[MF] An Unlikely Casual Encounter, at a Conservative University

*A few years ago, I was a Junior at a very religiously conservative university; the kind of school where housing forbids the opposite sex from being in your bedroom. Sadly, I didn’t have that “traditional” university experience that so many have, and my mildly introverted personality certainly didn’t help matters, but there was this one girl, and I’m going to tell you about the night we met. There is no penetrative sex in this chapter and it takes a while to develop, so if that’s not your thing I warned you, but it was the most unexpected sexual encounter that happened to me during my 4 years at university.*

It was December. I was out of town staying with relatives for winter break. A classmate of mine sent me a text asking if I wanted to meet up with her to watch the basketball games on campus. I was two hours away, but she was cute, we had a good team, and I had nothing going on – so why not? I got in my car and headed up to my apartment on campus. Two hours later, I was just entering town and she texted me, “I’m really sick. I can’t make it. Sorry.”

I was pretty annoyed. The little college town vacates for breaks and I had zero roommates or friends still in town. I sent her a text or two trying to kindly persuade her and letting her know I’d driven all the way from the city, two hours away. She couldn’t be bothered though, and didn’t even respond. I got to my empty apartment and started playing some video game while I confirmed that everyone was out of town (they were). So I thought, “What the hell? I have season tickets. I may as well just head up alone and watch the first game. Watching the game aloe beats playing video games alone.”

I get to the game early and with everyone being on break there’s not much competition for seats so I pop down in Row 1. Five minutes later a girl and her male friend show up and ask if I’m saving seats. *“Nope.”* – She sits down next to me. She was cute. If I passed her on campus I probably wouldn’t look twice, but sitting next to me dressed in all her goofy spirit gear with some paint on her face, you could tell she was the kind of person with few dull moments, and that’s hot to me. She starts talking to me, after a minute or two, *“So are you here alone? That’s pretty awesome. You must be really into basketball!”*

*“Yeah, I am. I was in the city for the break and got invited up by a girl who canceled, last minute.”*

*“Oh no! That’s horrible! Who would miss a game with a cute guy like you?”*

*“Hah, thanks! I guess she wasn’t well.”*

*“Oh no, but I’m so happy we can be basketball buddies tonight!”*

*“Yeah, me too!”*

I felt a little awkward as the guy who came with her had gone silent, clearly not thrilled that I was getting so much attention. I’m a nice guy, too nice probably, and I didn’t want to be “that guy” so I started playing on my phone to try and give them space. She didn’t appreciate that, and kept pestering me, asking about me, and just being genuinely cool. I learned that they were “just friends” (though I could tell from his body language that’s not what he wanted), our conversation became more and more engaging and before we knew it, it was tip-off.

As soon as the ball was tipped she was insane! It was like having [Cameron Indoor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Indoor_Stadium) bottled up in one super-fan next to me. I’m a big fan of basketball, so I was really into that. I decided nobody there knew me so I’d show my hidden extrovert. It worked well. We had a blast, high-fiveing, screaming, chest-bumping… (damn were they nice, firm, and certainly more than a handful). We had fun.

After the game I did something more gutsy than I normally do. I stumbled around the words to ask for her number. She was happy to oblige. We lived on opposite ends of campus and she texted me the whole way home. By the time I’d gotten home she’d invited me over to watch a movie. – Sounded fun and I could use more friends. I get there and, to my surprise, it’s just her. We picked out a movie, I have no idea what it it was, and put it in. Within about 5 minutes we were making out. Remember, this is a very religiously conservative school. She quickly admitted that she was 18 and very inexperienced with the opposite sex, (and at 21 so, so was I) and I’m sure we were super awkward, but to me it was very hot. Things stayed PG-rated, but I was incredibly hard. There’s no way she didn’t feel it and I could tell she was trying to brush her hip against my cock to feel it. I liked it. On occasion I would try to put pressure between her legs with my thigh, she would always reciprocate by pulling me closer.

Suddenly, she stopped. I initially thought she was hesitating at how our night was progressing. But instead she had an idea, *“Hey, let’s go make out on that statue people make out on.”* I thought that sounded great so off we went, and we did just that. It was cold, probably 20F (-5C) out. I unzipped her jacket to feel her body closer to mine. As I leaned back I could see her cold, hard nipples stretching her shirt. I could tell that she knew, and was entirely unashamed. It was such a turn on. It’s cold and late, we head back to her apartment to say goodnight and she realizes she had forgotten her key. *“Oh no! It’s a holiday, it’s $50 to have the RA let me in after hours.”*

I felt bad. She was a really nice girl and I didn’t want her getting a stupid fine. *“Well, my roommates aren’t home. You could come back to my place for the evening.”* I instantly felt bad about asking. *“…I mean like, you can crash on the couch, or my bed.. Uh.. so I can take the couch..”* Oh it was awkward.

She agrees, without hesitation.

We get to my apartment and it’s still empty. We go in and didn’t even turn a light on. Our eyes met in the moonlight from a window. We both knew we had zero intentions of leaving each other’s side for the night. Straight to my bed we went, making out the entire way! The lights were still out and she was on top of me, straddling me. Our hands exploring over top of each other’s clothes. Her body was amazing, maybe 5’7, 130 lbs, so tight, but curved everywhere I could hope for! I took my hand and started to find my way up her shirt before she stopped me. I stopped and apologized. She hesitated for a moment and then pushed my hand down her pants, onto her hip. I held on tight and pulled her into me tightly with my other arm. I could feel the soft bits of her vulva give as my penis pressed against it, through our clothes. She began to grind against me, again, and again, and again…

I let my hand wander from her hip, stopping to awkwardly ask if she was okay. She let out a *“YES!”* and I moved in closer, discovering a very full bush. It turned me on so much as I’ve always had a mild fetish for the natural look. She continued grinding on me as I moved my fingers through her bush, to her public bone, finding the initial point where the labia begin to separate. Not feeling daring enough to play with her clit, I pressed lightly and massaged in a circular motion right here for a moment as she began to squeeze her legs around me tighter. I could feel she was wet and this only made me want her more. All kissing had stopped as we were focused only on the sexual pleasure below our waists. I was just moments away from exploding, but didn’t want it all over the inside of my pants and kept forcing myself not to. The pressure built and I kept massaging in the general location of her genitals without actually touching them as she climaxed, holding me tight and shaking. She then relaxed. I did too, though I didn’t cum that evening, but I felt amazing.

It was incredible. The experience of having had a sexual encounter with a woman who 6 hours prior I didn’t even know existed was so wonderful for my self esteem. We smiled, laughed, and flirted ourselves to sleep over the next 30 minutes. I woke up in the morning and she was still there as no one in town meant no walk of shame. We felt a little awkward knowing that last night was an incredibly uncommon experience for both of us, but we made plans to attend the next day’s basketball games together too (…which leads to another fun story – that progresses a little further, if anyone is interested…)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5n95zl/mf_an_unlikely_casual_encounter_at_a_conservative


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