I (f) finally hooked up with a child hood crush (m)

I've been reading reddit for a few weeks now. Finally made a throwaway because I wanted to share recent events. I'm a married woman. MOSTLY happy. I'm in my early 30's. My hubby just turned 40. (Most people think he's my age). I see people ask for descriptions so I'll do that before you ask. Like I said 30's. I'm Hispanic but white washed. Barely speak Spanish. Lots of people think I'm middle eastern because I have dark eyes and long dark hair. Think of Jasmine from Aladdin. I'm tall for a girl, 5' 6, taller in heels. I'm a curvy girl. Gained weight since I've had kids. Not gonna lie, could lose a few pounds but I've lost most since kids. I'm a busty girl with long legs and look good in heels. I'm on the hairy side for a girl but not fetish porn hairy. I shave or wax any parts that need waxing but my hair line is not clear. My friends say I act like a bitch. But a funny bitch. Well there's a guy in my life that's been around since I was 14. I'll call him Charlie. He's a decent looking guy. Funny and sweet. Kind of a flirt. Of course when we met he was 15. Goofy looking and awkward. We met through a youth sports group. Don't wanna give much details as this is a very specific kind of activity. When we met I spent the entire summer chasing some boy. I friend zoned Charlie as I was chasing this guy. The other guy and I started seeing each other and making out a lot. By the end of the summer the guy was done having his fun and kicked me to the curb. That's when I also started seeing Charlie around a lot. We went to different schools but saw each other for different reasons. Charlie's little sister was in my dance class. So we had practices and performances and competitions every week. Every time he'd see me we would talk for like 10 minutes. Joke. He started opening up and got less awkward. After a year he passed his goofy looking stage. His braces came off. His acne started to clear and he just looked a ton better . Now Charlie is in his 30's. Tiny bit of grey coming in. He's old school Hispanic looking. Not like a thug. But like a handsome Mexican gentlemen. At some point I got a bf at school. But every weekend I would see Charlie. As we grew up we never "dated" but we would catch movies or hang out between dating other people. We made out a few times when we were high school age. Fast forward. We never really got past first base. Just some making out and petting. But nothing below the belt. I got married. He got married. I had kids. He had kids. Our families hung out here and there. My hubby is a chef. Pretty good. He works mostly days but two nights a week he works till 11. Charlie's wife works the occasional evening too. Charlie and I started talking on the phone nights when our spouses were both working. At first it was a 10 minute conversation. Later the conversations got more in depth and we start asking the more personal questions. I told him about some naughty stuff I've done on the side. He told me about an affair he had too. We always had pretty open conversations but it started getting steamier. Charlie was lucky. His in-laws always wanted his kids to go over. So a few nights a week he would have the place to himself while his wife worked. I had my kids well trained it was easy for me to put them to bed pretty early usually they were already passed out by 8 PM. At some point asking what positions we both liked wasn't enough. We started having phone sex. It got really kinky. Really nasty. One morning on a Saturday my hubby asked if he could go to his buddies house. He offered to take the kids. Basically he wanted to go smoke a few joints. The kids would swim. He did this and I usually cleaned the house. After my hubby left I remembered Charlie mentioning his wife was taking his kids out with her parents. I started getting horny. I called him up and asked if his wife was gone. He said she was. I asked him if he wanted to go over real quick. He asked what for. I told him "I think you know" He came over within 30 min. We fucked for around 30 minutes. After wards we just laid there a few minutes. I'm having all these weird feelings. I love him. Loved him since we were kids. I love my hippie hubby too. Not trying to end any situations. Like I said I'm kinda a freak. I've cheated a few times. Met a few guys off kik. But it was just sex. Charlie and I have a real history. Real feelings. Makes things complicated. Let me know if you have questions.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/338zdm/i_f_finally_hooked_up_with_a_child_hood_crush_m


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