The Bartender (Short) [FF, oral]

(Hi, I’m new and I’ll be writing quick one-shot stories to brush up on some erotica writing skills. I’m going to attempt to write regularly. Thanks for checking it out!)

The first time I saw her she had been leaning over the top of a bar, ample breasts spilling out of a low cut tight fitting t-shirt and ass peeking from the bottoms of jean shorts that were small enough to be illegal to wear in public in some states. She was a curvy woman with thick lips and long wavy brown hair with blonde streaked through it. Her face was laden with too much makeup and smokey eye. Every man that came to that bar wanted to get into her pants and she knew it and made tips to prove it.

I had made a bet with a friend that night that, in spite of her plethora of advances, I’d be the one that got to fuck her. That of all the men whose cocks ached, it would be a pussy that would take her. Of course my friend thought I was full of shit, but I’d try anyway.

We make small talk for a while, I have a few beers just to get her to come over to my side of the bar. Finally when I feel a little drunk and many of the patrons had left, I lean into the bar as she passes and ask. “Have you ever been with a woman?” My face nearly brushes hers as she walks by and I watch as she turns towards me. Instinctively I grasp her face in my hands and pull her lips to mine. Our tongues intertwine. We are panting lightly by the time we part and people are staring. Neither of us give a shit. I kissed her and she kissed me back. I’m going to fuck this girl.

When the bar closes and she is locking up for the evening, I have her pinned to the door, my body grinding up against hers. Our tongues intertwine and I suck on hers forcefully, letting it slide in and out of my lips. She moans into my mouth.

Once I have her panting and wet, I pick her up and put her up on the top of the bar. My face immediately drops down, my head in between her legs and my mouth breathing into her pants. I can smell the juices flowing. She starts to pull her jean shorts off for me hungrily and I help her, till her cleanly shaven cunt is dripping juices on the bar in front of me.

Out of all the women I have fucked, she screamed the loudest. My tongue licked her sopping wet clit and her whole body spasmed. Her hands forcefully held my head so it was buried deep in between her legs that she wrapped around me. All she moaned was to fuck her. She begged and I obliged. I sucked her clit hard and thrust two fingers inside of her as deep as they would go.

She pulls off her shirt and those miraculous tits bounce out at me. I grab hold of one forcefully with my free hand and raise up to thrust it in my mouth. I suck forcefully on her nipple, biting down on it with my teeth till I feel her squirming enough to satisfy me. My fingers still thrust in and out of her sopping hole. I release one tit and take hold of the other, sucking it till I’m satisfied.

I lean over her, my fingers still fucking her hard and I tell her to moan. To moan as loud as she can. She does and as she does my mouth thrusts into hers. I want her to taste her juices all over my face. She moans into my mouth as I suck on her tongue forcefully.
Finally she cums and I feel her whole body squeeze against my fingers forcefully. She writhes under me and moans so loud I can hardly think. When she is done and panting, I pull my fingers from her hole and make her suck them dry one by one.

Satisfied, I pick up my things and prepare to leave. I tell her I’ll see her again next week.
