Being caught wearing panties by another guy at the turns opens up a whole new chapter in my life and a wild next few days of sexual acts with this man, my wife and myself. [MM] [MF] [MMF]

Part 1 – The Gym

I got my stuff together and headed out to the gym. I was feeling incredibly horny this morning, id been chatting online with a few guys and looking at some pretty dirty porn on my phone pretty much most of the morning since I woke up. Its a huge turn on of mine to dress and act like a girly slut when I get a chance to be alone, and a lot of the time I like to wear panties under my everyday male clothes. Today was one of those days. I decided to wear a little thong under my tight gym shorts, and a very colourful vest which hardly covered anything. Mmm I felt so horny. I got to the gym and put my bag, phone, wallet etc in the locker, time to train. I decided I was going to train my legs and butt today, (I like keeping my legs shapely and my ass big so it looks even more girly :) I get a lot of compliments on my 'Bubble Butt' ! There were a few hot guys in the gym and there was one particular hat caught my attention. I thought to myself that id have a little fun with him and act like all of the slutty girls do in the gym when they know us guys are checking them out. I positioned myself directly in from of him but far enough away so everyone had room. I picked up the weights and started to do a few deep squats, I could see in the mirror he was checking me out, but every time I looked he put his head down… Mmm this was starting to turn me on, as I was squatting I could feel the thong right in between my ass and rubbing against my smooth hole. After doing a few more sets of squats I decided on doing some stiff leg deadlifts and bent over rows. Again I made sure I was right in this hot guys eye line. I bent over so my legs were nearly dead straight which in turn made my ass pop right out it his direction. Yep I caught him eyeing me up again.. Hehe this was fun. After finishing off my workout I went to shower and change. As I walking in the guy I was flirting with was sat on one of the benches checking his phone. He looked and and we both smiled. I put my key in the locker and went to open it… Damn I had left my towel in the workout room. I quickly ran off to get it. When I returned it startled me to see my locker was open and my bag had gone. Oh no, I had left the key in there when I ran off to retrieve my towel. The guy that was in there had gone too. Instead of my bag, there was a note inside. It read, 'Payback is a bitch isn't it, if u would like your belongings back meet me in the car park as soon as u have read this, I will be sat in a black BMW registration ending BBC.' Could I risk losing my phone, wallet and keys, or did I have no choice but to go and see who this was in the car that had took my bag. I decided I had no option, I went out into the carpark, there wasn't that many cars around and it didn't take look to spot the BMW over in the corner with its lights on. I took a deep breath and went over to the car, the window opened and to my surprise the guy in the car was the same one from the gym. He told me to get in the passenger side of the car or he would drive off and i would never see my phone, wallet or keys again. Part of me was tempted to run off, but I had so many memories on my phone and my bank cards etc were in my wallet. I didn't really have much choice. I got in, not knowing what to expect next. (This man was you.. The next part of the story changes perspective to that) You start the engine and tell me we are going to go for a little drive and then u'll give me my belongings back. You say to me that I really need to be more careful in future, not only did you see that I was wearing girls underwear when I was trying to tease you, I should also be careful not to leave my things unattended in front of strangers. I pleaded with you to just give me my bag and forget this ever happened. I said I was sorry, I didn't want to get into any trouble it was just a little fun.. You looked at me and laughed, oh we will have fun don't you worry about that, and u'll do everything I tell you to. Or I could just drop you off now on the side of the road and forward all the photos of you dressed like a slut and fucking your ass to your wife Chris. Or should I say Trish. How did this man know my name? How did he know I was married? How has he seen my secret pictures? Oh no what have I got myself into. You tell me that I should really learn to put a lock on my phone in future, what a silly mistake to make, you say you also looked in my wallet and saw what my full name and address was. So unless I wanted future problems it would be best if I do completely as you say. 