn’t acting like Alicia’s girlfriend. At the core of those feelings was Alicia’s own desires getting turned around in her head. The truth was that she wanted to be with Megan, not the other way around.

Letting out a deep breath, she opened the car door while Adam and Fiona got out of the back seat. *I want to get closer to Megan, no matter how scared that makes me.* Repeating that thought helped deal with the fear her own desire stirred up. It had been easier to hide behind hookups. Even her impossible relationship with Adam and Carlos was an obvious attempt to deflect those feelings. She resolved not to hide from them anymore.

The shy smiles Adam and Carlos shared with Fiona and Liz as they walked toward the restaurant warmed her heart and spurred a little envy. Megan fell into step beside her and sighed.

“Were we ever that young?” Megan chuckled.

“I know, right? Let’s see, back then I was dating Dimitre and you were with…”

“Tyler,” Megan supplied. “I thought I was going to marry him.”

“I remember that,” Alicia laughed. “Good times.”

Carlos held the door for them all and followed the group inside. Adam was already talking to the hostess, so Alicia turned to face Megan. Her eyes sparkled with amusement and Alicia felt a little zing of excitement.

“I loved your sociology paper,” Alicia said.

“You read it?” Megan asked in surprise.

“Of course. The idea that men confuse physical and emotional intimacy made me think. It also helped me this week with Adam and Carlos.”

“What do you mean?” Megan asked, but the hostess announced their table was ready before Alicia could reply.

After they sat around the rectangular table and placed their orders, Alicia turned to face Megan and leaned in so they wouldn’t be overheard.

“Adam and Carlos are sharing a room now that Madeline married Javier. They were fighting all the time over boundaries. I mean, here are two unrelated teenage boys being forced to live together. Your paper was spot on about how hard it can be for men to have close relationships with each other. Appearing gay came up as the underlying reason for some of their fights.”

“Oh, wow, I hadn’t considered that,” Megan said as she looked at the guys relaxing with twins. “But they seem to get along great.”

“Yeah,” Megan laughed. “*Now* they do, but on Monday they were wrestling each other on the kitchen floor.”

Megan widened her eyes. “Really?”

Alicia pulled out her phone and showed Megan the picture she’d taken that first night of Carlos choking Adam from behind. “This week didn’t start off as tutoring. Madeline has a evening class and was afraid to leave them home alone with Javier travelling. I’m technically their babysitter.”

“Wow,” Megan whispered as she handed the phone back. “From that to this. How’d you do it?”

“Lots of talking and trust building,” Alicia said. Of course, most of that talking had taken place naked and the trust building had involved sex acts, but it was still the truth. “They’re getting along *so* much better now.”

Megan smiled as she looked down to take Alicia’s hand under the table. “I’ve missed talking like this so much.”

“Me, too.” Alicia ran her thumb across the back of Megan’s hand.

“Get a room,” Adam teased from the other end of the table.

“What?” Megan asked as she sat back to look at the others.

“There’s lots of whispering down there,” Liz said with a suspicious look on her face. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” Megan said, but flushed a little.

Alicia was amused at her embarrassment until Megan abruptly pulled her hand back. The subtle change in Megan’s body language stung a little. Alicia hadn’t expected her to be nervous about showing a little affection in public. They’d done more than hold hands when they were just friends. Maybe it was because her sisters were around? Alicia took a sip of her drink to hide the fact it bothered her.

“What are you talking about? Megan’s not gay,” Fiona exclaimed to Adam and looked back at her older sister for confirmation.

The panic in Megan’s eyes stirred Alicia’s worry.

Adam blanched and gave an apologetic look to Alicia. “Sorry.”

Alicia put her drink down to respond, but before she could open her mouth Megan got up and hurried out of the room.

“I’ll be right back,” Alicia said with a bland smile as stood to follow. “Don’t wait for us to eat.”

Alicia didn’t see where Megan went, but looked outside the restaurant first. The sound of sniffles and footsteps drew her further out the door. Megan paced along the sidewalk with her arms around herself. Every few steps she sniffed and wiped her nose, then turned to pace the other direction.

“Are you okay?” Alicia asked as she stepped closer.

Megan forced out a laugh through her tears. “No! You told Adam and Carlos about us?”

Alicia’s stomach clenched as acid burned her heart, but she couldn’t lie. “Yes, but—”

“Why?” she begged. “You didn’t even want to talk to me until tonight. What the hell did you tell them?” She made a mocking face. “*I’m Alicia, the total whore. I even screwed my friend Megan!*”

The words came out like a unexpected punch. Sudden pain and disbelief hit her so hard she gasped. Her immediate reaction was to retreat. Backing away, she pulled the restaurant door open again and stumbled back inside the lobby. The stinging words hardened into a raw pain that brought tears to her eyes. Not wanting to return to the table, Alicia walked into the bathroom and locked herself in a stall.

