[MF] A late night librarian story with the utmost sexiest women I have ever been with.

Hello everyone my name is Ronald, and I am a black man who’s 6″4. Now I am usually the shy type when it comes to dealing with women because I don’t know how to talk to them most of the time. I lift weights a lot and deadlift now and then whilst I read politics and philosophy in my spare time. I work as a librarian and I engage in a lot of silence most of my life so what happened to me is a rare obscenity.

So it’s seven o’clock at night and I am just getting finished up at the library when I see this fit woman who’s of a petite quality with glasses on and with her vermilion hair that was the colour of red wine at most stillness. I ask her “late night hey?” and she responds “yeah just reading this book, the communist manifesto by Karl Marx” and hereunto that moment I fell in a mist of lust for her, I had quotes running through my head “grab her by the pussy” as Trump’s words dabbled through my thoughts, realising that I was so flustered by her. She asks me “are you the librarian?”, I respond to that interrogative in a strong sense of declaration “yes I am!”. I sit next to her and I forthwith my immediate consensus on her choice of reading, “I love that book, Karl marx is just great, and communism is undoubtedly so neglected by capitalism nowadays” as she responds “Awh yeah, it’s quite a magnificent sadness that we must degrade one another because of their political beliefs”. She stares at me and I stare at her, it was like gazing through the eyes of my favourite academic Aristotle when I see pictures of his statute on books. I put unto my hands on thus of her shoulder and she does the same. I gardyloo down her thighs, as she becomes hist in her movement she grabs my ponderous of a cock and I enlighten her with my maugre of a style with the usage of my fingers nearing the vagina. She asks me in a fiery Russian accent in respondent to the actions of my mine “parfay my lost capitalist, puissant deeply with those fingers into my vagina with such pursuant ruth of a lusting kindness”. So nary I am thinking, I encapsulated her vagina with my fingering ability as stills at motion moaning in words “Oh god, capitalists, I see why communism was so eager to follow into the steps of the more productive and forth wright of capitalists power’ as I rub the clitoris north of her vagina. I respond to her “Oh darling, you hither in that communist book but you have endeavoured into the lapses of capitalism, let me show you” as I pull out my huge black mildness of a cock, she is gasping in awe to the size of it “Oh Mr.Librarian do show me what I am missing out”. As I strikingly pound that seemingly tight pussy whilst I grab her with cheeks of her logger half region she screams whilst throwing the communist manifesto in the bin “Oh strike me with your huge black cock that shadows the amazingness of the growth of capitalism and then aroint to in light of my vaginal area with your semen” in her steamy Russian accent. I pound her harder and harder whilst images strangely of great intellects such as Aristotle and even Adam Smith ride through my mind as my mind is racing through thoughts trying to hold this load of liberty inside that I am scared with draw into a totalitarian asshole of hers showing my authoritarian behaviour by smacking her ass and pushing her against the wall just like America did to the Soviet Union, it was like I was igniting an economic collapse inside of her but before I did that I yelled quotes I wish I never screamed out but I couldn’t help myself, “Oh take this you communist” and “Oh man, I never knew fucking a communist like you could be so exciting” or even “God feel the capitalism you dirty unforthwright commie, I hope this semen feels like you’ve over run by privatisation and greed”. I wasn’t proud of myself but I unleashed the beast inside of me, I pounded so hard that a crack in the wall occurred. She came and I came at once and we both simultaneously outspoke “Oh my goodness” and then we held each other for a bit. I checked out her books and felt utter most to myself of a strange feeling, I felt amain alack.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5hfrgv/mf_a_late_night_librarian_story_with_the_utmost


  1. Points just for such a fucking crazy departure from the usual style here.

    Also for having nothing even tangentially related to Lyft.

  2. lol hotfunny story
    some of these lines are pretty gold.

    “trying to hold this load of liberty inside of my penis”

    “feel the capitalism you dirty unforthwright commie, I hope this semen feels like you’ve been over run by privatisation and greed”0

  3. This story I hope brings a feeling of the state of our political world and the history behind it but also delivering a sensual story that accompanies the idioms and metaphors that act as of relevance to our lives and the events that unfolded in my story.

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