The pretty freshman girl who couldn’t take her eyes off me [MF] [virginity] [long buildup]

I was a pretty shy kid in high school, so when I went to college I really wanted to turn things around. I joined as many clubs and organizations as I could, made myself talk to people, and I actually did pretty well for myself. I started to have real girlfriends (in high school there was only one sort of wishy-washy… *thing* that I wouldn’t necessarily call a real relationship) and I felt like I had really found my place.

In the fall of my sophomore year, one of the many extra-curricular organizations participated in an out-of-town convention that connected similar organizations from around the state for workshops, competitions, and other events. I’m being pretty vague out of paranoia, but don’t worry, the specifics aren’t really important. What’s important is the people who were on the trip with me.

Along with me were a couple of sorta-friends, some upper classmen who ran the club, a handful of freshmen I hadn’t taken the time to get to know yet, and my ex-girlfriend Nina. She and I had dated for only about six months and then called it off amicably, and had actually been able to stay pretty good friends since then with minimal drama.

When we got to the hotel, it was a little crowded due to the convention, and we had to wait in the lobby for a super long time. During this time, I started to notice this one freshman girl. I assume she was a freshman because I didn’t know her, but also because she looked a little on the young side. She was slight and very pale, with this wild, vibrant red hair that always had a couple of kinky strands sticking out and refused to fit into any neat arrangements. She kind of reminded me of the girl from the movie Brave, but with a narrower face. Anyway, the reason I noticed her was that she *could not keep her eyes off of me*. I kept feeling that sixth sense that tells you that someone’s watching, and I kept glancing over at her. Every damn time, I just barely caught those big blue eyes quickly darting to something else. It struck me as pretty conspicuous, but at that time I honestly was not sure what it was about. We had had a pretty early start that morning to get on the road before rush hour, so I was pretty disheveled, tired and wearing a loose t-shirt and sweatpants. My first thought was that she was judging me for dressing like a homeless person.

Anyway, we finally got in and I went to take a shower and change into some decent clothes. I asked my friend Justin, who was rooming with me, if he noticed the redhead. “She’s pretty cute,” he said, “but she looks kinda young.”

“No,” I said. “Did you notice her staring? At me? Like, the whole time we were in the lobby?” He shakes his head no. “Am I crazy?” I ask him, and he just shrugs.

“I dunno man,” he says casually. “I wasn’t really paying attention.”

We headed out to meet the rest of our group downstairs for a walk to a nearby restaurant, and when we were on the elevator, the doors open at the 14th floor and there she is! She was with a couple other girls, and seemed to be in the middle of a casual conversation, but as soon as she saw us (or me) she stiffened up like she’d seen a ghost and basically hid behind her friends in the elevator, refusing to acknowledge us. Her friends murmured a little amongst themselves, but didn’t otherwise acknowledge her behavior. They said hi to us in unison in a kinda giggly “we have a secret” way. We said hi back and then Justin slowly turned to give me a sideways glance that says *okay, you’re not crazy, this is definitely weird.*

On the walk to the restaurant is when the whispering started. Now this girl wasn’t just looking at me, she was whispering to her friends. There was some repressed laughter too, and whatever they were talking about must’ve been pretty damn interesting by the looks on their faces. I knew that she probably thought I was cute and was really shy, but *jesus* when people you don’t know are obviously talking about you and laughing it’s really easy to get paranoid. This whole thing was starting to get on my nerves.

At dinner there were enough of us that we had to split up to separate tables, and I intentionally positioned myself so that I couldn’t see the redheads and her friends. Although that didn’t really help me put her out of my mind. At some point I asked my friend Sean (who was also in on the situation at this point) if they were still looking at me. He glanced up and said “mm-hmm.”

As if it couldn’t get worse, on the way back from the restaurant, Nina started getting in on the action. This is my ex-girlfriend I mentioned earlier, who I was still pretty good friends with. Now *she* was whispering with this redhead girl and smirking and *looking at me*. My friends barely kept me from having a paranoid breakdown right there on a busy city sidewalk.

When we got to the hotel, everyone decided to head out to the hot tubs to relax for a bit. I was feeling pretty ruffled, so I said I was just going to watch TV in the room. I didn’t want to be around this group anymore tonight. But as I was heading off, Nina grabs my arm and says “no, go get your bathing suit and come with us.”

“Nah,” I answer. “I’m not really in the mood for that.”

Nina pulls me in a little bit and raises her eyebrows at me secretively. “I really, *really* think you should come in the hot tub with us.” Then she winks a little just to eliminate any subtlety. God dammit. What the hell is going on? I told her fine.

