1. What is the best orgasm you have ever had? What are the circumstances around it?

  2. I’m not familiar with you or your story, so my question is this: When did you first become sexually active?

    The followup question being: What was the first sexual act you partook in, and when did you first have sex?

  3. What is the riskiest place you have had sex? And are you into exhibitionism in general?

  4. How often do you need to get off an average day? Do you travel with toys? Self satisfy mid day?

  5. Have you ever been really scared durring sex? Like the other person was doing something that you didn’t like or know how to react to?

  6. Sounds like you been with girls. Would you consider yourself to be bisexual? Have you ever had a one-on-one with another girl?

  7. what place would like to try to have sex in, but don’t know if you can do it?

  8. Yo trix it’s your dawg. What’s good. And to your dude…man..you got a hot one. Love the stories and little chats we have. Questions abound.

    Craziest thing to happen during sex
    One place you’d love to have sex that you haven’t yet
    When am I gonna…no no no I won’t ask that
    The one thing we would be surprised about you sexually

  9. Stay safe. Just remember there are several things can be caught, a Condom won’t stop.

    Love your work.

  10. Hi Trixie, I love hearing about your adventures. One thing I don’t remember you mentioning is whether you’ve ever rimmed a guy or if this is a regular thing for you. If you do do it I loved to here about the first time you licked a guy’s ass.

  11. Thanks for this.

    I have a friend who really has enjoyed pushing her boundaries because of your posts here. My question is: do you have any requests of your fans? Anything naughty we could do (or do to each other) as a thank you that would do it for you? I mean, we can’t all be down there with a windowless van, so is there anything we can do from afar to be a small part of your sex?

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