Hearing Megan’s mocking voice in her mind made her heart ache. What she’d said wasn’t true, but that didn’t make any difference. It showed what her friend thought about her deep down. She hadn’t bragged about being with Megan. She’d only told Adam and Carlos about the experience to make the point that sex was about sharing pleasure, not a rush to orgasm. Megan obviously believed the worst about her without any evidence.

Sitting on the toilet, she wiped her eyes and got her breathing under control. The thought of returning to the table with Megan made her nauseous, but she had to go back. She stood and tugged up her jeans just as the bathroom door opened.

“You actually had sex with *Alicia*?” Liz gasped as the door closed again.

“Yes,” Megan whispered. “There was a party in the fall. Someone dared us to kiss. Before I could laugh it off, she kissed me. Afterwards, she dragged me off to another room.”

Alicia covered her mouth and shut her eyes hard enough to squeeze out more tears. She hadn’t dragged Megan. The two of them were excited when they slipped away. *Does she really think I dragged her into this?*

“That first time I was more scared than anything,” Megan continued. “I’d never done anything with a girl before.”

“Jeez, Meg, I can’t believe Alicia would do that to you,” Liz sighed. “So it was more than a one time thing?”

“Yeah,” Megan sighed.

“Do you… like her?” Liz asked quietly.

“Since she bragged to Adam and Carlos about—”

“I didn’t,” Alicia cried, unable to contain herself any longer. Their startled breaths erupted when Alicia slammed open the stall door and walked out with her eyes blazing. “I *never* bragged about it.”

“Um, I’ll let you two work this out,” Liz said and quickly slipped out of the restroom. As soon as the door closed, Alicia looked up at Megan with tears in her eyes.

“I *dragged you off*?” Alicia growled. “The first time you were *scared*?”

Megan flushed and wouldn’t meet her eyes.

“I seem to remember you giggling the whole time. And if anything was *dragged* that night, it was you *dragging* my face into your pussy!”

“Alicia,” Megan started.

“No.” Alicia stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. “When I talked to Adam and Carlos, I used being with you to describe how sex could be more than just a rush to orgasm. I didn’t even remember mentioning your name, but apparently I did.”

“I’m not ready for people to know,” Megan whispered.

Alicia barked an ironic laugh. “To know a *total whore* forced you to have sex? Yeah, I got the message, believe me.”

“No, wait!”

“Fuck you! I’m done,” Alicia growled and stalked out of the bathroom.

When Alicia got back to the table, everyone was eating. She flagged the waitress down and asked for the check before taking a seat. No one spoke. Adam looked miserable and Carlos looked embarrassed. Liz and Fiona kept glancing at her like she was a wild animal who was going to attack them at any moment.

Alicia took a deep breath and pasted on a smile. “Sorry for the drama.”

The conversation at the other end of the table started up again while Alicia stirred her drink with the straw. Megan returned and sat without making eye contact with anyone. She examined her phone like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

The waitress returned to take the check and ask if anyone needed a box. Adam asked for one to take the leftover pizza. With Alicia and Megan not eating, there was more left than expected. When the waitress came back with the boxes and the receipt, Adam and Fiona loaded up the pizza slices that were left. The mood at the table was subdued, but Alicia signed the receipt and left a generous tip.

“I’ll be waiting in the car. Take your time,” Alicia said as she picked up her purse and left before anyone could say anything to her.

She made it until she was in her car before losing it. She threw her purse across the passenger seat and banged her fists on the steering wheel in frustration. All that soul searching, all that angst, all for nothing. Megan was a coward. The hot tears burning lines down her face angered her even more. *She’s not worth it.*

The guys hugged the twins goodbye in her headlights while Megan slipped around them to her own car. Then Adam and Carlos got into the back seat and Alicia backed up and pulled out of the parking lot.

“Alicia, I’m so sorry,” Adam said. “I never thought it was a secret.”

“Me neither,” Alicia replied as she drove carefully back to Meredith’s house.

Carlos leaned forward to rest his hand on Alicia’s shoulder. “Can we do anything?”

“No,” Alicia said as she fought back tears. “Let’s just forget it ever happened.”

Her good friend thought she was a whore. And forced her to have sex. All the things Megan had said swirled into an inferno. Alicia had opened herself up for the chance of something more with Megan and was left with a scorched heart. *Lesson learned.*

She pulled up in front of their house and got out of the car. After going inside, Alicia went to the kitchen for a drink of water. The guys stood around her looking confused and concerned.

“Just go to bed,” Alicia said after sitting the glass next to the sink. “Meredith with be home soon and I’ll be leaving as soon as she gets here.”

