Reading a submission last week it was clear that if true, it was a rape confession — and after it was pointed out, the poster deleted. And since then, I've been thinking I screwed up not trying to figure out which cops to call.
When it's live, what's a responsible GWS reader to do in a situation like that? Report? Do as much hasty detective work as possible and… then report?
And when they've fled, what then? Reddit's got a record of who what was, including account details (and almost certainly a login/IP log that would tell what campus this was) — is there a path for turning something like this over to someone who can turn the package over to authorities?
I think that was someones fantasy, if she was sleeping after being drunk as a skunk… she would be try and her vagina would not open up so easily. Story was a load of crap. So many other things that were false about it.
It’s the "victims" responsibility. Not yours. Put your pitchfork away.
No fucking clue what to do with someone confessing a crime, whether it be rape, murder or bank robbery in a subreddit. I do think that, rape stories absolutely need to be tagged as such. Even if they are pure fiction/fantasy (which I know, this sub isn’t about that, it’s supposed to be true stories) it is not something I want to read for erotic content.
You leave it the hell alone. Reddit is not a platform for issuing out justice on.
well as with most things on the internet, ultimatly we are confined to but two choices, we either fap to it, or we laugh at it
It’s important that sometimes, people get away with a rape now and again, just to keep the fantasy alive in the hearts and minds of horny young men (and women) everywhere. Besides, if we arrested everyone who reminisced about rape on the internet, we’d need to built bigger prisons!
This is a troll right?
I’ve been thinking about this as well. Maybe this is a question for the Mods or the Admins?
Many of the comments here are disgusting rape apology. Many others promote a laissez faire attitude of abdicating responsibility for maintaining a healthy erotic environment. I would like to advocate for active and scrupled moderation that works to make this an inclusive and productive space for healthy sexuality. If you intend to argue that rape is a healthy form of sexuality, I am uninterested in your opinions. If you intend to argue that the rape posts are fantasy, then they belong in a different subreddit which doesn’t purport to be about true stories. I feel this sub runs the risk of only being friendly towards a very narrow range of the population, meaning stories generally pleasing to reddits most vocal demographic, straight white men. Condoning the rape of women would make this sub even more unwelcoming to those who aren’t in this population, which I would find personally disappointing, and I hope you would too.
please get in contact with the mods and see if there’s anything they can do. anyone that commits rape is absolute scum and need to be punished
What are you talking about? All platforms are platforms justice can be issued out on.
As a survivor myself, I would strongly suggest contacting the admin of the site to see what the protocol is for anytype of criminal activity. If the crime was reported by the victim, then an online confession can go a long way in his or her favor in court.
having a clear policy would probably help, even if it just makes some of these dopes realise that THAT SHIT IS NOT OKAY, because awfully, most guys that commit sexual assault don’t think they’ve done anything wrong.
My suggestion is if the victim is the one posting the story, it sounds be their choice to report it or not. If the rapist is posting the story, it needs to be reported to authority. Then they can handle it.
I’m certain of it, his comment history is all negative.
> if she was sleeping after being drunk as a skunk… she would be try and her vagina would not open up so easily. Story was a load of crap. So many other things that were false about it. That’s not necessarily true. One of my old girlfriends. Liked me to wake up her up sex. A couple times she was pretty wasted and didn’t wake up but her body responded all the same. Not every woman’s body would respond that way but some do.
Problem is many many women have a rape fantasy
What is next? You begin drawing the line for what should be brought up to Law Enforcement and what is not? For example, what of the Ents in /r/trees? Perhaps someone weaponizes the subreddit in an effort to eliminate drug use in states that marijuana is not yet legalized. Maybe you decide that just violent and sex crimes should be reported to Law Enforcement. Next thing you know every single violent/rough/rape scenario or fantasy becomes the target of scrutiny for self-appointed Inquisition. In an effort to bring one person to justice you now change the dynamic of sharing on this website, and jeopardize what it can be. Furthermore, you don’t even know if the person is guilty. Maybe just a lonely Dad who has a different taste in fetish who makes up a story. Reddit *should* not be used as a platform for justice. Even if we get something right; we will do a whole lot wrong in the process.