When I got out to the pool area, the first person I saw was the redhead. She was wearing a maroon bikini, which you’d think would clash with her hair, but it didn’t at all. I couldn’t help but notice that she had an amazingly sculpted slender little body, but I also couldn’t help but notice her and her friend’s paranoid whispering. I headed off to the other end of the pool, where Nina was sitting on a lawn chair.

“What’s up with that redhead girl?” I asked irritably.

“Hello,” Nina said pointedly.

“Hello. What’s up with that redhead girl?”

“Her name’s Ivy,” Nina told me and then said casually, “She thinks you’re really cute.” Okay, so that was it. She thought I was cute and was really shy and bad at hiding her attraction to me.

“What was she talking to you about?” I asked.

“Oh!” Nina remembered. “She asked me if I would ask you if you would take her virginity.” Now *that* woke me up. My first instinct was to whirl around and look at this Ivy girl, but Nina must have anticipated that because she immediately hissed “no no, don’t look! Be cool, jesus!”

“How old is she?” I asked. In our state the legal age of consent is 18, and it’s a pretty hard line compared to some other places.


“Are you *sure*?”

“She said she was eighteen. Make her show you her driver’s license if you’re paranoid.” Then Nina leaned forward and smiled mischievously. “Does that mean you’re considering it?” She paused and said, “by the way, you can look now. She’s looking away.”

I turned around and saw that Ivy finally had her back to me, and I started to think about it. From this angle I got a pretty good view of her slender hourglass figure and a maroon bikini riding up between two white-as-snow perfect little round butt cheeks. Oh man, I was really considering it.

“This had better not be a prank,” I warned Nina.

“So yes?” she asked. I nodded. “Okay,” she instructed me, “Go inside and she’ll meet you by the elevator.”

“What? Why can’t I just go over and talk to her?”

“I don’t know, this is what she told me to tell you! She’s really shy and I guess she doesn’t want to make a scene or something. Just go wait by the elevator.”

This all struck me as super weird, but I went along with it. Sure enough, a couple minutes after I went inside, Ivy came in and met me by the elevator. She finally made prolonged eye contact with me, but I could tell it was a struggle for her.

“So Nina asked you?” she said in a small voice.

“Yeah…” I said stiffly.

“Is… my room okay? My friends know not to come up.”

“Yeah. No problem. Sure.” We got into the elevator together and I was already starting to seriously regret my answer. If it was this awkward just acknowledging that we were going to have sex, I could only imagine how awkward the sex was going to be, especially since it was her first time. On the way up, I asked her, “Are you sure you want to do this? It’s okay to back out, or we could wait until another time if you don’t feel comfortable now.”

“I’m sure,” she answers. “I want to do it now.” Well shit, I guess this is happening. I hoped it wouldn’t be too awkward.

We get to the room and I see she has trouble getting the key card in the slot because her hands are shaking pretty hard. We get inside, and she goes and sits down on the bed, folds her hands in her lap, and looks absolutely terrified. I’m totally wracked with guilt and I sit down next to her and put my hand on her shoulder. I can feel tremors running through her body. 

“Look,” I say gently. “I know at our age people are losing their virginities left and right and you feel like it’s the thing to do, but there’s *no reason* to rush if you don’t feel completely ready. I have friends who are in their mid twenties who are still virgins and that’s totally okay. If you want, we can just watch TV for a couple hours and you can tell your friends or anyone else that we had sex and I won’t ever say otherwise.” 

“No,” she says. “I really want to.” Then she takes a second to gather some courage and leans in to kiss me. She slips her tongue into my mouth, but in the kind of fumbly way that inexperienced kissers do. Then she grabs my hand and puts it on her waist. I pull away for one last check. 

“Are you *sure*?” I say, and she nods. “Okay,” I tell her. “I want to take this really slow and I want you to *tell me* if anything hurts. And I also want you to know that no matter what we’re in the middle of, you can always change your mind and we’ll stop. Okay?” She nods again. 

