Threesome in Paris with French Couple part 2

Here’s the second part as promised! Stay tuned for part 3! Part 1

After about 20 minutes of cuddling and talking about nonsense, Lola started to fall asleep. I don’t blame her with the way Guy was cuddling us both. He had both hands working on our backs in slow circles. So of course it made sense that one should get tired, but me, I was just getting started. I was still horny and ready for more. Guy must have sensed that and leaned over to kiss me. This was the first time we were kissing all night. I was slightly put off by the taste of weed on him, but I soon forgot about all that when he grabbed my hair forcing his tongue in my mouth. He pulled my tongue out of its hiding pace, massaging it with his and Jesus Christ, the man knew how to kiss. His other hand grabbed my ass pulling me closer, and eventually found its way to my breasts. He started pinching and pulling them all the while never breaking his kiss. I’ve heard of women that are able to cum with just having their nipples played with. I didn’t cum, but I did feel an orgasm start to build and that not something that’s ever happened to me before. Guy traded my boobs for my pussy and started rubbing my clit. By now, Lola had woken up and joined us. She got on the other side of me and took my nipple into her mouth while Guy started fingering me. I’m not gonna lie, I felt very beautiful at that moment. There’s something about having both of them pay attention to me. I’ve never felt happier.

Guy climbed on top of me, forcing his way into me. I was still sore from the fucking he gave me earlier and again, there was no prep. He saw the pain in my face and instead of going slowly, he shoved the rest of his cock into me. It did hurt, but it turned me on so much that I was already thrusting back against him. He leaned down to kiss me while still thrusting his cock in and out of me. The whole time Lola was still abusing my nipples. In less than two minutes, I could feel myself getting ready to cum again. I was at the point where I stopped moaning and was just focused on actually breathing. Lola’s fingers found their way to my clit and I lost it. I came hard enough that I felt my juices running down my ass crack. It was so powerful and had me feeling so sensitive that I tried pushing them off, but they held me down again. Guy wrapped his hands around my throat and this caused me to have another orgasm, something I could have sworn was impossible for me to experience. Guy had his whole body on me, pounding my pussy into oblivion, hand still on my throat while Lola tortured my nipples even more. The orgasm was so intense, I had a few tears running down my face. Lola noticed them and asked Guy to stop. They looked concerned and kept asking me if I was ok. I couldn’t even answer them so I just gave them a thumbs up. Guy pulled out of me and my legs just flopped on the bed. They laughed at me and I would have laughed too, if I had any energy to do so. While I rested a bit, Lola had Guy lay down so she could ride him. She got on top and started grinding herself against him before slipping him inside. He groaned as she took all of him in. He wrapped one hand around her throat and one hand got a hold of one of her boobs. I reached over and toyed with her other nipple. It didn’t take long for Lola to start cumming again.

Guy was on fire. He pulled Lola off and instructed me to get on all fours. He got in front of me and I took him into my mouth, tasting him and Lola. Lola got behind me and squirted some lube onto my asshole and the toy I her hand. She started slowly working it in me, but the toy wasn’t that small. Guy pulled his cock from my mouth and took my head into his hands. He played with my hair and kissed me to distract me from Lola working on my ass. It worked for a while, but Lola was too eager and pushed the toy in too deep, too fast. I tapped out after that, apologizing and telling them that maybe next time would be better. We spent the next few minutes kissing and I told Lola that I wanted to eat her out. She smiled while Guy laughed. He left the bed for a while and I didn’t care to look to see where he went because Lola had already positioned herself in front of me. I lowered my mouth onto her pussy and started licking her lips before moving to her clit. This was my first time ever eating pussy and I was nervous as hell. I really wanted to please her, so I look my time licking her clit, making sure not to miss a single spot. Then I took her whole clit into my mouth, sucking it all in. I watched her moa and arch herself into my mouth. She grabbed my head and held me down, making it impossible for me to escape, not that I wanted to. She tasted to sweet and wonderful, there was no way I was going to stop until she came.

I felt guy’s hands on my waist pulling me closer to him, but I ignored him, focusing on Lola instead. Seeing that I was preoccupied, Guy settled for slowly fingering me while I continued pleasuring Lola. She kept grinding herself against my face, and her breaths were coming out quicker. I kept sucking and with a small scream, she came. I continued sucking while she came down from her orgasm. Her pussy was soaked, as was my face. Her juices were everywhere. I licked them all up and sat back watching her. She had that smile on her face that only comes from a good orgasm. She pulled me in and we cuddled as Guy bought us some water. We drank out fill, laughing at what just transpired. They kept mentioning how much of a dirty girl I was and how lucky we all were to have found each other. I agreed while Guy got in the middle of us and took us in each of his arms. After some kissing and light touching, all three of us fell asleep entwined into one another.



  1. This is one of the hottttest series on /r/gonewildstories/ . Pay attention, people! Awesome… PLEASE keep going!

  2. Thank you. I wasn’t sure anyone cared much so I wasn’t gonna continue. I’ll have the third part up soon!

  3. It is indeed a great story,you should keep posting that’s for sure,keep it up!

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