Etid [MF] [str8] [sci-fi] [3rd person]

# Etid

## Summary

*Approximately 7,000 words*

*This short story was written for a GWA Script Guild Contest. I am the author. I apologize for not being able to properly reference the contest page with a link like a good Internet citizen. The /r/ thug-bot assaults me if I do. Comment, critique and praise are all welcome.*

The population of Earth is in crisis after a changed Sun causes most Humans to become infertile. The few remaining men and women capable of children are encouraged to join programs that schedule then with several sexual partners each day. Sex is cordial and friendly, performed in sterile rooms on furnishings designed to make the process quick. But it is passionless.

Etid is a young man who has been in one of the programs since his teens. He has been been mated with hundreds of women but, unknown to him, there are still first-time experiences that he has yet to have.

## The Comet

It wasn’t commonly understood how the comet made the Sun change the way it did. There was lots of high-science theory about what elements the comet may have contained or how the force of its impact may have done something irreversible. Some people even suggested that it was an attack from aliens; a rock purposefully and perfectly aimed at us millions of years ago to ensure Humans never advanced enough to become new competitors for the stars.

Few understood what had happened but everyone knew the consequences. The population of Earth was declining rapidly. Almost no one could conceive children. Fortunately, robots and computers were able to quickly fill in for roles where young people once refreshed the old. But life across the planet had changed dramatically. Survival of the Human species was the responsibility of every able person.

Underground, hidden from the Sun’s destructive radiation, was the future of the race. Staying indoors, avoiding sunlight and travelling only during evenings provided some relief. But unless future generations developed immunity, moving everyone underground was the only sure safety.

The robots dug and constructed unending. Even their efforts would take decades to build enough capacity. Attrition would naturally reduce the population of Earth as people died with fewer people to replace them. But housing capacity was the lesser problem. Loss of genetic diversity was the threat. Less than 1% of the population was estimated to still be able to produce children.

## Etid

Etid bathed in the communal shower for a few brief minutes before stepping to the drying area. The infrared emitters cast a warm, purifying glow on his skin, evaporating the water swiftly. He then pulled on his robe and prepared for his day. He took a datapad from those hanging on the wall to review his schedule. He didn’t recognize any of the names, which was unusual. He would be meeting each one for the first time.

First on his list was Cloei. She appeared to be close to his age. There wasn’t enough information to be sure, but Etid suspected that today was her first day.

Next on his schedule was Asadell. Etid was surprised at her age; she was significantly younger than any girl he had be been partnered with before. He knew from training that they could be asked to partner with girls of most any age. The program was voluntary and anyone who was physically and mentally fit could apply. But this would be his first time partnered with someone so much younger than himself.

Finally, he was partnered with Talianthalas. Her profile read that her common name was simply, Tali. She was older than Etid by several years. Her photo was intriguing, but Etid didn’t immediately know why. Her head was tilted slightly and her eyes looked at him with seductive mystery.

## Cloei

The first girl on his schedule was Cloei. The datapad said they were to meet in the Dionysus area. During the walk there, Etid passed several other people. Both men and women were dressed in the same, simple robe. Some he recognized and gave waves or smiles to. Everyone in the program was a volunteer. As early as puberty, people were encouraged to be tested and determine their fertility. The people with highest scores, like himself, were pursued and encouraged to join the program. With the population in crisis, the few people who could still reproduce were needed. Etid joined while a teenager. His first sexual experiences were while in the program. He was shown how to mount a woman, first in videos, then in live demonstrations, then finally guided, literally hands-on, into intercourse.

Etid was in his 20s now. He had been trained to pleasure himself quickly and intensely to orgasm. To ejaculate deeply into his partners. He had been partnered with many women but educated to always keep a casual relationship. A woman who achieved pregnancy would graduate from the program to move on to birthing the child. Happy co-habitation was encouraged but romance and excessive sexuality was discouraged and sometimes even disciplined.

He turned into the Dionysus area. The room was circular, brightly lit, with clean and tidy furniture. Several people sat in the chairs and couches. Some were alone reviewing their data pads, others were seated with people they were scheduled with, getting to know them briefly or just waiting for the next free room.

