I had to remove a wisdom tooth from this guy today and I administered Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) for the procedure. I usually first administer a small dose and gradually increase the dose to ease them into it. I talk to them during this to make sure they’ve got a nice buzz going on and to also keep them relaxed.
He started babbling on about his college professor being a dick and some of his friends mooching off him in a group project. He then started going on about he loved how my hair looked.
At this point, I figured it was safe to start the procedure. It went well and the first wisdom tooth was removed. I rang his mom as requested and she would come pick him up. He was to wait till then. He was my last patient for the day and I had nothing better to do than talk to him. His mouth was swollen from the procedure and he couldn’t talk, even though he obviously wanted to say something. I have a notepad for times like this when the patient can instead write it down instead.
He was still very high from the gas and he was scribbling. He once again wrote that he loved my hair. I asked why. He wrote that **it makes his dick hard**.
Not quite what I was expected. I decided I’d have some fun with it and instead of speaking, I decided to write down my questions as well on the same notepad.
He told through the conversation that he loved the way my hair was tied up in a bun and that I looked ‘really fucking hot’ in it. I asked if it was probably the anesthesia that made him think that way. He said no and that he pictured it in his head when doing it. (I had treated twice last week doing some prep work such as cleaning.)
I knew what he was talking about but I asked anyway. I asked what he meant by ‘doing it’. He said jacking it. I wrote that I didn’t understand. He chuckled at my apparent stupidity and wrote down “I picture you when stroking my cock.”
I wrote back asking what else he pictures. He started scribbling frantically, saying how he fantasized about blowing his load across my back while I looked at him. My hair had to be in a bun apparently. He emphasized that many times.
His mother had arrived and I left it at that even though I had a dozen other questions. I signed at the bottom of the page to verify that I had read all of it. I then tore the pages from the notepad containing our conversation and put them in an envelope. I wrote three big exclamation marks on the envelope cover and put it in his inside jacket pocket.
When he gets sober, he’ll be in for quite a surprise when he reads what he confessed. I’m sure he’ll be absolutely mortified. He still needs to have three of his wisdom teeth removed so he’ll be back. The next session is going to be quite interesting. I’m sure he’ll be scared out of his mind till then, not knowing how I’m going to react.
I’m wondering that bit myself and I’m sure how I should play this. Any suggestions are most welcome. I can’t decide whether I should be coy, playful, or dommy. I love the fucking power trip and I would honestly love to fuck with head a little bit. Just for kicks.
[Is this your fucking fantasy, Dennis?](https://imgur.com/a/dY5QR)
Edit: let me clarify that he’s above 18. His mom had to pick him up as he was in no condition to drive.
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/63q8bq/a_dental_patient_m_said_some_interesting_things
Playful of course. With the same tight bun
Dennis is a lucky man.
Start with your hair down & tie it up in a bun before you start his treatment..?
hot stuff.
Oh my god, assuming that is you, DAMN. Are you accepting new patients?
I love the story! He’s in for a heck of surprise all right. Hope it goes great!
I don’t know if you’re taking votes, but I’m gonna cast mine for “dommy”. Who the hell’s with me?
I want you for my Dentist…
You’re really hot, I know how he feels haha
Is this a guy you would ever consider sleeping with because as great of a story as this is I’d love to hear that follow up
I never knew I had a thing for hot dentists until now
holy fuck I hope his mom didnt open the envelope up
SHIT you’re hot
What does the guy look like? Would you hook up with him?
Sweet mary mother and Joseph! Welp now I have a bigger thing for buns and totally was doing it. Cheers!
I’ve been trying to jack off for the past few hours but I can’t go more than one pump without getting dangerously close. My boner hurts! I just want to fucking stroke! I haven’t even opened the second link yet!
Please remind me!
Your male patients must love having you work over them. How do you position yourself to avoid practically resting your breasts on the patient?
This is insanely hot. I would lose it if I were this guy right now and totally go for it the next time I showed up!
And my dentist is my Grand-uncle, dammit. Also was wondering should I brush really hard or brush softly, because my dentist aka Grand-uncle tells me that I should brush softer as I am fucking my gums or teeth or something up but every time I brush softer I feel like the plaque is still stuck to my teeth which really annoys me because I take the fucking time to floss every night as well so I really don’t want my teeth to all drop out considering I still have my baby teeth.
Holy fuck, you’re hot
Haha this is great. Hopefully he isn’t too embarrassed to show up for the next appointment.
If he does show, I say go with dom. The power just seems like too much fun not to explore.
You are evil. Hot, sexy evil.
Damn he wasn’t wrong, you really are hot
Beyond inappropriate for a licensed medical professional
I have had a thing for hot dentists since I don’t know when. My first crush as a boy was on my hygienist. I could look into her green eyes and it was better than any nitrous.
Well, you just took that fantasy to an epic level. You may have ruined me for other women, Doc. Thank the maker you didn’t post your eyes or I would have been done for.
Thanks for posting!
No fucking way. I… Just no fucking way.
I am going to the wrong damn dentists.
Well it seems like he’s not the only one who’s going to be picturing you in his mind tonight.
This guy’s got a helluva good dental plan!
Well I can see why his dick got hard, besides that bun you’re hot. Please keep us updated.
Also you should become a regular on gonewild. (aka I’d like to see more of you)