26 [M] My dog helped me get laid with a MILF 37 [F]

I was walking my dog. My neighbor and her friend with her kid approached me and my dog. My neighbor’s friend (let’s call her Ann) Ann came up to me with her kid and asked “Is your dog friendly?” I say yes. Then the kid proceeded to pet my dog and my dog loves attention so she started licking the kids face. Me and Ann talked for about 10-15 mins. Then my neighbor comes then next night and tells me to give Ann a call and gave me her number.

I’m pretty shy so I didn’t call but sent her a text. Then a week of texting she invites me to her house. Had to drink a couple of beers to calm my nerves. I get there at around 8 she was cooking some food I (being the gentleman that I am) helped her out. She gave me a tour around the house. And when we came up to her room I said “So this is were all the magic happens?” She just laughed and touched my hand. At that moment I knew I was getting laid. Then we sat on the couch to watch a movie. Drinking mix drinks/talking throughout the movie.

After the movie was over she leaned over and started making out with me after about 3 mins or so. I say let’s go to the bedroom. She gets up grabs me by the hand and we walk to the bedroom. She starts taking her close off and so do I. Then we started fucking. 4 days later she texting me saying. I like you but your too young. Let’s just be friends. I texted back saying “friends with benefits?” She replied back saying “slow down youngster” about 1 week later she calls me and tells me that I should call her a weekends when she doesn’t have her kid. Ever since that night we’ve hooked up 2 more times. Last time being 4 days ago.

Fucking a MILF has always been my fantasy. I’m happy I walked my doggo that night.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5jj226/26_m_my_dog_helped_me_get_laid_with_a_milf_37_f

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