Around the perimeter were sliding doors with lighted pads beside them. Some glowed pink and others orange. As Etid looked around the room for Cloei, he saw several couples place their hands on the pink lighted pads to unlock the door. After they entered the door closed behind them and the pad colour changed to orange.

Etid spotted Cloei seated alone on one of the couches and he walked over to her. She looked up from her pad and smiled.

“Etid?”, she greeted.

“Hi, Cloei. Nice to meet you.”

She stood up and they welcomed each other with a practised, light-touching hug.

“You, also!”

“I don’t think we’ve met before?”

“No, I’m new to the program. Today is my first day!”

“Wow! First day! Am I your first partner?”

“Yes! My first scheduled partner! There was training and all that before. But I’m happy to finally be scheduled with real partners.”

“That’s exciting! How do you feel? Are you nervous?”

“No, not nervous. I’m more anxious. Wondering if the program will work for me …”

Etid nodded. “I can understand that. You’ve passed all the tests to get to here, so your chances are good.”

“Let’s hope so! I read in your profile that you’ve been in the program for a long time!”

“It’s been a few years!”

“That’s great! You must be happy that your test scores have stayed high.”

“Yeah, that is nice to know! Although, I think they need as many men as they can get!”

They both chuckled.

“Can you give me any tips for a beginner?”

Etid nodded at the common question. “The biggest is to not get discouraged if it doesn’t work right away. Try to enjoy being here. Most people are nice and everyone is trying. Try some variety. There are several machines to use but it’s easy to fall into repeating the same one over and over. The guys are expected to know them all, so you can take the lead and pick which one you want.”

“Thanks! I’ll probably just stick with the basics to start.”

“That makes sense and is fine with me! How are you feeling? I see that one of the rooms just went ready if you want to get started.”

“Great! And I do!”

They walked together to one of the doors with a glowing pink light. Cloei held her hand to the pad received and affirmative beep sound. Etid placed his hand on the pad for the same effect. The door slid open. They smiled excitedly at each other and Etid gestured for her to step in first. He followed and the door slid automatically closed behind him. Outside, the pad colour changed to orange.

Cloei stepped confidently into the room. “Alone at last!”, she boasted with exaggeration.

Etid laughed. “Much better! It can feel awkward talking with other people around. I mean, we’re all here for the same reason, but sometimes privacy is nice.”

“Yeah. In training I was more nervous discussing it than doing it. And the first time we had to watch, eeah, I didn’t like that.”

“Yeah, the training was awkward. I guess that hasn’t changed!”

Cloei casually pulled loose the sash of her robe, letting it fall open. Her body was hairless, as everyone’s was. Etid followed, fully removing his robe and hanging it on the wall. He turned to Cloei and offered to take her own robe. Her eyes fell on his partial erection as she slipped the robe off her shoulders and handed it to him. He was of modest size and, like Cloei, clean of public hair. She smiled and thanked him for taking her robe. She stood confident in her nakedness and admired Etid’s lean physique. Unashamed, she let her self look at his cock again.

The room was circular and well lit, like the waiting room they had entered from. Shelves around the walls contained fresh robes, towels and large bottles of coloured gels. A white, circular, waist-high, padded fixture occupied the room centre. Throughout the rest of the room were machines resembling exercise equipment, made of white, padded surfaces and bright metal construction.

Cloei took a bottle of blue gel from a shelf. “Do most people start with stimulation?”, she asked.

“Most people find that best, yeah.”

Cloei tipped the bottle end-over-end to mix its contents. Etid stepped over to her until he was within her reach. She squeezed a generous pool of the blue gel into her hand and set the bottle aside. Without hesitation or embarrassment, she put her gelled hand to his cock and massaged the substance onto him. Etid’s erection swelled promptly.

Cloei took her time, enjoying the hardness of his erection. Etid enjoyed her unhurried, interested touch. After a few moments, she pinched him playfully like checking the ripeness of fruit. “I think you’re hard enough for penetration now. Do you think so?”

“I’m ready if you are.” Etid pointed at the bottle. “How about yourself? Do you need some?”

Cloei gently blushed. “Uh, no! I was ready for you as soon as the door closed! Ha ha ha! I guess I’m excited about it being my first day!”

They laughed together.

“Awesome!” He gestured at the strange furniture around the room. “You pick! Is there a technique that you like best?”

“Let’s keep it simple. This one is easy.”

