Tindering around the Christmas Tree – [MF]

At the end of my last post I said I’d fuck Kat in the ass at the Christmas Party. The Christmas Party was last week and, whilst she was up for finding a quiet corner in the hotel, I said no as I knew she was (once again) back with her husband, and I have something else going on.

I’ve been using Tinder on and off for a couple of years and I’ve managed to gather a few friends with benefits/fuckbuddies – some are reliable, some have been lost along the way…others have had their numbers blocked for turning mental. I’m always up front with the women I match with – I don’t have any interest in trying to persuade someone on Tinder to sleep with me.

A few weeks ago, I matched with a woman called Anne. She is 13 years older than me, but her pictures were all enough to get me interested. A ‘fuller figure’ older woman – nothing I’d call fat, just well rounded and curvy. We chatted, and I told her I was looking for sex. She wasn’t sure, and that was enough to keep me interested. We met up with the agreement in advance that neither of us could block the other if we didn’t sleep together right away, and she promised to explain why.

Anne had been married young to her highschool sweet heart, and had a 23 year old daughter from that relationship. Unfortunately, her first husband had died very young. She’d moved on from that to a rebound relationship which had ended up being very emotionally abusive. She said she’d pretty much retreated into herself and gone for 15 years that. Finally, after much persuasion from her daughter, had walked out on him and this was her starting to discover the dating scene again.

Her previous relationship hadn’t been non-sexual, but it was very much on his terms. In her words “I couldn’t explore”. We spoke about what she meant, and it was basically anything that wasn’t missionary and lasted more than 3 minutes.

We both enjoyed date 1, and that lead to her coming round to mine later that week and we had sex for the first time. She was very open to trying anything.

Fast forward a few weeks and we were messaging back and fore. She had her work Christmas party, and I was out too. I said we could meet up and head back to hers (her daughter was away). The messages back and fore get ruder as the day went on. We both made videos for each other in pub/restaurant toilets of us masturbating, and she ended up telling me she wanted it very very rough when we got back.

I went to meet her, and she loved being picked up by a younger man infront of her workmates. We jumped in a taxi, and she immediately tried to get her hands into my jeans. I didn’t let her. I told her she wasn’t allowed to touch me until I said so, and I told her that I was going to take her as soon as we got into her house. This just seemed to send her wild.

She had a red halterneck sort of dress on. It was quite tight around her ass. She had black tights on (and I knew they were tights…I’d seen a video earlier). A pair of black heels finished off her sexy outfit. Anne was about 5ft4, very curvy with a large pair of breasts and a short bob of black hair.

We got out of the taxi, and I stood massaging Anne’s ass as she unlocked the door. As soon as it was open, I pushed her in and kicked it shut behind me. I grabbed her by the hair as she was off balance and pulled her to the nearest thing I could bend her over, and that was the dining room table. I bent her over it and spanked her as hard as I could, it was loud and she let out a small scream that was a mix of pain turning to pleasure. I pulled her dress up over her ass and tugged her spanx down and off. She had nothing on beneath her tights. I grabbed 2 handfuls of material and pulled, tearing a hole in her tights. I was rock hard by this point – I undid my jeans and let them fall as I pulled a condom out of my pocket. It went on quickly, and I entered Anne from behind just as quickly. Positioning myself before thrusting my full length into her hard. Anne moved. The table moved. The chair at the other end of the table crashed to the floor. Various table top items went flying. I carried on with strong, hard thrusts. Anne was grunting loudly with each upwards thrust, moaning too. There weren’t many words.
It didn’t take long, the hard thrusts and Anne’s moaning got me going quickly. I did have the plan of covering her face, but the intensity got the better of me and I came hard. I pulled out, leaving Anne bent over the table. I stepped out of my jeans and turned away pulling the condom off and dumping it on the floor as I walked away.

“Crawl through to me” I said over my shoulder as I walked through the hall to the sitting room. A couple of minutes later, Anne crawled in, breathing heavily. Before she could stand, I dropped to my knees and pull her body over, pinning her in place. I tore more of her tights, exposing her nice round ass. Holding her in place, I spanked her hard. Each time I asked her if she wanted more, and she kept moaning “yes” before eventually adding “yes sir”.

I kept spanking her. She wasn’t even attempting to get away, but I kept an arm around her so she felt like she couldn’t get away. Her ass was a nice shade of red, each spank was met with a sharp intake of breath.

“I want you to eat my cunt” she moaned, her face against the ground, “please”. I let her go and she rolled off my knees and told me to lie down. I thought at this point we were going for 69 as she’d said she liked this in the past. I lay down, but she took me by surprise and got on the ‘wrong way’ for 69. Had I wanted to, I could’ve pushed her off. But I didn’t, I did protest a bit though. I told her I didn’t tell her she could do that. She said she didn’t care. So I told her that when she gets off, I’m going to fuck her mouth. She said she might aswell do the same to me.

She dropped onto my face, burying my face in her pussy. She started to buck her hips hard, grinding her cunt into my face. She was soaking, so she was sliding over it easily. I tried to lick and suck, but she was moving too much. Every so often she’d let me get a breath before doing it again. It was really fucking hot, and she was getting louder and louder. I felt her legs start to shake, a sure fire sign she was getting close. She let me up for a breath again before going harder again. She came hard, and gushed on my face. From my position, it almost sounded like she was crying as she came.

She fell forward onto her hands, letting me slide out from beneath her. I told her what I was going to do, and she wasn’t getting away with it. I stood up and walked around her, pulling her up by her hair. I didn’t say a word, I didn’t have to. She opened her mouth and I filled it quickly with my cock, pulling her head into my body so it was as far down her throat as possible. She didn’t resist, she didn’t try and pull away. I could feel her trying to control her breathing. I pulled out then pushed back in again, before grabbing 2 handfuls of hair and starting to fuck her mouth. She gagged a couple of times, but not once did she tried and pull away from me.

I dragged her to the couch and I sat down. I started to thrust up as I pulled down. Her eyes were watering, running her make up. I could tell this wasn’t going to take me long. I held her for a moment, full cock in her mouth and we stared into each others eyes. Her’s were red.

“Can I cum in your mouth?” I asked, she nodded whilst on my cock. I lay back, pulling her up whilst keeping her head down at the same time. I wrapped my legs round her back, holding her body still, and started to thrust up harder. I could feel the head of my cock hitting the back of her throat at times. I exploded in her mouth, it felt like a big load. I let her go and she coughed and spluttered, covering my cock in my own cum as it came out of her mouth. She fell backwards, lying on the floor again and catching her breath. I went down next to her, checking she was ok. She was. We kissed, a deep kiss, tasting my own cum out of her mouth.

It was an intense session. Both of us cut loose and both came really hard. She was shaky when she stood up, the hard orgasm combined with the deep throat had left her wiped out. We gathered our clothes and I found the condom I’d chucked after the table. I tidied up the dining room, rearranging the table and finding the remains of her tights. Upstairs she had a shower as I got into bed, then we fell asleep. I left early the next morning to avoid an awkward meeting with her daughter, but we’ve been messaging since and she’s made it clear that I can use her however I want. We’ve not been able to see each other in the last couple of weeks, but it’s going to happen again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5ke52x/tindering_around_the_christmas_tree_mf

1 comment

  1. Wow, man. That was fucking hot as fuck!! Def have to hear more stories about this!

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