The Hung Ex-Husband [Cuckold]

This is a complete story from my new cuckold erotica anthology. You can find it on Amazon here –


“What’s in this shoebox?” I asked.

Megan slammed the top shut and ripped the box out of my hands.

“ . . . It’s nothing,” she said.

I stared at her. My pulse quickened. What was in that shoebox?

“I totally forgot about this box,” she said, her eyes cast down.

“. . . What is it?” I asked.

She let out a sigh.

“Just . . . promise you won’t be mad.”

“Okay. I guess.”

“. . . It has a bunch of dirty pictures. From when Tom and I were married,” she said.

“Oh. Hunh.”

She winced as she tried to gauge my reaction.

“Pictures of the two of you?” I asked.

She nodded.

“I had totally forgot,” she said. “You believe me, right?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Of course I trust you. Plus, that box has been buried in the garage since I moved in five years ago.”

“But, I mean, I wasn’t secretly saving them or anything.”

“I know.” I said.

“I’ll throw them out right now.” She took the shoebox and carried it out to the trash.

I slept fitfully that night. I couldn’t put the shoebox out of my mind. Buried in our trashcan was a glimpse into my wife’s secret, sexual past.

The next morning, after she left for work and I got the kids fed and off to school, I went straight to the garbage can. I dug through it and quickly found the shoebox and brought it inside.

I sat on the couch in my robe with the shoebox on my lap. I desperately wanted to see the contents, but I wasn’t entirely sure it was a good idea. Did I really want to see pictures of my wife getting fucked by her ex-husband? Once I looked, I wouldn’t be able to unsee it.

After a few minutes of deliberation, I took the box back out to the trash.

I was an author who worked from home, so I had the house to myself while the kids were at school. I got dressed and made myself a cup of coffee and then sat down to try and crank out a few pages.

I didn’t even finish a paragraph before I caved and went back out to the trashcan. I rushed back inside and poured the photos out on the living room floor, before I could lose my nerve.

I grabbed one at random.

It was a picture of Megan. A Polaroid. She was lying naked on a bed. Her blonde hair was in a pixie cut, much shorter than she had ever worn it since I had known her. She looked young. Maybe just out of college.

I grabbed another pic. It was nearly the same as the first only in this one she had her hand between her legs. She had two fingers buried in her pussy.

I was hard as a rock. This was like finding a sexual time machine. I rubbed my erection through my jeans.

The next picture made my jaw drop. She was still naked, but the cameraman was visible in this one. At least his cock was. It laid across her pussy. And her stomach. AND her navel.

My heart was racing. My mouth felt dry. I had entertained the idea that her first husband might be a little bigger than me, but this was absurd.

I quickly put all the photos back in the box. My hand trembled as I took a sip of coffee . . . it had to be a foot long. It felt hard to breathe.

I decided to take a shower. I hurried to the bathroom and turned the water on. Then I quickly shed my clothes and climbed in.

I stood there for a long time. The hot water cascaded over me.

I hated myself.

I hated myself for opening that shoebox. I hated Tom for having such a freakishly large cock. I hated my erection for refusing to subside.

The water rained down on my stubborn, hard, five-inch cock. Never before had it seemed so puny.

I rubbed at my temples and tried to slow my breathing. She had picked me. She didn’t care about penis size. She didn’t care about Tom’s big, thick cock.

“Ah, fuck it.”

I grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted some into the palm of my hand. I stroked myself furiously. I quickly gave up trying to not imagine Tom pounding Megan’s young pussy with his massive dick.

After a couple of minutes I groaned and erupted all over the bathtub.

I spent a few more minutes trying to wash all the semen off my hand and then got out and toweled off.

It wasn’t ten minutes before my erection returned. I went to the shoebox and started going through the pictures again.

I found one of Megan on her knees with her lips stretched over the massive head of her first husband’s cock. In the next one his cock was buried in her pussy. Her mouth was wide open, caught in the middle of a moan.

I pulled my cock out and started to jerk off again.

As soon as I came I felt horrible. I felt guilty for looking at the pictures that Megan clearly hadn’t wanted me to see. I felt guilty for being so aroused by the pictures. And I felt guilty for not having a bigger dick.