Cloei pointed one of the machines and walked over to it. She pressed a button on its controls and it began to slowly lower until she could sit in it. It looked like a cross between a luxurious reclining chair and a gynaecologic exam table. It was exceptionally white and clean. The smooth cushions felt warm to her skin as she settled herself into them.

Etid watched as Cloei prepared herself for him. The sight made him start to anticipate sex. His erection began to twitch in time to his growing heartbeat.

Cloei tapped a control in one of the chair arms and the headrest moved into position with gentle motion. Another tap on the controls swung padded cylinders up under her feet, slowing raising her legs and opening her thighs.

Etid approached her and stepped between her raised knees. She adjusted the machine to spread her legs wider for him. He grasped his erection with one hand and pointed it towards Cloei. With his other hand, he pressed a button on the chair, positioning it until Cloei was in line with him. He moved closer and put his hand to her hip.

“Ready?”, he asked.

Cloei smiled. “I’m ready. Go ahead.”

Etid pressed his tip to her flesh. The blue gel squished with carnal sound as he slid into her. Cloei quietly gasped in pleasure. Etid passed himself slowly in and out of Cloei for a few strokes. Then he took hold of Cloei with both hands. Trained to maximize his pleasure, Etid found a stimulating angle and satisfied himself with long, deliberate strokes. His pace quickened as his arousal climbed. Cloei soon felt his fingers squeeze as his orgasm neared. She shuddered at the thrill of it. Etid began to grunt as the pressure to cum climbed higher and higher. A moment longer and he climaxed, unhesitatingly. He sank himself deep and delivered each ejaculating spurt with grunting breaths.

Cloei’s heart beat as Etid finished his orgasm. “Whew!”, she sighed, “You’re pretty fast!”

“Thanks.” Etid was recovering his breath. “You feel really good, so some of the credit has to go to you!”

“Oh, thank you. And you’re welcome!”, she replied with a laugh.

Etid smiled at her humour and slowly withdrew. He collected two towels from one of the shelves and returned to help Cloei stand out of the chair and handing her a towel. She thanked him and they methodically cleaned themselves.

“I hope your first time was OK?”, Etid asked.

“You made it very comfortable, thank you. And fast! You’re really good!”

“I’m glad you think so. I hope you get some luck in the program. But, if you’re here for a while, hopefully we’ll be partnered again!”

“Either of those sounds good to me!” Cloei finished with her towel. “Can we just leave these for the cleaning robots?”

“I just leave them on the machine, yeah.”

“OK. Well, thanks, Etid! It was nice to meet you! I should get a head start on my next schedule. I’m still learning my way around here!”

“Sounds good. Let’s get our robes. Don’t be shy to ask me anything if we catch each other in the waiting rooms or whatever.”

“Thanks! I’ll do that!”

They collected their robes and dressed. Cloei pressed the door button to open it. They both stepped out and wished wished each other luck as Cloei left.

Behind the closed door, robots tiny and large emerged from behind hidden panels. They started working methodically to clean the room, sterilize the machines, and replenish the towels and gels. When they had finished, the room would be perfect again, indistinguishable from any of the others.

## Asadell

Etid took a quick bathe through the showers again, then visited the resting area for a replenishing drink. He was usually able to achieve a new erection for his second schedule of the day, without the refreshment. But, since he had time to enjoy one, it was welcome. He spent some time reviewing Asadell’s profile as he drank.

He was again surprised at her young face. She was an attractive girl. There was no question. But he couldn’t shake his apprehension. She was young. Younger than when he was first recruited. He wondered if the population problem was growing worse that people like Asadell were being brought into the program.

He watched other people come and go from the rest room until it was time for his schedule with Asadell. He walked back to the waiting area and nearly bumped into her, both arriving at exactly the same time.

“Hey!”, she greeted, “Are you Etid?”

“Yes! Hi! You’re Asadell, right?”

“That’s me!”

The profile had detailed her petite height and weight measurements but her photo had not revealed her dis-proportioned breasts. They were large for her body. Etid felt both uncomfortable and intrigued at the sight.

“I haven’t seen you before. Are you new?”

“No, I’ve been in the program for a few months. Most of my schedules are in Liber. This is my first time meeting in Dionysus.”

