Last Fuck of 2016 Wasn’t What I Expected, [MM], [Creampie], [Surprise], [Minimal Piss], [Gloryhole], [Multiple Orgasms], [Prostate]

Disclaimer: This will likely be a shorter story than my previous posts here, but I hope it is enjoyed none the less.


Last night I decided I didn’t want to stay home to watch the ball drop like usual. I was feeling a bit horny and while I didn’t expect anything, being at home alone wasn’t increasing my chances of getting laid.

I headed to a bar down the road where they were hosting a New Year’s Bash. I knew there would be some drunk girls there and thought that I’d have a decent chance being 5′-11″, ~200 lbs, blue eyes and nicely cut brown hair. I like to think I am fairly attractive at least.

I get to the bar and take a seat ordering a shot of Jack. Boring, I know. I down it and order another on the rocks to sip on while I peruse. There are tons of gorgeous women there from blondes to red heads and brunettes.

I talk to a few of them and even get a few numbers. All in all, the evening was going pretty well. I ordered more drinks and before long, I really had to pee (and was feeling really buzzed).

I excused myself from my present company, a cute blonde girl who I don’t think was 21 and her brunette friend who was buying her drinks, and headed to the restroom.

The only open place to take a leak was a stall on the end so I went in and locked the door behind me. I unzipped my jeans, whipped out my cock and began to relieve myself with a sigh of relief.

As I am finishing up, I hear a light tap on the stall wall beside me. I turn to look and discover a rather hard, ~8″ long, thinish, white cock poking through a hole I hadn’t noticed earlier.

If you’re read my other stories, you know I am no stranger to cock and like it as much as the next guy who has tried it. I shake the remaining piss from my cock and zip up. I reach out to grasp his cock. I mean, clearly he needs a hand.

I begin to slowly stroke him eliciting a muffled moan. That sets me off. I drop to my knees and take him into my mouth. This is hot. I’ve never been in a gloryhole before (I of course never stayed in this bar long enough to have to pee either).

I begin to bob on his cock slowly trying to be quiet. There are a lot of people coming in and out of the bathroom, but it’s hard to suck a cock and not slurp some. I come up with another idea. I stand up bent over, pull out my wallet, and undo my pants dropping them, all the while sucking this strangers cock.

While I suck, I pull free a condom from my wallet and open it. I stop sucking to slide it on him and back up to his cock letting him enter me. Thankfully he was thin or this would have been much more difficult. I back up to the stall wall and clench my ass. He begins to thrust into me, pumping hard and fast as one can in a stall. In short order he taps the wall and I clench my ass in reply. He thrusts a few more times cumming hard (with more of a grunt than I would have wanted trying not to be caught).

When he finishes, he pulls out, flushes the condom and zips up leaving. I pant as I ALMOST came. I decide to finish myself off and start to stroke. No sooner have I started than the door next to me closes again and another cock comes through.

I don’t even hesitate. This one is smaller, 5″ but thicker and tan. I suck like a champ for a minute before I start to, once again, get too noisy. I pull out another condom and put it on this nice specimen of a cock.

I back up to him and in less than 3 thrusts, he grunts cumming hard. I smile to myself for a second having done such a good job that he came so fast. As he finishes, he too pulls free, flushes the condom and leaves.

I decide to wait. Maybe someone else will come in. I’m really rather turned on about being a slut tonight and no longer care to hook up with a girl. I want to make more cocks cum.

In short order, a body is in the stall and I slide a finger through the hole as I hear him piss. I am rewarded with a cock tip touching my finger. I withdraw it and the cock follows. I smile to myself. This one is a gorgeous black cock. Thick and long, maybe 8 or 9″?

I suck hungrily on it while I free a condom from my wallet (I like to be prepared when I leave the house with the intention of getting laid). I unroll it onto him and bend over for him to use my ass.

He doesn’t disappoint. He slides in easily enough after I haven been stretched by the other two, but he is still big and feels good. He starts thrusting and I know instantly I won’t last. My ass clenches as my orgasm approaches (damn I love prostate stimulation!). He speeds up liking the tightness and I scream out pushed over the edge. I spray all over the floor in front of me, cumming hard, KNOWING everyone has heard me and not caring. He doesn’t seem to either as he keeps thrusting, harder now.

