Our new fantasy (long, 20F, 24M)

First of all, I would like to start off with a TRIGGER WARNING. I found this story the other day and sent it to my boyfriend John because a few lines reminded me of him, especially the cigarette at the end (I don’t smoke, but think it’s pretty hot when he does). As we discussed the story further came to light that the kind of rape play described was pretty hot for both of us and we decided to try it. I have a paper due in a few days and he had work pretty early this morning so he went to bed before me as I was still working. This story is going to be entirely told in text messages exchanged between the two of us since last night (minor edits for clarity).

A bit of background: I’m Shirley. 20, a petite 5’3”, with slightly wavy golden blonde hair that I wear in a ponytail 95% of the time. Perky high A/low B breasts and “an ass that would make any man drool” (his words not mine, he helped me put this together). I run, so I’m slender and in pretty good shape. Heavy lidded/almond shaped olive green eyes and very fair skin. He’s 24, 5’6”, 5’7” on a good day when not slouching. Trim and athletic, with broad shoulders and the kind of muscle you can only get from hard work, not spending hours in a gym. Somehow he managed to keep his tan summer skin and wavy/curly hair that usually has a mind of its own. He keeps clean shaven for me, but my favorite feature is his clear blue eyes.

We are semi-long distance so we only get to see each other once a week when he comes to stay over my college dorm and last week he couldn’t stay over because he had taken an early shift the next day. Needless to say we’re very excited for this week’s rendez vous. What really happened the first night he stayed over was we went geocaching, ordered pizza, and watched a few movies while cuddling to make my roommate feel awkward (she later moved in with her boyfriend so now I have to room to myself). I had a sleeping bag he was going to sleep in since I was seeing someone else at the time and dorm room beds suck to share anyway. In the middle of the night I got up and ended up tripping over him, waking him up, and felt so bad that I invited him into my bed. My roommate likes to have the window open and the combination of a cold December breeze and laying on the hard floor were not conducive to a good sleeping environment anyway. At least now we could share body heat. Nothing happened that night since I was seeing someone else and in the morning he dropped me off at work on his way home.

Me 1:11am: I can't wait for you to be here Thursday, I can't wait to ride your bare cock in the middle of the night. The feeling of the head of your thick cock pushing into my tight slit drives me wild, then when I slowly start riding you and I can feel it stroking past my g spot. Ugh. Heaven. My little pussy is so wet just thinking about you playing with my clit and getting me so close to cumming then saying no. Waiting for you is pure torture, nothing compares to the feeling of a really powerful orgasm and cumming over your hard dick then finally hearing you murmur that I'm your good girl while you stroke my hair and I bury my face in your neck and try not to scream.

John 7:54am: Fuck. Good fucking morning. You’re so fucking hot Shirley.

Me 8:00am: Good morning darling :*

John 8:10am: Whether it's a quick rough fuck just to cum inside your pretty little pussy or a long, drawn out experience, I fucking love taking you. From that first time we fucked in lab to the first time I came inside you, I've been so completely satisfied and yet always hungry for more. The first time I enter you, especially after a week long drought, is easily the best feeling ever. You're so fucking tight, and it's like your pussy is trying to be even the slightest bit defiant as I stretch you around my thick shaft. And fuck, the next time you're just as tight. Cumming inside you is pure bliss. I've almost whited out from the intensity of the pleasure on more than one occasion. And knowing I just seeded you is such a turn on for the future. I (sometimes) hate being selfish and just fucking you till I cum but the urge is just so overwhelming and I want to have you so badly. You're so fucking hot too. The sight of your little pussy clamped around my cock is so arousing, and I love watching your cute breasts jiggle as I'm pounding you.

Me 8:13am: Mmm hi Johnny :)

John 8:16am: Woke up with a slight erection, debated going back to sleep until my alarm went off but then I saw your message and now I’m wide awake. And fully hard.

Me 8:17am: Mmmmmm I wish you didn’t have work today, I want you sososo badly Johnathan

Him 8:20am: Silly, I have to go to work. Though I’d love to spend the day fucking your vice tight little pussy over and over, using my cum as lube for the next time.

Me 8:22am: And I can’t wait to act out our little rape fantasy, that’s going to be so fucking hot

Him 8:37am: Funny you'd mention that. I was thinking about the first night I stayed over, and if you weren't on the rag and your roommate wasn't there, in some alternate universe, waking you up with my fingers inside you. Pumping them slowly, exploring your folds with my fingers, running my finger up your slit, as you softly protest. Telling you how amazing your pussy feels, how smooth and silky it feels under my fingers. Your protest gets louder, so I cover your mouth hard and tell you to shut the fuck up. I taste you on my fingers, noting you're soaked, and you're loving this as much as I am. I force my fingers back inside your perfect slit, finger fucking you as your muffled whimpers beg me to stop and telling me what I'm doing is wrong. Finally I decide you're having all the fun and I pull my fingers out of you and release your mouth. You gasp and pant a few times before you realize I'm tearing your shorts and panties off and you kick your legs and weakly demanding I stop, but I manage to get them off. You try crossing your legs, coyly hiding your perfect, smooth, bare slit from me but I force your legs open, looking down at your slightly parted folds. Even in the dim light I can see you're soaked. You catch sight of my huge cock, and your eyes grow wide as you feel the shaft slide along your slit. You start to thrash at me and kick, but I hold you down while I cover your mouth again and guide my cock to your entrance. You keep begging me not to fuck you, you plead through my fingers not to take you. Your scream of horror / pleasure is only barely swallowed up by my hand as I force as much of my cock inside you as I can in one thrust.