The guys hugged her before they wandered off upstairs. Taking another drink, Alicia swallowed hard around the lump in her throat. She felt worthless. Empty. As long as she kept her lovers at a certain distance, nothing touched her. This was the danger of allowing someone to get close. She wiped her eyes again and poured out the rest of the water. Then her phone buzzed with a text message.

She tugged it out of her back pocket expecting it to be some half-assed apology from Megan. It was from Dillon. *We still on for tomorrow?*

Alicia gave a hollow chuckled as she thumbed a reply. *Sure, unless you want to hook up tonight.*

*My place or yours?*

*Text me your address.*

She swallowed the anxiety she always felt before a first-time hookup. You never knew what someone was like until you were naked with them. Some guys were chill right up until the moment and then they turned into animals. Other guys seemed so confident but crumbled like a sand castle when the time came to perform. It was always a crap shoot, but Alicia didn’t want to think anymore. She just wanted someone to force the pain away.

The rumble of the garage door signaled Meredith’s return. Alicia gathered her things and did one last walk through to make sure they’d cleaned up enough to avoid suspicion. When Meredith came through the door, Alicia was standing there with a broad, fake smile.

“Everything go okay?” Meredith asked.

“Just wonderful. We went to see the high school volleyball team play and grabbed some pizza afterwards. I think Adam and Carlos are falling for the Frasier twins.” She delivered the news with as much enthusiasm as she could muster.

Meredith chuckled and shook her head. “God, they’re both growing up so fast.”

“That they are. Look, I’ve got to meet someone so I’m gonna blaze. See you Monday?”

“Sounds good and thanks again for sticking around so I can socialize after class. It’s making a huge difference.”

“My pleasure,” Alicia said as she walked to the front door. “I’ll see you Monday.”

As soon as the door locked behind her, Alicia jogged to her car. Her hands shook as she inserted the key to start the engine. Then she brought up her GPS app and drove to Dillon’s dorm.

It was late enough that most of people who lived there were either out partying or asleep. Alicia got off the elevator on the sixth floor and looked up and down the hallway to figure out which way to go.

“Hey, there you are!” Dillon stood in an open doorway wearing nothing but a pair of running shorts. His chest and stomach were heavily muscled and his legs looked like tree trunks. If it wasn’t for the light scattering of hair, she’d think he was a body builder.

Alicia focused on that and forced a smile. “Got your sociology report ready?”

“Uh.” His eyebrows dipped in confusion. “Yeah?”

“I’m just messin’ with you,” Alicia said as she reached him. She slipped her hands over his shoulders and leaned in to kiss him. The thrill of taking the first step made her stomach tighten in anticipation.

He attacked her mouth with his own, biting at her lower lip and slipping his tongue into her mouth. Alicia fed on his energy and used it to build her excitement. She pushed him back into his room and kicked his door shut behind them. His room was like every other dorm room, but it looked like a bomb had gone off. Clothes were everywhere and a sour smell assaulted her senses.

“So that’s how you want it,” Dillon growled at her. “Good. Now you’re my whore.”

His words echoed around in Alicia’s mind, knocking random bits loose. Megan thought she was a whore, too. She seduced two teenagers and risked going to jail just for the thrill. She had betrayed Meredith’s trust. She felt worthless and dirty, and now Dillon would treat her the way she deserved. He pushed his own shorts off and then grabbed Alicia by the hair at the back of her head.

“Get me ready,” he demand as he forced her to her knees.

His eyes were lit with excitement and Alicia didn’t resist. Her heart rate sped as he pressed her face toward his cock. The pain in her scalp excited her almost as much as the prospect of pleasure. She gave his rigid cock a quick inspection while rubbing her face against it. No scabs, no warts, and no discolorations. *Good enough.* She took him deep into her mouth.

“Suck that cock,” Dillon growled as he fucked her mouth, keeping his fist tight in her hair. He shook her head when she hesitated.

Alicia embraced her submission and allowed him to force his cock deep enough to gag her. With watering eyes, she sucked and licked like he was her favorite flavor of popsicle. Her hands clutched his hips to try to control how deep he went. Dillon kept pushing deeper, testing her gag reflex. His face twisted up and a sick part of Alicia welcomed the punishment he gave her.

His flavor changed and she knew he was getting close, but he shoved her back hard enough to fall at his feet. “Take off your clothes.”

Alicia stripped quickly, discarding her clothes as she peeled them off a layer at a time. By the time she was naked, Dillon grabbed her upper arm hard enough to mark her skin and dragged her onto his twin bed.

“On your knees,” he demanded with a hard slap on her ass. The punishment made her wetter than pleasure could.

“Condom,” she breathed in return as she looked back at him. Even in her current state of mind, that was a line she wouldn’t cross.

