My girlfriend likes dick pics

My girlfriend, Jessica, was laying beside me on the bed. I was on my laptop. She was on her phone. She giggled and typed something into it. “What was that?” I asked.

“Just a dick pic,” she said casually. “I told him, ‘I give it a 5.5…not bad, but I’ve seen better’.”

I chuckled and shook my head. She loves getting dick pics from guys. I know most girls say they don’t, but she enjoys them. She saves them in a folder. I don’t mind that she flirts with guys online, because I know it doesn’t go any further than that. And it takes no effort at all on her part. All she has to do is post in some forum, “Send me your dick pics”, and she gets flooded with them. There is an added benefit for me in that it makes her really horny and then she molests me.

One time while I was driving, she goes “Oh my god!” I asked what was so shocking. “Ethan, look at this!” She showed me her phone, which had a pick of the biggest cock I’d ever seen. Of course I’ve seen huge cocks in porn. They are usually black. She loves those kinds of videos, and often wants me to watch them with her. But this one was white. Well, pink, technically. I’m not gay, but I have to say it was quite impressive. She texted with the guy for another ten minutes, and then put her phone away and leaned over while I was driving, unzipped my pants, and started sucking my dick. I could tell she was horny, because she really got into it. I don’t often orgasm from blow jobs, but she made me explode in her mouth. When she was done, she laid back in her seat and licked her lips with a big smile on her face.

“What were you thinking about while you were doing that?” I asked, because I knew the answer. She bit her lip and blushed deeply.

“Um..nothing…” She was playing coy.

I wasn’t going to let her off the hook that easily. “Aw…come on,” I prodded.

She looked at me sideways with her lovely green eyes and said, “Would you be upset if I told you I was thinking about blowing him?”

“You know I don’t get jealous that easily,” I said with a knowing smile. “Was it some guy from the internet?”

She pressed her lips together, not wanting to answer. I just stared at her and waited. Finally she said, “It’s a guy I met last week while I was out shopping with Emma.”

I nodded nonchalantly. I knew she flirted with guys sometimes. It didn’t bother me. I knew it was all just part of her game to get dick pics. Emma had a boyfriend too, and was just as big of a flirt as Jessica. “I bet Emma flirted with him like crazy.”

She gave a big nod, “Ohhh yea. She was all over him. Don’t say anything to Brett though. This is just between you and me.”

“Why don’t you want Brett to know?” I asked, feeling a bit suspicious at the subterfuge.

“Oh no reason. Hey, we should go by Victoria’s Secret. You could get me some new lingerie and I could wear it for you,” she said quickly and added a wink at the end.

“Oh no. Don’t try to change the subject. What’s up with Emma and this guy?” I insisted.

Jessica sighed. “Ok, but you can’t tell anyone, promise!”

I nodded, “I promise.”

“Ok, well, Emma met up with Owen. Just one time!”

“And….?” I pressed.

“And…..she slept with him. Just that once!” Jessica seemed really defensive and insistent that it was only one time.

“And you’re ok with this?” I asked.

“Well, its not for me to judge. She said after seeing what he had packing, she just had to experience what it felt like.”

“Ok,” I responded in a calm neutral tone. She had raised my curiosity another notch. “Well, did she say how it was?”

She got a big giggly smile on her face and nodded. I waited for the answer. Finally Jessica blurted out, “She said it was the best sex she ever had!” The way Jessica said it kinda made me a little uncomfortable. “When Emma told me that, I wanted to see what the big deal was, so I told Owen to send me a pick, and that’s what he sent,” pointing to her phone.

“And now you’re imagining having sex with him,” I said bluntly.

“What? No!” She blushed deeply.

“You just admitted that you were fantasizing about sucking on it while you were blowing me,” I countered.

“Oh, well that doesn’t count. It was just the heat of the moment. You know I’d never cheat on you.”

“I’m not saying you would cheat on me. But you can’t deny you are imagining having sex with him.”

Jessica brought her knees up to her breasts and turned away from me in her seat. “I don’t like what you are insinuating. I haven’t done anything wrong. It was Emma that cheated; not me.”

“I’m sorry. I’m not accusing you of anything. I know you wouldn’t cheat on me,” I tried to reassure her. “I just think its healthy if we get this kind of stuff out in the open. Obviously, we are both going to be attracted to other people. We don’t need to be ashamed about that.”

She turned back toward me and smiled. “Ok, yes, I am curious what a dick that big would feel like.”

“You haven’t had one that big before?” I asked.

“Well, I’ve had big, but not that big.” She was blushing again.