So, I tell her to relax and start kissing her. Tamely at first, not much more than little pecks, with my hand on her cheek. She smirks a little, presumably at the almost comical chasteness of it. Then I move in a little more, touching my lips to hers for a little longer, but still very PG. Then I’m locking lips for long seconds and sliding my hand down her face and on her neck and shoulders. I can feel her starting to relax a little, so I put my other hand back on her waist and start giving her a little tongue. Now it feels more natural coming from her. She’s relaxing and running on pure instinct. Man, just the thought of getting my hands all over her soft body is getting me so hard. I try to keep it slow, but before long we’re full-on making out and I start running my hands all over her. She’s still in her bathing suit, so I’m feeling tons of her silky smooth, milky pale skin on my fingers and I can feel her body coming alive wherever I touch her. Every brush of my fingers is activating little shivers in the muscles that I touch and she always leans into me, putting more skin into my hands. I move down to kiss her neck, and she tilts her head back and lets out a slow, measured breath. The skin on her neck has a light floral scent, and even a very mild sweet taste, like the taste of water that comes from a pitcher with cucumbers and berries floating in it. I gently guide her face back to mine and continue to lap at the sweet taste of arousal on her tongue. I gradually start touching more sensitive areas. Now her waist, now running my hands up her thighs, now sliding my hand behind and grabbing a firm handful of that beautiful ass. Anytime we pause between kisses, she’s got her half-closed eyes locked on mine, face flushed, breathing like she just ran a marathon, lips still slightly parted, waiting for mine to come and take them again. 

After continuing like this for a few minutes, I decide to take the next step. I lean forward, kissing her neck again as she lets out a very faint, involuntary little percussive creak of breath in my ear, and reach behind her, tugging at the strap of her bathing suit top. It’s tied in a neat little bow and I’m surprised at how easily it falls apart when I pull on it. I do the same for the one on the back of her neck. The straps fall limp, and I move back, lightly touching my nose to hers. Still staring into my eyes and breathing heavily, she lifts a hand and pushes away the loose bathing suit top, revealing two relatively small but nicely-shaped breasts with tiny pink nipples poking out like pencil erasers. We just sit there for a moment, staring into each other’s eyes from an inch away. She’s breathing hot air down onto my neck, waiting for the next step. Finally, I give it to her. She gasps as I push her down onto her back and start kissing her neck with new vigor, running my hands over her breasts and stopping to give little pinches to her rock-hard nipples. She arches her back and her breath swells as I lightly twist at the firm pink knobs of flesh, but she seems to be enjoying it. I start to kiss lower and lower on her neck until finally I’m kissing her breasts, lightly sucking her little nipples and occasionally giving them a little nibble. She’s writhing around and panting like she’s possessed, so I keep going. 

I start moving down further, kissing her stomach, and finally stop and look up at her as I hook my fingers into the sides of her bathing suit bottom. She looks down at me, still panting, and nods, massaging her breasts with excitement. I start to pull, sliding the bathing suit off her as slowly as I can. She lifts her legs a little to make it easy for me. When I finally slip the bottom off her legs, I’ve revealed the most pristine, beautiful, pink little pussy imaginable. She’s got a little orange landing strip. She must have done it herself because it’s a teeny bit lopsided, but hey, I’m not complaining. I tell her to relax, and she sinks into the bed, loosening her muscles. I put my face between her legs, but don’t touch her. I’m sure she can feel my hot breath on her mound. I’m certainly close enough to smell the sweet natural lubricant that’s dripping from her like dew off a lily. I put my face forward a little bit, my nose touching just above her mound. I reach out my lips and lightly brush her wet, pink llips. She squirms with impatience, but I grab her thighs and hold them in place, squeezing as I slide my hands up her thighs. “Oh god,” she moans quietly, and then I go in. 

She whimpers quietly as I take my first little licks. She tastes amazing. I squeeze her thighs and move in more, running my tongue through every little fold it can find. I swirl around her clitoris, and then suck, pulling it a little into my mouth while driving at it with my tongue. Ivy’s legs are shaking so much that it’s become more of a constant spasm than a tremble, but I manage to keep going on her for a while without getting knee’d in the face. I think I get her to come at least once, but because she’s spasming so much it’s hard to tell when she’s having an orgasm. But she must have gotten something because after a few minutes of this, she half-says, half-gasps “okay okay, fuck me, fuck me, oh god just fuck me, I’m ready I’m ready…” 

I stop and stand up, taking a pause to look down at her. Her naked, pale, angelic body is splayed out on the bed, beading with sweat and trembling. I can see her chest heaving as she stares up at me with eyes that are just *aching* for me to tear her apart. I reach down, and pull off my trunks, revealing probably the hardest erection that has ever formed between my legs. She whimpers a little and starts rubbing her breasts again. I get down onto the bed, above her on my hands and knees, and reach one hand down to guide my cock toward her. I pause and ask one last time, “You sure you want this?”  
She moans in agony and whispers “Oh god, just put it in.” So, I slowly guide myself into her, pushing the head in. She gasps and grabs the bed covers, but she looks like she’s still enjoying it. So I grab her sides, and lean down and kiss her neck as I slooooowly slide the rest of the way into her. God fucking dammit, she’s tight. She grunts a little, and I pull back to see that her face is scrunched up. 