I cycled between shame and extreme arousal all day. I beat off another half dozen times before I had to hide the pictures away and the kids came home.

When Megan got home, she could tell I was acting weird. She asked me a couple of times if everything was okay, and I assured her it was.

As soon as the kids were in bed, she cornered me in the bedroom.

“Where are they?” she asked, sharply.

“What do you mean?”

“Are you trying to tell me that you didn’t get the shoebox out of the trash?”

I was quiet for a moment.

“ . . . I did.”

“Good answer,” she said, “cause I already checked the garbage can. Now where are they?”

I nodded toward the dresser.

“In the back of my sock drawer.”

She pulled the drawer open and fished out the shoebox.

“I can’t believe you, Adam!” she said.

“I’m sorry. I was just . . . curious.”

“Oh my god!” she said. “Are you hard right now?”

My hand drifted in front of my crotch in an effort to hide my erection.

She batted my hand away and grabbed my erection through my jeans.

“You are!”

“I’m sorry.”

“Did you jerk off to these?” she asked.

I nodded.

“Oh my god.”

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it.”

Her hand slipped inside my waistband and gripped my cock.

I winced. My dick was sore from a long day of abuse.

“How many times did you jerk off?” she asked.

“. . . Um. Like eight.”


She stroked me roughly inside my pants.

“Why?” she asked.

“Hnnh . . . I don’t know. The pictures just made me so horny.”

She stroked me faster, squeezing my cock tightly.

“Tell me why.” she said.

“I don’t know,” I groaned. “You were so young.”

“What else?”

I panted as she jerked me.

“He was . . . he was so big.”

“Oh. You like seeing me take a big cock?” she asked.

I nodded weakly.

“You like seeing my pussy stretched? You like seeing me take a bigger, thicker cock?”

“Unh-hunh,” I groaned. My cock spasmed and started to drench the inside of my boxers.

She slid her sticky hand out of my pants and wiped it on my shirt.

“That’s the last time you’re allowed to cum until I say so.”

“Wha?” I panted.

“Until I decide, you’re not allowed to masturbate.”

She took the shoebox and left the room.

I didn’t sleep a wink. My cock ached all night long. Where did all that come from? Was she really serious about a masturbation ban?

We didn’t talk much the next morning but, before she left for work, she gave me a long slow kiss.

The kids were eating breakfast at the table across the room. She leaned close to me.

“I’m still pissed at you for sneaking around behind my back,” she whispered. “And don’t even think about touching your cock today.”

I nodded.

All day I was miserably horny. I thought about jerking off but Megan could always tell if I was lying.

I spent the whole day with an aching erection. I wondered where she had hid the pictures, but I didn’t dare look for them.

The rest of the week was no easier. By the time Tom came to pick up Derek and Casey on Friday, I had spent nearly four full days without release. My balls felt heavy and tight.

I couldn’t look at Tom without imagining the enormous cock hidden in his pants. Or him spearing my wife with it.

Finally he left with the kids.

“Do you wanna cum?” Megan asked me.

“Uh-huh,” I nodded, eagerly.

“How bad do you wanna cum?” she asked.

“You have no idea,” I said. “It feels like my tubes are tied in knots down there.”

She laughed.

“Are you sorry for what you did?”

I nodded.

“You can masturbate.”

A huge wave of relief washed over me.

“But,” she added, “only in my presence. And you have to ask my permission first.”

My heart was racing and my neglected cock throbbed.

“Okay?” she asked.

“. . . Okay.”

“Well,” she said, “do you wanna cum?”


“Then ask me.”

“. . . Can I masturbate?”

She just stared at me with a smirk.

“. . . Please?” I added.

She nodded.

“Should I go to the bedroom?” I asked.

“No. Get naked.”

I slowly removed all my clothes until I stood entirely nude in the center of the living room.

“Now sit on the couch,” she said,

I nodded and sat down in the middle of the couch. I carefully wrapped my hand around my aching erection.

Megan loomed over me, watching.

“Do you want to look at the pictures?” she asked.