“Nice. It’s getting busy in here. Do you want to get that room on the left before it’s taken?”

“Yeah, let’s go!”

They dashed to the pink glowing panel, put their hands to it, and quickly went inside. Suddenly, Etid found himself alone with young Asadell. He hadn’t time to get comfortable with her yet. He turned to start a conversation but she was already hanging up her robe. She turned around, fully naked. Her adult breasts hung like heavy jewels around her neck; medallions meant to be worn by a queen but imposed on a young princess. He stared as she walked to him.

“Do you like them?”, she asked boldly.

Etid stuttered.

“My tits. Do you like them? A lot of guys tell me that they like them.” She held them each in her hands.

“They’re beautiful.”, he offered.

“I’m glad you like them.” She let her breasts down, then pulled open the sash of Etid’s robe. He pushed it off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor. She stepped closer and put her hand around his head to pull him in for an extraordinarily sudden and luscious kiss. Etid kissed back. She took his hands into hers and put them to her breasts.

“Touch them.”, she said with sultry instruction. Etid stroked and squeezed the two, heavy fruits while she continued her offerings to his mouth.

“Do you like to fuck?”, she whispered.

Etid was taken aback. He hadn’t experienced a partner so aggressive before. A generic, neutral reply was the best he could come up with.

“Sure. That’s why we’re here.”

Asadell smiled and faked a laugh. She left to fetch a bottle of purple gel. She brought it back, took hold of Etid’s cock and squirted the gel directly onto it while forcefully rubbing it onto him. His erection grew stiff and his heart pounded. Asadell’s intensity made him grunt with her strokes.

She looked at him with fascinated wide eyes and open mouth.

“You like that, huh?” She didn’t let him answer. “Do you usually get hard so easily?” She laughed and he laughed along.

“You have really good hands.”

Asadell twisted her fist across his tip. He shuddered at it. She laughed again.

“Are you ready enough for me?”

“Yeah, I’m ready.”

She held the bottle out to him. “Do me next.”

Etid took the bottle as she hopped onto the circular platform in the middle of the room and spread her legs. She leaned back on stretched arms as she came near. He put his glistened fingers to her. Asadell pushed out her hips to meet his hand. He massaged the gel into her as she squirmed her hips in chase, trying to maneuver and slip some of his fingers inside. She caught them and moaned forcefully. Etid let his fingers glide in and out of her. Her body sucked at his fingertips and Etid lusted to be inside her. He took back his hands and moved to get his hips between her thighs and mount her. But she stood up and pushed past him before he could.

“Take me on this one.”, she commanded. Asadell was sliding herself onto a machine that resembled a sport motorcycle. Her legs straddled the seat and she leaned forward to rest into its generous cushions. Her hands came naturally to the two handles that held the machines controls. A button caused stirrups to rise under her feet. Another raised and tilted the machine, pointing her ass up into the air.

Etid lust began to boil. Asadell was a surprise of experience and aggressively sexuality. She was not what he had expected. This would be his first time with someone so much younger than himself. Her aggressiveness was making him want her more with every moment.

He was behind before she had finished adjusting the machine. He nuzzled the tip of his cock into the dripping wetness she held up. Asadell felt him enter and sounded an encouraging, “Yes!” Etid watched his tip submerge. Then he gripped her ass with both hands and sank the rest of himself. Asadell’s joy was vocal and loud.

“Yeah! Deep! Go as deep as you can!”

Edit was again surprised by her words. He was in new territory, literally. He tried to follow her instructions, but Asadell only called out for more. She began to breathe heavily. Then moan in long, loud gasps. Her moans changed into loud, yelling pleas.

“Please fuck me! Oh, oh, fuck me! Oh, fuck me, please, please fuck me, fuck me, fuck me …”

It was his first time Etid ever heard such lust from a partner. Asadell adjusted the machine, pushing her ass out further and into Etid’s groin. Instinctively, he thrust harder. Asadell fell into a chanting, rhythmic moan as he increased his pace.

“Fuck me! Yes! Fuck me! Please! Harder!”

Edit began to sweat from the intensity. He felt his orgasm building without attempting any pleasuring methods he was trained to use. Thrusting in and out of young Asadell while she urged him on was thrilling enough.

“Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Oh! I’m cumming! Don’t stop! I’m cumming!”

