[F]irst Trip to the Gy[M] [M]akes [M]e want to go Back, [Creampie], [Foursome], [Bareback], [Spitroast], [Public]

Disclaimer: This is a real story, though names have been changed. I hope you all enjoy it.

I’ve always considered myself open minded, sexually and otherwise and have had my share of experiences with men as well (see my other posts in other subs).


This happened just last week. A female co-worker of mine invited me to go to the gym with her. I didn’t take any offense to it since I have gotten heavier than I was. I mean a 5’10” guy who weighs around 200 lbs (like me) could stand to lose a little weight and get in better shape. The only reason I think I still get dates are because of my blue eyes and sandy blonde hair that I keep cut just long enough to part and style a little.

The morning of our going to the gym came and I grabbed my bad I had packed the evening before containing my gym clothes and a water bottle.

Work was uneventful this close to the holidays as everyone is busier thinking about what they will be doing, gifts left to buy and things of that sort. My friend came in and took her place at the cubicle next to me. We will call her Shelly. She is cute enough and takes care of herself. She has shoulder length brown hair and light brown eyes. She dresses tastefully, revealing just the slightest amount of cleavage (yes, modesty drives me wild). I’d wager her beasts are 34Cs, and her body is pretty tight with a nice butt, but not too big.

The day moved on and we did our own things for lunch and worked on our own projects. As the day drew to a close, we grabbed our bags and headed to the parking lot.

“I’ll follow you.” I said.

“Okay.” Was her simple reply as she got in her car.

We both pulled out and I followed her to the gym. Turns out I didn’t need to follow her since it was only a few blocks down the road and one turn away.

As we pulled in, I parked and headed to the entrance where she was waiting for me. We went inside and she signed me in as her guest. I nodded to the guy behind the counter looked me over in a slightly judging manner (I guess they all do that?).

Shelly showed me the machines she thought I should work on. I headed to the locker room after she showed me and began to change. I met her as she was coming out from changing. She had put on a black sports bra that pressed her breasts together nicely (never seen her this way), and a pair of running shorts showing off her long legs. That was all she had on.

We headed to the machines she had shown me earlier and we began to work out.

The gym was nice. There were multiples of every machine and she was able to work out right beside me. I won’t lie. I’m not known for going to the gym, so some of the machines were confusing to me and I’m glad she was there to help.

An hour into our workout (How long do people stay at the gym?!), a couple of guys she apparently knew came over and took the machines on either side of us and started working out. I felt really intimidated since these guys were lifting way more than me. I really just wanted to run and hide and pretty much never come back.

However, there is a sense of family in the gym I was unaware of and the guy next to me started to help me out. He showed me how to increase my weights to more than I thought I could lift and before long, I was lifting and doing reps with weights that were a bit more respectable. I didn’t feel so bad anymore.

The guy nearest me was an attractive enough man. He was about 6’1″, trim build. From what I could tell he was fairly muscled but not bulky. He was darker than me, (perhaps Mexican or African lineage somewhere?) and had close cut black hair, but eyes as blue as mine. There was a fairly noticeable bulge in his pants which wasn’t too bad to notice. “Names Ray.” He said as he sat down after adjusting his weights.

His friend, on the other side of Shelly, was attractive, but not as much my type. He was a bit more ‘muscle bound’. He was my height at 5’10” and likely weighed the same, but there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. He was light skinned, had shaggy brown hair and green brown eyes (honestly, the bulge in his gym shorts distracted me a little) from his eyes. I heard Shelly call him Tim.

As we went through our workouts, I was obviously getting tired. We had been a this nearly two hours. They directed me to the water fountain and I went and refilled my bottle before coming back over, sweat dripping off me.

When I returned, they had all three stood up and were headed to the free weights, talking among themselves. I just followed them over a few steps behind only getting snips of the conversation. They settled in front of the weights and grabbed some and began to do simple curls and flys. I sat my bottle down and followed suite.

“This is our cool down. No need to overdo it.” Tim said.

I nodded and switched to lighter weights and continued with my cool down. 15 minutes later, we were all breathing easier and racked our weights. At this point we were all soaked in sweat and I realized there was no one else in the gym. Holidays? Close to dinner? I don’t know.

“Want to shower before you head home?” Shelly asked me.

“If there is a shower here, I’d love to.”

“Follow us.” Ray said as he grabbed his towel and water bottle heading off to the showers.

I followed grabbing my own things. I also noticed that Shelly was following us too. I figured that the ladies shower was nearby so I didn’t read into it. That was until she followed us into the same shower. There was only one place to shower in the place and they weren’t segregated. (Do ladies not usually shower after a workout?)

Ray, Tim and Shelly were undressing completely normal like, so I did the same. I shed my clothes as well and went to stand under a shower head turning it on. I rinsed and washed trying not to be obvious about looking at the other three.

Ray had a nearly hard cock, about 5″ at present, cut, and shaved smooth. Tim was about 6″ and semi-erect, cut, and had a trimmed bush. Shelly stood there looking at the three of us. Her nipples, light brown, were the size of quarters and she was completely hairless with the most perfect vagina you can imagine. My modest 4″ semi-hard cock stirred slightly and was soon 5″.