I just stared up at her, dumbly. This felt like some sort of trap.

“It’s okay,” she said. “You can tell me.”

I nodded slowly.

“Ask me,” she said.

“Can I look at the pictures?” I asked, very quietly.

“You can look at this one.” She pulled a single photo from her back pocket and handed it to me. It was the first picture I had looked at. Of her lying naked on a bed.

“Disappointed?” she asked. “Do you wish it was a picture of me taking Tom’s huge cock?”

I swallowed nervously.

“Tell me,” she snapped.

I nodded.

“Well, go ahead. Jerk off.”

I stroked my cock. In seconds I was breathing heavy. It took less than a dozen strokes. I groaned and erupted. Cum sprayed up into the air and splattered all over my chest and my lap.

When we got into bed that night, I asked her if I could masturbate, but she told me no. She didn’t let me cum at all the next day either.

Finally, on Sunday afternoon, she let me masturbate again. She gave me another picture. It was just her again. In this one she was wearing a matching black bra and panties and a pair of heels.

She watched as I eagerly stroked myself.

Megan let me masturbate on Tuesday and Wednesday night. Each time she gave me one more picture. Each time I hoped the picture would show her with Tom’s huge cock, but each time I was disappointed.

Friday after work I noticed that Megan had unbuttoned a couple of buttons on her blouse, displaying more than a hint of cleavage. She seemed a bit flirtier when Tom arrived to pick up Derek and Casey. They had split up amicably and were still on good terms.

As soon as Tom and the kids were gone she grabbed me by the belt and dragged me into the bedroom.

“Get undressed,” Megan said.

I quickly pulled my clothes off and tossed them aside. My cock was stiff and swollen. I hadn’t came since Wednesday. Megan took a step closer to me and gingerly wrapped her hand around my twitching cock.

“Mmmrh,” I moaned. It had been almost two weeks since she had touched me.

“Lie down on the bed,” she instructed.

I climbed onto the bed, my cock humming with excitement.

Megan reached under her skirt and peeled her panties off. Then she climbed onto the bed and straddled my face, positioned so she was facing my feet. Her pussy lowered to my lips and my tongue dove into action. I licked her up and down eagerly. She was already soaking wet.

After a couple of minutes, I felt her fingers brush against my cock. It jumped in response. Her fingertips brushed up and down the length of my shaft as my tongue flicked back and forth over her clit. I could hear her breathing heavy.

Her grip tightened around my cock. I started to pant into her wet pussy.

“You want a picture of Tom’s big cock stretching my pussy?” she asked.

“Uhm-huh!” I mumbled, excitedly.

She was quiet for several seconds, but I kept licking and she kept slowly stroking me.

“Well you’ve got a decision to make,” she said. “You can have the picture OR you can cum tonight. But you can’t have both.”

“. . . Ohhn!” I groaned. My tongue slowed as I tried to process the choice I had to make. My hips bucked against her hand involuntarily.

“Which is it gonna be?”

“Unh-nnh,” I panted. My heart pounded and my cock felt like it was moments away from bursting.

“ . . . the picture,” I squeaked finally. I was afraid I might not get another chance.

Megan let go of my cock but didn’t move from her position directly above my face. After a few seconds I realized she wanted me to keep licking.

My cock twitched and flexed in vain as I brought her to a loud orgasm. When it was finally over she collapsed onto the bed next to me.

After a few deep breaths she reached under her pillow and pulled out a polaroid.

It was a picture of Megan. Her blonde hair was shoulder length. She had the matching black bra and panties and heels. She was on her back. She had a hand behind each knee and she was pulling her legs up and spreading them wide. Her panties were pulled to one side and Tom’s massive cock was buried inside her.

I stared at the picture even though it felt like torture because I couldn’t do anything about it.

But, the next day, she did let me masturbate. Twice!

On Sunday Megan put on a pair of short shorts and the tightest, lowest-cut tank top that she owned. The thought of her big-dicked ex-husband ogling her made me drunk with jealousy and lust.

When Tom dropped off Derek and Casey I could see his eyes wandering over my wife’s body.

