Through the Fog, Part 2: Payton is Lost, [t], [fantasy], [anal], [creampie], [reluc]

Disclaimer: This is a purely fictional story. I’m honestly not sure how many parts this will be since I have no idea where it is going. Feedback and input is more than welcome since this is out of my normal realm of writing. What works, what doesn’t, etc.

Links in Comments to previous/ first.

I wake up slowly, and my head is throbbing. I slowly open my eyes and am all but blinded by the sun burning overhead. I turn my head and the motion makes me feel sick to my stomach. Slowly, I open my eyes and I look around, moving my head as little as possible. I listen for any familiar sounds.

*Birds. Well, birds are normal. Water. Water is normal since I live near a bay.*

I get on all fours slowly. My hand brushes against the lantern. Grabbing it, I stand up slowly, still feeling off balance. “Last night was not normal.” I test the lantern. Thankfully it still works and didn’t break. I put it in my backpack and look around.

I listen again, more alert, my senses returning to me. “But that’s not normal.” I look in the direction of the sound. “We don’t live near a river.”

I head off towards the sound of running water. I’m very confused and I begin to talk to myself as I walk.

“Last night, I went for a walk in the woods and I got turned around. Daddy helped me get out of the woods. Now I am going back into the woods to find a river that shouldn’t exist.”

After a good little walk, I am beginning to hope that the water I hear is really a running river. I’m dying of thirst. “Maybe I lost too many fluids last night.” I giggle to myself feeling better now that I am moving.

A little longer, I come to a real running river. I’m not about to question it now as I am REALLY dying of thirst. I begin to shovel the water to my mouth, loving the sweet taste of this river. I slow down so I don’t get sick from it and lean back against a rock. I pull my backpack around to the front of me and rummage through it. I pull out an energy bar and open it, slowly eating it.

As I finish my energy bar, I look around for a trash can. “Oh well.” I toss the wrapper on the ground beside my rock and lean over to get some more water.

“Are you really just going to leave that there?” A booming, almost guttural, voice says seemingly from everywhere at once.

Startled, I drop my last handful of water as I stand up, spinning to find the source. “Who said that? Show yourself!” To myself I whisper “Please…”

“Show myself? Or what pip-squeak?” The voice boomed, louder than before, shaking nearby leaves from their branches.

I hear a branch crack behind me, close. I spin as I speak. “Or I’ll… I’ll call the police and they’ll find you!” I try to sound more confident than I feel, but in reality, I feel like I may wet myself at any moment.

“Here I am then.”

A large hand clamps down on my shoulder from behind and I all but jump out of my skin as I scream a terrified, high pitch squeal. I manage to spin free and face the hand, and body that it’s attached to.

The biggest man I have ever seen towers over me, although, I don’t know that you would call him a man per say, he was a male. The lack of clothes didn’t leave anything to the imagination. Covered in dark brown hair from head to toe, he was well muscled and there didn’t appear to be an ounce of fat on him anywhere. His hair was shaggy and rough, as if he had never known he was supposed to wash it. Oddly, he didn’t smell bad. He smelled of pine needles and something else that I couldn’t place. He had to be 7 feet tall at least, but nothing mentioned before was the most striking. In fact, it was his eyes, the same golden brown as my daddy’s were in the right light. But I wasn’t looking at my daddy, I was looking at something akin to a wolf walking upright.

I pissed myself. Right there, staring at this giant male creature. I don’t know if it was the amount of water I had drank and my full bladder, or if it was the comfortingly scary being in front of me, but I went.

He started to laugh. Not a cruel laugh, but a scary laugh. Deep, vibrating my chest, and resonating. I felt we would hear it echo forever. “Clean yourself up. I’m not going to eat you.” More laughing.

*He’s really laughing at me!* I thought as I slipped my panties off from under my skirt, kneeling down to rinse them off in the river.

“What’s your name *girl*?” He put an odd inflection on the last word as he moved behind me.

