27 JAGed Pills ch 3, p2 [mF, mf, inc, ms, alien, rape, tentacle, mind break, fat fetish, cons, hung]

Was I jealous? Why should I be? I’d let my daughter fuck my son for months, three times as often as I fucked him. I told myself I was jealous for Caroline, as if that made any sense. Nothing did about my son’s love affair. Why should I?

When I told the clerk to cancel our appointment, I recalled how she always smiled, as if she knew a secret. This time she sputtered.”But, Ma-am, you c-can’t do that.”

“It’s done.” I hung up. I went to my room and threw my five bottles of Pannusflush into my bedroom wastebasket. They had added to my prescription, after Rory’s exam.

My phone rang. “Ms. Bollinger, you must bring your daughter in for the exam.” The clerk had found her voice. “Her health is in serious danger.”

“Fuck you!” I hung up. My fury had a new outlet. I wanted my son’s prick to calm me, but I found him in his room, fucking Lana. “When the hell did you get here?”

“The moment I watched your son get off of your daughter, from outside her window.” She had taken to stalking us.

“Why don’t you fucking move in already.”

She humped my son joyfully. “I though you’d never ask!”

My phone rang. “Go to hell!” I yelled.

“Ms. Bollinger, we’re sending a taxi. Please put your daughter into it, if you don’t want to be examined yourself.” It was Michael.

“I’ll shoot the driver. I promised the researcher.”

My body ached. I felt so tired. My weight, for the first time was weighing me down as the biggest problem in my life. I went to bed and lay down.

The door bell woke me. I didn’t actually own a gun. I let it ring.

I heard Jerry answer the door. “Mom!” He hollered. “It’s dad.”

“Don’t you dare let that bastard inside, you hear me?” I hollered back. I staggered up from my bed. I felt slightly feverish. I wrapped a housecoat around my bra and girdle. It took a minute to identify the door, but managed through it. After a few deep breaths, my footsteps steadied. My good son stood in the door as a barrier, naked.

I walked up behind him and cleared my throat. “Thanks, Jerry.” I put my hands on my boy’s shoulder and smiled, peeking over his head. “Long time, no see.” I told my ex-husband.

The rat bastard was clearly gobsmacked at the sight of his son’s enormous prick. Still, he managed to warn us, “I got a call from the lab. They said Rory is in serious trouble. She has to go there.” It was the first time I had ever seen my stouthearted, son of a bitch, father of my children sweat.

“That’s funny, Russ.” I glared at him. “They told me, she was fine, and they just wanted to take more tests.”

He hemmed and hawed. “Um, maybe a blood test came back with terrible news.”

“They didn’t take any blood!” I screamed. “Get the fuck off of our lawn!” I pointed the way. “I could have done all of the ‘tests’ they did. Those idiots are a joke!”

From sweat to shakes, Russ nearly collapsed with fear. “They’re not a joke, Francine. They’re goddamn government spooks!”

“Yeah?” I paused, then I ripped into my ex. “What government, Russ. Tell me that. Do you even know?” I had never felt so alive.

“THE government, you stupid bitch.” Russ exploded. He stomped one foot closer.

I always, nearly came in my panties when I could break my husband’s cool. This time I did cum. It wasn’t as good as when our son made me cum, but it was good enough.

“Get the fuck away, Dad.” Our naked boy slammed the door shut.

Lana surprised me. “He’s right, Fran. The spooks are going to come down hard on this place, if you don’t rush Rory to the lab.” She stood at hall entrance, my son’s cum dripping down her legs.

“What the fuck do you know about all of this?”

“I’m one of the spooks, Honey.” She grimaced. “At least, on the books I am.” She amended incredibly softly, “Not that there are any books that I’m actually on.” The self-declared secret agent tried a smile. “They killed Doctor Harvey. They’ll kill you, now that the experiment has finally borne fruit.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I held myself in my arms. The room was getting colder.

“Yeah, you’ve got it too, at least one.” She eyed my body, head to toes.

