Sexting Leads to More (Or “Confession is good for the Body and Soul”), [Fiction], [Mf], [MM] [Fingering], [Oral], [Sex], [Young(er)], [Multiple Orgasms], [Long]

Disclaimer: This story is a complete and utter falsification. The people in this story, though they may resemble real people you know, are figments of my imagination (including the [M]ale character). This story is intended only as that (well, as a story and a way to get some upvotes too if we’re honest).


The door closes on a confessions booth in my local Catholic Church as I sit down. The partition slides open between us.

“Tell me, what brings you here today my child?”

“Well Father, honestly, I’m not Catholic, or even religious for that matter, but I need to get this off of my chest. I feel I have done very bad and I don’t know what to do.”

“I can’t absolve you of your sin if you aren’t Catholic my son. But if you just need someone to listen, I will do that.”

“Is there some sort of ‘You can’t tell anyone what I say thing?'”

“I’m sorry my son, but there isn’t. Go now if it is something that you fear I will have to tell the authorities.”

I take a deep breath. ~I COULD go to jail for this I think… I mean I don’t know… I…~ I shake my head snapping me out of my thoughts.

“No father. I don’t think that it will result in talking to the authorities, but if it does, then maybe that’s for the best. I’ve always considered myself a good guy, never trying to do anything wrong. I like to think I’ve always put on a good front and that people see me as good.

“I like to think I am attractive. I have green eyes and blonde hair. I guess you would say I am average build and all, 5’-10″, 180lbs.” I can hear him writing down my description so I stop describing myself, just in case.

“Of course, I like to think a lot of things. We all do in that regard since no one wants to admit we are all corrupt and have dark parts of ourselves we would explore more if we could. I’m really no different in that regard. I’ve always found younger girls pretty. I would never do anything with them in real life of course, but to look at, yeah, that I would do.

“But don’t go thinking I’m a sicko or something. I have limits too. I mean they have to have breasts and all. I’m not talking about 6 year old younger, I’m meaning more like 14 or 15 younger. And in my defense, it’s really getting harder to tell just who is old enough these days.

“Anyway, enough about me and my “problems”. Lets get to the re-telling of what happened a few days ago. I mean, I really feel like I need to tell someone Father. Are you ready?” I pause, waiting for what seems like an eternity.

“Go on my son. I am listening.” He shuffles himself in his seat to get more comfortable.

I wait for him to stop moving before I continue. He thankfully doesn’t take long to get settled and I resume. “I like to talk to girls online. I feel that it’s the only place I can actually talk to people and be my real self, which is a whole different set of stories and confessions for you.

“Last weekend was no different than any other in that regard. I get online and log into one of my favorite sites for chat and click through the 18+ verification before logging in. I then settle down to talk to people.

“There are usually one or two on the site who are verified as women on there, and most of them like to pretend to be a little younger, relive their glory days and all I guess.”

“Verified?” He interrupts me.

“Yes father. It just means that they take a picture of themselves holding a piece of paper with certain things on it, usually words and numbers and all.”

“I see. Continue my son.”

~Is it just me, or is his breathing faster? Likely just me.~

“So anyway, I find one of these girls to talk to. We start chatting like I always do with them and things heat up quickly enough. The obvious happens, but after, we keep talking. That’s not normal by the way.

“We decide to exchange numbers, something else I have a strict rule against but seeing as she was different…” Again I shake my head

“My son, are you okay?”

“Yes father, just getting out of my own head. Anyway, we talk a bit more before she has to go, but we promise to text one another later when she gets done with real life.

“And we do. About three hours later, she is done with real life and shoots me a text. We decide to stay offline and just text. We only wanted to talk to each other anyway.

“That day, the texting was pretty innocent as was the day after that, though there was some joking about sending pictures to one another.

“The third day, Tuesday, things got more heated. I woke up that morning to a picture of her rather gorgeous beasts. I’d’ve said they are D’s but she said they are actually 36C’s. Gorgeous, milky white breasts with brown nip…”

He clears his throat.

