[fm/ff] Wild Roses pt. 6: The Huntress [oral]

Autumn sniffed the air. From the blood and the sweat, she thought to find a fresh elk kill not far upwind, and dropping down through the branches, she stalked off in search of it. Fresh kills brought wolves, or even curious deer, and any of that would make for a fine catch.

Before cresting the ridge that kept the kill out of sight, she adjusted her hunting leathers; making sure her armguard was secure, adjusting her chestguard, even checking the lacing on her boots. After satisfying herself that everything was in order, she stuck her hunting knife in her belt, straightened her green linen tunic, and drew an arrow from her quiver. Blowing a lock of brown hair from her sky blue eyes, she crested the ridge with an arrow nocked, ready to draw.

What she spotted instead of a flock of wolves at feast was a hunter dressing his kill by the small stream at the bottom of the small hill, and with a disappointed sigh she returned the arrow to its quiver and slung the bow, making her way quickly down the slope. At the bottom, she hailed the hunter, trying to figure out how she might get something out of this happenstance after all.

“Halloo!” she hallooed, giving him a bright smile, her pearl white teeth glittering in the sunlight, between her full pink lips.

“Halloo.” the hunter offered with a wave.

Bare chested and clad in simple leather breeches, she could see he was of a slight build, not much older than herself, and from his slender arms, Autumn guessed his bow didn’t have half the draw on it as her own had. His black hair was cropped short, and while his cheeks and chin were shorn, below his narrow nose he had the wispy beginnings of a moustache. Below his narrow eyebrows, his eyes were large and leaf green, and he smiled easily as she approached.

“That’s a big one for you to take down all by yourself.” she offered with a grin, looking the freshly dressed carcass over.

“Ah, well”, the boy demurred, “I had some help from a pack of wolves chasin’ him down, truth be told.”

Autumn nodded. “Aye, too bad about the pelt.”

The hunter nodded in turn. “Too bad. But mostly it’s meat I’m after, so it’ll serve.”

“You won’t have any trouble hauling such a big one home by yourself?” Autumn inquired, considering the weight of the carcass and the scrawn of the hunter.

“Not goin’ far.” he offered, cleaning his hands in the stream. “Name’s Wallace, by the by.”

“Autumn.” Autumn offered.

Wallace turned around with a puzzled look. “No, uh, I think it’s spring. Last I checked it was, anyway.”

“My _name_”, Autumn said him, unnecessarily clearly, “is Autumn.”

With a blush, he returned to cleaning his hands.

“Nice to meet you, Autumn.” he mumbled.

Hips swaying as she trod lightly across the forest floor, Autumn sidled up next to him and sat down cross-legged by the stream.

“You know”, she said, “game is scarce and skittish. Any chance I could convince you to part with some of that buck?”

“No can do.” Wallace lamented. “Like you say, game is scarce and skittish.”

“Are you sure?” Autumn asked, pivoting, spreading her legs out a little to make sure he got a good look under her tunic. “I can be quite convincing, when I’ve got call for it.”

As far as getting him to notice, the ploy worked, and Wallace let his eye linger between her legs for a fair while before snapping out of it and raising his gaze to meet her eyes, pausing less than briefly at her chest, where the shape of her modest breasts was clear even past the chestguard. As far as swaying him, however, it did little.

“Need it all, I’m afraid.” he said with an apologetic bow. “If you’re awful hungry, tho’, I might have something else for you.”

Autumn eyed the bulge against the laces of his breeches, and bit the inside of her cheek in thought. With near two days since the last time she got laid, the offer was a whole lot better than nothing, and she nodded as she reached out to unlace his breeches.

“I’ll take it.” she said. “But don’t think a miser like you is getting so much as a taste of my cunt.”

“Fair enough.” Wallace agreed, leaning back and resting his palms against the earthy ground as Autumn got on her knees, worrying at his laces.

Once free from the restraint of the trousers, his cock sprang up, already well hard. Seeing the size of it in full, Autumn briefly regretted ruling out a fuck so quickly, but inflamed and aroused by having it out in the open, she resolved to make do.