Then Megan stunned me.

“Kids,” she said, “Adam is gonna take you guys out for ice cream. Your dad and I need to chat about a couple of things.”

My head swam.

“Yay!” the kids said.

What was happening? I looked over at Megan. She wore a smirk and she nodded.

“Can I have two scoops?” Casey asked.

“. . . Sure,” I said weakly. Slowly I got my keys and my coat.



  1. Part 2 It took every inch of my will to keep focused on driving. I felt like I was going to throw up. My head was in a fog as the kids ordered. “Huh?” I said. “Anything for you, sir?” the girl behind the counter asked again. “Oh . . . vanilla, I guess.” I handed her a twenty. I numbly collected my cone and the change. I sat down with the kids. They were laughing and pestering each other and devouring their ice cream cones. What was happening at my home? Was Tom pushing his massive cock into my wife at that very moment? And what kind of man was I that I was sitting there licking an ice cream cone while my wife might be fucking some other man? I felt queasy. And horny. Before I knew it, the kids had finished their ice cream and were starting to get rowdy. My cone had melted all over my hand. I tossed it in the trash, grabbed a handful of napkins, and herded the kids out to the car. I drove a little faster than I probably should have. When we got home Tom’s car was gone. I hurried the kids inside. Then I found Megan, she was waiting in our room. She sat on the edge of the bed, with a slight smirk. “What happened!?” I blurted out. “What do you mean?” she asked. “With Tom?” I felt like I was gonna be sick. “Nothing ‘happened’. We had to talk about Derek’s field trip. And Casey’s homework,” she answered coolly. “Why? . . . Did you want something to happen?” I heaved a sigh of relief, but as much as I tried to ignore it, it was tinged with a little disappointment. “. . . I don’t know,” I said. “Well I think you better figure it out.” She stood up and went to the door. She turned the lock and then went to the closet and retrieved the hidden shoebox. I watched as she slowly walked back over and dropped it on the bed. “You can masturbate as much as you want today.” I nervously sat down and opened the shoebox. She sat down next to me and watched as I shuffled through the pictures. I looked at one of her trying to choke down his massive cock. Then one of her with her face splattered with his cum. “You like that one?” she asked. I nodded. “He always came a lot,” she said. I looked at a picture of her ass. Tom’s huge dick was pushed between her thighs and into her pussy. I unzipped my pants and started to stroke myself. “Did it hurt . . . his cock, I mean?” “The first few times. But then it felt amazing.” It only took me a few more strokes before I lost it. Then it only took a few more minutes to get hard again and go a second round. After that she had to go check on the kids and start the whole bedtime process, but, by the end of the evening I had cum four more times. And I had made my decision. It seemed like an eternity until Friday finally rolled around, but that paled in comparison to the 48 hours between when Tom picked the kids up and when he dropped them off. When Tom arrived with the kids on Sunday I was a horny, nervous mess. At the same time I felt both harder and more queasy than I could ever remember. My hand trembled as I shook his hand. Would he really agree to fuck my wife as soon as I left? I looked over at her. She had a little black dress on. It fell just above mid-thigh and revealed more than its share of Megan’s beautiful breasts. Her blonde hair just barely brushed her bare shoulders. Of course he would fuck her as soon as I left. I glanced at the bulge in his pants and then back at my wife. Then I grabbed the kids and hurried them out to the car. I picked an ice cream place most of the way across town. I had strict instructions to be gone for no less than an hour. It was a twenty minute drive, so I figured I only had to sit through twenty long minutes before we could head home. I was nervous and distracted. My stomach and my cock ached. I felt short of breath, and I checked my watch constantly. Time seemed to stand still in that ice cream parlor. It felt like I was trapped there for hours, wondering if Megan’s pussy was struggling to accommodate Tom’s massive cock again, after years of nothing larger than my five inches. When twenty minutes had finally passed, I raced the kids out to the car and buckled them in. Traffic was light and I got back a few minutes ahead of schedule. It was excruciating but I had to circle the neighborhood a few times before I pulled onto our street. When I pulled up I noticed that Tom’s car was already gone. My head was spinning. It felt like the kids were moving in slow motion. When I finally got the kids through the