[fM] Wild Roses pt. 10: Into Town

Early the next morning, the three sisters set out to town together; Spring and Autumn both in their travel leathers, Spring wearing them over a blue linen tunic and Autumn over a tunic of light green wool, Summer clad in a light red dress made from forest spider silk and a woven leather belt with a few small purses on it. With a light but filling breakfast in their bellies, they made good time down the road, even as Summer occasionally veered of the road when she spotted a pretty flower and Autumn dashed into the forest to refill their waterskins. By the time the sun hung low in the sky and the forest gave way to meadows, and then fields, to a one their hair was decked in forest flowers, and their bellies were full of sweet fruits and berries Spring had foraged along the road.

“Did you have a plan for this seeing the world thing?” Summer asked as they made their way past the first farmhouse on the outskirts of the town.

Spring shrugged. “I guess we’ll just wander aimlessly from town to town for a while, see what we learn?”

Autumn nodded with a smile. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Okay”, Summer said, “but where will we stay?”

“The towns all have inns.” Spring said with a smile. “We can stay there.”

“And we can just saunter in and grab a bed?” Autumn asked, considering the matter.

“Sure.” Spring said at first, but frowned at this. “Actually, maybe not. We’ll need some money, I think.”

“I actually have a few marks.” Summer said. “Found them in the bed chest, figured they might be useful.”

“Ah.” Spring said with a smile. “That’ll work.”

Autumn nodded.

“How much do we have?” Spring asked, and Summer pulled a small purse from her belt, pouring out the coins to count them in her hand.

“Nine marks, eighteen pennies.” she said, pouring the coins back in the purse and fastening it on her belt.

“Is that good?” Autumn asked.

“I have no idea.” Spring admitted. “But I know who can tell us.”

As they entered into the outskirts of the town proper, Spring led them down and alley and up the road to a small hill, where a lonely house stood apart from all the others. After a quick knock at the door and a brief wait, it swung open, and Willard Wayne stepped outside.

“Hello sir.” Spring said with a warm smile.

“You’re back.” Willard offered evenly. “And you brought friends.”

“My sisters.” Spring corrected him. “Autumn and Summer.” she continued, gesturing to each sister in turn.

Willard nodded. “Come inside, then.”

Inside, the small house was very much as when Spring had last seen it, with its small bed, small table, two small chairs and one small fireplace, all the large going into the six greatswords hanging on the wall. Willard sat down on the bed, and Spring took a seat besides him, and Autumn and Summer grabbed a chair each.

“What brings you ’round these parts, girl?” Willard asked Spring, looking over at Summer and Autumn all the while.

“We’re on an adventure!” Autumn said with a grin, and Summer nodded in assent.

“As my sisters say”, Spring confirmed, “an adventure.”

Willard nodded sagely. “So again, why here?”

“Ah, well…” Spring started, but Summer took over and explained for her.

“Living in the rosewood, we have never had much call for using money, so we kind of need to know how these work.” she said, pouring the coins from her purse and into her hand.

“Money?” Willard asked. “You trade it for stuff.”

“Yes”, Summer agreed, “but how do the different coins relate to one another?”

Willard nodded again, and explained. “There are eighteen copper pennies to a silver mark, and twelve silver marks to a gold dollar.”

Autumn nodded and counted the coins again. “So we have… ten silver marks?”

“You’d do well to hold on to those pennies, mind you, more useful than marks most of the time.” Willard offered with a nod.

“How much is a night at an Inn going to cost?” Summer asked with a frown as she poured the coins back into her purse.

“For the three of you?” Willard mused, thinking about it for a moment. “A mark or so, I expect, most places that will be with dinner in the bargain.”

“For tonight”, Willard said, casting a glance out of a shutter, “you can stay here if you’d like. Bed space is sparse, but I can get some pelts for the floor, soften it up a bit.”

“That would be lovely.” Summer said with a smile. “If it’s no bother, of course.”

Willard nodded. “Not at all. Spring is great company, and her sisters are always welcome, as far as I’m concerned.”

After a simple meal of roast pork and forest mushroom soup, Willard brought out a bundle of pelts and laid them out in a simple bedroll for Summer and Autumn, while Spring clambered into his bed. As dark fell, Spring was soon reminded of old times in the narrow bed, and quietly her hands wandered over Willard’s cock, working diligently to rouse him.

“What about your sisters?” Willard whispered hoarsely, but Spring just shrugged.

“They don’t care.” she whispered, fondling Willard’s balls. “In fact, if you listen closely…”

Straining his ears, Willard could hear the girls on the floor, their bated breath accompanied by occasional quiet, wet noises.

“We’re very affectionate out in the rosewood.” Spring whispered with a quiet giggle.

“Very well”, Willard relented, “but do try to be quiet.”

Spring nodded enthusiastically, but as she made to straddle Willard he sat up suddenly, bringing her to her hands and knees in the bed and positioning himself behind her. As he mounted her, Spring gave a quiet joyous squeal, and grabbing her hips firmly with broad, calloused hands, Willard thrust savagely into her with deep, sure strokes. Even trying as hard as she could to be silent, Spring’s moans and gasps grew louder and louder with each thrust, and before long she gave up any pretence of even attempting to stay quiet, howling loudly with pleasure as Willard fucked her.

As she felt the storm brewing inside her, she managed to at least fight that, until she could feel Willard spilling himself inside her, filling her up with great, warm gouts, and with a final drawn sigh of a scream she surrendered to the explosive orgasm that took her arms out from under her and sent her face first into the bedskins, where she lay panting, Willard’s seed running slowly out of her and down her thighs as he withdrew.

“Ayup”, Willard panted, “you’re terrible at being quiet.”

