My Time as a Maid [FF] [Bondage] [Part II]

Here’s part two. To catch up, here is [part one] (


Anna’s throat was dry, her nerves needed settling but she found solace that the chores seemed basic. Her hand reached out for the doorknob, turning it popped the lock free and sent an echo darting through the grand foyer that the maid had finally arrived. At first, she was amazed at the size of the mansion. “No wonder she needs a maid”, she thought. The walls were 25 feet high, a chandelier seemed to adorn every vaulted ceiling. Hardwood flooring was apparently too middle-class, as all flooring was marble or granite or some such style. She wondered if this was why her pumps were so large: every step announced her position in the household, with a sharp and precise click every time she moved. Was this so the woman could keep tabs on her whereabouts? Carpeting existed sparingly.

Finding herself in the kitchen, Anna held the list of chores over her pussy as the last remnants of her dignity stayed out of sight. Were the chores in order of how Miss Crosby wanted them completed? She decided she would go down the list in case they were, and headed up the curved staircase to find whichever of the many bedrooms was indeed housing laundry.

Anna checked a few doors, finding a full bathroom, an office bigger than her own bedroom, and two guest bedrooms. They were all in pristine condition, she felt proud of herself and noted she was getting into a proper maid mindset by scanning the bed and pillows, blinds and blankets to see if anything seemed out of place.

The last door was clearly the winner. The bed was bereft of sheets, the comforter sat more on the floor than on the bed. Pillows sat on the area rug that bordered the king sized bed. Anna realized she better wash all of the sheets as well.

Two doors sat on each side of the bedroom, one to a master bathroom, the other to a walk in closet and two hampers full of clothing. A groan filled the room as Anna realized between the two hampers and the king-sized comforter she would be doing laundry for the better part of 3 hours.

She piled it all up, but couldn’t help sneak a peek at the underwear. Curiosity getting the best of her as the woman had yet to appear either in person, or even in family photos, which Anna realized were non-existent. 38DDD, the tag read from Victoria’s Secret, laced in black and red. It was, to say the least, quite the piece. Underneath she found the matching garter, which seemed to be the same size as her own. It was apparent Miss Crosby had some curves, as Anna’s own hips and butt were plump and juicy.

No washer or dryer were spotted on Anna’s upstairs tour of the house, so with a hamper in each hand she made her way back downstairs, heels clicking all the way until she found the washroom tucked by the garage entrance, and started a load of laundry.

Dishes were next, the party girl in her made quick work of rinsing and loading the dish machine. If it’s one thing 5 sorority girls use, its coffee mugs, pint glasses and sandwich plates. She felt exposed more than ever when she bent over to tuck the plates into the racks, her cheeks spreading to expose her butthole and pussy lips from the rear. She blushed. So, it was just her luck that her sudden employer appeared from the hallway.

“I see you’ve acclimated well to your role, Annabelle. You’ve been here for less than 30 minutes and you have already started laundry and dishes. That’s very obedient of you.”

As the woman talked, she stood and turned and closed her legs, Anna held her hands, clasped together covering her bare pussy, her arms now pushing her firm together.

“Miss Crosby, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to clean your gorgeous house. I love how you’ve decorated it.”

Anna pictured her with pale skin and dark hair, but her blonde locks fell in curls over her shoulders and cascaded to the sides of her massive breasts. Her skin was freckled and tanned and the perfect hue of amber. The dress allowed her curves to be on full display, hugging her tight around her thighs and stopping above the knee. She was voluptuous, and beautiful. Anna was attracted to her immediately.

Miss Crosby looked at the outstretched hand like she were royalty and this maid was a plebian undeserving of any praise. She ignored it, and walked around the marble island to position herself better. Anna cast her eyes upon the ground, she sensed she did something to garner the scorn of this powerful, beautiful woman.

“When I am addressing you, or you are asking me a question, or reporting to me, you will stand facing me, hands behind your back, forearms touching and parallel to your shoulders. I want each hand to practically support the other elbow. This will assure your breasts, which are lovely I must say, to be fully displayed. Your legs spread, with two feet between your heels. This will assure your pussy, which I appreciate the smoothness of, to be fully displayed. Your chin held high, shoulders back, back straight. Is this understood?”

Anna couldn’t believe how this woman was talking to her. Her tone was like a military officer mixed with a dominatrix. The point was clear: Miss Caroline Crosby did not, by any means, mince words or fuck around.

“Yes, I completely understand, Caroline” Anna’s pussy tingled as she put herself into proper position, arms back, chin up, legs spread. The woman’s own heels let it be known that she was circling behind her and pivoting on one leg.

“Miss Crosby, or Miss Caroline.” she spoke, her voice sultry.

“Yes, sorry Miss Caroline, I understand” Anna replied.

Her hands reached around each side of Anna, fingers simultaneously sliding themselves around the 50’s style pin up garter belt. Inspecting her uniform, she began adjusting the holdups such as that the thigh highs sat higher upon Anna’s hips. She snickered when goosebumps appeared on her maids olive toned skin, Anna’s senses had sold her out: this was something she was enjoying.