'You wouldn't want all of your facebook friends to see the pics on your phone of you would you 'Trish'? Or your beautiful wife Jay for that matter. 'Oh yes I made sure I looked her profile up on Facebook too slut, she is very hot by the way, but then I do prefer the naughty pics of her on your phone Trish, quite the body on her'. We approach some dirt roads out in the middle of nowhere and you pull the car over by a gate which leads to a farmers field. You tell me get out of the car and strip down to just the thong I am wearing. I feel nervous and so scared but after what you have just told me I don't really have much choice but to do completely as im told. I really now am your slut. You join me out of the car and take off your shorts and boxers then sit down on the car bonnet. 'Right slut' you say in a deep powerful voice. 'Get to work on my cock, make it the best blowjob u have ever imagined doing or the pictures will be on Facebook by the Morning'. Oh well, here goes. I took your hard cock in my hand and began to lick up and down your shaft, slowly licking and sucking the tip making you nice and wet. I open my mouth and start sucking your big cock, without warning u grab my head and force youself right into the back of my throat which causes me to gag and splutter. You pull my head away and look me in the eye. 'Oh get used to it slut, there will be plenty more gagging where that came from before im done with you.' You say.' I really want this to be over with before somebody caught us. It was so humiliating stood completely naked in just a girly thong, sucking on a mans cock in the middle of a field. I took u back in my mouth and this time managed to fit all of your huge cock straight down the back of my throat, you held it there for a second or two and then let me back up for air. There was drool everywhere, my face was covered in it, in between forcing your cock down the back of my throat you would occasionally rub it all over my face and laugh at me in the process. You tell me you are about to cum but first you want me to 'Toss your salad' as its called. You put your legs over my shoulders, lie back on the bonnet of the car and pull my face into your ass. 'Rim me you bitch.' You shout. 'I want your tongue deep inside me, make me cum slut'. I do what u ask and lap at your tight asshole like im licking my wife's pussy, I push my tongue right in there and fuck u with it like I would if I was between her legs. You start to squirm and grab my hair pulling me away, with that you let out a Huge sigh and a thick spurt of cum hits me right in the face, by the time you are done my face is absolutely covered in it. Its dripping down me all over my chin and chest. You then pull your shorts back on, and tell me to get back in the car but not to get dressed or dare try to wipe the cum off my face. We set off on our journey, halfway home u decide to wind down the window and throw my shorts and vest onto the road, then continue to drive on. I shout at you and all you can do is laugh at me. 'I'll give you two choices trish. I can either drop you off in the middle of town looking like that, covered in cum, wearing just a thong. Or you can let me take u home and introduce me to your wife Jay! Don't worry I'll let u clean up and put some other clothes on first. Your choice'!

Part 2 – Jay meets Tommy

