No So Innocent… IV

Part I –

Part II –

Part III –

Jan 17th, 2014 – School starts next Monday (the 20th)… I’m back in my college town. I haven’t seen Ashley since the 9th, when she went to dinner with me and my paps. Her fiancé questioned her not being with him as much now so she had to commit back to that (The first sign of questions from her fiancé). I was okay with it, I didn’t really care. Ashley is coming up tonight to visit me for my birthday, so I guess it all worked out. This was supposed to be the “one time” offer, but as you guys knew, that went out the window quick.

6PM rolls around, and I get a knock at my apartment. It’s her, and holy fuck, she looks amazing. She wore this track suit type out fit with black Nike yoga pants, a black Nike Pull over and some athletic shoes. I kissed her, grabbed her bags, and welcome her inside. Dinner reservation is at 8 so we have plenty of time to get ready. She showered first… She stripped down in my room, and I just wanted to take her right there. The way she took off her pants, and top, her bra, down to her panties but I held myself back for whatever reason. I grabbed her a towel and she headed for the bathroom. (I let her shower first because she could then do her hair and make-up while I showered.)

I tried not to look at her, because she was “dime piece’n it up” for me tonight and I wanted it to be a surprise. 7:30 comes around, and I knock on the bathroom door and tell her it’s almost time to head out. She says “okay” and walks out. Jesus fuck…I about busted a nut when she walked out. She straightened her blonde hair, and it draped down nicely down her back. Her make-up was on a different wavelength, and she wore this skin tight, black dress with a “Cleopatra” type necklace. And to polish it off, she put her lotion on in my room and her heels. I grabbed my keys and we headed out.

Dinner was nice. Romantic, laughs, wine, flirting, sexual tension, and good food. I paid the check and we headed back to my place. It was 9:30ish, and we were meeting my friends at the bars around 10:30. We got back to my place, and we were just sitting in my room drinking some beer before we headed out. I looked at her, and she looked at me with that look. I immediately went in. I placed her on my bed and I lifted and scrunched up the bottom of her dress which revealed a black lace thong. I was already hard and she was already primed, so I undid my pants and went inside her. We had a quickie before the bars… which was a first for me. We get there and meet my friends, and without hesitation they immediately started checking Ashley out. I kind of felt like a king. They asked me how I got her and asked her what she was doing with a guy like me. Lol. We did the usual circuit of 4 bars that we like to go to. We were “handsy” all night. My hand usually on her ass. Every single guy in bars would take a look, and give me the nod. She was a 10; she knew it, I knew it, and everyone in the bars knew it. There was a point where I told her I was going to the bathroom and get us another beer. She said “okay”. I was gone for good 20 minutes, and I come back to find 2 guys talking to her and a beer already in her hand (her favorite, which is Woodchuck). I asserted myself into the conversation, and these guys did not budge. I gave her the drink I bought for her, and they took the hint from there. They apologized and went on their way. I told them it was okay, I would of the done the same thing. Rest of the night, is just drinking in abundance, laughing and being loud with my friends, and making sure Ashley was having a good time, which she was.

2AM rolls around, and the bars are closing. It’s the middle of January so it’s like 10 degrees outside. She was only just wearing her black dress with no jacket, and I was wearing a dress shirt with a sweater over it. Immediately took of my sweater and gave it to her on the walk back. My apartment was like a 10 minute walk from the bars but it felt like 30 because it was so cold. We get back and we are freezing. I did what biology does, and immediately started a hot shower. We stripped down and showered together – the water warming us up while drunk and horny. I was extremely horny, and I began to eat her out. She was moaning so loud. After I was done and I bent her over, her hands on the wall of the shower, and fucked her. We were loud, I’m pretty sure everyone in the apartment building could hear us.

After that was over, we dried off, went to straight to my bedroom and fucked for about 45 minutes. This night is where we broke limits. We experimented a little in bondage with one of my ties in my closet. I sat in my desk chair and she tied my hands behind my back and started blowing me. She grabbed another one and put it around my eyes. That drove me over the edge quick. After she was done, it was my turn. I laid her on my bed, bonded her hands behind her back. I ate her out and she couldn’t stop squirming. She told me she had enough and was ready for me to fuck her. I ignored her request and kept at it. She started to get angry with me. I immediately stopped and lightly slapped her, gripping her jaw down to her throat, choking her, and told her I will fuck you when I’m finished. Her face gave off that “you’re in control” look.

I was done eating her and untied her hands. Began teasing her pussy with my tip… She did not like that and slapped the shit out of me. I froze, and forced myself into her. She yelped and cringed. I immediately began “hate fucking” her. Both of my hands on her throat, fucking her missionary. I would sometimes slap, bite, and pinch her tits. She wanted to get on top and I told her no, my bedroom, so my rules. We wrestled as she tried to get on top. I eventually won and pinned her down on her stomach and took her there. Still being rough with her, I had one hand around her throat and one pulling her hair. While pounding her from behind, I would eventually stop, holding her hands behind her back and then slapping her ass as hard I could. I left my hand print on her ass. It was completely red.

I told her I was close and she was getting this load on her face. She didn’t refuse. I came loads on her face. One of the biggest loads I’ve ever released. Holyshit. Even I was terrified. I grabbed our shower towel, and cleaned her up like a gentleman and kissed her. She lay down again in my bed, and I began to eat her out again. She had couple of good orgasms, especially when I suck on her pussy lips while fingering at the same time. Her last orgasm, she started to cry afterwards. But they were good tears, not regretful ones. She told me that was one of the best orgasms ever and the best sex she has ever had. We cuddled the rest of the night, her head on my heart and her hand on my chest. Still drunk, we eventually passed out. She was all mine that night. I owned her, I took care of her, and I fucked her. I made sure everyone knew she belonged to me, but at the same time knowing she belonged to someone else as well…



  1. Your stories are great. You two seem to fit so good together even though she is taken. I can’t wait for the next one.

  2. Thanks. We were a perfect paradigm – wrong place, wrong time. I know we would still be dating if she wasn’t engaged. Would probably would of ended up proposing to her if it weren’t for her prior engagement.

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