front door, Megan was waiting for me. She kissed me and then leaned so her lips were close to my ear. “It happened,” she whispered. “Get the kids to bed and I’ll tell you everything.” Then to the kids she said, “Go start getting ready for bed, it’s almost bed time.” “Awww,” they said. “Go on,” Megan shooed them. When the kids were safely up the stairs she took my hand. “One quick preview,” she said. She guided my hand under her dress. I felt her bare flesh, she didn’t have any panties on. She slid two of my fingers into her pussy. “Oh my god,” I panted. I leaned closer and pressed the tent in my pants against her as I groaned. She felt loose around my fingers. I trembled as I pushed them all the way inside her. My heart pounded as I pulled them out and pushed them back in again. “Mmmm . . .” she purred. “That’s enough. Hurry up and get the kids to bed.” I groaned, but I hurried upstairs. The bedtime process seemed like it might never end. Derek and Casey both seemed more stubborn than ever. Finally, I got them both tucked in and hurried to the bedroom. Megan was lying on the bed waiting for me. “Tell me everything.” I was shaking with anticipation. “I told him the story. Of you finding the shoebox,” she started, slowly. “Uh-huh?” I nodded, trying to hurry her along. “And I told him how horny it made you.” I climbed into the bed with her. “Then?” “Then I brushed my hand across his groin and told him if he wanted to he could fuck me,” she grinned and lifted her dress a little. I watched as she started to play with her pussy. “Then what?” I asked eagerly. “He didn’t even have to think about it.” “Look at you, I knew he wouldn’t.” “Instantly he had his tongue down my throat and his hand up my skirt.” I rubbed at my erection but quickly realized that if I didn’t stop I was going to cum in my pants. “After a minute, I brought him in here. I sat him down on the bed,” she said, “close to where you are now.” I was breathing heavy as I listened and watched as she rubbed her clit. She was starting to breathe heavy. “Then I got down on my knees in front of him and unzipped his pants. I pulled his cock out. I forgot what a big cock felt like in my hands.” “Uh-huh?” “Then I started sucking his cock . . . but I couldn’t get that much in my mouth. I think you ruined me. I used to be able to swallow more than half of it.” “Holy fuck,” I panted. “After a couple of minutes, he pulled me up onto the bed. He kissed me and pulled my panties off. He rubbed my pussy for a minute.” My heart was pounding in my chest. I hung on her every word. “I almost screamed when he pushed into me. It took a couple minutes going really slow before he could fit very much into me. Then a couple minutes after that before the pleasure outweighed the pain.” “Did he make you cum?” I asked. “Fuck yes . . . after a while it started to feel amazing. I had forgot what it felt like to be filled like that. I came three times.” “Holy shit.” I said. “Yeah,” she rubbed her pussy a little faster. “He kept making me tell him how much bigger he was than you.” “. . . Where did he cum?” I asked. “When he got close he made me take my dress off. Then he fucked me for a few more minutes before he pulled out and came all over me. A lot. He always loved cumming on me.” “Fuck that is hot,” I groaned. “You wanna fuck me?” she asked. I nodded eagerly. “Well get your pants off and get inside me!” I hurried to strip off my clothes and then climbed on top of her. My cock slipped into her easily. I could hardly feel her pussy around me. Even so, it only took a half dozen thrusts before I erupted, loosing a flood of cum inside her. As soon as I rolled off of her I felt a wave of shame and regret. What had I been thinking? Why would I let my wife’s ex-husband fuck her with his freakishly large cock? But Megan started toying with my limp cock. Then she started to lick and suck it. In a few minutes I was hard again, before I could have a full blown panic attack. She straddled me and started to ride me. Her loose, cum-filled pussy slammed up and down on my cock. I lasted a few minutes this time and, when I did cum, I didn’t feel quite so bad afterwards. I woke up the next day hard as a rock, of course. Megan kissed me goodbye before she left for work. “I left the shoebox on the nightstand,” she said. “Cum all you want today, cause you won’t get to the rest of the week.” My cock twitched. As soon as the kids were off to school, I went to the shoebox. I spent the day masturbating until my dick was raw. Next Sunday went much the same. I took the kids out for ice cream while Tom plowed my wife. “Do you think I might be able to watch sometime?” I asked her as we layed in bed that night. “Hmmm . . . You can ask him if you want,” she said. “Oh . . .” I hadn’t thought about having to ask Tom myself.