I think we all rapidly finished washing as we all soon realized we were looking at each other. We finished and headed one of the saunas, our clothes left in the showers, towels wrapped around us.

Once in the sauna, we all sat beside one another. Shelly was the first to start things. She reached over to Tim and began to rub his leg, his cock growing to an impressive 8″ long, and nearly thick as a can of shave gel.

Ray leaned over “This is normal. If you’re uncomfortable, we won’t hold it against you if you leave man.”

I shook my head. “I’m bi, so I’m okay with this.” I put my hand tentatively on his thigh and looked at him for a read.

He smiled and placed his on mine. I moved my hand up to his balls and began to play with them, our towels since forgotten. He wrapped his hand around my cock as it grew to its full 7″ length (thick enough, pic among my other post).

Shelly and Tim smiled as they saw I was game and she lowered her head to his cock. I stroked Ray’s 6″ cock, realizing her was about as thick as me, as I watched her, my own cock leaking pre-cum.

Ray lowered his head to my cock and I moaned as he swallowed it no problem. Tim smiled at me as our eyes met and I smiled back. He moaned as Shelly cupped his balls.

These blowjobs went on a few minutes before Ray lifted his head and leaned back. I knew what he wanted so I lowered my mouth onto his cock, sliding it between my lips like a pussy before sucking for all I was worth. I’ve been told I give sloppy head…

Shelly stood up and promptly lowered herself onto Tim’s throbbing, glistening member. I watched out of the corner of my eye as it disappeared. I heard loud and clear as she instantly came.

I redoubled my efforts on Ray, but he stopped me. I lifted my head and he motioned for me to sit on his lap. I smiled getting up. I positioned my ass over his cock and slowly, carefully, lowered myself onto his dripping wet cock. In time, I had him in my ass. He placed his hands on my hips and began to bounce me.

Shelly and I matched our bounces as we looked each other in the eyes.

Tim started to stand up, so Shelly got off his lap. He walked over to me and put his cock at my mouth while I rode Ray. I parted my lips and took it. I could taste Shelly and him and I loved it. Shelly watched rubbing her clit in slow circles.

Before long, Ray started to stand, so I lifted off. Tim pulled from my mouth and they switched places bending me over to spitroast me. Tim entered my ass, stretching it more than I have ever been stretched while Ray slid back into my waiting mouth.

The began to time their thrusts with each other, out at the same time and back in at the same time, both bottoming out each time. I was loving it, my cock was dripping pre-cum like there was no tomorrow.

Shelly came over and began to juggle my balls while she rubber her clit under me. I watched her as best I could cause damn she was hot, but I was very focused on the two cocks in each of my holes.

Suddenly, I realized they were both picking up the pace and in short order they were grunting. I was being filled with cum from both ends. I swallowed all of Ray I could (which was most of it). Ray moaned in a slightly higher pitch which was kinda hot. What began to drip, Shelly got under me and caught like it was a game. Tim buried his cock deep in me, grunting loudly, as he shot me full of more cum than I had ever felt in my life.

As they both finished, their softened cocks fell from my holes. Shelly moved to my ass before I could move and sucked the cum out. I have never had this done, but damn! I stood sightly so it would drain more easily for her. When she finished, my shaking legs demanded I sit, so I did.

No sooner had I sat down than Shelly was on my lap, my cock in her. She was facing me and I began to suck on her nipples. This seemed to drive her wild and she rode as hard as she could.

After the pleasure I had just received, I didn’t last. Luckily for her (and me because I would have felt bad), she came hard right as I began to explode into her cunt. We both moaned and screamed out together in ecstasy, our bodies shaking.

As we began to come down from our high, I realized we were wearing cum. I turned in time to see Tim spray one last bit and I caught it on my face as Shelly caught Ray’s on hers. We looked at each other and began to kiss and clean the other off as best we could, my softened cock falling from her now fully loaded pussy.

After a few minutes, we all got our things and went back out to the showers and cleaned off quickly one last time.

“Don’t worry. I’m on the pill and we all are clean. We get tested once a month, middle of the month.”

“Now I know why you asked me if I ever got tested.” I laughed feeling like an idiot as we finished rinsing the sex and cum from our bodies.

We wrapped towels around us and went to the respective locker rooms and got dressed. As we headed out, we hugged each other.

“You said this is normal?” I asked Ray

He nodded.

“How much is membership?” I laughed realizing I could be in good shape, AND get lots of sex.

We all laughed. “I’ll give you the details at work.” Shelly smiled as we began to leave. “Now, we all need to go eat and sleep.” She kissed my cheek as she reached her car, waving to the other guys as they headed to their cars. “See you tomorrow at work.” She put her finger to her lip in the shush motion.

I nodded. “See you tomorrow.” And with that I headed to my car.

**I hope that this was not a one time event. I hope you all enjoyed. Constructive Criticism is welcome. I tried to take the advice I got from the last story and put it to good use.**

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5k2k5v/first_trip_to_the_gym_makes_me_want_to_go_back


  1. Maybe Planet Fitness cause I’d sure like to be on whatever planet it’s on. You had me at coed showers

  2. Wowww that was very hot man, i hope you have more experiences like this to share.

  3. Just so you don’t have weird expectations for other gyms in the future, this is very much not normal. :-D

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