We pulled up outside my house. As i got out the car you got out too and followed me to the door. 'Please don't say anything sir, i've done as you asked' I pleaded. You agree but in order to keep that promise you say you will be keeping my bag overnight. 'Don't worry slut, you will get it back, i just need a little time alone to look at all the pictures you have saved on your phone.' You laugh, as i knock on the door. Jay answers, all she is wearing is a robe and has a towel in her hair. I intoduced the two of you and Jay asks. 'Why didn't u tell me we were having guests Chris? I would of made myself look more presentable.' 'And why are u knocking? Don't u have your key?' I quickly thought up a quick excuse and told her that my bag had got stuck in the locker at the gym and the maintenance people wouldn't be able to open it tomorrow. 'Luckily Tommy gave me a lift home babe, otherwise i'd of had to take a long walk home.' I say. Jay tells us to both come in and offers you a cup of tea. 'It was so kind of you to give Chris a lift home Tommy, I hope he has thanked u properly?' Jay asks. You look over at me and smile, haha if only she knew how i did thank you hey. After a further little small talk Jay said she was going to get dressed and left us alone in the kitchen. 'Mmmm your wife is even hotter in the flesh slut, i'd love to see what is under that gown.' You say with a huge grin on your face. 'I will one day, don't you worry about that'. Just as you are leaving Jay comes back downstairs and says to me, 'I am going out with one of the girls for a few drinks tonight babe, why don't u invite Tommy over to watch the game and have a few beers?' 'I'd love to.' You reply. 'I will be over around 7pm.' With that u got in your car and leave. For the rest of the afternoon i was in complete shock over today's events, i could barely look at Jay, let alone speak to her. The afternoon went so quick, before i knew it it was nearly evening. Jay started to get ready to go out, putting her make-up on and doing her long blond hair. I heard a knock at the door, Jay told me to go and answer it as it would be her friend Caz. I went downstairs to answer the door. To my surprise it wasn't Caz there but instead it was you. You had a crate of beer in one hand and my gym bag in the other. I really didn't want to see you, but i let you in reluctantly. We walk into the Living Room and i put the TV on, you open us a couple of the beers you had brought. I grabbed my bag, took my phone and wallet out and quickly threw it in the cupboard out of sight. Jay came downstairs expecting to great her friend Caz. 'Oh, hi Tommy, i thought you were my friend, she's a little late, i am sure she will be here soon' She says. Jay looked absolutely gorgeous, she was wearing a short floaty bright red dress, with a sheer panel which went across her breasts which showed them off a little and outlined them perfectly as she wasn't wearing a bra. You offer her a drink and tell me i am a very lucky man, to which she giggles and says 'Oh yes he is'. Not long after the doorbell rings again, this time it is Caz, she looks equally hot, her dress is very tight and hugs her curves perfectly, Caz is gorgeous and she knows it, she is one of the biggest teases in our town. Long dark hair, long legs and a great figure. I always fancied Caz. There is a taxi waiting outside so the two girls say their goodbyes and leave for a night on the town. Jay says she shouldn't be took late, probably before midnight. I wave them off and walk back into the living room where u are sitting. 'Mmmmm those girls got me so damn horny, shame they were not staying in with us tonight,' You say. 'Oh well, you will have to do Trish.' You tell me that while you had my phone this afternoon, you copied all of my pictures to your computer so unless i wanted my little secret to be out you suggest i do exactly what you tell me to. 'Why don't you go upstairs and transform yourself into Trish for me slut.' You say. 'Pick out one of Jays sluttiest outfits and this time make sure you put your long hair in pigtails and apply some make-up to look even more convincing and girly.' All i want to do is go to sleep and wake up and none of this day had happened but instead i decide to grant your orders and head upstairs. I look through Jay's lingerie and decided on a black sheer babydoll, fishnet stockings and a cute little matching thong. I opened up her makeup and applied some foundation, followed by some pink eyeshadow and some eyeliner to make my eyelashes even longer and fuller than they already were. I finished the look with some bright pink shiny lip gloss and of course tied my hair in pigtails complete with two pretty bows.

