During a hot day in the summer [MF] [Public]

Lara and I enjoyed our night in the lake very much. She looked at the starts while floating in the lake. She found her bikini and didn’t mind to put it back on, because we were alone on the beach anyway. She asked me why I waited all day for her. And it sounded more like a surprise for her then that she knew I liked her. I told her that since the day we started hanging out more and she finally opened up to me I really started to like her being around me. She said that I was making her blush.
She stood up in the water and looked at me. “people sometimes don’t realize that you don’t have to be popular to be great” and walked out of the water. She kinda left me puzzled in the water and I kept thinking about what this was about. When I turned around I saw her closing the shop and she shouted: “are you staying in longer?” “No, coming” and she smiled when I came out.

I gave her a ride home and when we arrived at her apartment I asked her “can we hang out this summer more often?” “don’t get me wrong, but I really have to work a lot and you should enjoy your parties”. She got out of my car and walked over to my side of the car, gave me a kiss and turned around and walked to the building.

Getting to sleep was hard that night. It felt like I had hurt Lara by having a great night in the lake. Eventually I fell a sleep and woke up the following morning. I checked my phone and did not have any messages from her, the only things I missed out on were my friends getting drunk. I went down to the garden to have breakfast and thought about the night before, when my mom surprised me “Goodmorning sleepy! joining us to grandma?” “sure give me a second”.

During the drive to the nursing home my mom asked “what were you doing so late yesterday?” “Oh I went swimming with friends and things got late” “you meet any girls?” “come on mom!”
Seeing my grandma is always great! She has stories about everything!

When we left the building I noticed someone entering with a familiar face, it was Lara. “Hi Lara!” “Hiya! Went to visit your grandma?” “Yea, how did you know?” “I’m a volunteer at this nursing home, and I already met your grandma!” “Oh wow thats great!” “Like I told you yesterday, you don’t have to be popular to be great”. I smiled and she was called by a nurse to help.

This girl does all this great work without making any problem that she misses out on her free time! I received a message that evening from her: “so your grandma told me her grandson wasn’t seeing someone ;)” “now did she? depends if you want to go out with me again tomorrow” “I like to, but I have to go to the nursing home again.” “Can I join you?” “Sure! Pick me up at 6.30 tomorrow morning”.

I picked her up that morning and she told me what was going on that day. There was going to be a small garden festival for the people in the nursing home. Ice-creams, lemonade, fruity shakes and some people with dogs to enjoy the elderly. I liked the idea, but it was hard work that day! During the whole day I kept my eye on Lara. She kept on smiling and looking at me!

The small festival came to an end right after mid-day. The elderly were taken inside and we were thanked for our help. I asked Lara if she had plans this afternoon and she told me no.

We got in my car, which was boiling hot from the sun, and drove to the beach. Halfway the road she said “take the next dirt road on your left!”, so I did. The road went to a quite beach that was surrounded by trees. We got out of the car and luckily the blankets from the night were still in my car. We laid down on the beach and I looked around, this was a nice calm area that I didn’t know.

Lara was laying on her belly and I asked her about what made her be a volunteer. She told me a lot of stories and her eyes just shined with love and passion. All of a sudden she said “Thank you” “Thanks for what?” “Everything” and she scooped over and kissed me. Then she asked with a wink “want to take another dive?”

We jumped out of our shorts and went into the water. She almost jumped me straight away! Put her arms around me and said “I really like you” and let go off me. She started to float again and I could see her naked body. I hold her legs and pulled her towards me, and opened her legs. I supported her back and started licking her sweet lips. She moaned and came a couple of minutes later. She wanted me to fuck her again like that night. She took my dick and guided it to her pussy. It was hard to slide in, because she had already came. She grinded the head of my dick for a moment and slowly slid my dick inside her. We kept rocking for a while when she said “please come inside me again!” and while I bursted deep inside her I told her “I’m not yet finished with you”.

She got out of the water and laid down on her belly. I got out as well, spread her legs and got between them. I started licking her pussy again and she squeezed the towel while moaning. I stopped licking and placed my dick infront of her so wet pussy. I started to slide the head in and inch by inch went further inside. Seeing her squeeze the towel and hearing her moan she was close to cumming again. I kept going and could feel her pussy tighten. With every movement I could feel her pussy squeeze. Then she moaned “F——uuuuckkkkkkkk” and her pussy clenched, it got so tight that I came inside her for a second time.

I rolled off her and she had her eyes closed. I felt her hand inside mine and holding it tight. Damn what did I already love this girl.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5kkghx/during_a_hot_day_in_the_summer_mf_public

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