[MF] The First Time for Kay and Michael

I return with another tale of my and Kay’s young, libidinous adventures. You can search on Kay for other prior chapters. This one describes our first time fully together.

It was a Saturday evening in late spring in the bucolic countryside of southern Germany. It was warm, sunny, hilly, and green. I sped down the Autobahn as fast as I could in the Audi 100 (Audi 5000 in the States) I had borrowed from my father. Kay’s parents were scheduled to spend a long evening with my parents at an event at the Officer’s Club on base that all of the senior officers were expected to attend. I had timed my arrival to Kay’s little village for about 15 minutes after their planned departure. They would be gone somewhere between 4 and 6 hours depending on how much imbibing occurred. But I had plans for the night, and I wanted as much time as possible to execute them.

Kay and I had been together for 6 months — we had begun as two complete innocents with nearly no sexual experience to speak of. After negotiating and surviving the fear of what we felt, we had awakened something in each other and then unleashed it across 6 hormone-fueled, grabby, sweaty, do everything but the last thing wherever we could whenever we could kind of months that built on each other and fueled escalating lust and passion for each other.

We were in love in the extreme way that only two young lovers could be, and it was only owing to lack of opportunity to be alone for an extended period of time that we had not fully consummated our love. Train cars, school stairwells, car passenger seats, dark wings just off stage all had been the sites of our lustful maneuvers — but tonight would kick off a level of activity I still remember 20 years later, and which has been responsible for my high standards for sex and love ever since.

Upon arriving in Kay’s village, I drove up the hill and made a quick “surveillance pass” of her home to make sure her parents were gone. I breathed a sigh of anticipation and relief as I saw that her father’s car was gone from their driveway. I pulled a u-turn, pulled my car around the back of the house, and nearly bounced all the way to the house. I could not wait to get inside.

Kay greeted me at the front door with a smile and a passionate kiss. Her lips were sweet from a fruity lip balm. Her athlete’s body was clad in a midriff-baring shirt and denim cutoff shorts. Her chestnut-brown hair was wet from a post-practice shower, and she smelled delectable. I was hard instantly.

She pulled back from the kiss and looked into my eyes. Her emerald-green eyes sparkled and flashed. She leaned in and whispered, “It’s going to be so much fun to finally go all the way.”

She pulled me inside and bolted the door. I spun her around, pressed her against the door,grabbed the sides of her head, and kissed her luscious lips. She tasted sweet, and I ran my tongue across her teeth, in and out of her lips, and sucked on and bit her lips. She groaned. “Upstairs,” she breathed.

We stumbled up the stairs, groping, kissing, grabbing. We reached her room, and she turned away to flip the light switch. I reached for her from behind, encircling her hips with my hands. I put my face in her hair and breathed in the scents of soap and shampoo. God, I wanted her.

Using my fingertips, I traced patterns on the skin of her stomach, edging my way upward. Her skin was hot to the touch, and her breathing grew more rapid as I moved toward her breasts. As my fingers reached the undersides of her breasts, I was stunned to find only bare skin where I expected to find underwire. I gasped, and Kay giggled. What she didn’t know was that I felt a huge sense of relief, because thanks to my huge hands and fingers (thanks, grandpa!), I was horrible at endeavors requiring fine dexterity, including unhooking a bra. Suddenly, that obstacle out of the way, I was even more excited. If it was possible for a cock to cut glass, mine would have at that moment.

I slid my hands upward and over her breasts. Kay sighed and leaned back into me. The thing about Kay’s breasts was, they swelled visibly when she was aroused. I felt them swell in my hands, and squeezed them. I wrapped fingers around her nipples and tweaked them, first gently and then with some force. She loved to have them touched and pinched , and I loved the contrast of the rough and hardened skin of her aureolas and nipples with the smoothness of her skin everywhere else. She raised her arms, and I pulled her shirt up off of her body and resumed caressing and squeezing her breasts. She sighed and moaned in equal measure.

