Take me out to Ballgame, Daddy [MF] [DD/lg]

It was a clear, sunny day at the baseball park. I am sitting next to you in the stands, trying to pay attention to the game, after all, the home team is winning. But I couldn’t focus on the players at all. I can only think of you Daddy. I’m wearing your favorite skirt, the cotton black one with big pink and blue roses. My tight button up blouse can barely contain my breasts and the top three buttons have popped open on their own. I caught you staring earlier when I got out of the car. Even now, you are eyeing my black lace bra as I stand to beckon the beer vendor. I order two tall ones and as I turn to hand you the cup, the condensation from the glass drips between my cleavage. You notice, and stop it from dripping further with a folded napkin. I smile at you sweetly, you’re always so attentive to your Babygirl. Your napkin lingers for a moment, the tip of your finger traces the curve of my cleavage, and raises goosebumps across my chest. I can feel my pelvic muscles twitch from the sensation, they’re still a little sore from your punishment the night before.
I remove my sweater as I sit down and drape it across my knees, covering my lap. You slip your hand underneath and squeeze my knee. I flash my devilish smile and raise my eyebrows over to rim of my sunglasses, daring you to go further. You slyly turn your head and look around, making sure that no one is paying attention. You turn your gaze towards the field, cautiously sip your beer and very slowly slip your hand under the sweater and the hem of my skirt. Your fingers delicately crawl up my thigh til the tip of finger brushes the soft locks of my curly hair. Your head snaps towards me and give me your devilish grin. “Are you pleased I have no panties Daddy?” I whisper. You nod your head gently and my heart flutters. I love to please you Daddy. The anticipation and trepidation of getting caught has excited me, I can feel my pussy tingling, becoming moist. Your finger penetrates my slit, my muscles tense and I take a sharp breath in. I quickly look around, afraid that someone might have heard me. You stare at me intently, and whisper “Relax, Babygirl”. I release my tension and feel you wiggle the tip of your finger. My muscles tense again, trying not to squirm but your finger is right on my clit and I’m not sure if I can sit still any longer.
Suddenly, the home team hits a home run, the crowd jumps to their feet and I start to wildly applaud and cheer to distract anyone who might notice as I scoot to the edge of my seat. I’m feeling more daring now as I try to move closer to your finger which has now slid down further in my slit. You can feel my juices flowing, and you can’t hold back a smile of satisfaction. You take the last swig of your beer, and without warning, rip your hand from underneath my sweater. Stand and announce “I need another beer, will you join me?” “As you wish” I reply, dazed by the sudden movement.

I follow you up the stairs while staring at your deliciously tight ass, perfectly accentuated by your tight blue jeans. I can feel the chill between my wet lips as my short skirt swings from the action of climbing. I glance over my shoulder and notice a few spectators watching my bare ass bounce. We mount the top of the staircase and you grasp my wrist forcefully, and with a snarl, “You’re coming with me Babygirl”. “Yes! Daddy” I squeal with delight. You drag me across the passageway until we reach a door labeled “Family Restroom”. You grab the handle, swing the door open and thrust me against the wall inside.
Your face is pressed against mine before the door closes. Our tongues dancing in each other’s mouths, your urgency is clear. You fumble to lock the door, not wanting to part from your sweet Babygirl’s lips. Your eyes open and you notice the glass countertop sink in the corner of the spacious restroom.
I pull away with an innocent smile, lean my head back against the tiled wall and ask, “What are we doing in here, Daddy?”. I can’t help but let out a tiny giggle as the words leave my mouth. And with hunger in your eyes you say, “You know exactly what I want from you, Babygirl.” Your voice is cool and focused, “Go to the counter.” “As you wish Daddy.” I quickly do as I’m told. You have taught me well Daddy. With your arms around my waist, you lift me up on top of the countertop. “It’s cold Daddy!” I exclaim. “I’ll warm you up sweetheart” you lean to whisper in my ear, “Now, spread your thighs for me” I spread my legs, I feel vulnerable and exposed, it’s exhilarating. “Take off my belt” With one strong tug at your big silver buckle and it comes undone. My skillful fingers unbutton your fly and can feel your engorged member. Your pants and belt hits the floor with a clang and your button fly is wide open, I can see the shape of your cock in your briefs that barely contain it. I pull at the waistband and your cock springs from it’s bind. My mouth begins to salivate. You step closer and With a blink of eye, your cock is out and against my pussy lips. Your cock glistens as my pussy gushes onto it. You know exactly how to drive your baby girl wild. My arousal is building, I push my hips closer to you, my body begging for you to be inside. You continue to tease me, smiling, you love to watch me writhe and beg for your cock. “Please, please, PLEASE Daddy!” I whine.
Your face, now next to mine you moan and mock me in my ear, my arms wrapped around your neck,pulling you closer. You resist me and I really start to whine. “You have to ask nicely Babygirl” “May I, please oh please Daddy may I have your bare cock in my……OH!” You thrust your cock deep inside before I finish the word and I scream with surprise. “Good girl” you growl in my ear.
My pussy is dripping and your cock feels so good, so deep inside me. You keep thrusting, rhythmically and It’s feels more amazing than I had anticipated. My skirt hiked up and your pants around your ankles, fucking me, passionately and primal. I can tell your close and I yell “Gimmie your cum Daddy!!” Your quicken your pace and I feel the build up inside me, “I cumming on your cock Daddy”, you can feel my pussy tighten and feel my cum dripping down your shaft. You can’t hold it in any longer. You scream “Take it all, Babygirl” as you explode inside me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5jvqdb/take_me_out_to_ballgame_daddy_mf_ddlg

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