Anita Jones Pt 1

In 2017, the Slavery Act went into probationary law, and every person living in the country was subject to it. within one week, you must register as either a Slave or a Free. To register as Slave was easy. You were given $10000, and given a week to settle your affairs. Free registration cost $5000. This is the story of Anita Jones, a young black woman with very little left to lose.

My name is Anita. Once the politicians enacted the slavery laws, I saw my one chance to help my mother. The money they offered would be enough for me to register her freedom, and get her proper care.

I wasn’t afraid of what would happen to me. I’m not exactly a virgin, and how bad could it be? I went immediately to register both myself and my mom. My registration was quick. Just a signature, stating I agreed, I was property, no longer a woman. they let me register my mom, too, before they finished my forms. It immediately got more difficult than I expected it to.

“Strip naked.” the command was simple, but left me surprised, mouth agape. people sat all around me, waiting for their turns to stand where I was. “Strip. Naked.” The registrar was getting impatient, and I knew my choices were limited. I pulled my shirt over my head, showing my smooth ebony skin, my 32C breasts contained gently in my lacy white bra, which was quickly undone and laid out with my shirt.

I knew people were staring at me, or at least at the exposed skin on my chest, as I bent down to unbutton and slide my pants down my smooth, shapely legs. Finally, I pulled down my panties and stood, completely naked, in front of the picture background. I felt my face burn with humiliation, but I could feel my sex burning wonderfully.

“Stand straight.” the registrar commanded, and I stood, my face red. I heard the snap taken, and moved to collect my things.

“You are not done yet, slave. Turn and face the background.” I paused, but knew it was too late to take it back, and spun, facing the wall, and waited until I heard the snap again.

“Bend over.” I felt my face get even hotter as I bent forward, exposing my ass and sex and nothing else. I once again heard the snap.

“You are due back here one week from today for your auction. If you do not arrive, you will be arrested. Gather your clothing. You are finished.”

I gathered my clothes, and was shooed away from the counter, forced to dress among everyone waiting. My face burned from humiliation.

That night, however, my pussy burned more than anything. I kept thinking about all those eyes on me, being naked in front of all of them, undressing because I needed to…I felt my hands slide down my body, and the very tips of my fingers pull gently at my moist flesh. Spreading my lips gently, I let myself enjoy the pleasure, my fingers moving along every fold. I rubbed my clit gently, moaning softly, imagining myself naked in front of everyone, masturbating for all of them. I pressed my fingers gently inside myself, and my body exploded, extreme pleasure filling every tiny piece of me. I slept soundly, a smile on my face the entire night.

A week later, I found myself standing in front of a door marked “new slaves”, along with about 40 other people, some men, some women, some somewhere in the middle. A few seemed excited, but all I felt was anxiety. Whoever bought me would control my life. Forever.

When the door finally opened, we were led inside, into what could have been an exam room. Desks were arranged, and on each desk was a packet of papers. Looking over them, I realized they were intake papers, about each of us.

I found the desk with my name on it and sat down, waiting to find out what to do. A lot of people were chatting around me, but I couldn’t do it. After what felt like an eternity, a short, fat man and an attractive white woman walked in.

“Everyone, quiet down please. My name is Edward. I’m going to be getting you ready for your auction tonight. This is my slave, Cherry. She will be assisting me.” He looked around the room at us, a gleam in his eye.

“Please fill out the paperwork in front of you in its entirety. Remember, nothing about you is private any longer.” He sat down at the desk at the front of the room, and Cherry got on her knees beside him.

I opened the packet and couldn’t believe the questions. Height, weight, age, birthday, those made sense. Number of sexual partners, Sexual experiences, Breast size, Favorite sexual position…those were intrusive. Some of the men seemed almost to salivate over the questions. I just got through them, though I felt that fire in my nethers again. After an hour, Edward get us all ready to test. We were all stripped, and he pulled out a long dildo on a stick.

He started with the women, forcing the dildo deep in our pussies and measuring the length. I couldn’t help but enjoy the feeling, until he shoved it as far down my throat as he could, marking down the result. Finally, he pushed it up my ass, and smiled, handing it to Cherry, who began enthusiastically sucking every part of me off. I went back to my desk as he continued measuring how much everyone could take, cherry sucking the dildo clean between every new slave. The first man fought, but was quickly silenced as he was forced to take the dildo in his own ass and throat.

“You are neither gay, nor straight,” Edward said, the dildo deep down the man’s throat, “You are meat, which Free’s may do with as they want.”

The measuring took a full hour, but once we were done, bowls were placed on the floor besides our desks.

“You may eat.”Edward said simply, putting a bowl down for Cherry, who eagerly ate out of it, remaining on all fours. The group of new slaves slowly slid themselves onto the floor, and slowly began to eat, following Cherry’s example.

The food tasted awful, but the humiliation of eating from a bowl on the floor, naked, my ass in the air, was far worse. I could feel the tasteless gruel all over my face. Edward just sat in his chair, smiling smugly.

I was growing to have an utter distaste of Edward and the way he leered at the women. He said nothing as we ate, and we were too nervous to speak, only the sounds of our slurping from our bowls filled the air.

It wasn’t much longer before the door behind Edward opened once more, and 4 men, followed by 4 women, emerged. They began combing through the classroom, grabbing whichever new slaves caught their fancy, and we were led away.