“Do what I say,” he snarled and smacked her ass again. “Get your face down and your ass up.”

“No,” she said as she turned on the bed. There was no way she would let him be the first guy to cum in her. Then she thought of Carlos and nearly wept. “Put on a fucking condom or I’m leaving now!”

The backhand blow across her face knocked her down into his unwashed sheets. With her head spinning, Dillon gripped her hips and dragging her ass to the edge of the mattress. The stink of his sheets nearly made her gag.

Megan’s warning about taking bigger risks rang through her mind. She had been trying to tell Alicia something she’d heard about Dillon. His cock slammed deep into her and panic instantly drove off her dizziness.

Galvanized by fear, Alicia fought like a crazed animal. She scratched and clawed at him while forcing him away and screaming for help. He swung at her again, but missed when she dove for her purse on the floor. She got her keys out just before he wrapped his strong fingers around both of her wrists and lifted her back to the bed.

She couldn’t move with him holding her arms, but he’d left himself vulnerable. She leaned back and kicked up hard. The top of her foot flattened his balls with a wet slap. He released her with a howl to cup his groin. With shaking fingers she clicked the button on the rape alarm she kept on her keyring. An ear piercing squeal howled like a siren.

Her face had been numb, but now heat and pain bloomed across her right cheek and eye. She staggered for the door and threw it open to fall into the hallway. People were coming out of their rooms rubbing their eyes to see what was going on. Dillon rolled on the floor of his room with hate in his eyes and bloody scratches all over his face and chest.

A guy came over with a blanket for Alicia and she covered up, shivering from the adrenaline, pain, and fear. As she huddled on the floor, surrounded by frowning strangers, she broke into ragged sobs and couldn’t stop.

By the time the campus police arrived, Dillon was mouthing off to everyone that Alicia was crazy and had attacked him. She still cried in pain, but had gotten herself under control. Two officers walked up the hallway, one male and one female. The woman knelt near Alicia, her eyes soft with pity.

“I’m Jillian. Can you stand?” she asked. “I’d like to talk to you about what happened.”

Alicia nodded, noting the male officer guiding a still volatile Dillon back into his room. Jillian took her arm to help her stand, but Alicia cried out. Jillian hissed at the bruise forming on her upper arm, then looked around at the people in the hallway.

“Would you mind if we borrowed your room for a minute?” Jillian asked a guy watching from his doorway.

“Naw, it’s cool,” he said and stepped out to let them inside his room.

Jillian shut the door and turned back to Alicia. “Okay, what’s your name?”

Alicia tried to clear her throat and swallowed hard. Something was wrong with her throat because it was bruised and burning. “Alicia Tucker.”

“Alicia, please start from the beginning and tell me what happened.”

“Dillon and I were gonna hook up. When I told him we had to use a condom, he hit me and knocked me down.” Alicia touched the side of her swollen face. “That’s when he tried to rape me. I fought him off long enough to hit my alarm and get out of his room.”

“How’d he bruise your arm?” Jillian asked.

Alicia was having a hard time keeping everything straight. “It happened when he forced me on the bed.”

“Did he penetrate you?”

Alicia felt tears spill down her cheeks as panic overwhelmed her again. “Yes.”

“Did he ejaculate?”

“N-No,” she stammered. “I don’t think so.”

“Okay, I want you to wait right here. I’ll be right back.”

Jillian left and Alicia tried to get control of herself again. The shivering wouldn’t stop, no matter how tight she wrapped the blanket. A few minutes later, Jillian came back in with her clothes, purse, and keys.

“Alicia, you can get dressed now.” Jillian waited until she was dressed before continuing. “If you intend to press charges, we’ll need a formal written statement from you.”

“What’s the point?” Alicia muttered as she slipped on her shoes. “I heard him ranting his version before you got here.”

“Both of you agree that you intended to have sex,” Jillian said. “Our report will indicate that and that we found no condoms in his room except the ones in your purse. His injuries are consistent with defensive wounds. Yours are consistent with assault. Please talk to a lawyer before you decide anything.”

Alicia felt dead inside. She stared at Jillian for a long moment before nodding. “Okay.”

“And you need to get tested,” Jillian said with a serious expression. “This isn’t the first time I’ve been called to that room.”

Alicia looked down as nausea made her mouth slick. “I will.”

“Is there anyone we can call for you?”

She briefly thought of Megan, but tears filled her eyes as she walked to the door. “No, but my room isn’t that far.”

When she left the dorm, the moon was bright enough to make shadows. She felt like one of those shadows. Like the absence of light that was only shaped like something real. Her body ached and her face hurt, but it was the loneliness that crushed her.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/849i17/fmncoral_the_tutor_pt_7


  1. Well, that took a turn….

    Definitely invested in the story. Engaging stuff

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