Asadell voice bellowed out her orgasm. Etid had never heard anything like it before. The sound of her voice singing her pleasure burst out his own orgasm. He struck his hips into hers over and over as his own moans harmonized with hers.

As the last drops of his orgasm left him, Etid steadied his raging hips and rested. He stayed inside Asadell, pressed against her ass, and holding her hips. He breathed in deep, panting breaths. Asadell panted in similar breaths, scattered with quiet moans. Her back was damp with sweat. Her legs still twitched in aftershocks of her orgasm. She radiated an aura of raw sex. Etid could feel her ready to do it again, and even again. If he could have willed himself a new erection, he would have lustily ravished her once more.

Briefly, he wondered if he could quickly take a double dose of arousal pills and recover before his scheduled time with Asadell was over. He shook the thought from his mind. He was letting the experience with Asadell get to him. There were rules about getting too caught up in the pleasure of coupling. Reluctantly, he pulled himself out. There was disappointment in her sigh as he did.

She lowered the machine she was riding. Her provocative position deflated until she was level and able to put her feet to the floor and step off. Etid humbly offered her a towel.

“Thanks.”, she said, genuinely. She offered a courteous, nodding smile to him. “It was good. You were good!”

“You wanted more.”, Etid apologized. “I’m sorry. That was the first time I’ve had a partner say the things you did. I wasn’t expecting it. If I could have lasted longer, I would have. I could tell that you wanted to keep going …”

Asadell jumped in. “It’s OK, it’s OK … I get a little vocal sometimes. We’re not supposed to, I know. There’s something about you that made me really hot and it just came out. I’m sorry. It won’t happen next time.”

Her words sank Etid’s heart. Silently, he was hoping that there would be a next time. She was thrilling. But he curbed his thoughts. He was still shaken from Asadell’s outbursts. They weren’t there for an orgy. A simple pleasure to climax was all that was required. With luck, Asadell would become pregnant soon and on her way to birthing a much-needed new baby to the population. Considering her young age and that her fertility scores were high to be in the program, she would find success easily. Etid would probably never see her again.

“Sounds good.”, Etid replied. “We should probably get out of here for our next schedules. I have another one right after this. How about you?”

“I have another partner too. It was nice meeting you. I meant what I said; I hope we’re partnered again.”

“Me too. We had better let the cleaning robots start on the room for the next couples. I think there are a lot of people waiting.”

They each put their robes back on and exited the room. Indeed; the meeting area was getting busy. As Asadell left, Etid spotted Cloei with another man just as they were entering a room together. She saw him, smiled gleefully and waved. Etid smiled and waved back as the door slid shut behind her.

## Talianthalas

Etid returned to the showers and soaked in them, still trying to let his experience with Asadell leave his mind. He was still shocked at how aggressive she was. How could she have completed the training to be in the program? He had not felt lust like that during a coupling with a partner for a very long time. It unnerved him.

His final schedule was with Talianthalas. He pulled himself from the comfort of the showers to prepare. He wanted a replenishment drink beforehand for sure. Sex with Asadell had been exhausting.

In the resting area, he gulped half of his drink then opened Tali’s profile on his datapad to read while he took drinks of the rest. Her striking eyes caught his attention again. She was older than him, which gave him some relief. He was hopeful that she was experienced with the program and followed it strictly. Of course, Asadell said that she had been in the program for several months. She certainly turned out to be experienced, but not in the orderly way Etid would have preferred.

“Hi! Are you Etid?”

He looked up. It was Tali.

“Wow! Yes! Hi! You’re Tali!”

Her eyes were magnificent. More powerful than her photo revealed.

“Can I sit with you? We’re not scheduled for a while but I spotted you sitting here …”

“Yes, of course!”

Tali settled herself into a chair opposite him. She had her own replenishment drink. He pointed to it.

“Have you had other schedules today too?”

“Just one. You?”

“Two today.”

“Two. Hmmm. I hope there’s still some left for me in there!”

Etid chuckled and took another drink. “That’s what these are for!”

“You’ll do fine. I’m not demanding.”

Etid’s eyes met hers as he put down his drink. He couldn’t help but stare. A moment passed. She smiled and widened her eyes inquisitively.