(At this point my phone died and I had to go and find my charger, by the time I got it back on he had continued)

8:45am: You're crying softly as I fuck you in a steady rhythm, listening to my whispers in your ears. "Fuck your pussy feels so fucking good Shirley. I've been planning to take advantage of you since you suggested I stay over. From the moment I saw your hot little body I fucking had to have you. I'm going to fucking stretch your little pussy out with my cock. Oh yeah, and I'm not wearing a condom, so I'm going to fucking seed you and make you mine. Going to fuck as much of my cum inside you and mark my territory. Maybe fucking impregnate you. That would be fucking marking my territory." With each sentence your protest gets louder and shakier, especially when you realize I'm not wearing a condom and I'm trying to breed you. You try to swing and hit me but I just wrap my hand around your mouth and pin you with my body as I'm bucking my cock deep inside you.

Me 8:47am: I wasn’t on my period the first time you stayed over, I wouldn’t have invited you into my bed if I had been. Just reading this is making me so wet John, I can’t wait to feel your strong body forcing your cock balls deep into me while you roughly pin me and fuck my helpless pussy.

Him 8:49am: Ugh. Me too. My cock has been dripping precum the whole time I was writing that.

Me 8:53am: I know you have to be at work soon, but what happens in the end? I want to get off to this later

Him 8:58am: I was going to end it by repeatedly fucking my cum into you, trying to seed you as much as I could, feeling your protest and resistance fade away each time. Maybe by the end of it tying you up so you could be my perfect little fun-sized fuck doll as soon as I could get hard again.

Edit: That’s when he had to go in to work, but while he was gone I decided to write my own version of events from that night.

I wake up to a familiar, yet out of context touch. Derick. I swat my boyfriend’s hand away from my crotch and roll over so my back is to him. Then a hand closes around my mouth and the fingers return to stroking my clit. A voice growls into my ear “Be quiet Brat, let me finish playing with you”. Only one person calls me that. John. I’m instantly wide awake and strangely wet, he feels this and chuckles low into my hair. I roll over in his arms, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I spit, angry at him for daring to touch me and angry at my body for betraying my true feelings. “Listen Brat,” he murmurs, placing a hand on the side of my neck and not so subtly applying pressure to my windpipe with his thumb “I’m going to have my way with you now, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. You’re going to take it like a good girl, maybe I’ll even let you get off after I’m done destroying that pretty little pussy.”. I stare at him with disgust and try to climb out of bed, unfortunately I’ve been sleeping next to the wall and it’s impossible to climb over him without exposing myself.

His hand moves from my neck to my diaphragm and suddenly I’m pinned on my back with one hand while his other hand continues to explore my now dripping slit. “Now let’s see what you’ve been hiding from me” he says softly as he removes my baggy t-shirt runs his hand up my stomach to cup one of my breasts and painfully tweak an erect nipple. “Mmm perfect” he moans, simultaneously squeezing me harder while roughly shoving two fingers into my vagina, soliciting a loud moan of frustration and pleasure from me. I try to wriggle away but the hand gripping my breast quickly moves back to my throat. He kisses me hard and I bite his lip hard enough to draw a bit of blood. “Listen to me bitch, no noise. You can make this easy or hard.” My eyes are watering from lack of air so I just nod vigorously. “Good girl, see? It’s not so hard. Now clean me up.”

The fingers that had been in my pussy seconds before were shoved into my mouth and I gagged on the taste of my own juices. He tore down my shorts and panties to get his first look at my soaked pussy and took out his cock. Seeing that pushed me over the edge and I started thrashing wildly and fighting him with everything I had. A burst of sharp pain froze me, nobody had ever hit me like that before. While I was still reeling with shock he got himself into position and pressed the head of his massive cock against my entrance. “I told you to be quiet and take it Brat.” he said before pushing balls-deep into me with everything he had. I tried to scream out in shock and pleasure but he kept a hand firmly planted across my lips. I lay still for a moment as he began to jackhammer himself into me. He kept up a running commentary about how good I felt and how he was going to cum in me and knock me up and how everyone would know what a slut and a whore I was for having someone else’s baby. At that last part I tried to take a swing at him while sitting up which forced him to jump back and slide out of me to avoid. I jumped out of bed but he quickly followed and grabbed me by my hair. He bent me facedown over my bed and entered me again from behind, keeping one hand firmly between my shoulder blades so I couldn’t move from that position. With his other hand he alternated between spanking me and playing with my clit. Soon enough he started to speed up and I could tell he was close. As he unloaded himself inside me he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled hard, forcing a real scream from me. “Good girl Brat”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/33zdox/our_new_fantasy_long_20f_24m


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