  2. Part 3 It took me a couple of long horny days to work up the courage to do it. Wednesday evening I stopped by Tom’s house. He grinned when he answered the door. “What can I do for you Adam?” he asked. I hemmed and hawed for a bit. “Spit it out,” he said. “. . . Do you think,” I started, weakly, “I might . . . be able to watch, next time?” “Watch what?” he asked with a smirk. “You know . . .” But he continued to feign ignorance. “Next time you . . . fuck Megan,” I said, softly. He thought about it for a minute. “You really wanna watch, huh?” I swallowed and then nodded. “Okay,” he said, “but I get to call the shots.” After a second I nodded again. We discussed it and agreed that he would stay on Sunday evening until the kids went to sleep. The very next night, at 9 p.m., I got a text from Tom. ‘Send Megan over to my place right now.’ was all it said. Megan snuck out and went over there. I layed in bed with a painful and stubborn erection. I wanted so badly to masturbate. It got even worse when Tom texted me a picture of Megan sucking his huge cock. Megan finally snuck back into bed a little before 1 a.m. The next day Tom wore a smug grin when he picked the kids up. “Thanks,” he said to me quietly, “for letting me borrow her.” I just nodded. That weekend seemed to drag on endlessly. I was irritable. My balls felt heavy and tight, and Megan wouldn’t let me cum. She said she didn’t want to ‘ruin’ Sunday. She dressed in very revealing clothes all weekend, which certainly didn’t help the matter. All of Saturday evening she pranced around the house in nothing but a matching red thong and bra that made my balls ache. Sunday finally came. And Tom finally arrived. And the kids FINALLY got to bed. We went to the bedroom. Tom briefly looked through some of the photos in the shoebox. Then he started taking his clothes off. “Both of you get undressed,” he said. When all three of us were naked, he got his cellphone out. “Meg, you kneel right here. Adam, stand on the other side of her.” “Okay . . . “ I was a little nervous and unsure of what was going on. Megan held each of our cocks close to her face while Tom took a picture. Standing next to Tom I felt like a six-year-old in the shower with his dad. He guided Megan over to the bed. “Start licking her pussy,” he said. “She’s going to need to be nice and wet for me.” I nodded and climbed onto the bed. I was shaking with anticipation and my heart was racing. I was careful to keep up on all fours so that my cock didn’t rub against the bed and accidentally discharge. Megan’s pussy was already really wet. I slowly licked her up and down. Tom watched for a minute and then climbed onto the bed. He knelt next to Megan and she started stroking and sucking his big dick. I looked up at them as my tongue worked her pussy. I could feel my twitching cock leaking precum. My stomach ached with shame, jealousy, and arousal. My tongue dove deeper into her pussy. She was loose from being well fucked a few nights before. My thumb found her clit and started to vibrate against it. Her slick thighs press against my cheeks. She started to moan a little as she worked his big dick. My tongue and fingers worked faster and faster until she started to orgasm. Her lips were still wrapped tightly around Tom’s dick and it stifled her cries, some. When her climax subsided Tom pulled his cock out of her mouth and told me to go sit in the chair against the wall. Panting, I hurried across the room and took a seat. He layed down and rolled her on top of him. His thick, hard cock rested in the crack of her ass. Megan lifted her hips high up into the air to clear the head of his immensely long cock. Then she guided the lips of her pussy down to meet it. She let out a moan as she slowly lowered herself onto him. My head was swimming. It was hard to breathe. I didn’t dare touch my cock, it had been six days since I had had any release and I knew the briefest touch might set it off. She went slow at first. Her chest heaved as she drew in deep breaths as his cock stretched her. After a minute she sped up a little and took more of his cock. His dick looked massive going in and out of her. It seemed impossible it fit inside her at all. I looked down at my little cock, vibrating with excitement. “Tell me how big my cock feels,” Tom said. “Oh, it feels fucking MASSIVE,” Megan said, lifting her hips and pushing herself down onto him again. “Yeah?” he asked, “Tell