Roadhead plus more [MF]

My wife and I like to read each other gonewild stories while on road trips to pass the time, so we figured we’d share one of our own.  This is a story from a few years ago when my wife and I were first dating.  I’m in no way an English major, but I’ll do my best.

We live in a college town.  We were out for dinner and decided after to have a few drinks at a little college bar down the street.  My wife, Jackie, is a few years younger than me, so at the time we could pull off going to a college bar without being the obviously over aged since I was nearly cracking 30 at that point.

Now I am 5’10”, average looks, and have been rocking a dad-bod since well before it was cool.  Jackie is a slender 5’9″ with long brown hair, a perfect set of natural large C-cups (D’s on a good day), and a curvy ass to match.

The night started off like most with some dinner and drinks.  Now Jackie is fond of rum drinks and this bar has quite a section of mixed rum drinks to try.   After a few drinks, we start getting a little handsy and I get this cute little smile that lets me know that Jackie is a little drunk and turned on (didn’t help that a Victoria Secret special was the TVs and she is a sucker for pretty ladies).  We are not one to put on too much of a public display, we pay our tab and head towards the car.  I soon discover how drunk Jackie was.  As we left the bar and she immediately started try rubbing my stiffening cock on the outside of my jeans and proclaiming how much she wanted it.  As we reached the car, I opened her door, and our embrace quickly turned into a teenage level make-out session.   Jackie’s hand had gone from the outside of my pants to the inside and I could feel the pre-cum start as she stroked me.   Soon my head returned to the fact that we were standing in front of the local police station and she begrudgingly slid into the passenger seat.

As I closed her door and made my way around the car, Jackie had started to unbutton her tight jeans (I love how the accentuate her ass) and slid them down to reveal some cute little panties she’d recently bought (ironically, from Victoria Secret).   As soon as I sit down, she grabs my hand and slides it down her panties to show me how wet she was.   This was going to be a fun drive home.   

As we make our way to the house, talking about things we were going to do to one another, Jackie quickly exclaims, “I’ve never given road head!”   Before I know it, she’s unbuttoning my pants and fishing my now rock hard dick from its denim confines.  It springs up in all its 6″ girthy glory and it is quickly enveloped by the warm lips of an eager to please Jackie.  As she quickly moves up and down, make sure every inch is thoroughly lubricated, she massages my balls moaning in enjoyment.  To help intensify the moaning, I slid her cute little panties down and began to rub my fingers along her dripping wet pussy.  I’m pretty sure another driver might have gotten a good look at her glistening pussy as we passed that night, so whoever you are, you’re welcome.  Within a few minutes the intensity is too much I feel the orgasm build.  Without a word, Jackie moans louder knowing that I’m about to cum.  Sucking harder and making sure to work the full length of my cock with her hand.   Finally one of my most intense orgasms shoots cum deep into her mouth.  As my mast pulses cum, she takes everything in and gives me that knowing smile of a job well done. 

She sits back in her seat and says, “that was fun, but what about me?”   Now I’m a giving man, so I quickly resume fingering her wet lips.   Slowly parting them with two fingers to making sure that her cute little clit gets the most attention.  I slowing start working my way up and down, making sure to tease sliding a finger or two inside.  As my motions become more focused you can hear how wet Jackie is getting.  She hears it too and even comments on how she can hear how wet she is (still a favorite saying of hers when things get hot).   She starts moaning and writhing in her seat as I increase the pressure around her clit.  Pulling the hood back with my thumb only intensifies the bucking hips, and her moans quickly transition to screams as the first wave of the orgasm hits and she screams out in pleasure.  I make sure to keep the pressure and motions up until she settles back into the seat.   She continues to massage her lips and clit as everything calms down.

Now just minutes from home, Jackie softly moans that she wants my cock inside her now.  Unfortunately there isn’t a place to safely pull over, so shes keeps the fires burning stroking my cock in one hand and circling her clit with the other.  The whole time telling me how much she wants me to fuck her in her sexiest voice. As soon as we pull into the driveway, the game is back on.  I climb over to her side and quickly remove her top and bra, letting those beautifully perky breasts and her cute pink nipples join the fun.  Focusing a few moments on caressing, licking, and sucking on her nipples, she continues to rub my dick back into full attention.

Sliding my thick shaft into her tight pussy is answered by a wry smile and moan of pleasure.   I slowly work up the speed as much as I can as she rubs her clit.  A few minutes in and we realize that the confines of a Japanese compact car are too much for us.  Without a word, Jackie opens the door and walks to the front door of the house completely nude.  The view of her as she strolled past the burning headlights is something I won’t forget.  She was sporting her smooth shaved lips and cute little runway.  We make it to the door, awkwardly unlock it and make our way inside to the love seat.  The love seat is just under our front window, so Jackie decides the neighbors need to enjoy the show.  Throwing open the curtains, she bends over the back of the couch, presenting her cute, round ass to me.  I position myself behind her and resume the pace we’d given up in the car.

As her beautiful breast sway with the pace, I reach down to make sure her clit isn’t left out.  Sliding my hands up to her nipples a few times to give them a little rub between my fingers.   We picked up the pace as my balls lightly tapped her even wetter lips.   With no orgasms seeming to build, we decided to err on the side of comfort and head for the bedroom.  I picked her up and carried her upstairs, throwing her on the bed. I pull her to the side and kneeling down to do my best work in one motion.  I start licking her sweet lips up and down, stopping only to suck on her clit from time to time.  I soon realize that I’m close to the toy chest, so I pick out her favorite silver bullet.  I slowly slide it in to a deep moan of pleasure and approval.   Turning it on and angling it towards her g-spot I resume my task of pleasuring her clit with my tongue.

With the intensity of the bullet increasing along with the pressure on her clit, the orgasm Jackie had been looking for started to build.  Faster and more pressure and the sheets become balled up in her hands.  The moans turned to whimpers, which turned into screams.   Screams which became louder with every thrust of my tongue and slide of the bullet over her g-spot.   Until she let out the loudest screamed I’d heard up to that point and nearly pulled the sheets out from under her.  I’m pretty sure the neighbors would have heard if they were outside and our dog might have hearing damage.  She bucked and squeezed my head with her thighs until the waves of ecstasy slowly subsided.  She laid there twitching as each wave of orgasm comes through and struggles to focus her vision.

As she starts so relax, I pull her further over the edge of bed, propping her ass with a pillow. and slide my cock back into her now soaked pussy for one last ride.   I quickly pick up the pace giving her all the cock she can take.   Her tits bounce back and forth with every thrust.   She start squeezing my cock knowing that will drive me over the edge.  As my balls began to tighten she gives one last squeeze as a final shot of cum goes deep into her pussy and my knees start to buckle.  Soon I fall into the bed beside her and we bask in the afterglow.   Very few words were said as we gained our composure and cleaned up.  The look on our faces and the smell of sex in the room said it all.  We fell asleep naked and the next morning we were reminded of our evening as we go back in the car, which still had the smell of sex as well.

If you like the story, we have more we can share.



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