I tore my shirt off so I could feel my skin against hers. I pressed my chest to her back and inhaled again. She felt heavenly. She turned in my arms and looked at me. Her eyes were ablaze. She kissed me fiercely, and I responded. We stood there kissing for what felt like hours, our tongues tangling and dueling, taking turns sucking on and biting each other’ lips.

Finally, I had enough. It was time to move this forward. I pushed her backward onto her bed and jumped on top of her. I kissed my way from her belly button to her breasts, then sucked a nipple into my mouth and bit gently. “Oh, Mike, Oh God,” she yelled, and wrapped her legs around me. I felt moist heat at her center as she ground against me. I kissed and bit at both her breasts, and then kissed my way downward. She lifted her hips at me, signaling that we both wanted for me to tear her shorts off. I kissed my way to her button and zipper, unfastened and unzipped her shorts, and tugged them down the length of her body. I looked up and saw that she was wearing one of my favorite pairs of panties — black and white horizontal stripes on a string bikini that stood out against her olive skin. As she opened her thighs , I saw a distinct wet spot in their center. My stomach fluttered with nervousness and excitement.

I wish I could say I kissed my way up to her center and went down on her, but at that point in my youth, I didn’t even know what that was, let alone that it was something I should do. Instead, I grabbed a condom out of my pocket, shrugged off my shorts and boxers (it was the early 90s after all) and rolled the condom onto myself. Then I jumped back on the bed, reached for her panties, and tore them right off her body. She opened her legs, and I veritably dove between them. I paused momentarily, looked down at her opening lips, and then looked back up at her face. Her eyes now had that hazy, unfocused look of a mind overcome by lust. “Fuck me, Michael,” she said. “Fuck me right now. ”

I plunged my cock into her and then just froze. Even with a condom on, the sensations of being gripped tightly by something so wet and warm were overwhelming. Thanks to feminine product usage, her hymen was long gone. I pushed slowly deeper into her, trying not to blow immediately. She moaned a long, low sound, and then let out an “Ohhhhhhh, Michael, ohhhhhhh.” I pushed deeper and deeper, until I was sunk into her as far as I could. Then I moved back out, concentrating with all my might on not exploding. Then, the threats to blow subsided, and I began to slide in and out, in and out.

Kay’s legs rose into the air on either side of me as I moved in and out of her. Her breath grew faster and more shallow, and she continued her low moans. The bed creaked beneath us. The sight and sound of her and the bed burned into my brain. I began to move faster and harder, faster and harder. I couldn’t last much longer. Kay’s cries rose in frequency, and rapidity, and I fed off of it. I began to truly bang her, plunging in and out as hard as I could, trying to drive myself through her, and matching her cries with grunts of my own. She wrapped her legs around me and began a cry that I would hear many times in the next couple of years. “Oh God, Oh God, Oh Mike, Oh God!!” I felt her tighten around me, and I could hold back no more. I slammed myself deep inside her and came with every ounce of strength left in my body. I pumped 2, 3, 4 times, and then collapsed on top of Kay.

It was only then that I noticed her nails sunk into my back and shoulders. It hurt as she pulled her fingers back, and then ran her fingers through my hair. But, I was too blissed out to care. We rolled to our sides with me still inside of her. I was completely, totally spent. I closed my eyes for a few moments, and then opened them again. Kay was staring at me with contentment in her eyes and a huge grin on her face. “I told you, Michael, ” she said.

I looked at her, confused. “Huh?”

“I told you,” she continued, “it would be really fun when we went all the way.” I smiled and then my head fell to the pillow once more. I was too worn out to say anything in response, and just lay there for a while, enjoying the aftermath of an experience that had outshone every dream and expectation I had for it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5o8aqk/mf_the_first_time_for_kay_and_michael

1 comment

  1. For some reason I was really hoping this was about Michael and Kay Corleone…

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