“One what?”

“An exogene form.” She crabbed across the room and reached for her purse. From it, Lana pulled out a gun. “Scream.” She smiled at me, raising her weapon.

I screamed.

Shots rang out.

Lana beat Jerry to Rory’s room. My daughter screamed. More shots fired.

A week later, I held onto the toilet for dear life. I managed to force one more puke from my dry guts. “Die, alien fucker, die!” I would rather die than let happen what had happened to my daughter.

My efforts were too little, too late. The exogene form that was wrapped around the inside of my torso’s skin initiated it’s journey out.

I screamed from the slit it cut across my left ass cheek. Like a chick, it had a birthing tooth, to break out of its confines of gestation swaddling my guts. Blood poured upon bathroom tiles. My body convulsed. It was a programmed mechanism to aid the lifeform’s birth. I wished it had been inside my womb, the part of a woman’s body meant to bear a living creature.

But this thing had grown between my organs and my skin. I wasn’t really fat. Never had been, at least not any more than when I first went on a diet. The exogene’s gestation mimicked human fat, growing inside it’s host. It exuded a tube which tapped into my urethra, an invasive event most hosts don’t notice. That’s how it nourished itself, by sucking up any food that entered my cunt. It’s metabolism was extremely efficient. Even a fraction of my son’s cum let it grow to its nymph stage, over time. Three months of regular food was enough. It’s birth weight was less than half of an average human. It’s afterbirth weighed more than it did. My breasts, however, were real, fat titties. During gestation the parasite released the right hormones to stimulate milk production.

I screamed again when I felt it’s bulbous head push out against the cut in my ass. It ripped it’s birth slit wider. Agonized, I clung to the toilet and wished I hadn’t agreed to Lana’s plan. I begged the gods to take me back in time and let me go on a proper diet.

A week ago, Lana called her superiors, after ‘properly sanctioning’: me, my daughter, and the exogene forms. Her gun’s shots had been recorded by a listening post, set up weeks prior (when Rory first sickened), in a neighboring house. Her superiors quelled any calls from neighbors to emergency services. I later learned that none of my close by ‘friends’ had called upon hearing gunfire, the bastards!

Fortunately, video surveillance was against their security protocols. That would be too much evidence for nosey congressional pages and other self-important flunkies. Lana’s spook buddies operated on the extreme end of spookdom.

“Get out of me!” I yelled at the white jelly looking mass whose tooth had ripped my flesh. It paused until my body’s convulsions synced up to it’s next effort. Rory had warned me. This was the most painful part.

The white mass stiffened and its full strength anchored to my hip bones and expanded, like a car-jack lifting a great weight with every ratcheting shake. I literally shook it until it pushed the hard gelled head out of the bleeding slit across my ass. It’s widest part plopped from my body, like a giant, solid zit, just before I passed out from increased torture.


I dreamed. Lana never returned after after beguiling her agency. She promised Jerry, that she would work behind the scenes to further Caroline’s ambitions. My son swore to me that his girlfriend knew nothing about Exo-Genetics or the spooks. He also confessed, that he had been banging her mom and Julie Herring too. After being traumatized by the sight of her dieting mentor sucking down the largest prick she’d ever seen, the memory had haunted Julie, until she begged my son to fuck her. They used Caroline’s house for their sordid affairs. Jerry never explained how his girlfriend’s mother got involved. I like to imagine that Caroline used her boyfriend’s special purpose to take control of her family. I imagined Jerry cuckolding her father, leaving him only to jack off to my son raping his pretty wife’s ass.

Russ also disappeared. Good riddance.


“I stopped the bleeding, Mom.” Rory’s voice woke me. I felt my bed beneath me. “You’re going to be okay. The birth was a success.” She didn’t bother to hide the delight in her voice. She knew that I had been trying for a week to kill the parasite living inside of me.