“Now, Miss Anna Prescott stands before me in remiss. I was hoping we wouldn’t need a daily uniform inspection before you start your duties, but I guess we can’t all be winners.”

Miss Crosby had found a flaw somewhere. Anna’s mind raced. What could she possibly have fouled up? She tried to recall the instructions, so elegantly written in Miss Crosby’s script. That’s when the woman flicked Anna’s earrings. Studs, two in each ear. She had failed to remove all jewelry.

“If you’ll recall, Annabelle. I required all jewelry to be left upon the tray in the powder room. I understand mistakes happen, and seeing as how I am in a bit of forgiving mood, I will let this one slide.”

Anna had barely known this woman for more than 5 minutes and she already felt as if her world was crashing down. She had upset her mother countless times, soccer coaches, teammates, teachers and professors alike. But this felt *terrible*. Her stomach rolled, she felt…useless. Miss Crosby kept on. Her hands now tightening the ponytail Anna wore.

“However, I do have a pressing matter to discuss, before you answer, I want to know if you would be interested in keeping with this arrangement. Cleaning once a day, or every other day, or once a week. However many times I deem necessary. I will keep your school schedule in mind, so you will indeed supply me with your availability before leaving today. Are you prepared to be my maid for as long as we approve of this arrangement?”

Anna blurted out, with a sense of pride powering it along, “Yes, Miss Caroline. I am prepared to be your maid for as long as my services are necessary!”

By this time, the woman’s hands had moved themselves down to her shoulders and circled Anna’s breasts. Her nipples reacted. Hardening immediately, as if welcoming the pinch they proceeded to receive from the thumb and forefinger of Anna’s new employer. She held her breathe, not wanting to cry out in dissatisfaction.

“Good answer. Now, I will let you get back to your duties. But please think on this: I have an affinity for my maids to be a bit more restrained as they clean. Based on your body’s reaction to my touch, the way your eyes flicker when I speak to you, and the earring debacle aside, your propensity to already show obedience, I think you will enjoy what I have in mind. The more you allow me to restrain you, the better the hourly rate. Now, move along, finish your duties, and when you have an answer ready, I will be pool side.”

Her hands were gone from Anna’s breasts as fast as the heels disappeared down the hall. She had to catch her breathe, pouring herself a glass of water to relieve her parched throat.

She went back to her requirements. She dusted, but mainly used it as an excuse to snoop around. She couldn’t find any pictures, framed and hung, or placed upon any of the three fireplace mantles, or elsewhere. If she hadn’t yet seen this mysterious woman, it would be hard to prove she existed.

She moved laundry along, and headed upstairs to find clean sheets to make the bed. By this time her feet started to hurt, so the bed was made with her practically laying in it. That’s when she noticed the eyelets screwed into the headboard, and found matching ones down on the base board. In a multitude of spots to boot. Anna was not a naive girl, and had seen her fair share of porn.

She blushed, as she found herself fantasizing about being spread wide, chained to the bed, a slave to the buxom blonde. These thoughts were new to her, and she would have to interpret them in ways she hadn’t yet figured out. Sure, she knew what bondage was, and she made out with other females just as every other college girl had, but she had never had an appetite for something this kinky, of this magnitude, with another female.

Clearly Miss Caroline Crosby had an infatuation with bondage, bdsm and young college girls. Anna wanted to be included in that list.

The washing and drying moved along much faster than she anticipated, which made sense given Anna’s sorority house washer was older than her and Caroline’s was so high tech she had to check to see if it were even running. Towels were folded, clothes hung, pants pressed and placed into the sliding drawers of the walk in closet. She found no other hints of Miss Crosby’s kink, which left her disappointed, but wildly intrigued. What else was there to discover, if she couldn’t find the myriad of toys Anna was certain were stored somewhere. Plates and glasses and cups and mugs were placed delicately back into the cupboards, silverware wiped free of watermarks and sorted.

Her day came to an end at 3:30 on the dot. She found Miss Caroline reading under an umbrella poolside. Her breasts even more amazing in the one piece suit that clung to her body. She stared, but remembered the posture required to address the woman.

“I believe my work to be done for the day, Miss Crosby.
I have checked off everything upon the list you provided, and I believe you will find everything to your satisfaction. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to clean your gorgeous house. I look forward to returning, and I would also like to formally accept your offer of restraint next time I am needed.”

Caroline simply looked over the top of her book at the stocking clad, bare breasted 21-year old.

“Very well. I will check your work shortly. Please leave your outfit back where you found it, as you clothes have been placed neatly for you to dress. I will see you at noon, sharp, the day after tomorrow. Your pay is in an envelope. Be on your way.”

Anna was dismissed bluntly. But with her back to the woman, her heels barking off of the cement of the poolside deck, she smiled. A big, shit eating grin.

She dressed, stepping out of the heels felt delightful on her soles, but the money in her hands was even better. There was even a tip included, for three and a half hours of work Anna left with four hundred

(Hope you all like part two!)



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