“Does it hurt?” I ask gently, and try to tell her with my eyes that I really want a straight answer from her. 

“A little,” she says. “It just feels kinda tight.” 

I tell her that I’m going to start moving really slowly, and if anything is really painful, she should tell me immediately. I start to slide out of her at a snail’s pace, and she gasps and pants and grips the sheet covers. I stop and stare at her for a little, not sure what to do next, but she nods at me and says “it’s fine, keep going.” So I slowly slide back in, and this time she feels a little more relaxed. We keep going at this for a while, and although I really want to make sure she isn’t hurting, the pace is agonizing. It feels like it takes five minutes just to get five full pumps. 
Finally she reaches her hands around my head and pulls me in for a deep kiss, then says “go a little faster.” So I start to slide in and out a little faster, and she moans, arching her back to push her soft little breasts up to me. I bury my face in her skin, sucking on her nipple as I start to get faster and faster. Now we’re starting to get to a decent speed, and though she’s still crazy tight, it’s really starting to feel like I’m sliding in and out easier. She’s letting out a breathy, shaky little “*uhhh*” every time I push into her, and she’s so sopping wet that she’s ruining the bedsheets. I kiss her neck, bite her a little, and grab one of her breasts forcefully, holding on tight as I slide in and out of her. She looks into my eyes and grabs my ass just as forcefully with both hands, pulling me into her faster and harder. God, with the look in her eyes, her hands grabbing at my flesh, the taste of her creamy skin on my tongue, I’m starting to lose control. I don’t want to come too soon, so I stop pumping and pull myself out of her.

“Want to try a different position?” I ask. She gets up coyly, gets on her hands and knees and puts her perfect ass in my face. 
“How about this?” she asks. I wordlessly mount her from behind, taking her delicately curved sides in my hands as I push myself into her. When I’m all the way in, her pale ass squishes a little against my groin. Jesus Christ, she has just the *perfect* amount of bounce. I guide her with my hands, moving her into me.




I run one hand over her ass cheek as she bounces against me. We’re picking up speed a little, starting to get that beautiful “clap” sound, accompanied by her little “*uhh, uhh, uhh*” grunts of animal pleasure.

Watching that fantastic ass clap against my body, I realize I should probably be honest with this girl. “I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna last,” I say breathlessly. 
“Finish then,” she says, pushing her ass even further into me. “Go as hard as you can, I can take it.” I have to admit, when I hear that, I’m running too hot to remember to care about her potential discomfort. I climb further forward so that my whole body is on top of hers, her ass grinding and slamming into me with increasing force and speed. Fuck me, that wet, slapping sound of her tight little ass cheeks quaking under me is amazing. I reach around and run my hands over her breasts as she lets out this animal moan, half pleasure, half pain as our bodies seem to synchronize so that we are writhing and gyrating and clenching perfectly in unison. My legs shiver and I feel that overwhelming rise of energy deep in my loins, followed by a bolt of hot semen which shoots deep into her. I give a few more exhausted pumps as I’m unloading, trembling all over and letting out an involuntary groan of ecstasy as my body collapses into her. After my last messy pumps are done and I feel like I’ve totally emptied myself into her, I lean forward and rest my face on the clammy skin of her back.

We were frozen there for a while, then we wordlessly separated ourselves. She shot me a giddy smile and laid back on the bed, patting the sheet next to her. So I went and lay next to her and we cuddled a little and watched TV for probably about a half an hour before we cleaned up and I left.

We had sex a couple more times on that trip, but I didn’t see much of her after that. Ran into her once during my last year of college, and I remember thinking she looked different, but I can’t remember exactly why. She had passed by with a few of her friends and shot me a secretive, knowing smile. That was the last time I ever saw her, but behind a shield of anonymity I can admit that sometimes when I’m alone, or sometimes even when I’m getting intimate with my current steady, live-in girlfriend, I remember that look of sexual awakening in Ivy’s eyes and the taut bounce of her skin against my body.



  1. Wow great story. I think I would have felt the same way as you that it was a prank. But I’m glad you got that chance to help her out. Way to go bro

  2. Great story and it sounds like you did everything right, BUT…. I was curious if you checked if she was on the pill before you had sex without a condom.

  3. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Just about stood up and cheered reading your description of Ivy. Care to tell us about any of the other times with her?

  4. Damn good story. There’s something so magical about those early experiences of sexual awakening.

    PS, who else would have done her landing strip? ;)

  5. Great story. I like how you kept checking in with her… This is what consent and an enthusiastic yes looks like. You’re like the anti-Aziz Ansari

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