“Sorry. More than a man of your order needed to hear. I’ll move on.

“I text her regarding the picture telling her how gorgeous they were and thanking her, but telling her it wasn’t necessary. She told me she knew, but she really wanted to is all.

“We talked off and on throughout that day, often about her breasts and other parts. I found out that day that, like me, she shaves her pubes. Sorry…

“Wednesday, I woke up to a teaser shot of her shaved pubes, but nothing more. I was already hard, my own 8″ cock tenting my boxers. I handled my business before getting up lest my roommate think it was for him.” I make a nervous laugh since that again is a whole different confession.

“Is that what you are here to confess my son?”

~His voice was a little huskier, I’m sure of it.~

“No father. I’ll hurry. I know you have other things to attend to.

“I text her back as I got out of bed. I asked her, jokingly, where she lived. I said I was going to have to see this beauty in person if she kept teasing me like that.

“I didn’t expect anything serious from the reply, but I got two shocks that morning when she got up. She was in town and only a mile away.

“I was torn. I wanted to meet her, but I’m really no good with girls in person. I freeze up. I told her as much. She was actually very sweet and understanding. She made me feel better about the whole thing actually. I couldn’t believe it.

“As the day went on, we danced around the subject of us meeting. I was nervous and horny, she was horny and nervous. We decided that Friday afternoon would be as good a time as any to meet.

“Thursday, we seemed to be in a hurry for the day to get done so we could get to Friday morning and then Friday afternoon. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Thursday ended, and Friday morning came, as did I… Again.” I shook my head again knowing I was getting off subject. The Father shifted in his seat again.

I continued. “Friday drug on forever, but finally, the appointed time came. I headed over to the address she gave me and rung the doorbell as instructed. She buzzed me in and I headed to the room number she had given me. I knocked on the door.

“A few seconds passed and the door opened. I stepped in looking around. It really looked like a guy’s place. There were beer cans on the table, a computer set up, and assorted other things that really made me think I had walked into a situation I wasn’t prepared for. Not that I…” I stopped myself short.

“Anyway, I looked around, and finally behind me. There behind me, closing the door, was a girl of about 16 or so, she showed me her drivers license and she was 16 or 17, locking the door. I won’t lie Father. She was really very cute. Straight blonde hair with highlights of white. Stunning body, makeup done just right, and an ass… I mean butt, for days. She was stunning.

“She looked at me and said ‘Hello.’ to which I replied. She introduced herself as Leigh, which is who I had been talking to. Her breasts were the right size, but she was younger than she had led me to believe.

“‘Is this your place?’ I asked?

“She shook her head. ‘My dad’s. He’s away on a business trip. My mom and him are divorced.’ Her voice was so light and airy, not at all too high pitched, and almost womanly.

“I nodded and then got ready to leave, but she took my arm. ‘Please stay. I know I’m not what I said, but I meant what I said about wanting you.’

“I was trying not to stammer or stare. ‘But you are so young. I mean, I’m 30 like I told you. Are you even legal?’

“She nodded and reached for her wallet in her purse pulling out her drivers license. ’16 is legal in New York, so yes, I’m legal.’

“I sighed. I couldn’t argue there at least.

“She took my hand. ‘Let’s just sit down for a little while and see if we like how things go.’

“She was taking control knowing I was bad with girls in real life. She led me to the couch and sat me down, sitting beside me. She leaned in and kissed me.” I moaned. I couldn’t help myself.

“I’m sorry father. Her lips were just so perfect, so sweet… Remembering them…

“I’ll move on. We kissed for a long while and I knew I wasn’t going to go anywhere. My hand slid down her side to her hips and under the waistband of her shorts and panties. She leaned back just enough that I could still kiss her but now had easy access. My hand slid over her shaved…” I looked at the partition and his eyes were closed so I continued “pussy.” No reaction other than a slight movement. “Before long, my fingers found her dripping hole and slid in. My thumb moved up to her clit and rubbed it as I fingered her.

