i [F]inally [F]ucked my best friend, my love

So 9 months ago I met this girl at a gay bar in my hometown. I usually dont go for the girls in my hometown, I live in LA usually and my town is full of a bunch of baby mama lesbians. But this girl was immediately different, i kind of fell in love right then and there. She is hispanic (me too) crazy fit body with perky c cups, beautiful big brown eyes, luscious lips (like as big as angelina jolies–no joke), and could easily be a model or actress. Shes also incredibly smart and works in the oil field as a welder. YEAH like the girl in flashdance.

I was done, i was madly in love. We liked all the same books, had the same philosophers, and it wasnt long before me, her best friend, and i were all three best friends.

it was complicated tho bc we had started out dating but she soon made it clear she only wanted to be friends. i thought we had gotten along great, had passionate hookups (no sex) and great conversations…but her best friend let me know she had a lot of baggage from exes who had used her. So i agreed to just be her friend even tho it was killing me inside.

as the months passed our friendship got more complicated. LOTS of cuddling, hand holding, kissing on the back or neck or cheek, making sexual comments to eachother, rubbing on eachother at night, (backs/stomachs) in bed. but no one made a move

I CERTAINLY WASNT! Not after she dumped me cold!

So, in all this time, we had rarely been alone, her best friend (a gay guy) was always w us. This time she went to LA to see me. We had a great trip. she fit in so perfectly w my friends and my life, and I was more in love than ever…but as far as physical…still the same nighttime cuddles and hand holding but nothing more

Well, we drank too much the last night she was here…and we immediately began fighting. The kind of drunken passionate confused lover fight thats full of insecurity and past hurts. It went on for hours and got very dark. I started to realize this girl cared as much for me as i did for her romantically. she was jealous and insecure and afraid, but she did care back. ALOT. its fucked up to realize that during a fight, but ppl cant drive u that insane unless they really have a soft spot in your heart

ANYWAY, we get home around 3 am, she pushes me in the bedroom, throws me on the bed, straddles on top of me and starts taking off her clothes "I want to fuck" she says.

Im still pissed, im having none of it. NO. I say. You cant just use me like that. I get up towards the door and when i turn around she is completely naked on my bed with her legs spread. OMG what a sight. I had waited 9 months for that amazing tan body and gone wild imagining what her pussy looked like, and there it was just spread waiting for me.

then she said it again "I just like to get drunk and FUCK"

UGH. Ruined it for me. No way was she going to use me for another drunken fuck. "Fuck u, everyone has fucked u, at least i havent. thats the only thing that makes me special to you. I dont want it"

I stormed out and went to let my dogs in from outside. When i came back she was still naked and began apologizing. i sat on the bed next to her to hear her out, and she started running her fingers up my skirt, while talking so gently to me, about how much she has wanted me, she just isnt ready for a relationship,

i was losing my resolve. i just wanted her breasts in my mouth, i wanted her fingers in my pussy, i wanted to feel her tight pussy when i fucked it and hear her moan and taste her cum on my lips. it was all too much

"please dont use me like this" i said as she kissed me and got on top of me.

Thus began the most angry and violent and passionate sex of my life. We started on the bed, and during sex, id get mad and want to leave and she would push me down, slap me, choke me, pull my hair, and finger me into submission, id then pull her hair, call her a bitch and scratch her back and moan loudly. We got so violent and rough that we fell off the bed and continued fucking without stopping, i remember slamming my head into the wall and it just continually banging against the wall to the rhythm of her relentless fucking of me. my favorite was when i would move or do anything, she, on top of me between my legs, would choke me w one hand and fuck me w the other. i was putty in her hands after that. i never thought id like being choked but i loved feeling like she had total control of my life and my body .

she was filling me up so nicely w the fingers that id fantasized about for months, that i would tease her were too small, and she was making me pay. she was incredibly strong and could hold me down and do what she wanted, she lifted my legs over her head and just pounded me, and id trace her gorgeous angelina jolie lips with my fingers and then shove my fingers in her mouth as she sucked on them

then without asking, she climbed on me, and sat on me with her pussy just right on my face and grabbed my head and pushed me deeply into her.

she then started licking my pussy, i generally dont like that and made her stop, she got up and asked what was wrong, and without letting me explain she looked at me deeply and began french kissing me with all my juices on her mouth. i was done, she could do whatever she wanted, and she went back down and gave me the sloppiest, wettest, head of my life. mmm just the thought of her saliva mixing with my cum and her swallowing it. those angelina jolie lips on my pussy…

every now and then id look at her and kiss her gently and say "i love u" to which she would either push me down or tell me to shut up, or just fuck me harder, and then of course id retaliate w "u bitch" and scratching her while just spreading my legs more for her.

Then it was my turn, she was all fucked out and calmer now, and i got on top of her and shoved my fingers inside…what was the most incredible amazing, soft, tight, wet pussy of my life. No weird curves or texture, not tooo tight or too soft, but pure heavenly, and i just couldnt stop fucking her, she was mumbling nonsense now and her eyes rolling around the back of her head and i was touching my clit with one hand and fucking her w the other, until I came so hard that…

for the first time in my life i squirted. I HOPE IT WAS THE LAST TIME bc believe it or not i dont want to be a squirter! Luckily she was so trashed she didnt notice and id fucked her so hard she was quickly passing out.

the next day she confided in me she'd been cheated on alot and wanted to know if she was any good…HAH! uhh… yeah she still doesnt know i squirted for the first time ever

I was sore for days, its a week later and i still have bruises on my hips from her grinding against me and scissoring me and just grabbing at me, i have bruises everywhere, and the next day i had a busted lip. Then she told me she actually hadnt had sex like since before we even met. she was just using the "i like to fuck drunk" line i guess.

this girl better end up being my fucking wife.

Oh and that wall i was banging against was my roommates wall,…the girl still cant look me in the eyes.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/33ext3/i_finally_fucked_my_best_friend_my_love


  1. I hope you two have a happy relationship that nourishes and fulfills you both, for as long as you need each other. If that doesn’t work out, I hope you both have unbelievably hot drunken aggressive fucks to remember!

  2. > Oh and that wall i was banging against was my roommates wall,…the girl still cant look me in the eyes. That was a great finale! I hope you get your wish. That was a f-ing hot story!

  3. > this girl better end up being my fucking wife. I don’t know why I love this line so much but I do. It demonstrates everything about the story : love, anger, passion… Great story. Thanks for sharing. :)

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