Swinging gone horribly wrong (Cuckold)

Jen and I had been together for three years in what our friends described as a picture perfect relationship. We had good vanilla sex, and she was a bit demanding in bed. She was also more vocal than I was. Jen was a tall, naturally skinny 24 year old. She had brown hair with blonde highlights and one of those beautiful Swedish and Norwegian looks, with high cheekbones and and soft white skin.

It was rare when Jen dressed up, she was a t-shirt and jeans type girl. The light blue skinny t-shirt she wore that night was one of the really short sleeve ones, she didn’t really ever wear it out because it was a little short on her, so when she leaned forward or back, you could see the slightest bit of her flat tummy. I may have been the only person who knew about her belly ring.

That night, we were invited to my coworker Greg’s house. Greg and I knew each other from working at the sports bar. Being a social place, Jen and Greg’s wife Amanda knew each other and hit it off so we were pretty excited to hang out with some new friends. Amanda was a firecracker, she seemed to be the sporty type, always coming into the bar after or before a workout in her short shorts and tank tops. She was small, but from what I could tell, a little ripped and had a great year round Italian or Latina tan. I definitely jerked off thinking about Amanda on more than one occasion.

I always felt guilty talking to Amanda, because she was flirty. But that was more of her personality. She was always complimenting people and being a little touchy. Not over the line, but close. Regardless, when Greg invited us, I was secretly hoping to see more of Amanda at their house.

When we got there everything seemed pretty normal. Greg did make me a little uncomfortable with the way he was dressed. He was in basketball shorts and ripped tank top. It looked like something a wrestler would wear, as it was cut so low around its arms that you could see his well toned sides. Greg was built like a surfer, blonde, muscular but still thin. All of his muscles were defined and he had really short blonde hair on his arms. Truth be told, I was a bit nervous about Jen being around him. Amanda was wearing short T-shirt that showed her belly and was cut low enough to show some cleavage and a black bra. When we moved to the living room she moved a few furniture items and Greg joked about how ripped she was. She turned to all of us and posed like a body builder and kissed both of her biceps. Jen walked over to her and pinched one of them, commenting how sexy it was.

I tried to get comfortable by suggesting we start taking shots. Everyone obliged and we started to get really comfortable with our conversations. Greg said something about wanting to go back to this vacation place, and Amanda made him tell us why. He wanted to fuck Amanda on top of some cliff overlooking the mountains. At that point everything quickly escalated into a sexual q & a. What’s the craziest place Jen and I ever had sex was the only remotely interesting answer we had, we did it once in an empty movie theater. Greg and Amanda were far more adventurous than we were.

Amanda confessed to a threesome in college with two guys which she described as complete bliss as both guys apparently were rivals and we’re trying to bully each other the whole time. Eventually the ripped guy with the big cock won out and the other guy got mad and left. I looked at Jen when she mentioned the giant dick to get her reaction and I could see my girlfriend was completely aroused.

Jen’s small b tits seemed to perk up, when she adjusted her posture. I could tell by the way she was holding her wine chaser that she was getting a little tipsy when she licked her lips and asked Amanda if the two guys did anything sexual. “Funny you should ask, because yes they did. I told them I’d only suck their dicks if they kissed. They only gave each other a peck, but it was fucking hot”

After Amanda teasingly confirmed that Greg and I have never kissed a guy, she turned to Jen and asked if Jen had ever kissed a girl. Jen hesitated, so I thought I was in for the shock of a lifetime and was about to find out she had a lesbian experience. “I haven’t. I’m not saying I wouldn’t and I’m not saying I don’t want to, what about you Amanda?”

Amanda told us she was openly bi and even had a girlfriend for a year in high school. She opened her phone to show Jen a picture of a girl that she wants to bring home for her and Greg. They both commented on how sexy the tattoo’d Asian girl on the motorcycle looked. They agreed that she was one of the hottest girls they have seen in some time. When they showed me the picture you could see what they were talking about. The girl was flexing and looked like she was riding a dick. Jen spilled her drink on her shirt and Amanda had to reach past her to grab napkin. I could see Amanda’s toned arms almost purposely rubbing up against Jen’s chest to reach past her. Confirming it, Amanda said she was very sorry, laughed and then pushed the napkin right in the center of Jen’s chest to absorb the spilled drink. Now they were so close to each other’s faces and smiling it was like they were breathing in the others words. Greg and I just looked at each other with a head nod and smile.