To clarify, I believe you’re saying that if the rapist posts an online confession that matches a description given by the victim to the police, this can be used as a confession provided other details point to this being the same person.
Just posting a story on Reddit is proof of absolutely NOTHING. It could be made up….it could be exaggerated….it could be anything. If it seems sketchy just downvote it until its gone or report it to the mods. It never ends well when Reddit tries to play detective.
Just take it.
If it makes you feel any better, that story was clearly not true, like most GW Stories.
Probably the best option would be for those posts to be reported and for the mods to preserve them, if that’s possible. There’s no way of knowing what jurisdiction to report the ostensible rape to because there’s so much anonymity in the sub. While I don’t favor trigger warnings, rape posts should be tagged too. You’re already choosing stories based off sexual preferences, and the vast majority of us that don’t get off on rape should be able to avoid reading about it.
Yes it was.
quite some time ago, I [posted]( a story about rough sex, which could have easily been a rape if we didn’t talk through it to convince me to do it. I’ve been pondering posting another story about her, so would this make me branded a rapist? there is even something similar with another lover in which I "invaded her home. Would I be reported to the police then?
It has to be a troll. The US has enough prisoners already.
The bit where he fucked her while she was asleep is definitely rape.
She didn’t give consent because he never told her they fucked while she was asleep.
That is textbook definition rape.
Nothing. It might make you uncomfortable, but really, nothing- even the most honest of these stories are embellished a bit. And we’re not turning a pornstory sub into some kind of vigilante justice machine. Same goes with having "special tags" or whatever. This isn’t the place for that. Downvote a story if you want to, or better yet, just don’t read it.
> I feel this sub runs the risk of only being friendly towards a very narrow range of the population, meaning stories generally pleasing to reddits most vocal demographic, straight white men. This is silly. Anyone can post a story, about pretty much any topic.
yes, thanks for making that clearer
Sure, but people get discouraged by hostile comments and encouraged by friendly ones, and who gets what isn’t random. Go read the comments of a cross section of cheating stories. Men largely are vaguely approved of, and women predominantly outright condemned.
Sorry but I can’t see how this is rape. She gave consent after the fact by doing it again while completely sober. If she didn’t want to have sex with this guy she wouldn’t have done it a second time int the morning. I think rape is awful… But come on, let’s be realistic about this, she enjoyed it. If in the morning she didn’t have sex with him and he lied about it then in could be rape, but that isn’t the case. Did he take a risk that it was? Hell yes he did but he lucked out in this case. No one was hurt by this. Getting the law involved wouldn’t solve anything as she wouldn’t press charges because she wanted to have sex. I’ve woken up with a girl who said she was so drunk she didn’t remember the night before or that we had sex. She then proceeded to say she wanted to do it again so she remembered it. Is that rape? No. Nobody got hurt here.
I’m really glad this is something we’re talking about. I doubt this is a place where crimes are likely to be discovered and subsequently prosecuted – it seems hard enough to get a rape conviction with a victim, time and location. However, the fact that people here are revealing intimate and sometimes grey scenarios means we have the chance to correct them if a grey story is posted and it’s rape. It seems like a lot of rapes happen on dates or between people who know each other because of communication problems or inherently wrong ideas about consent. Most people don’t talk about these kinds of rapes; most of these rapists are never made to feel like they did something wrong. We can do that at least. If someone wasn’t raised to know how to treat a partner, it’s up to peers and society to teach them.
The point is that you did talk it through though. I read your story, and it sounds like fun sex, but even if you’re acting out rape, having verbally established that your partner wants it that way makes it really far from rape. Rough sex isn’t inherently rapey.
agreed. I think, like all things, it’s about the context of things. I have written several acts that I have done this on a blog, but if you didn’t read a previous story, or read it to see my views in it, then I could be considered a rapist.