Liposuction would have ripped the creature right out of me, while I was sedated, leaving only a surgical scar and very puzzled doctor. Unfortunately, I was a prisoner in my own home. There was no home remedy that could kill it, which wouldn’t have killed me!

“Where’s Jerry?” I hardly had strength to breathe, let alone talk.

“You know, Mother.” Rory said curtly. She was doing something to the weight clinging along my body, washing it I thought.

I remembered he’d left home, to follow Lana. She had signaled, all clear, two weeks after ‘killing’ Rory and I. He’d promised, in exchange for her help, to meet her where she could get a fix from his sexual treasure. He didn’t know if she was still taking the drug. I doubted that she ever had, but he let on that she continued to get fat. Every week or so, he was increasingly eager to meet her for hours of intense fucking. I also doubted that his sister or I would ever excite him again. I started crying with my eyes closed. Now that the Exogents had emerged and latched upon us, she and I would only repulse him.

“It’s not that bad, Momma.” My daughter brushed my forehead with a damp, sticky cloth. “You’ll get used to the perks in no time. I know how much of a slut you really are.”

I sighed, but I refused to accept her fate. Maybe I would, someday, but I opened my eyes and girded my loins, striving resist losing myself to another addiction.

Rory’s face filled my initial view. She smiled happily, leaning over me, wiping my brow with the rag she had used to wash my new ‘child’. I looked down her slim body.

My lovely daughter was naked. Her ‘fat’ was gone, but she struggled to keep from tipping over as she leaned. Two, milk white serpents hung from the front of her torso, glued to their parent like slugs. Imagine a sperm cell the length of a dog, including its tail. It’s head was a cantaloupe sized orb with transparent skin, it’s white, inner tissues visible. It tail was thick, a fat zucchini that slowly writhed across her belly. My daughter’s ‘children’ hugged their mother and feasted from hormone fattened titties. Their lipless mouths latched on to a nipple and never let go. Occasionally, Rory would yelp when they bit down with gums as hard as cartilage, to feed.

I could tell from my daughter’s elsewhere expression that at least one of them was massaging a nipple to access her milk. My eyes followed the two tails further down her naked torso. They were long enough to reach her knees but rarely did so. They spent most of their time fucking their round, stiff tips in and out of their mother’s cunt and ass. They supplied all the lubrication needed, with sticky, clear slime.

My daughter shivered and straightened. She couldn’t risk falling over while cumming. “Mmmmm. So goood, Mommy.” She was a mommy now, but she hadn’t had to wait thirteen years for her child to fuck her. They’d been diving their thick tails in and out of her pussy by their third day of life.

I couldn’t stand to watch them. The sight made my pussy tingle. “How long was I out?”

“Four days, but you’re okay, Mom. I managed to get an IV into you, to keep you fed and hydrated.”

“Why am I so hungry?”

“Your newborn has been feasting. It’s hard to keep up with your and its bodily needs.”

I sensed the creature’s head, where it was latched onto my right breast, but it must have been asleep too.

“Where did you get the medical equipment and IV supplies?”

“A magical, unlimited credit, Amazon wish list.” My daughter closed her eyes and let her next cum shake her body. “Uuuunnnnggghhhh!” She mewed. “I thought I would tire from their regular stimulation. You know, grow bored. My children adjust their actions enough each time, to make it special.”

I tried to drive thoughts away from my orgasmically sated daughter. Lana deserved every inch of my son’s cock, for saving my family from an insane government conspiracy. Fuck her good, Jerry.

Rory spoke after her latest cum faded. Her face darkened. “I am concerned.”

“What about?” I expressed suspicion.

“Your baby.” My daughter set down the cloth and touched the creature glued to me from chest to thigh. She stroked it.

I felt it wake with a tremble. “Rory!” I whispered in fright. “Don’t disturb it.” Five pounds of white, muscular tail and round head stilled once more, but it remained awake.

“But, Mother, it’s been four days, and it hasn’t, you know,” She whispered. “Done it.”

