Banging my ex’s best friend (M/F)

The title might be a little misleading, so to clarify, my ex and I had separated 3years ago but her best friend (Lisa) and I were friends before her and maintained some contact after her. Our friendship was a little strained when my ex and I broke up but things had become relatively normal. The events here happened 1 year or so after the break up.

We had met, for dinner and afterwards at a pub, usually with a group of others but this time a bit sparse as it was approaching the holiday season and a bunch of us had gone away already. The leadup isn’t exciting and my memory of it isn’t the best, but importantly we were both a little tipsy (moreso on the drunk side for her) and the rest of the gang had gone off to do their own things. Unsure of how, but the topic got onto my ex and how we had never done the deed – moreso because of her conservative nature rather than a lack of trying. The message must have skewed somewhat however, as Lisa started teasing about how I couldn't get it up for my ex. I gave a flirty response of ‘why don’t you see for yourself’ or something along those lines, she had a small smirk and bite of her lip (or I could have just imagined it) but that was that and the topic changed again.

We weren’t at the pub for much longer and I offered to accompany her home as she was visibly drunk by this stage. I was a little surprised when she asked if she could crash at mine instead cause it was closer (it was, I was a 10 minute walk whereas she was a train and a walk away). Sensing an opportunity but playing it cool I agreed and had my arm around her on the walk home, initially just around her opposite arm but as we walked further it started drifting down to her waist then as she didn't object moved so it was essentially resting on her ass.

On the walk home I reminded her that my housemate would probably be around and she’d have to pick between the couch outside or the floor in my room. She didn’t seem too fazed about this prospect however. Finally getting to my place we got inside, grabbed a drink and continued to chat on the couch, albeit quieter than usual as to not wake my housemate. This gave me the opportunity to really get in close, arm still around her and bodies close together.

A lull in the conversation was broken by Lisa asking “so… you done copping a feel yet?” Feeling pretty confident things would be happening tonight I simply replied “nope” and sat more relaxed on the couch. She started asking “what more do you want?” as she climbed on top to straddle me. We started making out, gently first before really getting into it before I finally broke the kiss and told her that we should take it into my room.

She happily obliged and as soon as I closed my door I spun Lisa around and undid the zip at the back of her dress. She’s a petite woman, 5’2 with some curves to match her slim figure. As her black dress fell to the floor so did she, onto her knees and off with the belt with one hand and guiding my cock into her mouth with the other. Mind you, I had used the bathroom when we had gotten back earlier and cleaned downstairs in preparation, and I presume her extended bathroom break earlier was to do the same. Lisa gave an enthusiastic blowjob but being drunk there was a fair bit of teeth action and I soon picked her up, dropped her panties and ate her out after I plopped her onto my bed. She was wet and squirmy – I had to remind her to quiet down on a regular basis as to not wake the housemate. Finally she had enough and mumbled “fuck me”

I got up to her ear and asked if we needed protection and she shook her head before asking if she needed it. I simply uttered “nope” again as I began teasing her clit with my cock. Suddenly reminded of our conversation at the bar I asked if she still thinks I can’t get it up and she simply shook her head. I then said something lame; “I’m going to cop a feel with my cock now” as I slid it in her tight snatch. She didn’t seem to care as her body arched upwards and moaned as I filled her up.

I started thrusting inside her wet pussy and before long her breathing was picking up and her moans were getting louder again. I put a hand over her mouth to stifle her moans but this only appeared to get Lisa going even more and she started shaking and cumming as she dug her nails into my arms and legs around my body.

I couldn’t hold my impending orgasm off much longer either – I had never cum inside a woman before and wasn’t going to start in someone drunk and not 100% certain if they were on the pill. It took every ounce of energy to pull myself out and leave a stream of cum from her trimmed hair to her cleavage.

I climbed off her and lay down next to her, both of us panting. “Fuck you” Lisa said, to which I replied “Yeah, you just did” before we both fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning –around 7:30 to my cock being sucked. It obviously grew harder when I realised what was happening. Lisa simply said “good morning sleepyhead” before working my pole to full mast and straddling me, this time with my cock buried deep inside her tight snatch.

She started riding me and told me to relax, saying how she was thanking me for “taking care of her last night” and that she’s on the pill and to fill her up. She was being extra vocal and dirty – by this stage I stopped caring if my housemate could hear or not – and was enjoying the show. I warned Lisa that I was going to cum and she responded by riding me faster, and for the first time I came in her pussy. She continued riding for a few more bounces before asking if I could finish her off doggy. I was more than happy to, getting her in position and seeing my cum slowly trickle out of her pussy. I filled Lisa up from behind and pounded her until she came, at the same time reminding her that her body and her pussy belonged to me which she seemed to get off on.

We hooked up a few more times before dating a little while, happy to share some wild stories if there’s interest.



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