Good Deeds Rewarded [FM]

Unfortunately, I’ve had few stories worthy of sharing for quite some time (this is my third post), but last Friday, I was blessed with a zinger that will be on my mind for years to come, especially when I’m all alone and the lights are turned low.
Gotta meet friends in about an hour so I’m gunna make this a quickie.
After recently being overcome with a feeling of selfishness (just felt like I was doing literally nothing to help anyone other than myself), I decided I’d volunteer at a local clinic, which was a regular occurrence when I was younger, as my mother basically required it as a part of being raised.
So I did my service a few hours each day throughout last week, culminating in a wonderful time on Friday when I visited a nursing home and assisted the elderly for an afternoon.
I’m sure most readers here can relate to the satisfied sensation one can have after doing some good. This one hit me hard and, while I normally might go reward myself with a night out or a bottle of wine at home, this time I chose to go a different route.
Lone-wolf to the movies it was. I’m not into blockbusters or the latest Marvel flicks. There’s a special theater that plays international films and that’s where I almost always go, except I usually have company.
Skipping ahead…what was blatantly obvious from my sitting down inside the theater was the guy about my age who had scoped me out and spotted up a few seats down from me in the same row.
No one else in our row, and other than us there were probably 10 other people present. Don’t know why but when the lights dimmed I turned my head to him, waited for him to acknowledge me, and I gave him a grin, to which he nodded back.
I hadn’t masturbated or done anything sexual all week, what with my good deedery, so that probably explains why I was immediately hit with a jolt of good vibrations. Wouldn’t say I was turned on, but it just made me feel all fuzzy.
Movie was shit (or I just wasn’t in the mood for it), and I quickly lost patience to keep up with the subtitles. And out of nowhere, like I do so very rarely, I surprised myself with a bold move. It felt like a muscle reflex, when, on the spot, I turned again to the guy, who was actually zoned in on the movie, and I stared at him, waiting.
Nothing. So I waved my hand while I smiled, hoping he’d turn my way. Nothing. Then I stood and approached, leaning down as not to obscure the view of any movie-goers in the back. And I got his attention when I plopped down next to him.
It was unbelievable, the way he just gave me a casual nod, like he expected me to come, and like he’d known me since grade school, he gave me a soft nudge with his elbow — as if to say, glad you came, make yourself comfortable, but I’m gonna keep watching this cuz I’m into it.
And with that, I was strangely back into the movie, plus I had the common courtesy not to rob him of his film experience.
This all happened with more than an hour remaining in the movie, and we did exchange a few phrases; he asked my name and if I had been there before. Nothing crazy.
Then, ladies and gentlemen, the movie ended and the credits rolled. The theater emptied, and following his natural and charming lead, I allowed myself to be seduced. In minuted he was necking on me, and squeezing my thighs, all without being too invasive. He knew exactly where the line was and never even came close to crossing it. So, for me, that line for him became increasingly vague until I gave him the signal, by leaning back a bit and widening my legs. BUT, that’s when the lights from the door opening poured in, as the staff came in for cleaning duty and whatnot.
Not to worry, however, as we coolly made our way to his car. As I write this I feel like I must look like a total skeez, but it was all so very authentic, natural, unforced, and insanely tantalizing. The scene around the car was packed with other cars and general night-life, which made it inconducive to sex in a car, with rocking and such. But we did get down in our own way. Details will have to wait because I am running late.
Since I’m in a sharing mood, however, and the story does go on, I will answer any respectable and clever Qs that you all might leave in a comment when I check back later after girls’ night.
I know this story lacks the graphic qualities that are so hungered for, but like I said, more to come.



  1. yeah for sure love to hear part 2 :), but also wanna ask was this stranger totally gorgeous or what?

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