I was shocked when Jen was the one who initiated. “Are we supposed to kiss now?” She said it in a way that was a joke, but you could tell she meant it. Amanda grabbed her by the back of the head and pulled her in for a kiss.

Greg and I both offered words of encouragement the best way two drunk and jockish guys would. “Yeah” and “that’s so sexy” as they tongue kissed. I couldn’t quite make out what Amanda said, but it was something about if Jen liked it. Jen didn’t even have words, she just smiled and nodded her head and sat up even taller. Nervously she took another drink.

Greg said that wasn’t fair and demanded that he and I be able to participate, so Amanda called me over. I stood up, walked over between them and got down on my knee. The girls started kissing and Jen pulled me in so all three of us could kiss. It was hot, Jen and Amanda both kissed me a little and then they started really going at it. Amanda got out of her seat and straddled Jen, making out and Amanda started grabbing Jen’s breasts over her shirt.

“My turn” Greg politely pulled me away and took my spot. He came in behind Amanda and started biting her neck a little and kissing her on the lips while they straddled my girlfriend. Then Amanda moved her attention to Jen’s neck while Greg started making out directly with Jen with Amanda in the middle.

It went on for longer than I was comfortable, so I pulled on Greg’s shoulder to let him know to cool it and he seemed to get it, but not before they both bit each other’s lips a little and made some seriously “I want to fuck the shit out of you” eye contact with each other.

Amanda asked Jen to join her in the bathroom and they held hands on the way. Amanda had her hands on my girlfriends sides when they disappeared behind closed doors.

I followed Greg into the kitchen to pour another few drinks for all of us when he gave me the look like we hit the lottery. I was really turned on and agreed with him that we were lucky. “We should get them in the bedroom before one of them does something that pisses the other one off and it fucks it all up”. I couldn’t help but agree, I was nervous about Greg but felt like the manly thing to do was agree and hope for the best. Plus, I was really turned on by the girls kissing and the likelihood that I’d get to see Amanda naked and was comfortable or tipsy enough to be amenable to the trade off of Greg seeing my girlfriend naked.

When the girls came back, they were still holding hands but it looked like Jen’s shirt had been ruffled up a bit, and it looked like it was possibly pushed up during some private bathroom make out session. Before the girls could say much, Greg spoke for me and said “we both agreed we should take this to the bedroom”. I looked at Jen who gave me a look that indicated this is going down.

Jen grabbed me by the hips and pushed me to follow them into their dimly lit bedroom. Amanda and Greg kissed and her pushed her down on the bed. Amanda signaled to Jen to join her on the bed. Jen looked at me, kissed me, squeezed my butt and released. She crawled over to Amanda and got on top of her. Amanda pulled Jen’s shirt up to show her black bra, Jen did the same to Amanda and they kissed. Greg was on one side of the bed and I was on the other. Jen was caressing Amanda’s bra when Amanda unclipped her own bra from the front.

The slow reveal probably didn’t take that long, but seeing Amanda’s tanned abs and center of her chest felt like one of those slow motion porn solo shots from one of the professional porn companies. Jen slipped her hands inside the unclipped bra and was caressing the sides of Amanda’s breasts.

They kissed, Amanda reached around Jen’s back and opened the fastener on her bra as well. Now both of them had their shirts pulled up and the newly exposed breasts were rubbing against each other. Amanda was perfectly tan and Jen’s olive white skin was even whiter with a small tan line that accentuated her skinny but soft and well put together figure. The lighting in the room offered just enough to see their sensual make out session turning into grinding and groping.

I looked over to Greg to see that he was slightly touching his cock through his shorts. This was the first time I could see some of what he was working with. It looked like it might be pretty big, but wasn’t fully erect but I got that gut feeling that he may be really packing.

By now the girls legs had crossed and they were straddling each other, almost scissoring but sitting up. Jen pulled Amanda’s shirt up and over her head. Amanda tried doing the same but Jen’s shirt and bra combo got stuck in her hear. Jen tried pulling it off too but it was still getting stuck. That’s when Greg reached in with his muscular arms. I could see him touching Jen’s neck. I don’t know why I was frozen, but he moved in behind Jen and his crotch was somewhat runbing up against my girlfriend from behind as he helped untangle her clothes from her hair.