him.” Both of them looked over at me. She kept slowly riding him. “His cock is so fucking big, baby,” she said. I took quick, shallow breaths. “Is this what you wanted to see?” she asked. I nodded. “You like watching your wife get fucked by a massive cock?” she continued to push her pussy further down his cock. “Uh-huh,” I panted. “He’s more than twice as big as you, baby,” she said, her breath quickening. “I probably won’t even be able to feel you after this.” My cock twitched wildly. It felt like it might be in danger of erupting without anyone laying a finger on it. “Come over here,” Tom said, roughly. I got to my feet and shuffled over to the bed. “Be a good husband. Help her take as much as she can of a real man’s cock.” I nervously reached forward. I put one hand on her ass and one hand on her waist. I helped her bounce up and down. She moaned and winced as I pushed her further down onto Tom’s massive cock. “Oh god baby,” Megan whimpered. “He’s so big. His cock makes me cum like yours never could.” She was starting to gasp for air. I could feel her body trembling in my hands. She gritted her teeth and tried to keep quiet, but she was still louder than she ever was with me. Megan collapsed against Tom, her big breasts pressing against his chest. I kept lifting her hips and slamming her pussy down onto his huge cock until her breathing finally slowed. Tom let her rest for a few seconds before he rolled her over onto her back. He got between her legs and slid into her again. “Oh jesus . . . “ she whimpered. Tom got up on his elbows and started to thrust his big dick in and out of her. I stood at the edge of the bed awkwardly for a minute, then I went over and sat down again. He fucked her for a few minutes before his grunts indicated he was getting close. He pulled out and then moved to straddle her stomach. He stroked himself for half a minute, then groaned as he erupted, Spurt after spurt rained down across Megan’s tits and her face. She laid there, exhausted. Tom climbed off the bed. “Your turn,” he said. I nervously got up and walked over to the bed. “But, don’t cum in her,” he said, “I want to go once more when you are done with her.” “Oh.” I was disappointed. I really wanted to fill Megan’s well-used pussy with my cum. But I nodded and climbed onto the bed. Megan’s eyes were closed. She was absolutely drenched in cum. It was all over her lips and chin. There was even a little on one of her eyelids. My smaller cock met no resistance from her recently stretched pussy. I pushed in VERY slowly. She didn’t respond at all. I wasn’t even sure if she knew I was inside her. Once I was all the way in I took a few deep breaths. I slowly pulled out then carefully slid back in. “Oh god,” I groaned. I wasn’t even halfway in again before I realized I couldn’t hold back. As soon as I pulled out I erupted. A torrent of sperm rained down from my little cock, splattering her stomach and her tits. I came much more than Tom had. That made perfect sense as I hadn’t been allowed to cum all week, and he had fucked my wife just a few nights prior, but it made me feel good for some reason. Tom let out a laugh. “That was quick,” he said. I collapsed onto the bed next to Megan. After several minutes, Tom started playing with his cock. In a few more minutes he was all the way hard again. I was erect long before he was. When he was ready Megan made him slather an immense amount of lube all over his cock. Then he rolled her onto her stomach and slid into her from behind. Even with all the lubrication she winced each time he thrust into her. She had one last orgasm for the night. Then Tom rolled her onto her back again. He put his big cock in her face and she dutifully took it into her mouth and started to suck it. I think she was probably glad to give her pussy a rest from his tremendous girth. After several minutes he moaned and pulled out. The first blast caught her directly in her open mouth. The next streaked across her face and into her hair. “Oh, fuck yeah,” he groaned as he painted my wife’s face with his sperm. After a minute he got up and started to get dressed. “Don’t let Adam cum until tomorrow night,” he said, casually. “Huh?” I said, glancing down at my throbbing, little cock. “You heard him, honey,” Megan said with a smirk. Tom grinned at me. “See you on Friday,” he said before heading out the door.

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