The man who had grabbed me was tall, and less chubby than Edward, but he still wasn’t exactly a looker. He brought four others, two girls and two boys, and myself, into a small room. He tied our wrists tightly to hooks above our heads, and smiled, looking at our squirming, wriggling bodies.

Once we were all bound, our bodies trapped in stretched, painful positions, he grinned wide, walking among us. He let his hands explore our bodies, caressing the skin of a woman’s hip, or feeling for signs of wetness from another. He grabbed the penis of one man, and started teasing him, whispering something in his ear that made the man’s eyes roll back slowly, and he released a soft moan, before his sex was released, and a look of disappointment crossed his face.

Our handler walked over to the front slowly, bending down to pick up a hose left available at the front of the room, and he turned it on, spraying us all down with harsh, icy water. It was painful, the force and the temperature causing skin to burn in freezing agony, as he laughed at the squirming slaves before him. Once he felt we were clean, he moved on, pulling on hoses embedded under us.

He pulled on the one under the girl in front of me, and shoved it deep into her ass, making her jump and cry out loudly. He didn’t even pause for a moment, moving on to the next person. I could see the girl in front of me squirming, the hose clearly deeper than she was comfortable with. Once he got to me, I understood, as the thin hose was pushed very deep inside my ass, cold and unforgiving. He moved to the front of the room and pulled a switch.

Immediately, it felt like my organs were clenching from the cold water pouring inside my intestines, filling me completely. Were it not for the hose creating a tight bond, I don’t think I could have held it in.

Water continued to flow into me, until I thought I was ready to burst. When the water was finally stopped, our handler simply turned off the light and shut the door, leaving us full, cramping, and stretched tight.

Few words were spoken while we were alone in the dark. a few complaints, some words of comfort, but it was mostly silent. We were afraid of retribution for breaking some rule that was never spoken, and so we all kept to ourselves.

The dull ache began to become sharp pain as we hung there, the pain inside us building steadily, but I refused to let it get to me. This was for my mom, and it was too late to do anything anyway.

After what felt like hours, the same man returned, taking us one at a time. Once my time came, I was led to a hole, and ordered to release the water. I felt weird doing it while the handler watched, but I was ready to get a little comfort, and I felt the now warm water flow out from my body and fill into the hole. Once I was empty and wiped clean, I was brought to a pole set firmly into the ground, and my bondage was transferred, my arms now tied behind the pole, behind my back. The pain subsided a little, though a chance to stretch my limbs would have been welcome.It never came, however.

Still without a word, I was left to wait once more, though it wasn’t long before I heard a door open, and people milling about, chatting, talking to one another.

I heard someone speak my name, and by instinct, I perked up. I heard a laugh, though it could have been someone else, and I blushed, feeling humiliated and vulnerable. For the next while, hands found their way onto my body. Feeling my legs, my breasts, my pussy, pressing into the moist folds of flesh I could no longer protect. My nipples burned as they squeezed and twisted, my pussy ached with desire as they rubbed against my clit or pressing their fingers deep into me. Some hands I could recognize as men’s hands, others were clearly women’s, and some I couldn’t place either way, though everyone seemed particularly fascinated in my ass.

Some fingers even pressed between my lips and I sucked gently, hoping it was what they wanted. I felt like my body was nothing more than a playground for them, and the way they took advantage, they seemed to agree.

Suddenly, after what felt like hours of teasing and being used, it stopped, and I took a few minutes to breathe. Did they like me? Was I sold? I had far more questions than answers, but no one came to answer.

I heard one of the other girls crying, and i knew it was luck that kept me from doing the same, though I felt defeated, defiled, and destroyed.

When someone did come, a ball was forced between my lips and secured. Strong hands grabbed at my own roughly, untying the rope keeping me bound. Rather than tying them again, my wrists were held, wrenched back, forcing my body to bend forward and walk. I tried to move slowly, my orientation skewed from the lack of movement and blindfold, but the strength from behind forced me forward, almost buckling from the ache in my legs.

I stopped, not entirely of my own doing, and my arms were brought up higher, pushing me forward, pain searing up and down my tender limbs. I winced, and fell to my knees, and even further until my face touched the floor. The coldness of it was a welcome distraction, until I felt the rubber of a boot pressing against my tailbone, and ropes wrapping around my wrists. It must have been connected to something from the ceiling, as I couldn’t lower, or really move my arms, or anything else, at all.

The gag in my mouth stopped me from even begging for mercy coherently, and I knew they didn’t care. My ankles were tied tightly together, and my knees were tied so my legs were bent in close. My arms were released, but quickly tied to my ankles, my back arched heavily backwards. The pain in my spine was intense, but grew numb quickly, and I was completely helpless.

I felt myself get lifted by two men, and I was placed in what felt like packing peanuts. The box was moved, and I heard an engine roar to life, and knew I was on the bed of a truck.

I slept, on and off, so it felt like days I was being driven to what I assumed was my new home, my new owner, and my new life. Terror, and a bit of excitement, trembled through me, and I wished desperately I had something to use to give my pussy a rub. I could hear the men getting the crate ready, and my heart skipped. I knew my life was changed forever.

If you guys enjoyed this, want to see more, or want to experience the game, please support me at

I can’t wait for next week!

End of Chapter 1


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