When I [f]irst [m]et Vicki

(For a description of Vicki, please check last story)

As most Tinder stories go, I went over to her place after we had both had a few drinks at a bar in Oak Park. She first suggested Mario Kart cause she had an old school N64. I was in nerd heaven. We play a few rounds, she is surprisingly good at this and manages to take the clinching round. I’ve noticed her rubbing my arm or sitting close but I have been described as clueless so I didn’t make a move. I ask her where the bathroom is and go to break the seal.

I came back out and she’s pulled her shirt lower so her impressive cleavage is on full display and is still playing Mario Kart. I come over and join but I’m now very distracted. I keep looking over but trying not to stare. I get up to get water and come sit back down and she takes my left hand and places it down her cleavage. I look at her and she says “Well you weren’t taking signals.”

Suddenly, it was like the floodgates opened. We started making out like there was no tomorrow and had a fairly vanilla round of sex. I noticed that she was a moaned which was a huge turn on for me. It’s still early in the evening so I’m laying back on her bed and she gives me this devious look and asks “Wanna see the roof?”

We go up to the roof of her apartment building from this small passage and inconspicuous door, half-dressed. She leans over the railing on the side and asks “Ready for round 2?” I needed no more than that and shimmied my shorts down and pushed into her from behind. The moans started back up in full force. I tried to quiet her but she said no one ever comes up here. I kept at it, pounding like my life depended on it. At one point, I hear her moans increase in speed and volume and feel her already tight pussy squeeze my cock for all it’s worth. The constant friction plus the added squeeze puts me over the edge and I cum inside her.

We head downstairs and Vicki turns to me and says, “That’s my favorite spot and my downstairs neighbor likes to take his dog for a walk whenever he starts hearing me moan. When I saw him watching us fuck, that pushed me over the edge.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5kjswl/when_i_first_met_vicki


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