“You mean go to the bathroom?” The last thing I wanted my parasite to do was shit and piss on me.

“No. Not that.” Rory paused. “I’m not sure how they eliminate their waste. Their metabolisms are incredibly efficient, but I think it may have something to do with shedding their skin.”

I cringed. The thought of alien skin made of shit and piss increased my desire to kill the thing stuck to my body.

Maybe the thing sensed me recoil. Perhaps, from insecurity, it’s cartilage like gums clamped down on the nipple its mouth was attached to. I yelped! “Rory.”

“Doesn’t it feel wonderful? I can see it.” She replied. “If you look close you can see your nipple through its lips.”

I couldn’t help but stare at the translucent orb attached to my breast. My eyes found its point of attachement. My daughter was right, except the thing didn’t have lips proper, only a broken line of skin which had formed an ‘O’ around my milk pores. I felt and saw slightly darker mandibles work to free milk.” It reminded me of when Jerry used to feed. I felt its munching sucking and watched it’s gums make my nipple squirt nourishing fluid.

That was amazing. It did feel good, but it was just breast feeding. Only a seriously sick human would get addicted to that.

“That’s a good little boy or girl.” Rory tittered. “You should give your new baby a name.”

I was still staring at the creature working milk out of my fat tit. My other tit felt much different. I realized it was full and it hurt. “Rory, my other breast…” I lost my words, still so very tired.

“I’m sorry, Mom. I’ll take care of that.” She reached into a drawer in the nightstand by my bed, where I kept my vibrators. She took out an electric breast pump. “Good thing, you bought lots of batteries,” my sexually mesmerized daughter winked. When she placed the plastic cup on my nipple and switched the device on, my breasts sang with sensations, different ones. The soft bite of the alien felt like a contralto paired to the strong, baratone sucking of the mechanical mouth. I bit my lip. “Mmmmm.” Hold steady, Francine. I chided myself.

The pain in my free breast eased. Rory took nearly a full cup from it. In the same time, the creature had sucked nearly as much into it’s sperm shaped body. “Mom, do you remember how often you had to express your milk, when you breast fed Jerry?”

“Every four or six hours, unless I was sleeping. If I fed my Son each time I woke there was never a problem. He had been a wonderful baby, rarely cried. He loved his milk, from either boob, usually both, the greedy little shit. His love never left me.” I felt sad then, that my boy would never give his love to the inside of my body where I had created him. All I had to console myself was a sex addict daughter and a white parasitic organism that portended an ominous future. I felt slightly sadder when the thing stopped feeding.

“Hmmm.” Rory murmured again, worried. She seemed puzzled by my ‘child’. “Are you okay, Baby?” Her hand stroked it from head to tail. A short, cone of flesh linked its two segments. I felt it try to feed again, but after a few nibbles, it stopped.

“Rory, stop messing with it.”

“But it’s been more than four days.” She whined.

“You keep saying that. What are you talking about?”

My daughter ignored me, like a parent who knew better than to argue with a child. “Maybe it doesn’t know how.” She spoke her thought aloud to no one.

I lost more strength. The nutritional IV couldn’t keep up with my child’s feeding. My body strained to refill the milk in my breasts. If only I could use my arms, I would escape this nightmare. If I had to sell my body on the streets to run away from the home I had made, I would have tried. All I could do was shift my hips a little and utter a word or two every few seconds.

I watched in horror, as my daughter grasped the end of my parasite’s tail and pulled part of it off of my skin. I heard and felt a drawn out slurp from the dozen inches she freed from my leg.

“How long was Jerry?” Rory asked with a perverse smile. She knew. “Fourteen inches wasn’t it?”

I had never measured it. Odd that I hadn’t, I thought. Fourteen sounded a bit optimistic, maybe at it fullest length.

My daughter continued to lift my creature’s tail until she gauged it was enough. This caused quite a stir in its owner. The thing began to shiver. It’s gums clamped down hard on my nipple and didn’t let go. I yelped louder. “Rory! Let it alone!” My breath exhausted.