In short order, I hear him grunt as I am coming down from my orgasm. He is filling the condom so well I can feel the jets even through the rubber. I moan as he does.

As he finishes, he pulls out and flushes the condom like the rest. I stand there legs shaking unable to move or stand up.

I should have moved. Another cock is through the hole and in me before I can do anything about it. I try to move away but my legs are shaking and his cock feels so good, I don’t want to move. Instead, I thrust back onto him, the stall wall shaking with the force. We keep up this fucking for a good few minutes. I don’t know what his cock looks like, but damn it feels good. It’s thick and veiny. I can feel the ribs of it. I moan as another orgasm approaches my cock.

He grunts and then knocks on the stall. I squeeze my ass. Maybe we can cum together. He speeds up, thrusting deep into me, fast. I scream out again with my second orgasm of the evening, spraying the floor.

As I cum, he cums, HARD. I then realize he didn’t have on a condom. I feel each and every jet of cum spraying my insides. My first creampie is from a stranger. He keeps thrusting and shooting, my body shakes as I cum (and from a little bit of fear).

Soon, he too is done and I am left there shaking. I move to the toilet and sit letting his load drip into the toilet from my used and stretched ass. I feel both amazing, and afraid. I am on the verge of tears and am trying to fight them back while at the same time trying not to stoke and cum again.

A second later, a paper towel slides under the stall. Sloppily written on it was a note: “I’m sorry about that. I meant to pull out, but you felt so good. I’ll be waiting at the bar. I’m wearing a green shirt and will be looking at the bathroom exit. I hope you come talk to me. If you don’t, know that I am clean and you have nothing to worry about from me.”

I shook and smiled and cried and then jacked off cumming for the third time all over the floor. I got dressed not even bothering to clean up the condom wrappers or cum. I stuffed some toilet paper into my pants under my ass to catch the cum that hadn’t escaped and then left the stall, washed my hands and headed to the bar.

Waiting for me was a rather cute young man wearing green, looking right at me. He was blonde and looked to be in good shape. His hair was cut short and he had on a pair of glasses. Not the type I would think would be at a bar, much less would fuck a guy in a gloryhole.

I walked up to him. “Hi…” I all but whispered.

He smiled. “Would you like a drink?”

I nodded, and he ordered me a Jack and Coke. I sipped on it and began to relax again. We talked for a good while, and brought in the new year together, though without the traditional kissing or any sex.

We did exchange numbers and are planning on meeting up again sometime soon. I have already texted him this morning and he texted back.

While the end of 2016 was a real list of experiences, and an emotional roller coaster, I have very high hopes for 2017 now.


For those good souls who are concerned about my well being, emotional and health, I will be scheduling an appointment to get tested tomorrow just to make sure though I trust him (we talked a lot). And while the creampie from him was a very big surprise and honestly was an emotional shock that scared me a lot at first, after talking to him and getting to know him, if it had to happen again, I would do it all over again knowing it would turn out that way. He’s a great guy and last night was a very great experience that I will never forget.

**I hope that you all enjoyed my experience and story. I would love to hear from you. PMs are welcome and encouraged, as is constructive criticism.**



  1. Great story!

    Please get your partners to not flush condoms though. That will extra fuck up some piping.

  2. It’s a shame that /r/gonewildstories is so homophobic, i mean, this is a great story, yet it’s only at ~50% upvotes. If you replaced all the male parts with female parts, no one would have a problem

  3. Regular Bars down the street have glory holes in their bathrooms. Really? That’s a first!

  4. That last part sounded kinda romantic :-)

    I’m jealous of you that you can have an orgasm from prostate stimulation alone… how did you discover you could do that?

  5. Crazy hot! (You dirty slut, you.)

    Sounds like *someone* is going to get a chance to take that amazing dick for another ride one of these days. Sounds like there’s a pretty great guy attached to it too, so, win-win.

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