“I’m sorry.”, he apologized. “You have beautiful eyes. I mean, really, they’re amazing.”

Tali laughed becomingly at his generous compliment. “Thank you. I’m glad you like them. You have nice eyes too.”

Etid nodded at her moving the conversation along. “Have you been in the program long?”, he asked.

“A few years. I took a break for a while, so you haven’t seen me around.”

“Years? Wow. Good for you! Have you had any successes?”

Tali put her head to one side and looked over Etid’s shoulder. “I’m had my own successes, yes.” She put her hypnotic eyes back onto his. “How about you? You’ve been here for several years yourself, right?”

“I have!”

“Have you been successful?”

“Well, the guys don’t get reports on who impregnated who. The program is more concerned with exposing women to as many men as possible to increase their chances.”

“I don’t mean that. I mean your own reasons for being here. Is it working for you?”

“I guess so? I don’t really know what you’re asking.”

“You’re just here for the business, then? A company man!”

“Yeah. Why else? Isn’t that why you’re here?”

Tali smiled at him and reached across the table to his hand. “I like you.”

Etid took her hand, and replied, puzzled. “Well, I like you too, Tali …” He was going to keep talking but Tali silenced him with her eyes. They sat, hand in hand, staring at each other, as they finished their drinks.

The minutes passed until Tali spoke again.

“So, do you wanna get a room?”

Edit nodded. “Yeah, we should get back to it, shouldn’t we?”

Tali pursed her lips to hold back her amusement at his naivety. For all his years in the program and the many women he had been coupled with, it was clear Etid had never known the passion of sex with a woman. Tali had suspected such, having seen Etid here and there during her years with the program. Now that he was in his 20s, he was being scheduled with a broader selection of partners, including her. She grew excited at the thought of being his first real experience.

They walked together to the waiting area in hopes of finding an available room. Tali brushed against him as they walked. At one point the hallway became crowded as workers carried a large container past. She made herself close to him as the crowed squeezed for room, pushing her breasts against his chest.

At last, they reached the waiting area and found several doors with their pink ready lights glowing.

“You pick.”, she urged.

Etid lead them to one of the rooms and put his hand to the panel. Tali did the same and stepped through with him. She listened to the door slide closed behind them with wet satisfaction. Etid’s back was still facing her as she opened her robe and stepped up to him and put her arms around his waist. Her hands found the belt of his robe and slowly untied it and let it fall open. Fingertips gently explored inside his robe like the probing legs of a spider until she found his hard treasure. One by one, Tali wrapped her fingers around her prize.

“I’m happy that you’ve enjoyed my company so much already.”, she commented.

Etid touched her arms and stumbled out an awkward reply, “Do you … is there a machine you prefer?”

She started stroking him. “You. You’ll be my machine.” Tali’s hands explored and stroked Edit as they stood there, still wearing their robes. Her confident fingers traced the underside of his shaft, over his head, and gently into his weeping slit. Finding him wet with sticky dew, she swallowed hard with lust and took her hands away to pull off her robe. He turned to face her and her hands were swiftly under his own robe, pushing it off his shoulders. She took him by the hand and lead him to the round platform in the center of the room.

“Here.”, she encouraged. “Lay with me here.”

Etid climbed onto the platform with her, unsure of what she wanted, but feeling comfortable with her easy confidence. Tali put him onto his back then kissed him. Her beautiful eyes so close to his were intoxicating. She put her kisses onto him, one after the other, with deep, slow passion until biting softly at his chin. Then Tali slid down Etid’s body, kissing occasionally as she went, steadily down, until she was at his cock. She paused with amusement to watch his tip twitch to his heartbeat.

Etid gasped loudly in surprise as Tali took him into her mouth.

“Tali!”, he exclaimed. He tried to sit up but she put her fingernails to his stomach with a clawed hand to discourage him. He lay back onto the platform and relented, moaning as Tali introduced his cock to the pleasure of a woman’s tongue and throat for the first time.

Etid stayed on his back as Tali worked him in her mouth with soft, sighing sucks. Never had he experienced such a thing. Tali slowly bobbed her head up and down, sliding his shaft through her wet lips. Occasionally, she held his tip in her mouth and excited its most pleasurable spots or snake her tongue into its slit. Etid groaned at the sensations until she returned to rhythmically sucking.