“Not much call for it out in the forest.” Autumn said with a grin, where she sat at the side of the bed, folded arms leaning on the frame. “Also, that _was_ Spring being quiet.”

With a grunt, Willard settled back into bed, acutely aware of where Autumn’s gaze had firmly landed.

“Now me”, Autumn added as she stood up and climbed into the bed, “I can be real quiet.”

“Is that so?” Willard asked as Autumn slipped in under the bedfurs with him.

“Aye.” Autumn confirmed. “And I see now why Spring brags about her sword teacher.”

Willard coughed noncomittaly, and with a smile Autumn dove in under the covers, soon finding Willard’s cock, kissing and licking it clean, feeling it out as it hardened once more under her attentions. As it grew, Autumn wrapped her lips hungrily around it and bobbed slowly up and down, taking in every inch of it, leaving it slippery and well hard. After a while she made quit of it and crawled back up, throwing the bedfurs back and over Spring’s exhausted sleeping form at the foot of the bed as she sat up straddling Willard.

With a long sigh she lowered herself down onto his cock, and with practiced ease rode him in whisper quiet joy, her fingertips digging into his broad, scarred chest. With his slablike hands on her hips, Willard guided her tempo, and even when she came, Autumn swallowed the sound and rode on, the only noise the wet slapping of flesh on flesh as her hips hit Willard’s. When Willard came again, so did Autumn, and as the waves of pleasure washed over her she sat unsteadily atop him, his softening cock still buried deep in her.

“Should I worry about your other sister clambering up into bed as well?” Willard asked after a while, and Autumn grinned down at him before toppling off and settling in besides him, pulling the bedfurs after her to reveal Spring once more.

“Probably not.” she said. “I gave her a pretty solid doing.”

Willard arched an eyebrow.

“She can be quiet too.” Autumn offered by way of explanation. “Besides, the way Spring was going on you probably wouldn’t have heard her even if she wasn’t.”

Willard nodded quietly, and was soon asleep.

In the dead of night he woke up again, to find that Summer had given up on the floor and crawled into the bed as well, snoring softly where she lay, her arm draped over his chest. On his other side he found Autumn, and below the bedfurs, he could feel Spring’s eager lips wrapped around his cock. With a sudden jolt, he came, and moments later Spring came crawling up with a smile on her face.

“Almost.” she whispered as she settled in between him and Autumn, and Willard nodded in assent.

“Almost.” he confirmed, wrapping his large arms around the girls and falling back to sleep.

When he awoke in the morning, only Summer remained in the bed, two of his smaller practice swords were missing from the wall, and the back yard was filled with clangour and clamour. Snuggling up against him as she felt him wake, Summer gave him a sleepy smile.

“Good morning.” she offered, draping an arm over his chest.

“Your sisters are in the yard, training?”

Summer nodded slowly. “Autumn wanted Spring to show her some sword techniques.”

Willard nodded as well. “What about you?”

Summer idly grabbed Willard’s morning wood with a light giggle. “I wouldn’t mind learning some sword techniques as well.”

“You seem to be experienced enough.” Willard suggested with a grunt. “Why don’t you show me what you know already?”

With a grin, Summer started stroking Willard with slow, sure movements, matching her rhythm to his deepening breathing.

“Not bad.” Willard said after a while. “What else?”

With a shrug, Summer got to her knees in the bed, and pulling back her hair she leaned down and begun kissing and licking his cock, her hand still playing along it. Soon enough she wrapped her lips around it and began sucking it, hand sliding down to Willard’s sack, where she gently pressed and caressed his balls. As she bobbed up and down, Willard ran his hand over her rump where it swayed in the air, and easily slipped two thick, meaty fingers into her wet cunt. Undistracted, Summer kept working him with increased fervour as he teased and felt her.

As he neared his peak, she suddenly stopped and sat up.

“How’s that?” she asked with a grin.

“Not bad at all, girl.” he offered, and with a giggle Summer swung her leg over him and straddled him, teasing at the tip of his cock with her wetness.

“You know…” she said. “Thinking about it, I don’t know if I’m feeling up for the rest of my tricks.”

Slowly she swayed back and forth, brushing against him ever so lightly and feeling him tremble below her.

“Of course, if you ask really nicely…” she said with a grin, moving slightly backwards as she sat down, letting his cock deflect off her and slide through the folds of her sex.

“Mhn.” Willard grunted. “I am a little riled up, girl, so perhaps you could be so kind…”

Summer rubbed herself slowly against his cock with a grin. “Nicer than that.”

“Please”, Willard managed to get out with a pant, “please fuck me already.”

“M~m.” Summer mused, still grinding against Willard. “I don’t know, that wasn’t very convincing.”

With all his strength, Willard managed to get his eyes open and lock his gaze with Summers. “Please, sweet thing, give me that tender sweetness…”

“Well…” Summer said with a playful frown, pulling back a little and sitting back up to tease at his cock with her sex again.

“Okay.” she added with a grin, as she swiftly pushed her hips down and took him in. With a grunt and a moan as her ass landed on his hips, Willard exploded inside her, filling her up with hot jets of molten lead.

Giggling, Summer flopped over next to him in bed. “That was quick?”

“Ah, well…” Willard grumbled. “You see…”

Summer kissed him lightly on the cheek, cutting him off. “Don’t worry about it.”

Sweaty and bruised, Autumn and Spring came marching in from the back yard.

“Oh, good.” Autumn said with a grin. “You’re awake, _finally_.”

Summer nodded.

“We should get down to the baths.” Spring offered as she hung the training swords in their places on the wall. “Then the inn.”

Autumn frowned. “Why not just stay here?”

Summer giggled. “Because we might end up killing him?” she ventured, and Willard nodded weakly in assent.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5oc3e5/fm_wild_roses_pt_10_into_town