“Just lay back.” she suggested, and Wallace did as he was told, leaving his cock sprouting from his underbrush like a proud oak.

With practiced ease, Autumn wrapped her lips around it, and as he sighed quietly she began slowly bobbing up and down, going deeper with every stroke. When she reached the limit of what she could manage, she pulled back to regroup, grasping his balls gently but firmly as she pulled back his foreskin with her other hand, letting her tongue dance and play over the tip of his cock.

After a bit of teasing and a few deep breaths, she took it in again, and again she bobbed easily, strokes deepening, taking in near all of it in before coming up for air again. As she returned to kissing and teasing his tip with her tongue, she could feel his excitement building, and stepped her game down a notch, prolonging his agony as long as she could.

Finally, her thirst got the better of her, and she plunged back in, taking the whole thing on each stroke now, letting her teeth gently tap at the base of his cock, and on the fourth time down she felt a familiar twitch. Pulling back just in time, she caught his load in his mouth, savouring the taste of it for a heartbeat before greedily swallowing it. Panting, she kissed and licked him clean, enjoying the sounds of his feverish moans, before neatly lacing up his breeches.

“Whooh.” Wallace offered, and Autumn nodded sagely, wiping the side of her mouth with her thumb and rubbing the cum off on the tip of his nose.

“Indeed.” she agreed. “But let me give you some tips on field dressing. You’re going to ruin your meat like that.”

“And you quite like my meat?” Wallace said with a grin, and Autumn forced a friendly smile.

After addressing the shortcomings of his field dressing, she scampered up a nearby tree and settled in amongst its branches for the night, giving herself a quick tickle at the thought of Wallace’s cock in her before drifting off to sleep.

An hour before dawn, she awoke to a cool squall, the tiny rain drops beading on her tunic and slicking her pale skin. Quickly pulling up to the trunk, she scouted the terrain below, and a glint of reflected moonlight caught her eye. By the stream below, a pair of curious deer had come out of the woods, attracted to the scent of slaughter, and silently she stringed her bow and drew an arrow, striking the doe broadhead caught through the shoulder and chest, killing it on the spot.

As the startled buck bounded off into the woods, Autumn dropped down through the branches, and with her knife moving surely and swiftly, she dressed the deer, and soon had it hanging against a trunk to cure.

The noon sun found her sitting on the bank, her boots at her side, feet dangling into the cool and refreshing meltwater stream.

“Hi”, a timid voice came from behind her where she sat, “have you seen any maybells sprouting?”

Autumn craned her neck backwards and gave the girl with the timid voice an upside down look. Younger than her by maybe a year, she was tall and fair, blonde hair tumbling over her shoulders in lazy curls, her eyes a striking green. Autumn let her arms out from under her to tumble onto her back, and looking up along the girl’s long white linen dress she could make out the budding shape of a woman, her hips going on round and her breasts going on full.

“Maybells don’t sprout for two turns of the moon.” Autumn said with an easy smile. “Hence the name.”

The girl nodded resolutely and sat down next to her, placing her basket of flowers at her side. “I thought as much, but I figured, since mayflies come around much earlier…”

Autumn smiled.

“Is that yours?” the girl said, pointing over at the hanging deer, and Autumn nodded.

“Caught it this morning.” she said, looking at the shape of the girl through the thin linen of her dress, the coarse weave turned near translucent by the noon sun.

“I don’t suppose you would cut me a side?” the girl asked with a smile. “I’ve got many cute flowers I could trade for it…”

“What is your name?” Autumn said with an easy smile.

“Fawn?” the girl replied, puzzled.

“Hi, Fawn”, Autumn sallied, “I’m Autumn Rose, of the rosewood. I have so much flowers I find petals on the ground when I fart.”

“Oh.” Fawn said, crestfallen.

“Well…” Autumn said with a frown, feeling a little guilty, “Maybe there’s something else you have?”

Fawn shook her head sadly. “I don’t think so.”

“Well, let me see your flowers then.” Autumn relented, sitting up.