“But it needs to learn, or you’ll never bond to it.” My daughter’s concern was earnest. She took the end of my creature’s fat tail and pushed it between my legs.

Before I could recover the strength I’d lost by yelping, she pressed the sturdy, white tip between my pussy lips. “No.” I opened my mouth but couldn’t say it. My daughter pressed the tip upon my inner hole, until it popped inside. She continued to push inch after inch of the white tentacle up my cunt until I was full. “There.” She said, half satisfied.

“T-take it out.” I doubt she could hear me. If she had, she wouldn’t have listened.

“Okay, Baby, it’s up to you.” She began petting the creature glued to her mother’s body. It did ease its tight bite on my nipple. It shivered again. It milked me, for another few seconds. Then it’s tail shifted inside of me.

My body’s natural reaction followed it’s ancient programming. Moisture seeped into my cunt, lubricating the invading tentacle. It’s movements changed. Instead of shivering, it’s tail withdrew, shedding slime as it left. I felt it’s mouth change shape, as if it too felt something important. At that moment it shifted direction and began pushing it’s fat, white length into my body, until it couldn’t push any more.

“That’s right, sweetie.” Rory cooed. She hugged her own tentacles and was soon orgasming from their ministrations. “Oooohhhh, Mooomma! Sooon youuu’ll feel this good too!”

“Please, get it away from me.” I begged.

“Mommy,” She stared straight into my eyes. “You know, Jerry’s dead.”

I lost my shit. My body convulsed from adrenaline rushing to save me. I suddenly had more than enough strength to bawl my eyes out. My memory had been a dream. During her birthings, Rory had told me wild tales of how my son had used Lana to protect our family. In reality, he had chased her outside and wrestled her gun, but not after taking a bullet. He managed to shoot back. My son died in Caroline’s arms, in a hospital. She promised to protect us. She brought whatever medical equipment Rory asked for.

What was true, from my dream was, the spooks Lana worked for covered up everything, without verifying their agent’s kills. Jerry’s statement had been enough for them. Nobody wanted to be seen investigating a house full of corpses. They kept the police out, and set up a permanent trust to pay the property taxes on my house. As far as they were concerned my home was a mausoleum. Only Caroline visited, pretending to place flowers at our door. Neighbors were too afraid to trespass a single step upon our overgrown lawn.

I kept crying as my new child worked it’s sinuous tail in and out of my increasingly, slime coated cunt. Memory flashes stirred together feelings from the white appendage invading my body. Flash – it was my son, his massive tool fucking me with all of his love and lust. Flash – it was a terrible monster drilling my cuntal depths for purposes unknown but doubtless sinister. Flash – Jerry nursed at my breasts as a toddler. Russ chided me for spoiling his son with my tits. Flash – the creature’s serpent length writhed upon my trembling body. It’s orifice kept latched to my nipple and worked fresh milk from that breast. Rory climbed into bed beside me. “Poor Momma.” She knelt and took my free tit into her hands and she sucked on its nipple. Flash – I watched Lana emerge from Rory’s room and chase Russ out the door. Jerry turned to me, “I’ll stop her, Mom.” He disappeared.

My vision cleared and the great white orb latched to one breast filled one eye. My daughter’s tit sucking attracted my other eye. The tentacle inside me raked cunt and clit with every withdraw and plunge. It fucked with the delight of a young boy sinking his hard cock into a hot,wet pussy for the first time. “My baby! My love!” I didn’t stop crying until my body was wracked with orgasms. When one faded, the white prick thrusting in and out of my body moved differently, bringing me quickly to a new one. I lay beneath my daughter moaning from her own orgasms and the taste of my milk, and under a child born strange to me, who raped its mother gently, efficiently. It responded to my great sorrow with fresh movements which fostered sustained joy. Somehow, it was able to make every cum special.


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5n34m7/27_jaged_pills_ch_3_p2_mf_mf_inc_ms_alien_rape