At that point we had arrived at the mall, so the conversation turned to other things. Jessica did convince me to buy her some new lacy lingerie, which we put to use as soon as we got home. She looked so sexy in the lilac negligee we picked out. Our love making was extra intense. She was so wet, and she kept wanting to go again and again, writhing and biting her lip and moaning. I had a feeling I knew why she was so worked up. When we had finally had enough and she was laying on top of me, I knew I should’ve kept my mouth shut, but I just couldn’t resist the urge to poke the tiger.

“You were thinking about Owen, weren’t you?” I said.

Jessica rolled her eyes and then grinned. “Yes,” she said, both playfully and defiantly.

I shook my head in mock disappointment, “I knew it.”

“Ok, so what? It seems like you are pretty hung up on it too. I bet you’d love to see me with a big cock like that,” she countered.

I rolled my eyes in return. “As if.”

“Just think about my hands sliding up and down that big beefy shaft, my lips wrapped around that huge mushroom head.” She was taunting me now. “Just imagine that enormous meaty sausage pumping in and out of your girlfriend’s tight wet pussy.” She slid her hand down to my junk to play with me, but she didn’t even need to. I was completely naked, so I couldn’t hide the reality that blood was flowing into to my nether region. “Oh look! I can see I’m not the only one who finds the idea exciting.”

Now it was my time to blush. “That doesn’t mean anything. I’m in bed with a beautiful woman. It would be unnatural for me not to be hard.”

“We just had sex for like hours, and you came many times, all over me. You should be spent by now,” Jessica said in rebuttal. Then she whispered in my ear, “which I really loved, by the way,” and she licked her lips mirroring the way she had eagerly licked up my cream. “You are the best lover I’ve ever had. No one could ever replace you,” she whispered. “You have no reason to feel threatened.”

“I don’t feel threatened,” I said a little defensively.

“I know you don’t, baby,” she cooed. “That’s one of the many things I love about you. You could even watch me get pounded by another guy, and all you would feel is arousal.”

“I’m not sure I like where this conversation is going,” I said.

Jessica lightly stroked my rock hard cock, and taunted, “I’m pretty sure you do.”

With that, I flipped her over, mounted her, slid my raging boner into her slippery cum filled snatch, and gave her another round of ecstatic buggering. I thought that playful bit of banter would end there. I didn’t know I was in for a surprise.


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  1. Jessica had been texting with Owen for a couple days now. I know because she likes to show me all the various pics he sends her. He had starting sending her videos of himself stroking it as well. Jessica loved these, especially the ones where he ejaculated. Seeing his cum dribble down his long thick monster made her horny, and then I got the benefit of hot steamy sex, or at the very least an enthusiastic blowjob. One time when I was walking by the bedroom, I saw her standing in front of her full length mirror, wearing nothing but her flower lace thong, taking pictures of herself.

    “Whatcha doin’, sweetie?” I asked, trying not to seem too nosy.

    “Taking some selfies for Owen,” she answered, with a little smile and not an ounce of shame.

    “Have you sent selfies to men before?” I wondered, because this was news to me.

    “Just a couple times. Not that often,” she replied as she typed on her phone, and then giggled. I waited for her to tell me what she was giggling about. She always does. I love that she shares everything with me. I try hard not to be judgemental, because I don’t want her to stop sharing. “Owen says he loves my boobs,” she told me, grinning as she squeezed them absentmindedly.

    “I agree with him. The man obviously has good taste,” I said lightheartedly.

    “Here, take some pictures for me,” she said as she handed me the phone. I glanced at their conversation, and it was very raunchy, from both him and her. Jessica pulled her panties off and laid on the bed, and posed while I snapped some shots of her on her side, on her stomach, and then on her back. I enjoyed taking photos of my beautiful girlfriend; so when she pulled her legs up and spread her pussy lips apart, I didn’t mind getting some close ups.

    I gave the phone back to her and she looked through them. “Great shots, honey. Owen is gonna love this last one.” She started texting on her phone again, and giggling like crazy.

    “What did he say?” I asked. I always like to hear feedback on my work.

    Jessica bit her lip and looked at me. “You really want to know?”

    “Sure. Of course.”

    “He said my tight little slit is going to be all stretched out when he gets through with me,” my girlfriend said with a huge wicked grin. I just shook my head and rolled my eyes.

    The next day while we were out shopping, Jessica got a text and put her hand on my arm to get my attention. “Honey,” she said, “Owen wants to meet us for lunch at a cute little bistro he knows. You want to?”

    My heart leapt into my throat. I hadn’t met this guy, and as far as I knew, Jessica hadn’t seen him in real life since that first time she was with Emma. I felt nervous, but I just shrugged and said, “Sure.”

