The Ten Year-Itch (M/F)


Carrie (27) and I (28) have been friends since high school. We went to a pretty preppy boarding school together and she was in the year below me. Both being tennis enthusiasts, she managed the Varsity boys team while I gave up my spot to help coach JV since they didn’t have a coach and I could basically hang out with her all day. Just the two of us. She was new to the school that year but we got along well and my JV players seemed wowed by the fact that I got along with the tall, gorgeous, statuesque blonde who had a charming smile that seemed to hide a naughty side as well.

Nothing had ever happened between us. Years later, we’re still friends, we went to the same college, we hang out in the same social circles, we talk all the time. She’s retained her marvelous figure, her sharp features and blonde tresses haven’t aged a day, and if anything, the years have added a sense of security to her that says “I know what the fuck I’m doing.” I’ve dated a few girls she’s introduced to me, and she’s hooked up with a few of my friends. Nothing serious. We’re close but there was always a barrier on talking about a few things. Sex, relationships, that sort of thing.

But then two years ago, something happened that changed our friendship dynamic forever.

I was dating a girl named Rena, also tall, blonde, and gorgeous, but with short hair and a spunky et attitude. We dated for a couple of months. She was Carrie’s good friend at the high school they were at before Carrie transferred to mine. Rena and Carrie were still super close. I had to travel for a week or so and then got a message from Rena:

“I had sex with Carrie. We should talk about it.”

My mind was a whirlwind. It was kinda hot but also cheating. Carrie was my friend but she got my girlfriend to cheat on me with her. Rena and I were still new and I was into this girl but maybe she wasn’t what I thought she was.

Rena and I broke up and I didn’t talk to Carrie for a while.

Fast forward 18 months. It’s been 10 years since Carrie and I met in high school. Kayla, a mutual friend of Carrie and me, (blonde as well. I think I see a pattern…) offers to take us out for dinner. We both go and have a great, drunken time. We chat a little about Rena, who Kayla used to work with. It’s all good. Bridge restored. Hooray! Carrie and I text each other almost daily now. A week ago, we decide to get dinner and drinks. Just the two of us.

Over dinner, it’s like nothing changed. She looks great. A figure hugging white dress perfectly wraps her 5’9″ frame. Her heels make her even taller and sexier but I’m 6’2″ so it doesn’t matter. Same old jokes, same old smile, same old hint of naughtiness. We don’t talk about what happened between her and Rena. Not yet. Dinner was near her place so we head back to hers to continue chatting. It’s good. The wine encourages me to bring up the past: tennis sessions, that time I tutored her in math, her terrible exes, my even worse ones. We get to Rena.

“So you guys had sex huh?”

“Yeah I’m really sorry about that. I had no idea what you guys were at the time. She didn’t tell me and you guys were sort of keeping it a secret.”

All true.

I laughed it off. “It happened. It’s ancient history. I don’t necessarily blame you. You didn’t know. I blame her for doing it.”

“Still, it’s kind of shitty. I’m sorry.”

I ease up. “Hey, at least now we can say we’re Eskimo brother and sister. We both had sex with the same person.”

She takes a big gulp of wine, tosses her blonde mane back and laughs. “We were Eskimo siblings long before that happened.”

I’m confused. She fills me in. “You had sex with Kayla. Remember?”

*BOOM* Tertiary character mention gets a payoff.

I feel myself getting hard. “Wait… You did too???” For some reason, I’m super turned on.

Carrie stares into her wine and giggles. It’s the soundtrack of my wet dreams. Not going to lie, I had imagined fucking her ever since she told me about Rena.

Carrie reveals it. “Kayla and me… It was a while ago. I think I hooked up with her right after you did. She told me you guys had sex and well… I guess I just wanted to try it out. She was the first girl I had sex with.”

I laugh and shift my pants to cover the raging boner I have. Between the four of us, I had had sex with two of the girls. So had Carrie.

It was time to complete the trifecta.

The wine (and juices, giggity) keep flowing. We play dominos, which are awesome by the way, and she lets me beat her. I joke that I should return the favor. I finish my wine and sit up.

“Well, I guess I should go.”

Carrie seems a little taken aback. “Oh. I just- okay.”

Here’s the thing: I always want the woman to make the decision. I just finesse it so that the decision she makes is also what I want. Remember people: consent is everything.

“I had a lot of fun tonight, Carrie. I can’t believe I have such a loooong cab ride home…”

“You could just stay here, tonight!” She blurted.

I feign hesitation for a minute before I say okay and follow her towards her bedroom. We laugh and talk and lay in bed for a minute before she changes and brushes her teeth. She’s a runner and she works out so her figure is STUNNING in her t-shirt and shorts. She lays in bed with me, tucks her head on my arm…

And falls. Asleep.

Like, a mild coma. The wine must have kicked in and she fell asleep. I nudge her a couple of times, whisper her name, and give up. There’s a gorgeous girl in bed with me, I’m pumped up, … and she’s dreaming of tennis games and white wine. They say you should call a doctor if you have an erection lasting longer than four hours and I was close because I was hard the entire time I was awake. I do my best to fall asleep and chalk it up to a wash. I finally do and sleep for a couple of hours.

The sun peeks through the blinds and I wake up. Carrie’s still asleep in my arm. I strategically move it and she stirs. She wakes up to look at me. That goddamn smile has me hard immediately. I smile back. And without saying a word, I lean in to kiss her.


I breathe her in as we make out. Her tongue is exploring my mouth and she clearly knows what she’s doing. Something about it feels wrong: this girl slept with my ex girlfriend. But it feels right too. Like 10 years of work was finally getting a payoff. I tug her hair a little while we make out and she moans, ever so slightly. I kiss the nape of her neck and she whispers my name. My right hand is now over her right nipple. Wearing no bra, I feel it harden in my fingers. Her tongue is back in my mouth. She tastes like the lightest hint of pineapple and wine. I push the agenda further.

My fingers slip down her mid-section, lightly grazing her body as a I do. I can feel the warmth coming off her wet shorts. She’s soaking through them now. As I slip a finger over the folds of her shorts, she pulls me in closer. She starts exploring below my waist. I’m now hovering a finger above her pussy. No turning back now.

I feel the shorn hairs above her clit and slowly move further south. She can’t help it now, groaning into my ear as she grips my cock. She’s soaking wet. She pushes her hips into my fingers and grinds her clit into my fingers. I rub her throbbing clit, strategically taking my time and slipping a knuckle into her slit once in a while. She gasps each time. She’s distracted now, ignoring my cock completely while her breath quickens. I pull my fingers out and stare deep into her eyes as I lick my fingers. She bites her lip as I do.

I move my lips lower, kissing her abs and thighs as I make my way down. I peel off her shorts. Her breath tightens while I kiss her mound. She’s soaking wet and I can smell her musk. I taste her. She squirms under my tongue and arches her back involuntarily.

I switch things up (I love going down on a girl) and swirl my tongue around the entrance of her pussy, changing up between sucking, flicking, swirling, and licking. When I get to her clit, she starts grinding her pelvis into my tongue. Her breath picks up and she’s moaning my name. Then she’s screaming it. I work on her clit and taste her juices until her body collapses in a heap. Her body is slick with sweat and she grabs ahold of me, making out with me and tasting herself in the process. It’s incredible.

We fooled around a little more that morning but I didn’t finish. I had to head home to get ready for lunch. I quickly put my clothes on and kissed her as she lay in bed.

“Don’t you want to cum on me?” She asked.

“I do. But that’ll have to be next time.” She smiled when I said that.

I’m seeing her tomorrow night. Just the two of us.