Part 3 – Doing as i'm told I go downstairs and walk in to the living room, you had put on the TV and had already managed to find some porn to watch. You are completely naked and your cock was rock hard, it looked even bigger than it did this morning. U let out a whistle 'Wow Trish, that is one hell of a transformation, turn around for me, let me get a good look at you front and back'. There are already 3 empty beer bottles on the floor next to you and you continue to drink by opening another one. 'Come and sit here next to me Trish and let's watch some of this porn together'. You say to me. The porn scene on the TV is a pretty dirty one, 2 girls and 2 guys, each girl was being fucked by 2 guys at once, it was one hot scene. The guys alternated between the girls and none of their holes went free of cock, u name it, this scene had it. Double Penetration, Double anal, Ass to mouth, Deepthroat, Piss drinking. These were 2 very dirty girls. You tell me to sit on your knee, I do as u say facing away from you. My bare ass pressing against your knee, You run your hands up and down my legs, you are quite gentle with me at first but the more turned on you get from the porn, the rougher you start to get. You grab me around the throat with both hands, its a tight grip and I'm struggling to breath. 'Get on the floor slut on all fours, I want your ass high in the air and head on the couch'. You tell me. I do as you say, I feel your hands all over my girly ass and you pull my thong to the side exposing my smooth tight hole. You spit against me ass rubbing it into my hole with your fingers, I feel one finger in me, followed by 2 and then 3, every time you pull them out of my ass you force than straight into my mouth. You have an evil look on your face as u say to me. 'That's it slut, taste your ass juices from my fingers, all good sluts do Ass to mouth, you can see that from the video.' 'Right Trish, are u ready for the next step now? I've seen from all of the photos and videos u had on your phone that you like fucking your girly bubble butt with dildos, I want you to experience a real cock, we can't have you always fantasizing about it can we?' 'No sir, please fuck me.' I replied. You spit on my ass again, but this time instead of your fingers it's the head of your cock pressing against my hole. ''Pop''… The head was in. You continued to just push the head of your cock in and out to start with, my tight ass hole started to gape a little and stay open when you pulled out. Without warning, you push every single inch of your huge dick deep into my waiting ass, you are so deep I can feel your balls pressing against my cheeks. You fuck slowly to start with, long smooth strokes, pulling all of the way out and then balls deep again'. Turn around slut, I want you to watch the sluts on the TV and get some tips'. You say to me, pulling me up by the hair. We are both facing the TV, you are getting even hornier and start to get rougher and rougher with me. You are fucking my ass harder and faster now, continuously pulling my hair and grabbing my throat. 'Do you want to be a good girl Trish like those girls are on the porno?' U ask me. 'Um, depends what it is sir?' I reply. 'Ass to Mouth slut, I want you to taste your ass juice straight off my cock, I know you have done it with your toys so don't even pretend its not something you have dreamed of doing.' U say in a sarcastic tone. You pull out of my ass and walk around to face me, you get on your knees. 'Open up slut and take me deep in your throat, I know Jay would do it if she was in this position instead of you.' U say as you force your hard cock past my lips. I can feel it hitting the back of my mouth and then it passes my tonsils down the back of my throat. I let out a gasp and gag a little, I can hear you laughing as you continue to fuck my throat just as you had previously been doing my ass. 'That's is slut, you ARE a good little whore, you love the taste of your ass on my cock don't you?' 'Yes sir.' I replied. You tell me you are about to cum and you grab on to the back of my head and hold me with your cock all in my mouth. You grown and a huge spurt of cum floods my mouth and starts to dribble out of the sides, I swallow most of it and you rub the rest of it into my face calling me all sorts of degrading names in the process. You push me to the floor and go over to the sofa to get dressed again, leaving me a cum covered mess. It's getting late so I go upstairs to have a shower and put Jay's lingerie back exactly how I found it so she was none the wiser. I was hoping Tommy would be gone by the time I came back downstairs but to my horror you were still there when I returned. 'Why are u still here?' I ask. 'Can you please go? I don't want you to be here when Jay gets home. Surely you have had enough fun humiliating me now?' 'Oh I have for now Trish.' U answer me, while grinning. 'But if you think I'm missing an opportunity to see your hot wife again then you are stupid. It's 11pm now and she said she will be home soon.' I look at the clock, you are right, oh why can't you just go, I don't want any more of this, I just want my old life back. An ordinary, boring, every day life, just me and Jay, with all of this just a make believe fantasy. 'I hope you are still wearing panties under those male clothes Trish?' U say to me. 'You are still in my company, which means you should at least have one item of female clothes on.' 'But'…. I try to plead with you with you but you are having none of it. 'Its your choice Trish, go back upstairs and pick out a sexy pair of Jay's panties to wear under those jeans or I will upload a dirty picture of you to Facebook right now.' U reply. Again, I do as you tell me and go upstairs, open up Jay's lingerie draw and choose a a white and black thong with pink hearts on and them on under my jeans. There isn't much conversation between us for the next hour until we hear a key rattle in the lock of the front door.
