I Done Messed Up…By Messing Around With My Best Friend [FM] [Cheating]

Posting this to get it off my chest since I have nobody I can tell about it. Maybe a couple of you will find it interesting.

(Not a lot happens, skip if just looking for fap material)
(Also, obligatory I suck at writing so please keep that in mind)

Kate (not her real name) is a good friend of mine, and basically my only friend at this stage of my life. We met my first semester of college. Her looks may have caught my attention but her dorky personality and dad-like sense of humor really captivated me. If it sounds like I’m crushing it’s because I am. But when we met we were both in relationships so of course my crush gets kicked under the bed and we become good friends.

Now back to her looks since that’s what y’all probably care about:

This chick has to be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my goddamn life. Barely 5 ft tall with light brown hair just past her shoulders, pale complexion studded with a light smattering of freckles and bright blue green eyes. Interestingly her eyes are further captivating because the irises have little flecks of coppery brown around them. She wears thin framed purple glasses that make her eyes pop and has 6 piercings in each ear including an Industrial bar in her left ear. She also has several tattoos which I adore. She is petite but curvy with wide hips, a narrow waist, C cup perky breasts, and thick thighs for her size. Her best feature by far is her ass. My gods this thing is perfectly round and prominent.

My appearance if anyone is interested:

I’m 5’5” and pretty scrawny. I have grey-blue eyes (my favorite feature) and short cropped brown hair. Basically, I am the picture of an average gamer guy, at least I think. Oh, and I’m disabled; I walk with a limp and wear braces on my legs.

Fast forward a semester and my relationship crashes and burns. Hard. Being single and broken hearted does not help me keep my crush in check. I get a lot more flirty with her, and to my surprise she follows suit. One night we’re bantering back and forth and I just had to do it: I admit that I have a crush on her and immediately put my foot in my mouth. To my surprise she drops a bomb in my lap as well by saying “You know, if I were single I would totally go out with you, right?” I swear my heart stopped beating for a good 10 seconds.

I thought she must have been joking and questioned it. She admits the crush is mutual and she too just kicked it under the rug because of her relationship. I wish I could say we just laughed at ourselves and moved on, that would have been the right thing to do. But then this story wouldn’t have made it here…

Fast forward a few days and we’re hanging out at my place and I’m introducing her to Assassin’s Creed (did I mention how much of a goddess this woman is?!) and the tension is so thick even a scalpel would have just bounced off it. We keep stealing glances at one another and all I can think is how fucking badly I want to kiss her. Finally, I just can’t help myself and I stare a bit too long, and she catches me.

“You good dude?” she asks a slight blush glazing her perfect face.

I quickly look away and try to focus on the game. “y-yeah I’m go-good” Damnit I’m shaking and I can barely speak. Ok ok just breathe and focus on something else it will pass…

She doesn’t question it but I know she doesn’t believe me. Not with a stellar answer like that. Covert glances resume, I am caught a second time.

“Alright what is going through your head you’re clearly chewing on something?” She pauses the game, having smacked the dam with a hammer, it crumbles.

“L-look I know I-we can’t but yo-you’re such an i-inc-incredible person and I…” I trail off and flop down on my bed hiding my face in a pillow… “I want to kiss you.” The last part comes out clear and I gasp for air and groan into the pillow. I’m terrified she’s going to pack her bags and leave. I would not blame her if she did. I look up at her and she’s staring at her hands, her expression one of pain. I wince and start to apologize but she stops me.

“I know, and I want to too…” is all she says. We stare at each other before she runs her fingers through her hair and tries to smile.

“Hey, it’s getting late how about we just watch a movie?” she says glancing at my alarm clock. It’s almost midnight which is usually when she leaves, but I don’t have a clear enough head to question it. I perk up thinking that a movie might help me relax. I’m wrong of course.

We go downstairs and throw a movie on in the living room. I quickly realize this is doing nothing for me as we both catch me staring…

“Sorry…” I mutter.

“It’s okay” she says.

I force myself to look back at the movie and I feel her shift some next to me. It takes everything I have not to look at her again but now I feel like I owe her. I’ve made things so ungodly uncomfortable between us, I should have just kept my big fucking mouth shut and then just maybe I wouldn’t be sitting here in awkward silence with my best friend. My train of thought is disturbed by a whimper from her. I start to turn my head as a hand grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me to her.

“I can’t fucking take it anymore!” she says as she shoves her lips onto mine. We both moan loudly against each other’s lips. The kiss is awkward at first our glasses clinking together until we find an angle that works and we make out animalisticly our tongues wrestling with one another. She pulls my hair and I gasp, my hands snake their way up her sides and to her breasts, I squeeze them and she shivers. I pull away just enough to gasp for air just as I hear the stairs creaking. My mother must have heard us, fuck!

We scoot apart just as she comes down the stairs and I glance at the clock. It’s 6 am. My mother says hello to us both mentioning that we’re up late and carries on getting ready for work. We both pull out our phones for something to do. I look up from my phone and she bites her lip, I’m just about to go in for more when my mother passes by us again, leaving for work. Kate glances at the clock.

“…I should probably go I have work in a few hours.” And with that she grabs her things, I walk her out to her car and she’s gone.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/6w038u/i_done_messed_upby_messing_around_with_my_best


  1. This is absolutely adorable and one my my favourite stories I’ve read on here in a long time. As someone who sat by idly whilst I crushed on my best friend (who was in a relationship also) I really regret not kissing them and just going for it. Don’t let her go. ❤️

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