Public Bathroom Blowjob [M26/F20]

Long time lurker, and I don't know how well this will go but I will try my best to write about this experience. It was not the first time I received a blowjob in public, but this one was the best so far.

My girlfriend Natasha and I have been dating since June 2. We started chatting after meeting at a munch, an event administered by Fetlife. I had no idea, that she would be kinky to this point until later. I took her to an NFL game in August and at one point I tell her I'm hard, and her response was "well, we better go to a stall and take care of that."

We didn't risk it that day.

Over the past 10 months we have discussed fetishes and our favourite is sex in public. Well, we haven't got to sex yet, but I suppose it's not far off.

Recently during March break, we traveled back to my hometown. My girlfriend and I moved up north about 4.5 hours away from my hometown. We came back for two reasons – visit my mother and compete in a dog show.

The dog show just happened to be at my old college. During the drive, she says, "staying at your mom's, no privacy, we'll have to fuck in a bathroom stall on the way at an onroute."

I'm intrigued. So, when we finish up with the dogs and it's dwindling down to close time for the building I come over to her. I say, "I'm hard, and I think we should take care of it."

"What time is it?" she asks. I say, "9:45, and I wanna go into the change room and fuck your mouth."

"Which one?" She asks and I quickly say, "men's."

She tells me to go instantly. We go into the change room find the lone bathroom stall and I close the door. She is already unzipping my jeans, and she pulls me out and immediately shoves it down her throat.

Quickly picking up the speed, and I exclaim, "want me to fuck your face baby?" and she just mumbles "mhm" and as I start thrusting and grabbing her head, she moans and vibrates her mouth on my cock. I tell her, "I'm gonna cum, baby." She looks up at me as my legs begin to quake and I unleash a gigantic load into her throat and she sucks out every last drop with a big grin.

I'm slightly shaking and barely able to pull up my jeans as she still has my cock in her mouth. We start walking out and she says, "mmm, that was fantastic. A big load. Cross that off my bucket list. "bathroom stall, at a dog show, and public place. all in one."

Edit: grammar



  1. Great story she is defiantly a keeper, make sure you don’t hurt her (unless she wants to ;) ) or i’ll hunt you down. I am wondering, does she know about you writing about it in here, also is it just me or is there something missing in this sentence ""Which one?" I quickly say, "men’s.""

  2. She doesn’t know about it. But I’ve kept it private so her privacy is still protected. I can fix the grammar error. Oh and she’s a masochist, so she likes pain. But unfortunately for her, she fell in love with a guy who can’t harm a woman. I have a past and I just can’t get to the point of hitting her or anything like that. I can pull hair, spank her ass, and pound her hard, but pain-pain is a no go. She absolutely loves when I face fuck her though.

  3. I just realized if she knew about it she would know you want to marry her. I am with you there, I can do everything you said but defiantly can’t hit a woman and someone i love that would be crazy, she might like it but it would hurt me. Noway I don’t have a horrible past with relationship but i still can’t do it, some of us just can’t.

  4. Oh I’ve already told her I will marry her and she keeps saying it too. Plus she has been asking when I will propose. I’m gonna tell her about posting stories of us on here (I’m sure we will have more to tell) eventually but for now, I’m gonna leave it. She will probably like the fact that people are reading about us. On the subject of hitting her or causing her pain it isn’t my past relationships, it’s the fact that when I was a kid, my step father beat my mother and sister in front of my eyes and since then I can’t bring myself to cause pain to a female. Past relationships of mine were emotionally damaging. Thanks for commenting and enjoying the story (though I don’t feel like it’s a great read), I’m glad you liked it.

  5. Congrats to you both. I will be waiting to read stories about you two, I don’t think most people would mind if their stories were posted in here as long as its anonymous. Sorry about your mother and sister I hope they are okay and happy. Some men you just want to kill. Come on, knowing you love each other and what happened its a great story but to be honest it needs a woman touch, I’ve noticed that story written by men lacks details, specially because you were horny when it happened, women tends to notice those small details that we would never see and the know how to express them well.

  6. I’ll try to apply the woman touch to stories. I’m usually particularly great at writing. I think if I get more stories, GWS will see that. Thanks for your kind words. My family are okay now. It was over 15 years ago but still sits with me to this day. Yeah I think she will be happy about it cause it’s fun for other people to read and I’ve kept it quite anonymous.

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