Fawn took her through her basket, showing her the large bough of wildflowers and pretty seedlings she’d picked up during her morning walk, and while some were pretty enough, they were all common and easy to find fare.

“These are all nice, I suppose, but even so…” Autumn offered. “What of your other flower?”

“My other flower?” Fawn asked.

“These are all –” she began again before cottoning on, her face suddenly turning bright red when she realized where Autumn’s gaze was wandering off to when it strayed from her own.

The look on her face was well worth a side of deer, and Autumn fell back into the grass, laughing.

“That’s all right.” she said with a smile to the girl and her full-body blush. “I’ll cut you a side of deer, I’ll make a gift of it. It needs to cure for a while still, though, but it should only be a couple of hours or so.”

“No…” the blushing girl whispered.

Autumn nodded against the forest floor. “Aye, it does.”

The girl shook her head.

“No, really, it does –” Autumn began, but the girl interrupted her.

“I’ll trade you a flower for it.” she whispered tremulously.

Autumn giggled. “You don’t have to do that.”

Shimmying her legs from side to side as she worked, Fawn began pulling off her dress.

“I know.” she said, her voice growing a little steadier. “But I will.”

Autumn sat up and turn around, taking her face between her hands and bringing her gaze up to her own. “I have a better idea.”

“Oh?” Fawn said, pausing.

“Trade me a flower for a flower, and I’ll make a gift of the meat.” Autumn suggested.

Fawn nodded, and pulled off her dress. Stuffing it carelessly into her flower basket, she moved on to relieving Autumn of her leathers, before helping her out of her tunic, her fingers trembling all the while, and her blushing red lips leaving mild kisses on Autumn’s.

Once they were both bare, Autumn lay down in the grass, looking up at Fawn. Through her linen dress she’d had the shape of her body right, but hadn’t seen the wild proliferation of freckles covering her from neck to thigh, each fleck brightened by the blush on her pale skin. Licking her lips, she looked up at her.

“Have you ever … plucked a flower before?” she asked Fawn, and she shook her head, blush yet again deepening.

Autumn nodded.

“Well”, she said, “it’s kind of like kissing…”

Biting her lip, she looked up at Fawn.

“Give me your best shot at a kiss.” she said with a warm smile, and Fawn leant down and kissed her mildly.

As she did, Autumn slipped a hand into her hair, toying with it lazily, and returning the kiss with hungry passion; slow at first, but escalating as quickly as Fawn could catch on.

“Like that.” she said, as Fawn pulled back, wobbling a little, and Fawn nodded weakly. “Come over here and sit on my face, and I’ll show you.”

Obediently, Fawn manoeuvred herself into place, wrapping her legs around Autumn’s arms as she moved into place, and with her hands firmly on her hips, Autumn drank deeply of her wetness. With a gasp, she toppled forwards and held tightly onto Autumn’s thighs.

Autumn pulled back slightly with a soft sigh. “Now you try.” she suggested, before returning to work, parting Fawn’s lips with her tongue in search of her tenderest places.

Distracted by Autumn’s tongue, Fawn nonetheless set her sights on her rose rose, and cautiously she began kissing it, and taking her cues from Autumn she soon put her tongue to work as well, trying to emulate both Autumn’s heavy kiss and her heavy kiss.

For Autumn’s part, Fawns clumsy attempts were pleasant and endearing, but hardly distracting, so quickly and easily she brought the girl to orgasm with practiced ease, Fawn’s quaking and clenching drenching her face in her taste and scent.

With her shot delivered, she let her hands wander, helping the flailing girl bring her to her own climax, filling the forest with a loud, quavering moan as lips and fingertips together finished Autumn off, and well spent, they both fell into the grass panting.

After a time, when she had collected herself, Autumn rolled over and smiled up at Fawn.

“It will still be some time before the meat is ready for cutting, if you want more flowers for your basket.”

Blushing furiously, Fawn nodded timidly.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5n3mi6/fmff_wild_roses_pt_6_the_huntress_oral