I looked behind me. He had moved to sit on my rock, watching me. I turned back to washing my panties, blushing since I knew he was staring at me as he spoke. “Payton.” I splashed water under my skirt to clean myself next. “What’s your’s?”

“They just call me beast because of my looks, but my name is Flit.”

*You don’t look like a “Flit”.* “N… Nice to meet you Flit.” I wring out my panties as best I can, but they are still soaked. I begin to stand up.

“Here, let me.” And in an instant, Flit is behind me, hands on my shoulders.

I think for an instant that he is just going to pick me up, but that is not to be. I feel my skirt lift up over my ass. *He’s going to rape me.* My breathing quickens as I get ready to scream.

“Scream and I might just kill you trying to make you be quiet.” He slides a hand over my round, firm ass.

A tear streams down my cheek as I nod. *Maybe it will feel good, maybe he will be gentle…* Another tear, but I can surprisingly enough feel myself getting wet, the feelings from last night flooding back briefly.

His hand slides over my ass/ pussy hole, up under me towards where my pussy should be. Instead he finds my giant clit, or really small cock. He freezes and removes his hand. “You’re not a human, girl.”

I look back over my shoulder and his hands, a look of rage flashing across my eyes. “Not a human! Yes the fuck I am you, you… BEAST!”

He lets out a sigh, shaking his head as he closes his eyes. After a moment, he stops shaking his head and looks at me, a hard look in his eyes. The hand that so gently was touching my ass before slams into it hard now.

I let out a yelp of pain, tears rushing to my eyes, all anger gone.

“It wasn’t an insult girl. You belong here, with us.” He smiles a wicked grin as his hand caresses my ass cheek where he just slapped. “Let me guess, your butt,” He pushes a thick finger against my tight rosebud, sliding it in easier than my vibrator. “also connects to your reproductive organs?”

I bite my lip at being penetrated. His finger may be smaller than my vibrator, but it is still bigger than mine. I can only nod.

He lets out a roar of laughter as he slides his finger slowly in and out of me. Feeling me relax around it, he stops laughing and resumes talking. “You are half pixie girl. That explains the… thing… up front. That’s what happens when humans and pixies manage to reproduce.” He lets out another laugh as he slides another finger into me.

I can’t help but scream this time, my pussy clenching around his fingers as the valve closes.

He lets out a moan, sliding his fingers in and out of me. He leans close to my ear. “I’m going to like this. I’ve always wanted a pixie fuck.” His fingers move a little faster as I start to relax my grip.

“You don’t have to do this.” *Please do this.* Tears are rolling down my cheeks.

“Oh, but I want to.” He adds a third finger to my already stretched hole, sliding it in deep, not waiting for me to relax this time.

I gasp and my pussy spasms. *YES YES YES! It’s coming again.* “But you don’t have to. Please don’t.”

He pulls his fingers free, growling a primal growl in my ear as he moves. I feel something that feels like an arm at my ass/ pussy. “Oh, but you want me to. Don’t you?” He changed angles again and the head of that ‘arm’ of a cock pushed against my not nearly big enough pussy.

I shook my head. *YES! YES I DO!*

“I think you do.” He pushed and the head popped into me. “OH YES! You’re so tight girl! Tell me you want it.”

“Please, don’t…”

He pushed more in and my body began to shake, spasming around his throbbing cock inside of me.

“DON’T STOP! I WANT IT!” I screamed out as I was hit by a body shaking orgasm. My clit cock sprayed the rocks under me, splashing my knees as each jet hit.

“Good girl.” He pushed more of himself into me, then slid it out before re-entering me.

“I WANT ALL OF IT!” I tried to rock back onto his thick cock, to get more into me.

“All of it? What happened to stop? Maybe I should now. It was more fun before when you didn’t want it.” He chuckles, his breath tickling my ear as he buries himself all the way inside of me, beginning to slowly, steadily, thrust in and out.

It felt like I could feel him by my lungs I was so full and he felt so big. *That’s not possible.* “I don’t want it. Pull it out. Please, it hurts.” I was lying, badly.

He started to pull out. “Well I wouldn’t want to hurt you. I’ll stop.”