“I’ll spare you too many details, but she arched her back in no time soaking my fingers and her panties as she came. Thankfully, she wasn’t very loud. Of course, that could have been because my mouth was pressed to her’s and our tongues were dancing…” I shook my head again feeling myself get hard at remembering.

“She broke the kiss. ‘I need more. Eat me. Now. Please.’

“She was already pulling off her shorts and panties, showing me completely the beautiful, bald slit that I had seen teasing pictures of already. I dove between her legs and began to devour her clit and juices. She wrapped her legs around my head pulling my mouth as close to her as possible. I licked and sucked her clit for all I was worth and soon I was rewarded with another, very explosive and wet, orgasm. I didn’t stop though father. I kept licking her.” I stopped talking.

His breathing was coming faster. “Continue my son. I’m… listening.”

“Yes Father. I licked until I could barely feel my tongue. In that time, she had cum 4 more times. My face was really and truly soaked with her juices, cum, and maybe a little pee. I’m really not sure since there was so much liquid.

“She grabbed my head and pulled me up to her kissing me. She was fierce Father, primal almost. ‘Fuck. Me. Now.'”

I looked at him. “Her words. I was just repeating them, though I suppose I have other things to worry about aside from cussing in here…

“She began to undo my jeans and pulled them down, along with my underwear before I could even say anything. My own 8” cock, which if I may say so myself is as thick as a can of lady’s shaving cream, sprung up hitting her in the chin. She didn’t even hesitate. She swallowed my cock, stretching her mouth and lips to the point I thought they may rip at the sides. But they didn’t. She sucked better than anyone I’ve ever been with, and I mean anyone. While she sucked, she pulled a condom from the cushions where she had clearly stashed it and opened it.

“She stopped sucking and unrolled it onto my cock. ‘Fuck. Me. Now.’

“I wasn’t going to argue after what she just did and how hot she was, covered in post orgasm sweat, her own cum, and wanting more.

“She lay back and I climbed on top of her pressing the head at her entrance. I looked up at her, but before she could say anything, because I feared she would be angry at me for waiting, I slid into her slowly so she didn’t break. After a few seconds, I was balls deep in her father. She arched her back trying to get more in.

“I slid out before sliding back in with more force. Out… In… Out.. In.. Out. In. Out in. Faster and faster I pumped into her.” My own heart was racing, I was hard as a rock and my breathing was getting ragged.

“Suddenly, she wrapped her legs around my back pulling me into her as deep as I had been before and she shook, her body wracked by the most powerful orgasm of the afternoon. I kept thrusting into her, like I like done to me…” I froze. Maybe he missed it so I kept on with the story. “She came a second time, harder than the first since it hadn’t stopped yet. Her legs lost their grip on my back but I grabbed her hips and sped up.

“She was crying out, in a loud quiet voice, ‘Yes! More! Give me more! Fuck my cunt! Make me cum! Fuck me! Cum with me!’

“I’d never heard such vulgar talk from a girl, but the more she talked, the more she came, one seemingly endless orgasm, but I know it had to be more. Before I knew it, my own orgasm had arrived. I looked down at her. ‘Where. Do. I. Cum? I’m. Close.’

“She smiled, pleased with herself. ‘Cover my tits and stomach, face. Cum all over me.’

“I pulled out and pulled the now ripped to shreds condom off. I jacked three strokes before I was spraying her with thick ropy jets of cum. I think there were 6, but I kinda blacked out after the first two father. When I came to, she was smiling, cum in her hair, on her face, across each perfect milky breast, pooled in her belly button and even a little on her very soaked pussy.

“Panting, I slowly regained my composure and senses. ‘Do I need to get you anything before I go? Like I said in our texting, I would have to go really soon after, and I have to go.’

