(M)y first experience ever with a partner

I am 20 years old. I lost my virginity a couple of months ago to a girl. This is my story:

Being a 20 years old virgin (never kissed, hugged, touched another girl in my life) was truly difficult for me, the urges were beyond comprehension, the boner used to hurt, the sexual drive with in me used to keep my brain busy all the time thinking of sexual fantasies, such as how would holding hands feel? Or how would touching a girl's breast feels? It consumed me day and night and it was unbearable, nothing calmed my sexual desire until..

I'm sitting on the bench one day minding my own business like always, writing down on paper a fantasy story, when my friend and his friend (her) came up to me and introduced her to me. She was 27 years old blonde, 175 CM tall and curvy body. We shook hands and sat down, she saw me writing and turns out she's so into writing too. She read my piece and thought it was good for a first draft. Although I was acting casual and everything, I wanted her so badly, my whole urges and sexual drive were lusting me, pushing me to hold her and have her right there. I don't get off to jerking off or porn which makes me a bag of sexual drive and hormones. She smelled like roses, had a bit of make up on her. Her hair was completely blonde with a white touch and was reaching her curvy butt. We exchanged whatsapp and talked with her and my friend about random stuff.

Two days go by and I say to myself, let's give it a shot, I message her "Hello, the story and the writer need you" She replies: "and how may I be of your assistance, O'great ThrowItFarAwayStory?" And we kept going, let me say that she's a really modest person, who's not into appearances and basically not your average bitch like most women at her age or teenage girls. We had many in common and everything was fluid.

Long story short, a couple of weeks go by and she messaged me one day out of the blue saying: "Why do I always have to come to you? Visit me already"

I didn't know what the hell that meant, is it a usual conversation and she's casually inviting me? Or does she wants me to come over? Bring condoms? Hell I never ever wore or bought one before! I was stressed but horny, often times I found my self pinching my self from my pockets so the boner would go away when she's with me, or hold my breathe. I didn't know what to do, so I played it safe, took some condoms from a pharmacy (was easy actually) then went there. She opened up in her PJs and grabbed my hands and showed me around. We reached the bedroom and she said: "Bed is quite alright, go give it a try I will be right back" now let me state that she's this kind of person who throws jokes and funny things around like that, so I laughed it off and actually went to try it just for the laughs, my heart was pounding out of my chest and breathing was heavy. She came back ( my perverted brain thought she would be naked) and told me I'm so cuddly, and she said let's cuddle and she was really cute while saying "please please??"

I never even touched a girl before, and straight into cuddles? I jokingly say I want her to cuddle me for hours and she says "oh please it's been so long and you're just cuddly" and she throws her self at me and cuddles me. She noticed my heart beating and my heavy breath, let me add that I've never been touched by a girl before, so when she was touching me, my body was shaking and retracting unintentionally I could feel her warm breathe right under my ear and her slight moans and everything seemed so warm and beautiful, she knew how anxious I was and I think she knew I was a virgin, a complete virgin.

She then whispered: "I like your lips" and then she kissed me, oh god, fucking almost came from the making out, first time ever kissing a girl, she immediately started using her tongue and at that moment I knew this was leading up to sex. My animalistic urges and instinct immediacy and without thought made me hold her, get my self on top of her, and start kissing her ears, cheeks, lips, we were so deep into each other's lips that we didn't want to let go. She says: "do you have a condom?" And I rush to bring it out and put it on. I then took off everything and she proceeded to suck me while she was still fully clothed. Have I mentioned that she was sucking me so good, that I had to close my eyes and thrust my body back from the tingles and the sensations? She was sucking up and down and her tongue was magical around the head, I wanted to open my eyes and behold the sight but It was so strong that I just couldn't. I couldn't hold my self anymore, the 10 years of sexual tensions were going 7 inches inside of her in a matter of seconds, I thought I would come fast but I didn't! I was surprised. I had her left leg on my shoulder and went full penetration, I wanted to go so deep into her and not go out, she then begged for me to thrust but I ignored and kept kissing her chest and lips, until a minute later I thrust harder than any time in all of wonderlands. She lets out those huge moans that I didn't waste and wanted the warm breathe of them to go immediately inside of my lips, I wanted her to moan into me literally. She came minutes later in the same position. Then I grab her and sit on the side of the bed, but her on me and let her slide up and down, she was tired and slow so I told her I want to cum now, she said fill me up, now at this point I didn't understand and was in middle of madness and just wanted to cum, she said take off the condom and I say why, she says just do it I want you to fill me up, I take it off and fucking fantasies and wonders wouldn't compare to the feeling of penis into the vagina without a condom, I almost came when I first put it. She laid into doggy and had her thighs together very tight, she was so moist, wet and tight that my dick was hurting of the boner, she massaged my balls and it felt so amazing, I let out a huge shout I'm going to come, she says loudly: "please do please fill me up I want you to"..

.. I cum, my vision goes black, my body full thrusting forwards and shaking, my sensations were beyond comprehension, my orgasm was about five seconds where I couldn't see anything for that time. I immediately collapse into her and my penis is still inside of her, she was on the verge of cumming again so she immediately masturbated on the spot and came while I was just laying down trying to comprehend was just happened.

We didn't talk for almost 10 minutes, then I told her that she was my first, she said she knew because she felt it. She said: "I like your penis"

We fucked again after two days where I came even harder because the first one was more about the release than the orgasm. She left the country and turns out she was headed to Japan for a year or so. We still talk, but we don't sex chat, but sometimes we mention the sex we had and how awesome it was and we exchange the feelings. She says she wants to do it again, but that's for next year.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/344xdm/my_first_experience_ever_with_a_partner


  1. Nice story and good for you OP, but I didn’t understand whats was going on after this "the story and the writer need you" to "Why do I always have to come to you", and why did you wear a condom for a blowjob. "I thought I would come fast" Someone told me that happens to those who masturbate a lot then have sex, but not to those who don’t. No idea if its true

  2. "Why do I always have to come to you" is because when she was here she used to come to my apartment occasionally and chat together nonstop, she never told me befote that to come to her I barely masturbate, last time I did was a year ago. But it’s known and heard of a lot that first timers come fast

  3. I meant after "the story and the writer need you" there were some weeks until "Why do I always have to come to you", so how did she help you on that period? You know what I don’t think it matters, its fine if you don’t answer.

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