When her shirt was finally able to come off, Greg helped slide it up my girl’s arms. Still frozen, I watched Amanda reach for Greg and pull him in for a kiss. The two shirtless girls were embracing while Amanda kissed her boyfriend who was behind my girlfriend sandwiching her in between. I could see Amanda pulling Greg in closer, she grabbed at his butt and started grinding him into my girl.

I could just see Jen nibbling on Amanda’s neck and holding her boobs. I couldn’t believe my vanilla girl was doing this right in front of me. I couldn’t exactly make out what Amanda said, but something about Greg’s cock, which caused Jen to look at me.

Jen grabbed my hand and pulled me in behind Amanda so we could kiss. By now, Amanda was kissing Greg with Jen in the middle. Amanda was aggressively grabbing Jen’s ass and grinding it back and forth on Greg’s pelvis. Jen and I briefly kissed, but what were were doing was secondary to the action going on between the three of them.

Jen was being dry humped by both of them, facing me while the couple kissed each other. She was just looking at me in utter bliss. Shirtless, holding another girls boobs with some other guy behind her smushing his cock into her.

This went on for a few minutes while I just sat on the bed watching, playing with my dick through my pants. When it finally broke, the girls both laid down next to each other with arms around each other’s backs and shoulders. They were both shirtless, Jen still wearing her jeans. The top was unzipped and I wasn’t sure who did that, all I know is it wasn’t me. Amanda still had her workout shorts on. But her legs were spread and I could see that she had pink panties on.

Jen looked around at the nightstand and table and said she needed a drink. All three of them looked at me, I’m not sure if it was that I was the closest to the door, or that I was the odd man out, but I didn’t relent, but asked them not to do anything crazy without me.

As I walked back to the kitchen to grab our drinks Amanda said something inaudible that made Jen and Greg laugh and I heard a slap of some sort. I hurried to make the drinks and get back in there as fast as I could. When I returned, all three of them were sitting up on the bed. I handed out the drinks when Amanda stood up, did a little twirl in front of me and pulled down her shorts. She bent over and shook her ass right in front of me, she looked over her shoulder at me while Greg chimed in to verify that I liked what I saw.

I looked over to Jen who nodded to me to say yes. Amanda got up, took a sip from her drink and then straddled me. I was still fully clothed whe she kissed me. She must have kept some of her drink in her mouth to make the kiss extra sloppy. She whispered to me that Greg said she could have some fun with me, and that Jen was into it. I looked to Jen who appeared to purposely avoid eye contact with me while she slowly sipped her drink.

Amanda then pulled me up and walked me over to the couch. I looked back to Jen and Greg who were still on the bed, Jen was shirtless in her jeans looking at her drink and Greg was still clothed but staring right at me and Amanda.

Amanda pulled my shirt up and over my head to reveal my bland, skinny body. I immediately felt uncomfortable. Amanda was a toned, almost ripped girl, her boyfriend was extremely good looking with well defined muscles and my girlfriend, while, I wouldn’t describe as fit, was really good looking and skinny. They were all nines and tens and I was feeling like a four. I guess Jen could sense it because she got off the bed and walked over to us.

Jen sat on the other side of me and wrapped her arms around me like a bear hug. She grabbed my chest and worked her way down to my zipper. Amanda reached past me and started playing with Jen’s crotch. It felt like Amanda was reaching into Jen’s unzipped jeans because I could hear her fingers running against something moist.

By now Jen had my cock out and was rubbing it on Amanda’s damp panties. Jen grabbed Amanda’s hand and put it on my dick. She sort of handed it off and then kissed me. “I’m going over to the bed now”. She said it and released me. I watched her slowly walk over to Greg and unzip her jeans.

Amanda grabbed my hair and told me to look over at her, not my girlfriend and her man. She started stroking my rock hard cock, which at full growth is only about four and a half inches. I looked over again and Greg had positioned himself laying down on his back proper up by two pillows. I had the view from the side, and the streetlight coming through their curtains gave it a silhouette with some occasional light vibe to my view.

