[FM] He finally gets his revenge

So I’ve been lurking on here for quite a while now, however this is my first time posting, so please don’t be too harsh!

Just to get this out of the way now, I’m female, curvy with about 16F (Australian sizing) tits and approximately 5”3.

A few weeks back I went to visit some friends who were staying at a hotel for a bit. Now in this group of friends there’s about seven of us, one of whom is my best friend, another of whom I’d been wanting to bang for weeks. Everyone in this group is either in an open relationship or a poly relationship, and I know going in that everyone there beside my best friend finds me incredibly attractive, and as I love that kind of attention, I milked it. We went to this hotel for the spa bath my friends had, which meant soon there was a lot of nudity.
It wasn’t until later, however, when we were in the living room when I realised something might happen, just not with the person I’d been intending. This guy is one of my best friend’s partners, who we shall name Adam (obviously, anything that happened was with permission of the best friend). I have incredibly bratty ways, and had been a shit to Adam for a long time, and when I sat down on his lap that night he discovered a way he could finally get back at me. At first he was just lightly moving his fingertips across my skin, but as I have incredibly sensitive skin, he found some of my weak spots pretty quickly – namely, my neck. As soon as he touched my neck I gasped and my body became covered in goosebumps. I heard him chuckle softly in my ear as soon as I reacted and he did it again, playing with that area, making my head fall back as I struggled to form words. At this point I was wearing nothing but underwear, so his hands would continuously wander to my boobs, playing with my nipples, testing for reactions, exploring my body.
Eventually the friends that weren’t staying the night headed off, and my friend and her other partner went into the bedroom to have sex. Adam and I stayed out on the couch, and he turned me around and kissed me, his hands exploring further now.
“Lay down” he told me firmly, his hand on my chest as he gently pushed me down. I complied and he took my underwear off, leaving me completely naked, whilst he was still fully clothed. He spread my legs so that my wet pussy was exposed to him and shoved his face in between my legs, kissing my thighs and then my pussy, licking my clit, listening to me moan, feeling me move as he found the right spots. He stayed like that until I could feel the familiar feeling of my toes curling, blood warming, clit and pussy pulsing, that meant I was going to cum. He didn’t stop when I told him I was close, instead picking up the pace, letting the orgasm wash over me. When it subsided, he stopped, came up for a kiss, and then moved to my neck, his hands going right back to where I’d just came, fingers immediately going for my clit. My clit was sensitive, so I jumped and squirmed away from the touch, which made him chuckle evilly again and hold my legs open so that he could continue his onslaught, readying me for yet another orgasm. He moved so that he could get an easier hold of my legs with one arm, leaning over so that he could see what he was doing and see just how wet I was as he made me cum over and over again, until I could no longer tell what was an orgasm and what wasn’t, until I was screaming and whimpering.
Eventually, he stopped, after a number of orgasms that I’m not entirely sure on, as I lost count after number three. He held me against his chest whilst I laid there, completely blissed out, helping bring me back to earth.

Overall, it was a rather fun night had by all, especially hearing the moans coming from the room next door. This is only the first encounter, and I do have more stories, so keep an eye out!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5nx3ry/fm_he_finally_gets_his_revenge