Tali’s fingertips resting behind his balls told him that Etid was nearing ready to cum. She slipped him from her mouth and let him rest.

“How did that feel?”, she asked him.

“Incredible!”, was his answer. “Inside your mouth … I’ve never felt such a thing before!”

Tali smiled. “There’s much that they don’t tell you here. So much that they don’t let you discover. You’re paired with dozens of women and perform sex, but that’s all you do. Perform it. You don’t experience it. You barely get to even enjoy it.”

“The program …” He tried to explain, but she interrupted.

“… is important to the future survival of Earth. It’s true. We need men like you who still have active sperm to spread that to as many fertile women as possible. But all of this …” She gestured to the room. “… Is this how we’ll sustain the population of human beings in 100 years? Is this how lovers will express their hearts to each other? Overwhelmed for the intimate company of the other, is this how we’ll expect them to fuck? Where’s the passion?”

Etid didn’t know what to say. Frankly, he hadn’t though of sex as anything else but a pleasurable thing that made men ejaculate. Too much pleasure was discouraged. Activity beyond simply the acts of arousing both partners and stimulating the man to climax in intercourse was strongly disapproved.

Tali spoke again. “People will need to know how to truly enjoy each other. They need to want to have sex, over and over. Not because they’re scheduled with a partner. They need to want sex because of how good it makes them feel.”

Tali took his cock and kissed up and down his shaft. Etid sighed.

“Doesn’t that feel good?”

“It feels amazing.”

“Exactly. It feels amazing. We need remember how amazing we can make each other feel. That’s how human beings will live on through these times. Not with sexing stations where pleasure is only for baby-making. But from passion for what we can do for each other, human-to-human. What’s the purpose of sustaining our existence if we forget our passion for one another?”

“I don’t know what to say. I’ve never experienced this before. Sex has always been just a feel-good thing to do for the pregnancy efforts. It feels good when I do it. But what you do it to me … when you were using your mouth … it was as if you and I were switched … like you had taken control of my body!”

“Did you ever think that you could cum from something like that?

“No. Only actual coupling with a partner can create an orgasm.”

“What if that’s not true.”

“What would be the point? Why orgasm outside of coupling?”

“Because it feels good. It feels amazing, actually. Do you want me to show you?”

“Tali, I’m not sure. We’re not supposed to do that. Shouldn’t we just use one of the machines?”

She persisted. “Would you like me to finish you, Etid?”

He looked puzzled. “What? Finish me? Wh …” Tali smiled devilishly and reached for a bottle of stimulant gel. “Tali, what are you doing?”

“So, you’ve never had a woman really do it for you? Really pleasure you, properly, to orgasm?” She was filling her hand generously with gel as she spoke.


“Let me show you.”

She slid a slippery finger across the tip of his cock. It surged in response for her.

“Tali … I’ve never …”

“I know, Etid. Let me do it for you. Let me be your first time.”

Her slippery hand wrapped around his cock and started pumping. Etid was still warm from the pleasure of Tali’s blowjob. He felt the pressure of wanting climax return to his groin.

“Tali …”, he moaned.

“I want to make you cum, Etid.”

“I’ve never … I don’t know if I can.”

“I know you can. You will.”

Etid felt panic as control of his body started to leave. His body belonged to her. “Tali, I’m scared!”

“Let me control you. Let me do it for you. Let it happen.”

“Oh, Tali!”, Etid gasped. “It feels good. Tali, your hand feels so good!”

Tali smiled and whispered back to him,

“I know.”

Etid held himself up and watched her pleasure his cock with long strokes of her fist. Slick gel oozed between her clenched fingers. She stared into his eyes as she pumped him, her face wide with thrill and anticipation as she watched and felt him slide towards orgasm. Her heart raced at the thought of Etid’s orgasm squirting through her fingers.

Etid tried to speak.

“Tali …”, he managed. She heard the quiver of orgasm in his voice.

She moaned back him. “That’s it. Let it out, Etid. Let it out.”

Etid tried again. “Tali …”

She moaned again at his trembling voice.

Etid still struggled to speak. “Tali … You’re going to make me cum! What should I do? I don’t know what to do!”

Tali sprang onto her knees, her ass up in the air and her mouth down to Etid’s cock.