Wouldn’t a special tag help people know if they want to read a story or not?
Wouldn’t a special tag help people know if they want to read a story or not?
Possibly, but if we did that, I would want a comprehensive set of tags, along with a way to search by said tags. Which would be cool, but seems like a lot of effort, especially considering most stories are 5, 6 paragraphs long. Reading a story you didn’t like isn’t going to kill you- just move on to the next one. A special tag just for this is basically just a trigger warning. Plus, it’s pretty subjective. The story that got OP in a tizzy was about hooking up with a drunk girl who blacked out, and then hooking up again with her the next morning. Which, fine, I’m not trying to get into a debate of "what is rape?" But there’s plenty of stories that have various elements of grey consent and coercion- hooking up with bosses, hooking up with much older partners, stories about partners who are reluctant but then get into it, etc. Do you really want a debate about what does and doesn’t merit a RAPE tag in every story? So yeah, I guess my argument comes down to a few points: – A rape tag is useless from a legal perspective (what the OP was originally asking) – A tag would be very subjective, making it at best a source of constant bickering and tension, and at worst useless Finally, and this is a bit abstract, a tag like this would go against what this sub is- a place for people to share their personal, erotic stories. It’s not a curated sub, we’re not supposed to be regulating content in any way but with our up and downvotes.
> I would like to advocate for active and scrupled moderation that works to make this an inclusive and productive space for healthy sexuality. If you intend to argue that rape is a healthy form of sexuality, I am uninterested in your opinions. I agree. However, that story might not qualify. Though his attitude after the fact certainly suggests it would. Being so drunk that you can’t remember what happened the night before doesn’t make you incapable of consenting to sex. Being so drunk that you aren’t capable of actively perceiving what’s happening to you, in that moment, would be rape if you fucked someone in that state and *knew* they were in that state when you did it. There is a difference between those two states of intoxication, and there is an element of knowledge required in rape statutes. But whatever. In the real world, people generally don’t get charged in this circumstance, even if a growing handful of "any drunk sex is rape" nutters want to criminalize the behavior.
> She gave consent after the fact by doing it again while completely sober. That’s not how consent works.
Mrs talking now… It’s how it worked and it worked out so everyone was happy. She wanted it from the beginning. You can tell by her actions and after the fact, that theory was proven. People get blasted drunk and have sex all the time it isn’t rape if it isn’t forced. Yes the law might say otherwise is some places… The law would be wrong and so are you. So nobody was hurt because she did want it but you want to get the cops involved and ruin a persons life? The world has gone to shit. Consent works like this… You cry on a guy’s shoulder, flirt with him, get drunk, get naked and in bed with him and grind up against him, you are giving consent… She wasn’t out cold, she was tired and out of it, but not out. She didn’t tell him no, in fact all but said yes and then the next morning she said yes again. If she then cries rape, she is the one lying and should get in trouble herself. Get over yourselves ladies.
I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that at the time of this post you’re at -25 for simply saying redditors shouldn’t be e-vigilantes
That isn’t consent. That’d tell me hey maybe I can make a move, that doesn’t give me explicit permission Grinding is not a invitation for intercourse, it CAN be used as a hint and/or as a form of foreplay but under no circumstances does a butt touching a dick through clothes or sheets instantly mean PIV. At any point people should and do have the right to stop. Her being asleep is not granting consent, I’d argue as a matter of fact that it’s the exact opposite. Just because a girl smiled me does not mean I get to date her. Just because a girl got touchy feely with me does not mean I get to fuck her. That is just not how consent works.
Actually, you are wrong. She has the right ti say no and its over. She wasn’t passed out. She was kissing him at one point. In bed naked, while he was having sex with here. Sorry, that’s consent, as she could have said stop.