    It wasn’t hard to find the bistro. Owen was already there waiting. He had saved us a table. I wanted to say that he was an ugly little homunculus. I wanted to say that I hated him. But I can’t, in all honesty, say either of those things. Owen was tall and well built. He kinda looked like Captain America, so clearly he had won the genetic lottery. He was also warm and friendly. He gave me a firm handshake, and he gave my girlfriend a warm hug and a sophisticated kiss on the cheek.

    We sat and ate lunch. The food and atmosphere was everything he said it would be. Owen was really laid back and easy to talk to. He had a good sense of humor too. We were all laughing throughout the meal. He didn’t talk much about himself. Apparently he worked for his father; but doing what, I have no clue. He got us talking more about ourselves and each other, and when he did talk, it was to tell some humorous story. It seemed that he spent a lot of time surfing, sailing, and partying.

    “I should take you two out on my boat sometime. You’ll love it!” he said in a very genuine way.

    “Oh! You have a boat?” Jessica asked. I could see her eyes light up.

    “Yea. Well, it’s my dad’s. But I use it to throw parties all the time with my friends. We have a great time. You’ll see,” he said with a wink and a smile.

    I could see why Jessica was so taken with him. It wasn’t just the size of his junk. He was the whole package. Every woman’s dream. I must admit I did start to get a little nervous.

    “So, Owen, do you have a girlfriend?” I asked, hoping he would be faithfully married or something.

    Owen grinned, “Nah. I don’t want to be tied down. Life is too short. Gotta enjoy it while you can,” he replied.

    “Yea, I’m sure you have a whole harem of girls at your beck and call,” Jess said to him as she practically fawned all over him. He just grinned and changed the subject.

    The meal went by fast. When the check came, I was going to pay for Jess and myself. But Owen picked it up and said, “I’ll take care of this. Don’t worry, this is on me.” I tried to protest, but he wasn’t having any of it. I gotta say, I walked away from the restaurant really liking the guy.

    “He’s such a great guy. Isn’t he?” Jess said to me enthusiastically.

    “Yea,” I had to admit, “Yea, he kind of is.”

    By some sort of weird coincidence, as we were walking down the street back to our car, we ran into Emma and Brett, Jessica’s best friend and her boyfriend. Jess and Emma squealed and hugged and started chattering a million miles a minute, while Brett and I stood there and made awkward small talk.

    “Sup, Ethan,” Brett said as he held Emma’s purse.

    “Hey, Brett,” I replied lamely. I tried to think of things to ask him to spur the conversation, but all I could think about was that I knew his girlfriend had cheated on him; and I couldn’t tell him, on pain of no sex from Jess, which I considered a fate worse than death. Brett was equally awkward, but I’m not sure why. So we just stood there exchanging clumsy pleasantries until Jess and Emma were done gabbing.

    On the ride back home, I asked Jessica, “So Brett doesn’t know that Emma fucked Owen, right?”

    “Yea, no, he doesn’t know.”

    “But it was just that one time, right?” I asked, wanting to confirm what I thought she had said.

    “Weeeell…” Jess said. I could already tell by her demeanor that she was bursting to share more juicy gossip. “Emma has met with him two more times now.”

    “Three times, wow,” I said in a neutral tone. Jessica was grinning broadly.

    “Yea, she says she’s addicted to his cock,” said Jess as a laugh bubbled out of her.

    “So she’s gonna keep seeing him?”

    “Mmmm, probably,” she said as if it was the most logical thing in the world. I could tell that there would be many more awkward meetings in my future.

    That night, Jessica and I had wild passionate sex. All the flirting with Owen had turned her into a nymphomaniac, and I was enjoying every second of it. It didn’t even bother me that she would answer her phone in the middle of our throws of passion and burst into a fit of giggles, even taking a few pics while we were getting busy. When I finished inside her, she spread her legs and took a shot of her well used pussy with my pearly cream dripping out of it.

    “Owen says that one is his favorite,” my girlfriend told me.

    As we were laying together, covered in sweat and various other bodily fluids, Jess snuggled with me, her soft round breasts pressed against me, her legs entwined with mine, yet still texting on her phone. She set it down and gave me a strange look, like she was sizing me up, analyzing me. She texted one more thing and then put her phone away. She kissed me sweetly and I kissed her back, but I was waiting for her to tell me what was up. I knew she would. She always did.

    Jessica kissed up my neck to my ear, swirled her tongue around it for a second, and then whispered to me, “Tomorrow night, at eight o’clock, Owen is coming over.”

    My heart froze. So, the time had finally arrived. I had expected this. “Coming over for what?” I asked.

    Jess smiled and shrugged, “We will see.”

    “What do you plan on doing?” I asked, both nervous and curious to hear the answer.

    “I guess we’ll find out tomorrow night, won’t we?” my girlfriend said with a mischievous grin, and then she got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

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