Another orgasm rocked my body, my pussy clenching like a vice on his cock. He couldn’t pull it out now if he tried. My pussy was trying to milk him, to pull him deeper. More jets of squirt sprayed under me as I lost all control. Was I peeing again too?

And so he obliged. He pushed himself deep into me, rocking his hips trying to fuck me as best he could. His own breathing getting faster.

I rocked under him, fucking myself on his long, thick cock. I was going to cum again. I hadn’t even finished the second one. “FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” My long, high pitched scream echoed around us as my body went limp under him. I was spasming, shaking so violently that his cock was getting massaged in excess.

“YES!” He grunted, and unable to pull out, he pushed deeper.

“NO! Not inside!” I was still shaking in orgasm and my scream of protest was barely a whisper. I felt the first jet of his cum. It really felt like it was hitting near my lungs. He pushed deeper still as the second jet of cum erupted from his cock, deep in me, then the third, fourth. *How much did guys cum?*

“Nggg, yesss.” He hisses in my ear as his own orgasm slowed, and finally subsided. Hunched over me, he slowly regained his breath, his composure.

I tried to move out from under him, but he held me.

“I said let me.” He pulled out slowly, my pussy tightening and relaxing around each vein his cock still possessed, softer as it was now.

As he pulled completely free, the valve in me closed again, sealing all of his cum inside of me. I cried softly. *I didn’t want this…* I felt his hands on my shoulder again, but this time, he was lifting me off of my knees, standing me up. I stopped crying.

“You’re bleeding.”

“Well you ripped me open. I’m sure I am you asshole.” I looked down at his softer cock. It was semi hard, and long as my forearm. *FUCK. Maybe he WAS up by my lungs.*

“Your knees. Your ass is fine. Not a drop of blood.” A drop of leftover cum dripped from his cock and hit the rocks at his feet.

I looked down, and sure enough, there was a small river of blood running from each knee. I started to cry all over again. I hurt, I wasn’t at home, I missed my family, I wasn’t ‘human’, AND I was full of a beast’s cum and would likely get pregnant. *When was my last period?*

“Where were you going before I met you?” Flit almost sounded kind and caring.

“Home. ” I sniffled. I wanted the blood off of me, but I wasn’t bending over again with him here.

“You are home. I told you, you belong here with us.”

“Who’s us? Where is here? And this isn’t home. Home is the house my parents and I live in.” I was mad crying now, angrily picking up my bag and panties. *Let him fuck me again. I don’t care. He’s just a beast. He can’t get me pregnant.*

“Us are the mythical creatures that inhabit the land. Here is The Between. And that home isn’t somewhere I can get you to. You may as well just be happy here.”

I heard what he didn’t say. “You can’t, but someone can. Who?”

“The elf king might be able to. Elves and pixies travel out of The Between into your world. Pixies won’t help. They’re selfish and cruel. You may end up in a vacuum with no air as where you want to be. Best to ask the elf king.”

“Take me to him. It’s the least you can do after you raped me.” I try to sound demanding and like I deserve it as ‘payment’.

“You liked it, and I won’t take you to the elf king. I can’t since I’m not allowed in court. I will take you as far as I can though provided I get one more ‘payment’ from you before we part ways.”

I was beginning to not like him, but I had to admit, his cock felt good. “And what are you? You’re not a creature I’ve seen before.”

“I’m just a mutt. Half wolf, part giant, and part human.”

“And can you get me pregnant?”

His eyes briefly watered. “No. I’m sterile. I will never reproduce.” He cleared his throat. “SO, do we have a deal?”

I made a show of thinking as I resettled my bag. *He can’t get me pregnant, and it did feel pretty nice.* “Okay. We have a deal. Let’s go.”

And with that, Payton and Flit left the river bank and headed back into the woods leaving only a piece of trash from the human realm, a little blood, and a fair amount of cum.


If you made it this far, I hope that you enjoyed it. I will have the next installment up as soon as I can. Any input and advice is welcome as I would like to improve.