“You don’t need to do anything, Etid! Let me do it! I’ll do it for you!”

Tali delivered her hand to his swollen shaft in gripping, twisting strokes. Etid saw her poised like a cat before his cock, her ass high in the air, her mouth open and moaning, her hand twisting around him, and her eyes – Tali’s stunning eyes – staring into his with exactly the look from her profile photo that so fascinated him. Whatever control Etid had left was decimated. His groin tightened in spasms and he moaned as his orgasm rushed to escape.

To Tali’s delight, the first spurt leaped from Etid’s exploding cock through her fingers and into the air. She growled with approval and quickly wrapped her mouth around his exploding tip to receive the remaining bursts. Etid moaned in anguish at the pleasure as Tali’s tongue sucked his climax to absolute completion.

Content that his pleasure was finished, Tali stretched out and rested her head on his leg. They stayed there for a several quiet moments.

“Say something.”, Etid begged.

“I’m just listening to you breathe.” She slid her hand over his hip to his stomach. “Tell me how you feel.”

“I’m dizzy. Exhausted. Confused. I don’t know. No one’s ever done that to me before. Did you really just make me cum in your mouth?”

Tali chucked. “Yes, I did. Did you like it?”

“It felt so good that I feel sick now.”

“Thank you for letting me be your first.”

“You’re the only woman I’ve ever met who does that.”

“Not all girls do. But I do. That’s all that matters right now.”

“I need to be scheduled with you again. I need to do this again.”

“Who knows. We might get lucky and see each other our schedules again. But if this is both our first and last time together, you can at least remember that there’s more than just one way for you to enjoy a woman. Maybe you could suggest something to your next partner.”

“You know that’s against the rules.”

Tali made a dismissive sound with her lips.

“No one cares. It’s not like they spy on what goes on in here. As long as you follow your schedule and put your semen where your partner wants it, you’re fine.

“But the program is important, right? The population crisis is real.”

“Yes it is. But it won’t be solved with just getting people to put their parts together on fucking machines. The thrill, Etid! We mustn’t forget the thrill of getting each other off. I’m telling you, secretly, there’s lots of girls here who would do these things with you if you asked them after the door closed. But you’ll be expected to give back, so be prepared to learn some new tricks.”

“What tricks?”

She grinned. “Well, if you want her to use her mouth on you, you’ll have to learn how to give back.

Etid looked amazed. “Really? Do women like that?”

“Some do.”

“Do you like it?”

“I love it.”

“Show me, then! I want to do it to you.”

Tali was taken by surprise.

“What, now? Here?”

Etid was already moving to change places with her.

“Show me! I want to do to you what you did to me. Teach me how!”

“Well, I guess we have some time left before the robots sweep us out. Are you seriously going to …” Etid put her on her back and pushed open her knees. “Oh, fuck, you really are! OK! Go slow! Slow! Take your time down there! Why don’t you just try kissing me and I’ll try to guide you as you go.”

Etid did as she instructed, slowly kissing up her thighs, listening as she guided him. He reached Tali’s center and began exploring into her, slowly pulling open her layers like a delicate birthday present.

“Oh, Etid, that’s really good. Are you sure this is your first time down on a woman? Oh, good! Yes! That’s a nice spot! Keep doing that!”

Etid’s heart began to pound at the thrill of pleasuring her; a thrill he had never experienced before. He pushed into Tali’s crotch, kissing and sucking her everywhere.

Tali kept up her encouragement, delighted with his enthusiasm.

“Fuck, you’re going to be good at this! That’s right! There! Then go back to there again! Yes! Oh, fuck, you’re good! For a first timer, you’re really good! Etid! I think you might be able to take me all the way! Use your tongue! That’s it!. FUCK! Right there! Lick me right there!”

Deep between Tali’s thighs, Etid smiled. He wanted to try this on Asadell. He wanted to try it on Cloei. He wanted to try it on every girl he was partnered with – it was so exciting! In this moment, however, he wanted to wanted to please Tali. He wanted to thank her. If he could, Etid wanted to make her cum, like she had done to him.

He put his hands to her hips and pulled her firmly to his mouth.

“Oh! Etid! The girls are going to love you!”


1 comment

  1. Excellent. Dialog was a little hard to follow in places, but did not ruin the story.

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