Jen’s unzipped jeans were starting to slide off her ass, and she crawled up to kiss Greg. I could see his strong arms caressing her breasts and work their way down to her stomach. He slid his fingers into her panties and she moaned. I could see Jen’s hands all over his arms and she was running her fingers over every muscle of his. He sat up so she could pull his shirt off and I heard her gasp. “My god” as she finally got to see his whole upper body. He put his hands behind his head and she started grabbing his arms and then started kissing them. She was biting on his bicep and it looked like he was flexing for her. He was smiling and whispering something I couldn’t hear. Jen started making her way down his stomach, kissing his chest along the way. She made it past his crotch and was looking up at him.

I saw her slide a hand up his shorts, slowly. I think she was teasing his thighs and slightly touching his dick, because I could see him wiggle from time to time.

By now Amanda had taken her panties off and was allowing me to fuck her. She could see I was zoning out on the scene in front of me and she whispered to me asking if it was turning me on. “Yes” was all I could say. There were too many emotions for me to be able to answer that honestly. I slid into her. As I did, I knew I was in trouble. I was swimming inside of her. She was really wet, but I could tell she wasn’t feeling anything but she was playing along, which made it even worse because I could tell. The “oh yeah baby” felt more forced than anything I have ever heard when I heard something that changed my life.

“Oh my fucking God” I looked over and Jen had Greg’s cock in her hand. It was huge compared to mine. It must have been eight inches and thick. The look on Jen’s face was pure excitement, and that she was completely alone with this cock. She started licking it from bottom to the tip, over and over again. She tried getting as much of it in her mouth as she could before going back to licking it. “You like that big cock baby?” I could hear Greg whispering.

“Oh my fucking god yes, I love it, holy shit. Your cock is beautiful.” I had never heard my Jen say anything like that before. Granted, I don’t have a big dick, but never anything close to that.

Amanda pulled me in as far as I could go and she told me to fuck her. When my head turned to watch my girlfriend she kept pulling my attention back to her “over here” and then, “let it happen”

When Amanda realized that I wasn’t into it, she told me to sit up on the couch so she could suck my dick. I sat up, facing my girlfriend and Greg, and Amanda leaned down to start sucking me.

By now Greg and Jen were facing each other. Greg had is back to me and I could see Jen running her hands around his muscular butt and around his crotch. She kept gasping and saying oh my god. Then it happened. Jen got on her back and Greg got on top to mount her. “I’m ready baby” Jen said in response to something Greg whispered. “Holy shit. Go slow”. Jen was almost screaming but trying to keep her voice low.

“Oh my god, deeper. I think I’m gonna cum”. And they had just started. She convulsed and let our a groan. “Holy shit I just came”

I had never seen anything like that before. I was starting to realize I had never seen Jen cum before. “Put it back in, please put it back in, I’m begging, please”.

Greg whispered to her, all I heard her say was “no”. He whispered again “no, I haven’t”

I could hear him now “you haven’t what? Say it”

“I’ve never felt a cock like this before. You’re amazing, I never get to cum with my boyfriend”.

“And what else?” I could see him teasing his cock in front of her but not putting it in.

“Please, put it back in, fuck me.”

He whispered to her again. She was trying to push her pussy up to his dick but he kept pulling it away. Nodding his head no with one hand on her throat.

“I need your cock, my boyfriend’s cock is so small. I need your big cock. Fuck me in front of him, fuck me like he never can.”

And with that he entered her. She begged for more, and he kept going. Halfway in, all the way out. “Say it”

“Put it back in, fuck me like my boyfriend can’t”

He out it back in, going a little further “say it”.

“He can’t fuck me like you, he’ll never be able to fuck me like you. I love your cock. Please put it back. You’re a god. You can do anything you want to me. I’m yours, my pussy is yours. Do me, do me like he can’t. You can fuck me any time you want. My pussy is yours. You’re a god, please”.

He kept fucking her, she must have came two or three times s reaming the whole time. When he finally came, he pulled out and shot all over Jen’s chest. Amanda who was now more or less watching their show left my dick to walk over to them and started licking his cum off of Jen’s chest and body. They kissed and held for an embrace. Greg slid over and both of them took turns licking his semi erect cock.

Amanda looked over to me and asked “you good over there?” I nodded my head yes. Even though I hadn’t cum, I was very turned on and still had a boner but knew it wasn’t going to get finished off.

There was barely any small talk and Jen and I thanked them for their time and headed to our car. When we got in the car Jen leaned over the consol and kissed me. “Thanks babe, I love you”.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/5j1lcy/swinging_gone_horribly_wrong_cuckold


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