“She just smiled up at me. ‘No, thank you. You gave me plenty.’ She chuckled rather cutely. ‘I hope we can do this again soon though.’

“I looked at her and smiled but couldn’t speak. I pulled my pants up, winked, turned as I buttoned and zipped them and left, leaving here there on the couch like that.

“And now, here I am, Monday, in this box, talking to you about what I did…”

His breathing was coming rather fast.

“Are you okay father?”

He cleared his throat. “I need you to come to my office with me. I think we may need to contact the authorities.”

“But 16 is legal in the state of New York, right? She sounded so sure.” I’m panicking now but I stand up, my erection gone in a hurry, sliding open the door as he does the same.

In silence, we walk to his office, him in front of me. Shortly, we arrive. He motions for me to enter, then he closes and locks the door behind us after he enters.

“Sit down. Would you like something to drink?”

I sit, shoulders slumped, shaking my head slowly. ~I should have run.~

He comes up behind me and rubs my shoulders. I sit up looking over them at him and I know the look in his eyes. I’ve seen it before. And to be honest, I have always liked it. My erection starts to return.

“We aren’t calling the authorities are we, because 16 is legal. Right?” I smile as I ask him.

“You’re right. But I liked your story. I especially liked the part that you like to be pounded while you are cumming. Stand up my son. We have to hurry.”

I stand, not even going to play coy I’m so horny from my own story and the thought of what is going to happen next. I start to undo my pants dropping the as the Father moves to his desk opening a drawer and lifting a false bottom. He pulls out a condom and walks to me.

“Over the desk my son. You must receive your punishment.”

I bend over as I hear him open the condom. I hear the wrapper hit the floor and his robes part. I turn to look over my shoulder to see what my punishment looks like. It’s 9″ easy, and maybe 10″, and thick as my own. ~FUCK!~ At least the Father, with his salt and pepper hair and blue eyes is in good shape and is handsome enough.

“I will go slow as I can, but I can’t go too slow. As I said, we have to hurry.” He presses the giant of a cock at my rosebud of an asshole.

“Just let me get used to it and then I will be okay.” I relax my ass for it.

He nods, pressing his cock against me. After a second, the mushroom head is in and he stops.

I bite my lip to not scream. Slowly, I relax and adjust and then nod. “More please father.”

He presses more into me, slowly, giving me time to adjust. Slowly I stretch as he slides his horse cock into my tiny ass. Over the course of a couple of minutes, he finally has his balls against mine.

We both sit there until I can breathe. My cock has been leaking precum for the past minute in a steady stream with the pressure his cock is putting on my prostate. Again, when I am ready, I nod.

He slides out slowly half way before sliding back in the full length. Out…. In…. Out… My breathing is speeding up and I’m going to cum soon. In… Out.. In.. Out.

I scream out briefly, biting my lip to silence myself, cumming hard all over his desk and the floor. I slam myself back onto his hard cock and began to rock myself on it.

He gets the idea and begins to pound in and out of my ass like I said I like. He is in it for his own orgasm and I don’t care.

I bite my arm to muffle myself as I cum again. ~FUCK I LOVE PROSTATE ORGASMS!~

He speeds up his pounding, grabbing my hips to be in control, loving that he is making me cum so many times, clearly a new thing for him. Suddenly, he screams a muffled scream as he cums, filling my ass (they just don’t make condoms like they used to) with more cum than I have ever felt.

I pant as we both come down from our orgasms. He finally falls free from my ass and I clench as well as I can to hold in what is there to minimize the mess that already exists.

He hands me a wad of toilet paper to shove into my underwear as I slide my clothes back on and he hides his cock in his robes. “I’ll clean this up. When you meet her again, you are to come here and tell me the details like this time. There will be consequences, like this time, so be prepared and make your decisions accordingly.”

“Promise?” And with that I leave.

**I hope you enjoyed. Constructive Criticism welcome as always.**


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